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Gordon Barlow Nov 15th 2015 1:57 am


Originally Posted by themajor (Post 11794641)
Not all Muslims are terrorist BUT all terrorists ARE MUSLIMS.

Come on, man. It's all a matter of perspective. To villagers in the Middle East, NATO drone-pilots are terrorists; to Palestinians, Israeli settlers and soldiers are terrorists. All terrorists are NOT Muslims. It's just repeating blatant propaganda to assert that - much of it (the propaganda) generated by the western organisations (CIA, MI6, Mossad) that train and arm the ISIS thugs.

themajor Nov 15th 2015 2:14 am


Originally Posted by tootlewagon (Post 11794671)
Really!! - what about the IRA, and ETA, and Bader-Meinhof, etc,etc,etc...

As well as many many more as I came across in Malaya and Borneo.

However I am referring to the recent terrorist attacks.

Ingles Nov 15th 2015 3:32 am


Originally Posted by Gordon Barlow (Post 11794673)
Come on, man. It's all a matter of perspective. To villagers in the Middle East, NATO drone-pilots are terrorists; to Palestinians, Israeli settlers and soldiers are terrorists. All terrorists are NOT Muslims. It's just repeating blatant propaganda to assert that - much of it (the propaganda) generated by the western organisations (CIA, MI6, Mossad) that train and arm the ISIS thugs.

Ingles Nov 15th 2015 4:01 am

I personally think that Bush - Cheney & Rumsfeld should also be labelled as Terrorist !

Bush instructed Colin Powell to give a report to the UN on the intelligence that "various" USA agencies had so called collected on Iraq.
He did so on Feb 6 2003.

It's all history now , but a great part off the "certified" intelligence turned out to be a fabrication, if not down right lies.

12 Years , and there is no end in sight off the repercussions !

Again personally, why nobody thought to brings charges against the 3 bastard's above thru the ICC the Hague on War Crimes , I still find baffling

My old signature was
"War is always the choice of the chosen - Who wont have to fight"

mfesharne Nov 15th 2015 4:11 am

Don't forget to add Bliar, Brown, Campbell & the rest of the treasonous filth to that list.

If I had my way, the whole lot of 'em would hang for treason, genocide & waging illegal war.

To say nothing of the utter disgrace of the Chilcot report or rather the lack of it!

Those bast**ds cost us the lives, limbs & minds of many of our finest & not only got away scot free with it, they profited immensely!

GeniB Nov 15th 2015 4:34 am

680,000 + Iraqi's dead- 230.000+ Syrians dead Anyone looked at the labels on the bomb casings? who made them? who sold them? who dropped them? WHO has made a fortune out of this 'war on terrorism'. When we wake up and realise that WE are in the same boat as those above , and those poor people in Paris. When we realise that WE are just the collateral damage for those in power. Then maybe the fog will clear and we will see who the real villains are here

gedscottish Nov 15th 2015 9:42 am

GeniB and mfesharne both spot on yet would be slated as conspiracy theorists but the majority unfortunately! I wrote the other day on my Facebook that this whole mess was intentionally created by western governments yet I was accused of making excuses for ISIS by so called educated people, unbelievable that people actually swallow the shite they read in the establishment press!

Munsterfan Nov 15th 2015 6:52 pm

Just a thought, not a position statement for a vitriolic argument; just a thought.....................
It seems to me that 'war' embraces a historical pattern occurring since the 'dawn of man', that war and violent conflict (with all its related incomes IE armaments, jobs etc.) is always created to bolster national economies during times of fiscal crises. There are many well written books on this subject. Most of these discussions don't target petty heads-of-state but focus on how and why our civilization generates and endorses this specific solution to economic insecurity over and over throughout the millennia. This pattern of societal behaviour has really nothing to do with the men/women at the helm of same-said governments (whom in many cases we voted into power) pandering to their constituents; but focuses more so on the predictable cyclical pattern of how WE fund our societies.
Personally, I think it's trite rhetoric to lay blame on individuals albeit that they are the vulgar instruments who translate our lust to maintain a certain level of 'lifestyle' at any cost. And, unfortunately, often at the expense of the arms and legs of our own people these 'leaders' enrich themselves along the way with personal power and wealth. Yes, there may even be indictable criminals amongst the bunch; but this is a much broader more complex issue then crowing for the heads of Blair, Bush, etc. Perhaps we need a clear and co-ordinated global paradigm shift on how we solve our money problems?
Just a thought..................

GeniB Nov 15th 2015 9:06 pm

It's a logical 'thought' Munster but I dispute the idea that 'in many cases we voted them into power' Some of us did.Those that did I am virtually certain would not have done if way down the list of the manifesto it had said 'Oh and by the way wage war on innocent people abroad who don't have our religious beliefs and incidentally will boost our national GDP' The biggest problem for our democracies is that in fact we don't have them. Our powers as individual voters has been decreased and abused over time so that we now rubber stamp only the very basic ideas of democracy. Conservatives V Labour. Democrats V Republicans .That much we are allowed. Once in power our 'leaders' pull out the real agenda's and we are left gasping at the stuff they pull on us. Maggie with the Falklands. Bush/Blair with Iraq. I'm sorry but I can't agree it's not 'trite rhetoric' to blame the individuals They ARE the ones that put the idea's forward,that sign the papers,that pull the triggers- in our name!

Ingles Nov 15th 2015 9:26 pm

Closer to home than anybody thought !

Terrorista do Bataclan era filho de mãe portuguesa - Mundo - Correio da Manhã

Munsterfan Nov 15th 2015 10:44 pm

GeniB, but we all know exactly what the greater agenda of our politicians really is when we vote them in. Noone with an IQ above a fencepost believes their campaign rhetoric. Really now, after hundreds of years of participating in this process we claim ignorance, really?? Hmmmm,.....aaaaanyway no matter, this is just the circle of life and once in a great while a group of people can effect positive change with universal ripples...THIS we can celebrate or even initiate.

GeniB Nov 16th 2015 12:57 am

No I don't say we claim ignorance! We trust! It's all we can do. It's tragic for us that it is so often misplaced.
i think your right in assuming that most know it's between the devil and the deep blue.Thats why people are shunning the polling booths in droves.What does that do for us? We end up being labelled and categorised as having the same opinion as our democratically chosen leaders.

Just read a succinct article by Simon Kuyper who said it all. He found himself in a car with the ex finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis discussing recent issues in the EU. When he asked the minister about Portugal's 'case' He said they had discussed it without any notes on the table.Nada.He said a lot of it goes on the pre- conceived ideas of a country-not actual facts.Stereotype thinking prevails. e.g. Most people have been led to believe that it is the Greek PEOPLE who have been profligate with the EU's money! Leading many to condemn them out of hand.The fact that it was the Banks who were reckless ( principle amongst being the German Banks) goes by the board.
Kuper also had lunch with the Italian Mario Monti (another economics professor in Brussels) and asked him if this was true.Monti recalled being introduced as a European commissioner in 1994.He went to meet the commissions president-in.waiting Jacques Santer.Afterwards Santer phoned Berlusconi and said 'Prof Monti is very good, and he doesn't even look Italian'!!!Monti speaks accentless English so became the 'go to person, but even he couldn't escape the Austrians. Austrian finance minister Maria Fekter told him 'we are fed up with paying for Italy' This was and still is Northern Europes (and USA's judging by Pulaski's recent post) standard complaint. about southern countries.In Italy's case it was just not true. Italy did not owe a single euro to foreign entities. Virtually all it's creditors were Italian.
Stereotypes are so handy though,real timesavers as the US satirical magazine Onion said.Stop us all having to do any real homework.

Munsterfan Nov 16th 2015 6:15 am

Interesting read GeniB....very. Thanks bunches

Ingles Nov 17th 2015 2:32 am

Comments please

Anonymous to ISIS: 'We will hunt you down' (VIDEO)

ISI spreads it's "Ideology" using technology, this could certainly help to so called "degrade" them

GeniB Nov 17th 2015 7:59 pm

It's certainly a start! It must be possible for all the internet sites to 'police' who uses them (re- the CIA being able to monitor our ordinary emails.) Begs the question of why this hasn't happened sooner?

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