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Jacqui Jun 15th 2005 4:19 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
What a terrible thing to go through, I can't begin to imagine how it must be for you and your family. Reading about your daughter's bullying was bad enough, but as I read through the passage I had no idea the stoy was going was going to get so much worse. Sending you all best wishes and hope you really can start afresh with a new life when you get here, soon hopefully.

Unfortunately it's not just the UK that's becoming a dangerous place to live. It's society in general, the world over, and that includes Australia. The recent reports on tv showing Aussie thugs (boys and girls, young teenagers usually) stamping on people's heads, it's just so scary. There was a programme on this only two nights ago, because it is happening so often - yes right here in WA. They blanked out the faces of the thugs - why? In case someone seeks revenge? Should have let their faces been shown, I reckon. In one incident, some tourists were picked on for no reason whatsoever, and it was all captured on CCTV at the train station. I sat and watched the footage with my kids, and we all stared at the screen in disbelief. They looked like they weren't going to stop until the poor person's head caved in. That they survived the attack is a miracle. I kind of wished I hadn't watched the article, because it made me feel sick, and I can't help thinking there might be thugs out there watching it and thinking "hey, that looks fun, must remember to try that next time I'm out looking for trouble". My kids were disgusted too, and I did wonder if it was a good idea exposing them to such violence on the tv, films are one thing, they know it's pretend, but this actually happened and apart from blanking out the thug's face, the scene was shown as it happened (with a warning beforehand).

Whatever happened to morals, decency, respect? I'm a stay-at-home mum still (and my kids are now 10,12 and 14) and I always know where they are and what they are doing and if they go anywhere, they always have an adult present ie myself or their friend's mum. There has never been the opportunity for them to be getting up to no good or hanging around with the wrong folk, and I hope it stays that way. Unfortunately my eldest does get comments from the other girls in class because a) she doesn't own a mobile phone b) doesn't watch Big Brother/The O.C./Home & Away/whatever and c) wears her uniform properly and generally never gets into trouble with the teachers. We had one bullying incident on the school bus (big lad and his mates kicked her bag around, broke something on it and called her names) but after a letter to her teacher, it was dealt with immediately and the boys were reminded that that sort of behaviour would not be tolerated and their parents were contacted. The teachers handled it well and there have been no further incidents, thankfully. I was relieved that it wasn't allowed to escalate, but felt bad enough at the time, so to go through what you've been through, my heart goes out to you.

rapitts Jun 15th 2005 10:22 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Sorry to hear about that. Bloody Bastards.

The truth is kids take after there parents, how can kids grow up thinking it is OK when the father is also fighting.

The U.K. has got into a social class problem and although I would'nt like to think Australia has this problem the truth is that it does, but you have better odds of not finding people like that in Australia than in the U.K.

You may have started the ball rolling with these bastards now, I would try and contact some local newspapers and see if they take up the story but the legal system is pretty crap in the U.K. as most people are released on bail the next day to cause more problems again.

rapitts Jun 15th 2005 10:27 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Looks guys, I've just reread this thread again, please try and contact some newspapers so that these bastards are named and shamed.

I'm sure some newspaper would take up the story due to bullying and then the father of the bully beating your husband up.

Flying Banana Jun 15th 2005 10:47 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

So sorry to hear about what has happened to you and your family. How is your hubby doing now? Hope he's on the mend. Your daughter must make you so proud, standing up to the bullies by not giving in to them.

You all need to be positive, soon you will be 12500 miles away from these scumbags and enjoying your new life. In the end you will be the ones toasting victory, leaving these type of people behind and settling into somewhere where there do still appear to be some moral values left.

I know two incidents similar to what happened to you all. A good friend was given a kicking by a group of kids under 15 when he caught them vandalising his car and another friend reported a gang of kids trying to rip his Sky dish off the side of his house. They were caught and the ringleader got given an ASBO, the father of said little angel turned up and beat up my mate on his doorstep for getting his son into trouble with the police. Just about sums up 'Great' Britain.

Anyway keep us all up to date on how your hubby is doing and whether the courts give these Neanderthals the custodial sentence they deserve.

Take care all of you and start counting the days till you are on the plane. Sending you karma :)

chatty34 Jul 5th 2005 2:40 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Well, life cant get much worse, ok I know that this isn't true because my best friends daughter has CF so I know how bad life can really get.
I still cant help feeling very depressed by recent events.
The outcome of everything is that my husband was arrested :mad:
The group of men that were arrested for G.B.H. lied to the police that my husband attacked the ring leader that had been bullying our daughter. The police have agreed that there were no marks on the boy to prove this and my husband has not been charged with anything but he still has to go to the police station on the 20th July to find out if he will be charged.
Last Monday I had a telephone call asking if the 20th July for completion on our house would be ok, I said yes, maybe a case of wishful thinking but feel confident that the police realise that these people are lying, they never rang the police and only made their allegations once they were arrested and charged. Although still cant help worrying slightly as I am sure the people at their party will be willing to lie for them.
Left my job last week in anticipation of all the packing and organising I had to do in the next 3 weeks and yep, you guessed it our house Sale fell through last Thursday. Our buyers lost their buyers because the search found a mobile phone mast in the area.
So here we are, I don't have a job, my husband is still off sick recovering from his injuries and we will have about £10 a month left once the mortgage is paid.
I don't think I have ever been so fed up as I am right now.
Always believed in the saying what goes around comes around but recent events have totally dispelled my belief in this.
The bullies are still at school whilst my daughter is at home because it all became too much for her.
I just don't feel like we are ever going to get to Australia. The estate Agent asked us to give our buyers 2 weeks grace and I agreed as they have done nothing wrong. They were actually wonderful buyers and had everything ready to go in super quick time but we are so desperate and cant help feeling that we need to be marketing the property again before the summer slump.

Right, sorry about the moan. Just needed to get it of my chest. Trying not to at home as I want to keep their spirits up.

Jellybean Jul 5th 2005 2:45 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, life cant get much worse, ok I know that this isn't true because my best friends daughter has CF so I know how bad life can really get.
I still cant help feeling very depressed by recent events.
The outcome of everything is that my husband was arrested :mad:
The group of men that were arrested for G.B.H. lied to the police that my husband attacked the ring leader that had been bullying our daughter. The police have agreed that there were no marks on the boy to prove this and my husband has not been charged with anything but he still has to go to the police station on the 20th July to find out if he will be charged.
Last Monday I had a telephone call asking if the 20th July for completion on our house would be ok, I said yes, maybe a case of wishful thinking but feel confident that the police realise that these people are lying, they never rang the police and only made their allegations once they were arrested and charged. Although still cant help worrying slightly as I am sure the people at their party will be willing to lie for them.
Left my job last week in anticipation of all the packing and organising I had to do in the next 3 weeks and yep, you guessed it our house Sale fell through last Thursday. Our buyers lost their buyers because the search found a mobile phone mast in the area.
So here we are, I don't have a job, my husband is still off sick recovering from his injuries and we will have about £10 a month left once the mortgage is paid.
I don't think I have ever been so fed up as I am right now.
Always believed in the saying what goes around comes around but recent events have totally dispelled my belief in this.
The bullies are still at school whilst my daughter is at home because it all became too much for her.
I just don't feel like we are ever going to get to Australia. The estate Agent asked us to give our buyers 2 weeks grace and I agreed as they have done nothing wrong. They were actually wonderful buyers and had everything ready to go in super quick time but we are so desperate and cant help feeling that we need to be marketing the property again before the summer slump.

Right, sorry about the moan. Just needed to get it of my chest. Trying not to at home as I want to keep their spirits up.

Sorry to hear that cs...can you not drop the price of your house a bit for a quick sale?

I am sure things will work out as far as the charges against your husband, if they have no proof I can't see what they can do.

Anyway, keep strong and remember your dream :o xx

meljor Jul 5th 2005 2:52 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, life cant get much worse, ok I know that this isn't true because my best friends daughter has CF so I know how bad life can really get.
I still cant help feeling very depressed by recent events.
The outcome of everything is that my husband was arrested :mad:
The group of men that were arrested for G.B.H. lied to the police that my husband attacked the ring leader that had been bullying our daughter. The police have agreed that there were no marks on the boy to prove this and my husband has not been charged with anything but he still has to go to the police station on the 20th July to find out if he will be charged.
Last Monday I had a telephone call asking if the 20th July for completion on our house would be ok, I said yes, maybe a case of wishful thinking but feel confident that the police realise that these people are lying, they never rang the police and only made their allegations once they were arrested and charged. Although still cant help worrying slightly as I am sure the people at their party will be willing to lie for them.
Left my job last week in anticipation of all the packing and organising I had to do in the next 3 weeks and yep, you guessed it our house Sale fell through last Thursday. Our buyers lost their buyers because the search found a mobile phone mast in the area.
So here we are, I don't have a job, my husband is still off sick recovering from his injuries and we will have about £10 a month left once the mortgage is paid.
I don't think I have ever been so fed up as I am right now.
Always believed in the saying what goes around comes around but recent events have totally dispelled my belief in this.
The bullies are still at school whilst my daughter is at home because it all became too much for her.
I just don't feel like we are ever going to get to Australia. The estate Agent asked us to give our buyers 2 weeks grace and I agreed as they have done nothing wrong. They were actually wonderful buyers and had everything ready to go in super quick time but we are so desperate and cant help feeling that we need to be marketing the property again before the summer slump.

Right, sorry about the moan. Just needed to get it of my chest. Trying not to at home as I want to keep their spirits up.

Hi shazza, hold on in there honey and take a deep breath. God youve had it hard and nobody deserves the kind of c**p your all going through at the moment, but were all here for you and I'm sending cyberhugs at the mo.
On a practical note could you not ring work up and ask them to take you back for a little while, or ring the bank and ask for a months grace. They may say no but if you dont ask they cant know you need help. Cyberslap me if Im being patronising but I genuinely hope it will help, Melx

Anastasia Beaverhausen Jul 5th 2005 3:03 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Sorry to hear about all your problems Shazza. I've got everything crossed for you. All the best.


bridiej Jul 5th 2005 3:30 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by Anastasia Beaverhausen
Sorry to hear about all your problems Shazza. I've got everything crossed for you. All the best.


me too :)

coxfamuk Jul 5th 2005 3:38 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
This must have been absolutely awful for you. I really and truly do wish you a much better life in Aus and that you and your family find peace over there.

Sending you some Karma, you poor dears.

Really makes me mad when I hear things like that - cowards always hang around in packs - too chicken to work alone!!!

kris maynard Jul 5th 2005 4:01 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Dont know what to say except i really really hope everthing works out for you soon :)
I have everything crossed for you

Take Care


Jonahs_mummy Jul 5th 2005 4:05 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by coxfamuk
This must have been absolutely awful for you. I really and truly do wish you a much better life in Aus and that you and your family find peace over there.

Sending you some Karma, you poor dears.

Really makes me mad when I hear things like that - cowards always hang around in packs - too chicken to work alone!!!

Well said!:(
I am so sorry Shazza!


Margie Jul 5th 2005 4:23 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

What kind of place do we live in?
Thinking of you all and wish for a speedy recovery both physically and mentally for your hubby.

Yous sound like a strong, loving family and you'll get through it.
You did the right thing involving the police! Too many mindless thugs get away with it, mostly because of people being scared to report it. Good on you!

Will send Karma, when I work out how to, never sent it before.

Look to a brighter, safer future in Oz.


Anne4Terry Jul 5th 2005 4:31 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
You know what I think Shazza :(

Big hugs, Annexxxxx

ub40fan Jul 5th 2005 5:01 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Hi Shazza

so so sorry that it has come to this. Words can't do justice to how mad I feel that these scum can get away with groundless accusations, while law abiding citizens get absolutely no help at dealing with them at all.

Really hope that this reaches a fair and just conclusion soon.

Reiki thoughts and karma (if I can) sent to you and yours.

Shirley xx

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