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Silly Sod Jun 23rd 2007 3:44 pm

Christians get on my tits (at work)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. Like everything else I have done since being in the US 0f A, it is a whole new experience. Since coming over, as many of you know, at the grand old age of 38 I have learned to drive, worked on roofs and other construction projects and am now waiting tables. All good fun and a huge departure from my reasonably well paid job working for the council back home and sitting in an office for a long 7 hour day. Well, I say 7 hour day but with flexi time it usually panned out at about 5 hours with an hour and a half for lunch. As you can imagine it was gruelling.

Anyway, waiting tables is an interesting change and it is a great way to do a spot of people watching. But what, I hear you moan, has all this got to do with Christians? Well, read on. First of all though, a disclaimer. This is not intended to insult christians en masse or to suggest that this is a good or accurate generalisation of Christians on the whole. So piss before you start!!! :)

Onward then. Tonight everybody I served was very nice. Everybody, as usual, had many questions about the Uk and quite a few had been to visit. Good conversation, nice people and, of course, great accent based tips from middle aged women, phnar phnar.

Then in come four 'gentlemen'. They sit at one of my tables and off I go with a hand full of menus. Before too long it became apparent that they were going to be a bunch of total twats!!!
Usually I make a point of saying - I've only been working here for a couple of days so I am just finding my feet. Most people are really understanding, treat me well and work with me by actually reading the menu before asking dumb ass questions like: now, does the salad come with a dressing. Or: Does the Veggie Pasta contain any meat at all? Not these guys however. They went out of their way to ask me awkward questions in an aggressive manner about the menu.

Okay, I might be just whining here, and I wouldn't be if it was merely a case of a few asshole customers. I have had to deal with such people, one way or another, throughout my working life and before that, all through school. Prior to that while trying to eat soil sat in the street in my nappy with the other soil eating kids I came up with. So, nothing new there. The thing that really pissed me off though, after these idiots had spent half an hour messing me about and talking down to me like I was something they had just discovered stuck to the bottom of their collective shoe, I overhear them talking scripture. Talking about Jesus and what he meant when he said this that and the other. It became apparent that one of them was a pastor. I mentally went over the pro's and cons of getting fired on the spot. If there is one thing I cannot frikkin stand it is hypocrites. And they were loud Aaarrghhhh, I was fuming. They tipped me 4 bucks after paying with a 100 dollar bill. I kept my cool, smiled the whole time, said please and thank you and hoped my mother would be proud if she could see me practicing all that she had preached to me as I grew up: Manners make the man, she would say. Don't stoop to their level, I could almost hear her telling me.

It seems that all of the people surrounding them were as disgusted as I because, even though I was forced to neglect the other customers somewhat while trying to keep these tossers happy, I made 76 dollars in tips. Not bad for a few hours work.

So, christians get on my tits (at work).

And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

Jerseygirl Jun 23rd 2007 4:53 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
My daughter worked as a server the summer before beginning uni and the following summer. In NJ servers usually work for tips only...some nights she would work from 4 pm to 11 pm for $20 to $30 dollars. One night a guy walked out without paying...his bill was almost $100 and she had to pay it herself. Out of the tips she earned she had to 'tip out' to the bus guys, kitchen staff and bar staff. I now see servers in a whole new light.

Anyway to get back to the subject of your do we know when church leaders say they've had a message from God it's true? :blink::unsure::blink:

One more really should think about putting some of your threads in TIO or the Silly Sod. ;)

Elvira Jun 23rd 2007 5:02 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. .......... And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

Having done my fair share of waitressing in the past, I can empathise.

I've used my special connections and put in a word for you with the Patron Saint of Patience and Forbearance, and she's promised to keep an eye on you :)

Silly Sod Jun 23rd 2007 5:15 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4960237)
Having done my fair share of waitressing in the past, I can empathise.

I've used my special connections and put in a word for you with the Patron Saint of Patience and Forbearance, and she's promised to keep an eye on you :)

My troubles are over then :) It aint too bad though, much more fun than not fun. I love being around people so it beats the crap out of office work. thanks for the thought Elvira. Cant wait till my next shift. :thumbup:

Jerseygirl Jun 23rd 2007 5:16 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4960237)
Having done my fair share of waitressing in the past, I can empathise.

I've used my special connections and put in a word for you with the Patron Saint of Patience and Forbearance, and she's promised to keep an eye on you :)

Is she the Rev's other half? ;)

Elvira Jun 23rd 2007 5:17 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Jerseygirl (Post 4960278)
Is she the Rev's other half? ;)

I thought the Rev was celibate! :ohmy: :blink:

Jerseygirl Jun 23rd 2007 5:19 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4960280)
I thought the Rev was celibate! :ohmy: :blink:

I seem to have put my foot in it don't I? :sneaky:

Elvira Jun 23rd 2007 5:20 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Jerseygirl (Post 4960286)
I seem to have put my foot in it don't I? :sneaky:

You had better spill the beans... :p

Sally Jun 23rd 2007 5:21 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4960280)
I thought the Rev was celibate! :ohmy: :blink:

Why should he buy a book when there's a thriving lending library in the town?

(Benny Hill :lol:)

Jerseygirl Jun 23rd 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4960290)
You had better spill the beans... :p

I may be struck down with a thunderbolt. :ohmy:

Elvira Jun 23rd 2007 5:26 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Jerseygirl (Post 4960296)
I may be struck down with a thunderbolt. :ohmy:

that bad? :ohmy:

Silly Sod Jun 23rd 2007 6:46 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Jerseygirl (Post 4960218)
My daughter worked as a server the summer before beginning uni and the following summer. In NJ servers usually work for tips only...some nights she would work from 4 pm to 11 pm for $20 to $30 dollars. One night a guy walked out without paying...his bill was almost $100 and she had to pay it herself. Out of the tips she earned she had to 'tip out' to the bus guys, kitchen staff and bar staff. I now see servers in a whole new light.

Anyway to get back to the subject of your do we know when church leaders say they've had a message from God it's true? :blink::unsure::blink:

One more really should think about putting some of your threads in TIO or the Silly Sod. ;)

eeeek, told off :) - sorry Jersey. TOI would have been more suitable. Just thought coz we is in america an dat innit lol. Trailer Park has become my catch all for off topic subjects. I will place threads better in future. Can you move it even? I won't be offended so long as you put: Moved Because Silly Sod Rox he he

(PS - little drunk so iggy me :) )

TRPardoe Jun 23rd 2007 11:12 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
I have to work with one of these idiots.

Just the other day he told me, uninvited, that everything that is worth knowing about life was written down by god 2000 years ago.

I told him that half of it (Old Testament) was much older and that the Bible as we know it was severely edited at the Council of Nicaea. He did not know what I was talking about.

As he now refuses to debate with me I probably shall not find out if he knows that the Old Testament is a Jewish history book.

TRPardoe Jun 23rd 2007 11:14 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Jerseygirl (Post 4960218)

One more really should think about putting some of your threads in TIO or the Silly Sod. ;)

If that happened I would never get to read the posts. I don't go there.

Sarah Jun 23rd 2007 11:24 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. Like everything else I have done since being in the US 0f A, it is a whole new experience. Since coming over, as many of you know, at the grand old age of 38 I have learned to drive, worked on roofs and other construction projects and am now waiting tables. All good fun and a huge departure from my reasonably well paid job working for the council back home and sitting in an office for a long 7 hour day. Well, I say 7 hour day but with flexi time it usually panned out at about 5 hours with an hour and a half for lunch. As you can imagine it was gruelling.

Anyway, waiting tables is an interesting change and it is a great way to do a spot of people watching. But what, I hear you moan, has all this got to do with Christians? Well, read on. First of all though, a disclaimer. This is not intended to insult christians en masse or to suggest that this is a good or accurate generalisation of Christians on the whole. So piss before you start!!! :)

Onward then. Tonight everybody I served was very nice. Everybody, as usual, had many questions about the Uk and quite a few had been to visit. Good conversation, nice people and, of course, great accent based tips from middle aged women, phnar phnar.

Then in come four 'gentlemen'. They sit at one of my tables and off I go with a hand full of menus. Before too long it became apparent that they were going to be a bunch of total twats!!!
Usually I make a point of saying - I've only been working here for a couple of days so I am just finding my feet. Most people are really understanding, treat me well and work with me by actually reading the menu before asking dumb ass questions like: now, does the salad come with a dressing. Or: Does the Veggie Pasta contain any meat at all? Not these guys however. They went out of their way to ask me awkward questions in an aggressive manner about the menu.

Okay, I might be just whining here, and I wouldn't be if it was merely a case of a few asshole customers. I have had to deal with such people, one way or another, throughout my working life and before that, all through school. Prior to that while trying to eat soil sat in the street in my nappy with the other soil eating kids I came up with. So, nothing new there. The thing that really pissed me off though, after these idiots had spent half an hour messing me about and talking down to me like I was something they had just discovered stuck to the bottom of their collective shoe, I overhear them talking scripture. Talking about Jesus and what he meant when he said this that and the other. It became apparent that one of them was a pastor. I mentally went over the pro's and cons of getting fired on the spot. If there is one thing I cannot frikkin stand it is hypocrites. And they were loud Aaarrghhhh, I was fuming. They tipped me 4 bucks after paying with a 100 dollar bill. I kept my cool, smiled the whole time, said please and thank you and hoped my mother would be proud if she could see me practicing all that she had preached to me as I grew up: Manners make the man, she would say. Don't stoop to their level, I could almost hear her telling me.

It seems that all of the people surrounding them were as disgusted as I because, even though I was forced to neglect the other customers somewhat while trying to keep these tossers happy, I made 76 dollars in tips. Not bad for a few hours work.

So, christians get on my tits (at work).

And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

I waitressed for a long while as well, you can't let stuff like this color your opinion of people, because otherwise you'll come out hating everybody! Without a doubt the absolute worst people I waited on were Jews. They tipped horribly, complained about everything (one lady complained about the way the door opened another guy about complained about the way the waitstaff carried their trays,) in general they were never satisfied or happy with anything and would be rude and loud constantly.
Bizarrely, they would put down Christians, they disliked it when one of the waitstaff wore a cross on her necklace, telling her that Jesus was not the son of God and then also gave the women the occassional come on when their wives weren't looking. However, is it okay for me to therefore loathe all Jewish people and think they're all this way? No. Same with Christians I guess. you've just gotta do your best not to let things like that jade you and rise above it. Kudos to you though, waitressing in America is one of the hardest things I've done.

Lycanthrop Jun 23rd 2007 11:39 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. Like everything else I have done since being in the US 0f A, it is a whole new experience. Since coming over, as many of you know, at the grand old age of 38 I have learned to drive, worked on roofs and other construction projects and am now waiting tables............................And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

Christ, :blink: you're brave...........good luck and just keep telling yourself
"its only a movie.........its only a movie" ;)

cindyabs Jun 23rd 2007 11:49 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

I am waiting tables now. Like everything else I have done since being in the US 0f A, it is a whole new experience. Since coming over, as many of you know, at the grand old age of 38 I have learned to drive, worked on roofs and other construction projects and am now waiting tables. All good fun and a huge departure from my reasonably well paid job working for the council back home and sitting in an office for a long 7 hour day. Well, I say 7 hour day but with flexi time it usually panned out at about 5 hours with an hour and a half for lunch. As you can imagine it was gruelling.

Anyway, waiting tables is an interesting change and it is a great way to do a spot of people watching. But what, I hear you moan, has all this got to do with Christians? Well, read on. First of all though, a disclaimer. This is not intended to insult christians en masse or to suggest that this is a good or accurate generalisation of Christians on the whole. So piss before you start!!! :)

Onward then. Tonight everybody I served was very nice. Everybody, as usual, had many questions about the Uk and quite a few had been to visit. Good conversation, nice people and, of course, great accent based tips from middle aged women, phnar phnar.

Then in come four 'gentlemen'. They sit at one of my tables and off I go with a hand full of menus. Before too long it became apparent that they were going to be a bunch of total twats!!!
Usually I make a point of saying - I've only been working here for a couple of days so I am just finding my feet. Most people are really understanding, treat me well and work with me by actually reading the menu before asking dumb ass questions like: now, does the salad come with a dressing. Or: Does the Veggie Pasta contain any meat at all? Not these guys however. They went out of their way to ask me awkward questions in an aggressive manner about the menu.

Okay, I might be just whining here, and I wouldn't be if it was merely a case of a few asshole customers. I have had to deal with such people, one way or another, throughout my working life and before that, all through school. Prior to that while trying to eat soil sat in the street in my nappy with the other soil eating kids I came up with. So, nothing new there. The thing that really pissed me off though, after these idiots had spent half an hour messing me about and talking down to me like I was something they had just discovered stuck to the bottom of their collective shoe, I overhear them talking scripture. Talking about Jesus and what he meant when he said this that and the other. It became apparent that one of them was a pastor. I mentally went over the pro's and cons of getting fired on the spot. If there is one thing I cannot frikkin stand it is hypocrites. And they were loud Aaarrghhhh, I was fuming. They tipped me 4 bucks after paying with a 100 dollar bill. I kept my cool, smiled the whole time, said please and thank you and hoped my mother would be proud if she could see me practicing all that she had preached to me as I grew up: Manners make the man, she would say. Don't stoop to their level, I could almost hear her telling me.

It seems that all of the people surrounding them were as disgusted as I because, even though I was forced to neglect the other customers somewhat while trying to keep these tossers happy, I made 76 dollars in tips. Not bad for a few hours work.

So, christians get on my tits (at work).

And the moral of the story - don't give servers a hard time. They might just be new, not lazy or incompetent. Thanks for watching, you've been great :)

This spoils me for choice in reminiscing-first addressing the topic. The first on the christian -small c since they didn't deserve the big c . When the ex and I were newly married and had moved back to Ohio where he was from, he found a job working construction. This was back in '74 when the tornados had damaged much of central Ohio, so much work to be had. The crew he was on with were members of some small denonmination that took their Bible seriously (to a point), they listened to "preaching" tapes during lunch breaks, etc. Some guy drove a nail in straight and yelled "Praise the Lord", and the ex almost fell off a roof since it rather startled him. :D However, this adherence to "the word" did not stop the boss (who was a preacher), from charging first run prices for second run plywood. :frown:

The second was, I waitressed as well throughout my teen years. I always dreaded working the one place when the French Canucks came in. They usually had big parties of 6, or 8 or more and kept me running pretty constantly for more this and more that. They rarely tipped, or if they did it was nowhere near what it should have been. If they were from France, then I would guess it was down to thinking it was service compris, but it sure as hell wasn't and they weren't. :curse:

Duncan Roberts Jun 24th 2007 2:03 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
I was a server in Atlanta for a few months when I was 20. Overall i had a great time but some people are just gobshites and some people are just very nice. Like the table of 3 children, parents and granparents who tipped me 25% when I had dropped a burger and fries litterally on one of the kids head or the table of 4 who left nothing after I'd bent over backwards to be nice to them and customize their order.

Speaking of christians, the place where I worked was in the CNN center which held a lot of conferences. I forget the name of the guy but one of those southern televangelists did a conference weekend, almost 3 days solid of people trying to get me to join his religion and spouting off stuff he had just talked about!

Rete Jun 24th 2007 2:35 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
Waitressing is one of the ways I supported myself and two children over the years. I often worked three jobs in one week, full time secretarial, waitressing at a conference center three nights a week and on Saturday mornings at a local mom and pop eatery. I've also worked as a server in finer restaurants and have to say that well I loved the interaction with people the best tippers were the average joes. You know the people like ourselves who know what it means to be on your feet all day or night and rely on tips to boost the meager paycheck. In those days, before Reagan, we didn't have to account for our tips in the same manner so we were given by law 1/2 of the minimum wage plus tips.

Fortunately, here in the NYC area you don't have to worry about the Sunday only christians. That's how I think of them. Its like my hubby's grandmother use to say:

A christian sows their wild oats all week long and then goes to church on Sunday to pray for crop failure.

Rete Jun 24th 2007 2:42 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by cindyabs (Post 4961210)
The second was, I waitressed as well throughout my teen years. I always dreaded working the one place when the French Canucks came in. They usually had big parties of 6, or 8 or more and kept me running pretty constantly for more this and more that. They rarely tipped, or if they did it was nowhere near what it should have been. If they were from France, then I would guess it was down to thinking it was service compris, but it sure as hell wasn't and they weren't. :curse:

Yup, you got a hand to the French Canucks. They are a work of art unto themselves. I have first hand knowledge of that being married to a Canuck who was born in Montreal. Thank the heavens, he's English/Irish and not French. But I see it all the time in Quebec when we go out to dinner. Large tabs, small tips (when the in-laws are paying) so we often slip something under the plate before we leave or Jim will pick up the tab for the evening.

Silly Sod Jun 24th 2007 3:24 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
Hi all and thanks for the replys and support. I am touched.

I am enjoying it so far thought to be honest. There are tossers of course but for the most part people are pretty nice and appreciate that you are doing job of work. I love to interact with people anyway so it is mostly fun. I met a really nice family from New Joisey last night :) and it was interesting to chat to them. So, despite my moaning about four idiots, all in all it aint oo bad. :)

Elvira Jun 24th 2007 3:28 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4961860)
.........I love to interact with people anyway so it is mostly fun. I met a really nice family from New Joisey last night :) and it was interesting to chat to them. So, despite my moaning about four idiots, all in all it aint oo bad. :)

I wonder what they make of you! :ohmy: :blink: :p :D

britvic Jun 24th 2007 3:31 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4961879)
I wonder what they make of you! :ohmy: :blink: :p :D

And can they understand him :D or dose he put on a bit of a twang.

TouristTrap Jun 24th 2007 4:03 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Rete (Post 4961702)
Yup, you got a hand to the French Canucks. They are a work of art unto themselves. I have first hand knowledge of that being married to a Canuck who was born in Montreal. Thank the heavens, he's English/Irish and not French. But I see it all the time in Quebec when we go out to dinner. Large tabs, small tips (when the in-laws are paying) so we often slip something under the plate before we leave or Jim will pick up the tab for the evening.

Oh, I always have to do this with my inlaws. Weird how I'm always the one who has to go to the loo and 'meet them at the car' whenever we eat out. They're still tipping at 70's prices :rofl:

cindyabs Jun 24th 2007 5:14 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by TouristTrap (Post 4962055)
Oh, I always have to do this with my inlaws. Weird how I'm always the one who has to go to the loo and 'meet them at the car' whenever we eat out. They're still tipping at 70's prices :rofl:

My grandmother always tipped 35 cents, period. :rofl:

My mother's beau only tips a buck so Mom is always trying to discreetly add to it when they go out.

Maz Jun 24th 2007 7:49 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
I find being at a table with bad tippers extremely embarrassing. That said... there has been one single time when I've tipped badly. It was completely earned. Or not earned, rather. We tipped 1 cent. Just about everything that could have been wrong, was. And definitely not just the food. Small modifications to our meals that we asked for, weren't made, and weren't on the bill, so the server never inputted them. Our wine arrived halfway through the meal, etc. etc. Our server also tried his level best to get his colleagues to serve our table, and just take the order and bring us the bill. Cheeky bastard. So he paid for it.

I used to run the bar in the Newport Bay Club at EuroDisney (now Disneyland Paris) and the differences between the nationalities in there was amazing. In a hotel with over 1,000 rooms, the Dutch often thought it was OK to walk off from a table without paying, and add it to their "tab" later. Honestly, with 2,500 people staying in the hotel, they expected us to keep track of their tab? And we always had the front desk notify us when a busload or two of Spaniards was arriving or leaving, and we'd get the warm milk ready... honest. One order after another of "Leche caliente", dead weird.

Then there were the locals, who hated Disney policy of giving them a new glass each time, and just wanted "their glass" rinsed and refilled. At 25FF for a demi (25cl) of Heineken, though, I'm rather surprised they could afford to go there at all (this was in the early 90s).

The Americans could, of course :D , be spotted a mile off ;) but were always really polite, called the staff "darlin'" and tipped heavily. :thumbup:

TouristTrap Jun 24th 2007 9:49 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 4962897)
The Americans could, of course :D , be spotted a mile off ;) but were always really polite, called the staff "darlin'" and tipped heavily. :thumbup:

That is so sweet.:thumbsup:

Lycanthrop Jun 24th 2007 9:53 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4961860)
Hi all and thanks for the replys and support. I am touched.

I am enjoying it so far thought to be honest. There are tossers of course but for the most part people are pretty nice and appreciate that you are doing job of work. I love to interact with people anyway so it is mostly fun. I met a really nice family from New Joisey last night :) and it was interesting to chat to them. So, despite my moaning about four idiots, all in all it aint oo bad. :)

.......sorry........having a bit of difficulty with that one......could you explain? Perhaps with slides? :blink::confused:

Silly Sod Jun 24th 2007 9:56 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by britvic (Post 4961892)
And can they understand him :D or dose he put on a bit of a twang.

I definately have to speak slower and annunciate more than i do at home with Mrs Sod. I don't think the northern, specially a manc accent is very common here so they have a few probs with it. If I really want to be understood I just talk like the Geico Gecco - they all get that dumb cockney racket :)

britvic Jun 24th 2007 9:58 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4963370)
I definately have to speak slower and annunciate more than i do at home with Mrs Sod. I don't think the northern, specially a manc accent is very common here so they have a few probs with it. If I really want to be understood I just talk like the Geico Gecco - they all get that dumb cockney racket :)

Yeah right they do :rolleyes: you are talking to a cockney here mate :p

Silly Sod Jun 24th 2007 10:03 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by britvic (Post 4963382)
Yeah right they do :rolleyes: you are talking to a cockney here mate :p

cor bloimey gavnahhhhh, leave it ahhhht wiwl ya lol

britvic Jun 24th 2007 10:06 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4963398)
cor bloimey gavnahhhhh, leave it ahhhht wiwl ya lol

I can talk posh when I have to you know :lol:

Tootsie Frickensprinkles Jun 24th 2007 10:40 pm

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Before too long it became apparent that they were going to be a bunch of total twats!!!

I mentally went over the pro's and cons of getting fired on the spot.

Those two lines remind me particularly of four Australians last autumn. Having walked up to the order bar being loud, arrogant and generally quite obnoxious I took their order. As is the custom I gave them a spoon, this one was numbered 33.

The good looking one half laughed, half sneered at me, what the f's that for then? I told him it was his order number, to put it on his table and the servers would bring them their food. He gafawed and walked off. His mate paid and I reminded him to take the spoon.

I looked up after the next order and saw number 33 still stood at the bar. I left it. After half an hour or so he came in and asked me where their food was. Looking to my right I said. It was delivered to your spoon, just as I told you it would be.

He took it well, and they carried their own food out to the pool.

Mallory Jun 25th 2007 12:02 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Silly Sod (Post 4960128)
Yes, so,

So, christians get on my tits

Most people from the UK are Christians. Are you Muslim or something?

britvic Jun 25th 2007 12:07 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4965662)
Most people from the UK are Christians. Are you Muslim or something?

C of E I think is the preferred term.

Silly Sod Jun 25th 2007 12:52 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4965662)
Most people from the UK are Christians. Are you Muslim or something?

Truly baffled by this reply. What relevance has England, people in England, or Islam got to do with my OP?

Elvira Jun 25th 2007 1:33 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4965662)
Most people from the UK are Christians. Are you Muslim or something?

:blink: :confused: :blink:

fatbrit Jun 25th 2007 1:40 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Elvira (Post 4966262)
:blink: :confused: :blink:


Paul S Jun 25th 2007 1:50 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)

Originally Posted by Mallory (Post 4965662)
Most people from the UK are Christians. Are you Muslim or something?

I must be a something then, as I'm neither of the other 2 options;)

Deedee13 Jun 25th 2007 2:25 am

Re: Christians get on my tits (at work)
this made me laugh.. in germany u have a portion of ur wages deducted for "church tax"!!! this used to really naff me off for a number of reasons.. in England going to church i would freeze my ass off... and they never had any money.. but in germany... they took it out of ur pay... before u seen it.. However, when i put down i was Church of England... i was exempt from this tax...!!!!!!
When i travell from Atlanta up North u drive past this amazing Anglican Church I have ever seen in my life. And it has no debt, apparently the congregation paid for it all!!!!! amazing.
And... while i am at it.. Still travelling up north, 75 i think.. u go past another church in Ohio with jesus coming out of the ground with his arms open wide, another amazing site!

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