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MarkG Mar 13th 2014 5:58 am

Re: Malaysian 777

Originally Posted by burks (Post 11171440)
This is what I find weird! NASA can talk to people in space, and yet we can't track a plane? I even have an app to tell me where my phone is if I ever lose it!!

We can only track planes if they're sending their location or are within radar range. And your phone app won't work if your phone is in the middle of the ocean. Particularly if it's thousands of feet under water.

Whatever happened caused the aircraft to stop sending the position reports that are normally used to track it.

Shard Mar 13th 2014 12:42 pm

Re: Malaysian 777
The plot thickens ...

magnumpi Mar 13th 2014 12:56 pm

Re: Malaysian 777
Day 7 begins. Still no sign ?

caretaker Mar 13th 2014 11:02 pm

Re: Malaysian 777

Originally Posted by magnumpi (Post 11172147)
Day 7 begins. Still no sign ?

No, but the conspiracy theories seem to be growing. The odds that Somali pirates flew to India, refuelled and went on to Africa may seem small now, but give the press another day..... If they find wreckage from an airliner floating on the ocean is it flotsam or jetsam?

magnumpi Mar 13th 2014 11:06 pm

Re: Malaysian 777
They now saying the transponder was switched off manually 20 mins after the radio!!!

caretaker Mar 13th 2014 11:32 pm

Re: Malaysian 777
Cockpit fire from smoking co-pilot, insulation burning fusing wires trogether - I traded a Chev van for my friends 65 Beetle once and the wiring harness had become extremely creative as a result of a fire (haunted, actually). I won't believe anything unless the pilot says it to my face, and then I'll check his story to make sure. I read the Warren Commision Report cover to cover 3 or 4 times and though I believed their findings were correct given the evidence they had to work with never believed Oswald was the only shooter until a few years ago.
Somewhere there is a jetliner or pieces of one, and some day it will be found. Then we will suffer through a spate of documentaries, 2 or 3 books and a feature film. I can wait.

jwtimmon Mar 14th 2014 1:19 am

Re: Malaysian 777
Flotsam is wreckage or cargo from a wreckage

jetsam has been deliberately thrown overboard, jettisoned in fact. :)

SchnookoLoly Mar 14th 2014 1:22 am

Re: Malaysian 777
Aren't those the eels from The Little Mermaid??

jwtimmon Mar 14th 2014 7:22 am

Re: Malaysian 777
Anyone who has ever watched RTE News will sympathise with these comments on the Independent newspaper.

Another day, another page of pointless speculation, this is getting worse than sky news, where reporter Phil Space spends hours telling us nothing!

Notty Tellin franp • 3 hours ago
Not as bad as RTE News who have to repeat everything 6 times.

Teaser: Missing plane not found. Conspiracy theories suggest it was the pilot.

Sharon: The Malaysian aircraft missing for days has not been found. Theories are concentrating on the pilot. Over to our correspondent in London.

Ciaran Malooly: Yes Sharon. A plane which went missing days ago still has not been found. Reports here suggest its the pilot. Back to you in the studio.

Sharon: Ok.. we are taking a break. More about a plane that went missing. Reports suggesting pilot error.


Sharon: Headlines Again. Reports are coming in that missing Malaysian airlines plane still not found. Authorities there are concentrating on pilot......

Whats worse... I watch this every night.

rivingtonpike Mar 14th 2014 7:36 am

Re: Malaysian 777
How can "the system" loose a whole aeroplane and yet be able to track Santa around the globe on Christmas Eve. They need to look to the Elves for help!

rivingtonpike Mar 14th 2014 7:39 am

Re: Malaysian 777
Levity aside, it's a tragedy that to this point no closure can be offered in what seems a more and more bizarre set of events.

SchnookoLoly Mar 14th 2014 7:44 am

Re: Malaysian 777
This article in the National Post seems to give a pretty good sum of the theories and their likelihoods without coming across as overly biased or theatrical, something driving me nuts on other news sources.

Siouxie Mar 14th 2014 8:32 am

Re: Malaysian 777
The fact that they are now reporting they are more-or-less certain that the plane continued to fly for another 4-5 hours makes me wonder if the people who said that passenger and crew cell phones were 'ringing until they timed out' for the next day or so after the plane went missing were telling the truth.


I can't imagine how terrible this is for the families and friends waiting for an answer as to what has happened to the passengers and crew.

Shard Mar 14th 2014 8:42 am

Re: Malaysian 777

Originally Posted by Siouxie (Post 11173309)
The fact that they are now reporting they are more-or-less certain that the plane continued to fly for another 4-5 hours makes me wonder if the people who said that passenger and crew cell phones were 'ringing until they timed out' for the next day or so after the plane went missing were telling the truth.


I can't imagine how terrible this is for the families and friends waiting for an answer as to what has happened to the passengers and crew.

Actually, I think the relatives will be somewhat relived right now. Whereas in the first few days the implication was a crash and almost certain death, now they must have some hope that the passengers and crew are still alive and being held as part of a bizarre hijacking.

caretaker Mar 14th 2014 10:34 am

Re: Malaysian 777
No ransom demands, no one claiming responsibility, and no airplane. If they weren't all dead or senseless before they hit the water it couldn't have taken long anyway. That's the consolation the families can have. One person saw that plane off course and on fire at possibly half normal altitude - just one. Nobody else saw it - anywhere else. All the phantom radar reports could be anybody; smugglers, military, aliens, anomalies of some sort. The plane wasn't full of gold and killing 240 people is a bit extreme for what the parts are worth. They're looking in the Indian Ocean because they couldn't find it anywhere else and the odds are slim they'll find anything there IMO.

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