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How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

Old Mar 13th 2007, 7:00 am
The Reid
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:09:57 +0000, [email protected] (David Horne,
_the_ chancellor (*)) wrote:

> I don't know why you
>bring Windrush up, though I suppose if there's something you want to get
>of your chest...

interesting its something "I want to get off my chest" when the
subject gets near to race. Why should dislike of being lied at by BBC
radio presenters not be one of the many things we waffle on about
here? It seems quite a bad thing to me.
Mike Reid
UK walking, food, photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
Spain walking, food, tourism "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk"
Beginners UK flight sim addons "http://www.lawn-mower-man.co.uk"
Old Mar 13th 2007, 9:03 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

David Horne, _the_ chancellor (*) wrote:
> The Reid <[email protected]> wrote:
>>On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 19:06:36 -0700, "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)"
>><[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>I've noticed people like to keep telling themselves that.
>>>Probably because it's true? ;-) Generally, we'd weigh the
>>>known consequences against the perceived value of the
>>>disobedient act, and proceed accordingly. (Obviously a
>>>spanking was not such severe punishment that we blanched at
>>>the thought!)
>>indeed, I always opted for not turning up at detention and get caned
>>instead. How "damaged" are modern undisciplined yobs?
> As damaged as modern undisciplined adults.

Perhaps that's an argument for restoring (mild - as in
spanking) corporal punishment? Although the REAL problem,
of course, is assuring that children (before they become
adults) learn that there are REASONS for most rules of
Old Mar 13th 2007, 8:22 pm
The Reid
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:03:11 -0700, "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>> As damaged as modern undisciplined adults.
>Perhaps that's an argument for restoring (mild - as in
>spanking) corporal punishment? Although the REAL problem,
>of course, is assuring that children (before they become
>adults) learn that there are REASONS for most rules of

I don't know how important the sort of punishment is, but quite a lot
of people don't seem to take a stand on "no" meaning "no" and make
life difficult for themselves and others. Add that to undermined
teacher authority and you have an undesirable situation, I think.
Mike Reid
UK walking, food, photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
Spain walking, food, tourism "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk"
Beginners UK flight sim addons "http://www.lawn-mower-man.co.uk"
Old Mar 14th 2007, 6:39 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

The Reid wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:03:11 -0700, "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>As damaged as modern undisciplined adults.
>>Perhaps that's an argument for restoring (mild - as in
>>spanking) corporal punishment? Although the REAL problem,
>>of course, is assuring that children (before they become
>>adults) learn that there are REASONS for most rules of
> I don't know how important the sort of punishment is, but quite a lot
> of people don't seem to take a stand on "no" meaning "no" and make
> life difficult for themselves and others. Add that to undermined
> teacher authority and you have an undesirable situation, I think.

You'll get no argument about that from me! (Apparently the
problem is not just in the U.S., as I had assumed.) It's
true some of the world's current crop of government
officials don't inspire much respect for "authority", but is
that a symptom or a cause?
Old Mar 14th 2007, 6:42 am
The Reid
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:39:18 -0700, "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> It's
>true some of the world's current crop of government
>officials don't inspire much respect for "authority", but is
>that a symptom or a cause?

dunno, Ive heard it said that her in UK it started with Thatcher etc
downgrading the status of teachers in society
Mike Reid
UK walking, food, photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
Spain walking, food, tourism "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk"
Beginners UK flight sim addons "http://www.lawn-mower-man.co.uk"
Old Mar 14th 2007, 9:13 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> It's true some of the world's current crop of government officials don't
> inspire much respect for "authority", but is that a symptom or a cause?

I didn't realise that you had even heard of John Prescott in the USA!

Old Mar 14th 2007, 10:16 am
Deeply Filled Mortician
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

Make credence recognised that on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:39:18 -0700,
"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> has scripted:

>You'll get no argument about that from me! (Apparently the
>problem is not just in the U.S., as I had assumed.) It's
>true some of the world's current crop of government
>officials don't inspire much respect for "authority", but is
>that a symptom or a cause?

I just have to post this. It's piss yerself funny, in a tragic way:



The U.S. Marines are incredibly adept at killing people. Most know
1,583 methods of killing somebody and re-arranging the victim?s body
parts within five seconds. However, some were not taught a basic trait
that encompasses all of humanity: when to keep your mouth shut.

Yesterday, the Chairman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.), Marine
General Peter Pace, made some statements that prove he does not know
when to keep quiet. I suppose he feels that an 18-star general has the
right to publicly berate individuals. They also have the right to
practice an act that is not illegal in the U.S.: stupidity.

According to the New York Times:

"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and
that we should not condone immoral acts, he (Pace) said. I do not
believe the United States is well-served by a policy that says it is
O.K. to be immoral in any way."

The subject of gays and lesbians in the U.S. military is like the
Energizer Bunny: it just keeps going and going. In the 1990s, an
official program called "Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell" was implemented by the
U.S. military. The subject was supposed to be closed.

However, according to the 10th Annual Report of Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network (SLDN), more than 10,000 gay or lesbian individuals
have been released from their duties (active military or civilian
defense positions) since 1994 because of their sexual orientation. In
other words "Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell" is not the same as "Don?t Get

The reasons for not allowing gays into the U.S. military are
preposterous. Most opponents of gay servicepeople assess that the
homosexual soldier may become a hazard to his/her comrades because
they are housed in the same areas and use the same shower facilities.
They also maintain that during battle, a gay soldier may not be as
good as a heterosexual because he may be distracted by the sea of
males surrounding him.

I have seen many short videos of battles between the U.S. military and
the Iraqi resistance. They are violent, quick and brutal. I doubt
there has ever been one incident of a gay soldier, protecting himself
behind a tank who stated to a soldier in front of him, "Nice ass,

Pace speaks of morals, yet he is the number one U.S. military person
behind one of the most immoral acts in the history of our planet: the
March 2003 invasion of Iraq. I have yet to hear him speak out about
the millions of Iraqi citizens who have died since 1991 because of
U.S. military activities and the keeping in place of the deadly
embargo against Iraq. Maybe he thinks that is moral.

Homophobia is not exclusively a U.S. phenomenon. It is universal.

The Iraqi quisling government is masterful and it practices and
condones the killing of gay Iraqis, all the time right under the noses
of their U.S. bosses.

Ayatollah Sistani has published a fatwa calling for the deaths of all
gay and lesbian Iraqis using the most vile methods available. The
stooges have taken him at his word and have killed thousands of gay
and lesbian Iraqis.

Some have fled to Britain and are attempting to bring to the world?s
attention the current slaughter in Iraq. Nobody seems to care. Not one
U.S. official has uttered a word about this genocide. Imagine if this
happened under Saddam. The U.S. would be speaking of it 24 hours a day
and demand his head. But, Saddam is dead and the current violence
against gays in Iraq can not be attributed to him. In a way, Saddam?s
death may be helpful in assessing the real criminals in Iraq. Since
March 2003, the U.S. can no longer say, "Saddam did it."

Until about six months ago, there were some "safe" houses in Iraq for
gays and lesbians where people would meet and discuss methods of
leaving Iraq or keeping out of view of the Iraqi police and death
squads. Today, most, if not all, of the safe houses have been

There are no exact figures of how many gays and lesbians have been
killed in Iraq since the demise of the prior regime. But, it must be
in the thousands.

Just last week, a U.N. report was released that stated in excess of
34,000 Iraqis had been killed in the first six months of 2005. An
Iraqi stooge spokesman challenged the number. He said it was
inaccurate because homosexuals were included in the number of dead. In
other words, homosexuals are not human.

Where is the U.S. when statements like this come from their own
appointed Iraqi traitors? There is only silence. This lack of response
from the U.S. must mean only one thing: the government (Republicans
and Democrats) must agree with the housecleaning of gays and lesbians
in Iraq. Who are the real immoral people: homosexuals or the millions
of people who ignore the massacre of Iraqi homosexuals? My feeble
atheist brain can not understand how the roles of the players in this
scenario have been reversed. Then again, I don?t read the Bible. To
those homophobic Christians who cite the Bible for their bigotry, I am
just as immoral as homosexuals. We are in the same boat. Oops, I
shouldn?t have said that. Maybe, while in that boat, a homosexual will
try to accost me. I won?t ask if he won?t tell.

As I wrote this piece, I received an e-mail message from a reader in
Canada. He has something to say to General Pace. I?ll conclude with
his remarks:

Dear Mr. Pace:
If you do talk about morality here, let me tell you that your little
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war against terrorism, which
isn't a war, since that is not what terrorism means, are the most
immoral things the world has ever seen since it was created about 6000
years ago (with your views, you simply must be one of those
believers...) Close all of them down now, and you just might be able
to judge on other things, even on the price gouging of your oil
companies, and your generally most wasteful society. Up to that point,
will you please SHUT UP!

Afterword: Pace?s first name is Peter. In the U.S., this is a
commonly-used slang name for "penis." Just think, he could be called
"Penis Pace." It seems to have a good ring to it. Very appropriate as
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
Old Mar 14th 2007, 7:35 pm
The Reid
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 23:16:17 +0100, Deeply Filled Mortician
<deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:

>If you do talk about morality here, let me tell you that your little
>wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war against terrorism, which
>isn't a war, since that is not what terrorism means, are the most
>immoral things the world has ever seen since it was created about 6000
>years ago

that will upset the Jews and the Blacks.
Mike Reid
UK walking, food, photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
Spain walking, food, tourism "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk"
Beginners UK flight sim addons "http://www.lawn-mower-man.co.uk"
Old Mar 14th 2007, 11:00 pm
Deeply Filled Mortician
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

Make credence recognised that on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 07:35:33 +0000, The
Reid <[email protected]> has scripted:

>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 23:16:17 +0100, Deeply Filled Mortician
><deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:
>>If you do talk about morality here, let me tell you that your little
>>wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war against terrorism, which
>>isn't a war, since that is not what terrorism means, are the most
>>immoral things the world has ever seen since it was created about 6000
>>years ago
>that will upset the Jews and the Blacks.

Hebe nignogs...
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
Old Mar 15th 2007, 1:06 am
The Reid
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How to book a flight for someone who isn't born yet

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:00:33 +0100, Deeply Filled Mortician
<deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:

>>that will upset the Jews and the Blacks.
>Hebe nignogs...

now dont be vulgar!
Mike Reid
UK walking, food, photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
Spain walking, food, tourism "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk"
Beginners UK flight sim addons "http://www.lawn-mower-man.co.uk"

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