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Sally Jun 25th 2007 6:28 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4967617)
i was raised Catholic, so didn't know that C of E didn't like to be call Christians. My mistake.

Britain has a fair number of atheists, agnostics, sikhs, buddhists, Jainists and so on..

Tableland Jun 25th 2007 11:25 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. Like everything else I have done since being in the US 0f A, it is a whole new experience. Since coming over, as many of you know, at the grand old age of 38 I have learned to drive, worked on roofs and other construction projects and am now waiting tables. All good fun and a huge departure from my reasonably well paid job working for the council back home and sitting in an office for a long 7 hour day. Well, I say 7 hour day but with flexi time it usually panned out at about 5 hours with an hour and a half for lunch. As you can imagine it was gruelling.

Anyway, waiting tables is an interesting change and it is a great way to do a spot of people watching. But what, I hear you moan, has all this got to do with Christians? Well, read on. First of all though, a disclaimer. This is not intended to insult christians en masse or to suggest that this is a good or accurate generalisation of Christians on the whole. So piss before you start!!! :)

Onward then. Tonight everybody I served was very nice. Everybody, as usual, had many questions about the Uk and quite a few had been to visit. Good conversation, nice people and, of course, great accent based tips from middle aged women, phnar phnar.

Then in come four 'gentlemen'. They sit at one of my tables and off I go with a hand full of menus. Before too long it became apparent that they were going to be a bunch of total twats!!!
Usually I make a point of saying - I've only been working here for a couple of days so I am just finding my feet. Most people are really understanding, treat me well and work with me by actually reading the menu before asking dumb ass questions like: now, does the salad come with a dressing. Or: Does the Veggie Pasta contain any meat at all? Not these guys however. They went out of their way to ask me awkward questions in an aggressive manner about the menu.

Okay, I might be just whining here, and I wouldn't be if it was merely a case of a few asshole customers. I have had to deal with such people, one way or another, throughout my working life and before that, all through school. Prior to that while trying to eat soil sat in the street in my nappy with the other soil eating kids I came up with. So, nothing new there. The thing that really pissed me off though, after these idiots had spent half an hour messing me about and talking down to me like I was something they had just discovered stuck to the bottom of their collective shoe, I overhear them talking scripture. Talking about Jesus and what he meant when he said this that and the other. It became apparent that one of them was a pastor. I mentally went over the pro's and cons of getting fired on the spot. If there is one thing I cannot frikkin stand it is hypocrites. And they were loud Aaarrghhhh, I was fuming. They tipped me 4 bucks after paying with a 100 dollar bill. I kept my cool, smiled the whole time, said please and thank you and hoped my mother would be proud if she could see me practicing all that she had preached to me as I grew up: Manners make the man, she would say. Don't stoop to their level, I could almost hear her telling me.

It seems that all of the people surrounding them were as disgusted as I because, even though I was forced to neglect the other customers somewhat while trying to keep these tossers happy, I made 76 dollars in tips. Not bad for a few hours work.

So, christians get on my tits (at work).

And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

Should have googled biblical quote about civility (note presumption that employment venue offers internet access).

Or put extra "ingredients" in their salds of course.

Silly Sod Jun 26th 2007 12:31 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Tableland (Post 4970665)
Should have googled biblical quote about civility (note presumption that employment venue offers internet access).

Or put extra "ingredients" in their salds of course.

I wonder what myrrh tastes like he he

Chorlton Jun 27th 2007 5:17 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
I sincerely hope you added a little something...
My last boss was a Baptist deacon and he was one of the biggest a**holes I've ever met. Somefolks including him thought the sun shone out of his ass, but alas it wasn't so. If they would only live in a "christian" way and not just preach it we'd all be a lot better off. I know people who were raised in a strict catholic fashion with the school and brainwashing and they had their lives ruined because of it.
(not a fan of organised religion here)

TRPardoe Jun 27th 2007 6:26 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Chorlton (Post 4977258)
I sincerely hope you added a little something...
My last boss was a Baptist deacon and he was one of the biggest a**holes I've ever met. Somefolks including him thought the sun shone out of his ass, but alas it wasn't so. If they would only live in a "christian" way and not just preach it we'd all be a lot better off. I know people who were raised in a strict catholic fashion with the school and brainwashing and they had their lives ruined because of it.
(not a fan of organised religion here)

Let's form a Club.

I am curently reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins and heartily recommend to all sceptics.

Mallory Jun 27th 2007 7:46 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Sally (Post 4967685)
Britain has a fair number of atheists, agnostics, sikhs, buddhists, Jainists and so on..

yes quite a few,

TRPardoe Jun 27th 2007 8:13 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4977755)

Nice bit of research.

Its interesting that there are 6 times as many people of "no religion" than there are Muslims. The amount of noise the Radical Muslims make you would think it is the other way around.

Sometimes I think that we "none religious people" are too quiet about it.

Cape Blue Jun 27th 2007 8:51 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4977755)

If I asked my mother her religion she would say Christian or CofE. She doesn't go to church, doesn't pray and has no thoughts about a Christian God or Jesus whatsoever and doesn't belive in creationism.

Basically she is not a Christian, just repeats what she was told as a youth that she is CofE.

I think i saw a poll a while ago that indicated that of the 71% calling themselves Christian, only around 14% were in any way shape or form practising believers, the rest were just too lazy to consider it and went for the standard reply.

Molly Malone Jun 27th 2007 8:53 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4977755)

At a guess I would say that the stats are complied merely by cheking how many people were baptised or christened. I cant believe that 72% of the UK are christians. I dont know a single one and every church I pass is bolted shut, many are vandalised and a few where I am from have been demokished. 72% my botty!!! :)

ERDIT: POsted by SIlly Sod in wifes login, being a silly sod again ha ha.

fatbrit Jun 27th 2007 9:01 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Molly Malone (Post 4977988)
ERDIT: POsted by SIlly Sod in wifes login, being a silly sod again ha ha.

You don't need to explain. A mere comparison of the styles suffices to differentiate. To say nothing of the content.....

Mallory Jun 27th 2007 9:10 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Molly Malone (Post 4977988)
At a guess I would say that the stats are complied merely by cheking how many people were baptised or christened. I cant believe that 72% of the UK are christians. I dont know a single one and every church I pass is bolted shut, many are vandalised and a few where I am from have been demokished. 72% my botty!!! :)

ERDIT: POsted by SIlly Sod in wifes login, being a silly sod again ha ha.

When you consider that many of the foreign tourists go to the UK to explore the the old country churches, the cathedrals and abbeys, it makes you wonder why they would be bolted shut, vandalised and demolished. Shame really.

Adnams Jun 27th 2007 9:41 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4978047)
When you consider that many of the foreign tourists go to the UK to explore the the old country churches, the cathedrals and abbeys, it makes you wonder why they would be bolted shut, vandalised and demolished. Shame really.

Its a crying shame, all that wonderful architectural history shut away. But its a sad reflection on our culture that if they were left open the hoodies would get in and trash the place. :curse:

Skint Jun 27th 2007 3:01 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Deedee13 (Post 4966477)
And... while i am at it.. Still travelling up north, 75 i think.. u go past another church in Ohio with jesus coming out of the ground with his arms open wide, another amazing site!

That would be "Jeeebus" aka "Touchdown Jesus" aka "Big Butter Jesus" at the Solid Rock Church on I-75 midway between Cincinnati & Dayton.

Sally Jun 27th 2007 3:04 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4977755)

Well even on those figures there are 13 million No Religions - so what's your point?

Mallory Jun 27th 2007 3:39 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Sally (Post 4978863)
Well even on those figures there are 13 million No Religions - so what's your point?

I was just agreeing with your statement? No point.

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