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Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left


Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

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Old Sep 8th 2005, 4:44 am
DDT Filled Mormons
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 12:34:13 GMT, "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    >First things first...
    >"PJ" has obviously not been within spitting distance of an atlas, much
    >less _The_ Northern Territory, otherwise he would not have made such an
    >elementary error of nomenclature.

In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
public health cannot work.

He didn't believe me when I told him that even public hospitals have
waiting rooms, and he wouldn't reveal just how he knew if they were
private or not.

His world is not the same as ours.
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
Old Sep 8th 2005, 5:27 am
Go Fig
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

Hatunen wrote:
    > On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 09:02:18 -0700,
    > "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > >Euro wrote:
    > >
    > >> PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>> The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    > >>>president flooded the city
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> I guess that's what the "vultures from the left" have always said: the
    > >> President "flooded the city"!
    > >
    > >Yeah, a lot of us may consider Bush a major disaster in
    > >himself, but he had nothing to do with actually flooding
    > >the city.
    > Except to whatever extent the levees weren't improved becaus the
    > federal construction money was diverted to other uses.
    > >Too many lawmakers went along with his
    > >short-sighted budget cuts (which made the situation worse),
    > >but none of them were responsible for Katrina it(her?)self!
    > The fact that many lawmakers went along is not an excuse for the
    > administration making the budget cuts in the first place.

And which article in the U.S. Constitution provides for this spending ?

Thu Sep 08, 2005
mailto:[email protected]

    > ************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
    > * Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
    > * My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 5:38 am
Go Fig
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

[email protected] wrote:
    > PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    > Your entire rant is hypocritical stupidity.
    > What the mayor of New Orleans did or didn't do is irrelevant, his
    > budget and resources were never, and could never be, sufficient to deal
    > with a class 4 (and perhaps class 5) hurricane. What the governor of
    > Louisiana did or didn't do is irrelevant. Her state resources were
    > never enough to deal a city-destroying, region devastating hurricane.
    > Had their plans and execution been perfect...the aftermath of Katrina
    > would be no different.
    > Neither had multi-year, multi-billion dollar budgets for security. They
    > did not have a multi-billion dollar Department of [Homeland] Security.
    > When one summarizes the rightwing philosophy, it becomes "We leave
    > citizens to fend for themselves, we provide for corporations."
    > Michael Certoff, that great conservative legal mind, failed to see what
    > Katrina had become: the first national scale disaster that would test
    > the Department of Homeland Security. He, and Bush, sat on their
    > collective hands, if not out of indifference, then out of stupidity. As
    > other posters have noted, Bush faced Katrina as he faced 9/11, with
    > arrogant uncertainity.
    > Consider for a moment that the heart of New Orleans had been devastated
    > by an explosion. Would Bush, Cheney, and Brown have waited for the
    > mayor and governor to check whether it was an accident, indigneous
    > terror attack, or al Qiada using a small nuke or dirty bomb? Whether a
    > class 4 hurricane or explosion, the correct response would have been to
    > immediately begin moving men and material as a hedge against the worst
    > case.

You should look at the U.S. Constitution, the primary obligation of the
Fed is Defence, they need no State approval to move to defend from a
foreign enemy... a U.S.Federal military personnel has NO ability to
arrest a citizen... only State National guard (not Federalized) can
undertake this type law enforcement... they are not protecting or
enforcing U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights... as was the case 60 years
ago in Alabama.

Thu Sep 08, 2005
mailto:[email protected]

Remember, previous mayors and governors had all exhorted citizens
    > to evacuate when other hurricanes threatened. And there was no
    > devastating damage. Finally the deadly hurricane stuck, and not
    > everyone had responded as they should have. Failure of Louisiana does
    > not relieve the national leader from his duty to protect all Americans.
    > There is a way of looking at why there are three levels of government:
    > each higher level "backstops" the lower level, to prevent their errors
    > from killing their citizens.
    > John Steward had a most telling description of why Bush should not be
    > president. He listed Bush's failures alphabetically--from "A" for Abu
    > Grab to "K" for Katrina; Bush has 3 more years to reach the letter "Z".
    > I recommend you watch the re-play of last night's episode.
    > It then becomes obvious that it is a simple matter of Bush not being
    > man enough for the job.
    > And a simple matter of you not being smart enough to see that.
    > > The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first
    > > that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans
    > > and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in
    > > the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care
    > > and good judgment forgot. Ray Nagin, the mayor, ordered a "mandatory"
    > > evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked
    > > and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees
    > > to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet
    > > of dirty water. Then the governor, Kathleen Blanco, resisted early
    > > pleas to declare martial law, and her dithering opened the way for
    > > looters, rapists and killers to make New Orleans an unholy hell. Gov.
    > > Haley Barbour did not hesitate in neighboring Mississippi, and looters,
    > > rapists and killers have not turned the streets of Gulfport and Biloxi
    > > into killing fields.
    > > The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    > > president flooded the city with National Guardsmen from a dozen states,
    > > paratroopers from Fort Bragg and Marines from the Atlantic and the
    > > Pacific. The flutter and chatter of the helicopters above the ghostly
    > > abandoned city, some of them from as far away as Singapore and
    > > averaging 240 missions a day, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of
    > > Saigon. Nevertheless, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who seems to think she's cute
    > > when she's mad, even threatened on national television to punch out the
    > > president -- a felony, by the way, even as a threat. Mayor Nagin, who
    > > you might think would be looking for a place to hide, and Gov. Blanco,
    > > nursing a bigtime snit, can't find the right word of thanks to a nation
    > > pouring out its heart and emptying its pockets. Maybe the senator
    > > should consider punching out the governor, only a misdemeanor.
    > > The race hustlers waited for three days to inflame a tense
    > > situation, but then set to work with their usual dedication. The Revs.
    > > Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, our self-appointed twin ambassadors of
    > > ill will, made the scene as soon as they could, taking up the coded cry
    > > that Katrina was the work of white folks, that a shortage of white
    > > looters and snipers made looting and sniping look like black crime,
    > > that calling the refugees "refugees" was an act of linguistic racism. A
    > > "civil rights activist" on Arianna Huffington's celebrity blog even
    > > floated the rumor that the starving folks abandoned in New Orleans had
    > > been forced to eat their dead -- after only four days. New Orleans has
    > > a reputation for its unusual cuisine, but this tale was so tall that
    > > nobody paid it much attention. Neither did anyone tell the tale-bearer
    > > to put a dirty sock in it.
    > > Condi Rice went to the scene to say what everyone can see for
    > > himself, that no one but the race hustlers imagine Americans of any hue
    > > attaching strings to the humanitarian aid pouring into the broken and
    > > bruised cities of the Gulf. Most of the suffering faces in the
    > > flickering television images are black, true enough, and most of the
    > > helping hands are white.
    > > Black and white churches of all denominations across a wide swath
    > > of the South stretching from Texas across Arkansas and Louisiana into
    > > Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia turned their
    > > Sunday schools into kitchens and dormitories. In Memphis, Junior
    > > Leaguers turned out for baby-sitting duty at the city's largest, most
    > > fashionable and nearly all white Baptist church, cradling tiny black
    > > infants in compassionate arms so their mothers could finally sleep. The
    > > owner of a honky-tonk showed up to ask whether the church would "accept
    > > money from a bar." A pastor took $1,400, some of it in quarters, dimes
    > > and nickels, with grateful thanks and a promise to see that it is spent
    > > wisely on the deserving -- most of whom are black.
    > > The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
    > > Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
    > > villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans,
    > > skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes.
Old Sep 8th 2005, 7:01 am
PJ O'Donovan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

<In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
public health cannot work.

The massive queues I saw at public hospitals in town after town,
driving from Melboune to Cape York in 88 was offered as an anecdotal
observation. Most Australians I met and talked on that trip and on 6
or 7 subsequent trips stated they selected private care. Granted, since
we were always in the better hotels and better restaurants, my contacts
there probably consisted of those in the upper economic strata.

I haven't been back to Australia since 98 since my wife has been an
insulin dependent diabetic for 30 years and her advanced neuropathy
made her very uncomfortable on such a long trip but I yearn to return
to that beautiful country with beautiful people especially those places
like Cairns,
Daintree, Alice etc that the snot QZ Diablo stereotypically denigrated
because of the "yokels" there.

I reposted another part of our exchange posted in 2003 documenting that
the public health care system in Australia may not be the panacea some
here are trying to advance as part of their political agenda.


Australia Now - Health Care in Australia COUNTRY, ECONOMY AND
INFORMATIONHealth care in Australia....
"..Like other countries, Australia faces growing pressures in health
because of the ageing of the population, technological changes and
patient expectations....

Private medical practitioners provide most non-bed medical services
and perform
a large proportion of hospital services. Private practitioners
provide most dental services...

..The federal government is seeking a better balance between public and
private sector involvement in the health sector by encouraging people
to take out private health insurance..."

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Local Date: Tuesday, 09 December 2003 10:33:22 PM
Old Sep 8th 2005, 8:10 am
Mister Exador
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <satan.notinnedmeat-CF4ABF.22341808092005@localhost>,
[email protected] says...
    > In article <[email protected]>,
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > In article <[email protected]. com>,
    > > [email protected] says...
    > > > id you change your codes before ar after the devastation?
    > > > PJ>>
    > > >
    > > > <After. Prior to Tracy, building codes were in the same shape as they
    > > > are
    > > > in the US - negligently pissweak
    > > > Craig>
    > > >
    > > > In 74 darwin had a population of 40000. I drove around Northern
    > > > Territory in 95 and sometimes didn't see another car for half an hour.
    > > > What is the coastal population around there? Do you feel the magnitude
    > > > to fix the building code problem there is comparable to cities like New
    > > > Orleans and their populations of 500,000? How do you coerce the poor
    > > > to bring their homes up to code to withstand winds of 150mph? If I
    > > > recall Darwin had winds of 135 mph in 74 and was completely destroyed.
    > >
    > > The building codes apply right across Australia in the form of
    > > Australian Standards. I have personally been through 3 cyclones and on
    > > the edge of a couple of others, one of which passed over Weipa twice in
    > > 48 hours, with the loss of not a single building or any serious damage.
    > > That was a category 4 storm on the first pass and a category 2 when it
    > > returned. The same stringent regulations apply to all building in
    > > Australia north of the Tropic of Capricorn, which includes such tiny
    > > places as Townsville (150,000 in 2001 + another 100,000 or so in the
    > > region), Cairns (120,000 in the City, another 100,000 or so in the
    > > region), Darwin (100,000 or so), Rockhampton (100,000 or so), Mackay
    > > (140,000 or so), not to mention the many Aboriginal settlements and
    > > outstations. Since the Australian Standards were introduced, it is
    > > mandatory to apply them, or your building will be demolished in the
    > > interests of your neighbours. As for "coercing the poor", it is simply
    > > unnecssary. Your Governments would be better advised to spend the
    > > necessary money to upgrade the construction standards, as substandard
    > > buildings become a major source of flying debris in a significant blow.
    > First things first...
    > "PJ" has obviously not been within spitting distance of an atlas, much
    > less _The_ Northern Territory, otherwise he would not have made such an
    > elementary error of nomenclature.
    > Now some minor points of fact...
    > The cities that you mention are considerably smaller than even you have
    > given (all estimated 2005 populations):
    > Townsville: 140,000
    > Cairns: 150,000 total
    > Darwin: 93,000
    > Rockhampton: 65,000
    > Mackay: 76,000

In each case I have used the figure for both the City and the major
associated shire, if it exists (Townsville + Thuringowa, for example)
and rounded up to take into account growth since 2001, when the last
Census figures are available.

    > If even regional Australia can manage that for places so sparsely
    > populated in these troubled times then just about anybody can.
    > I was honestly surprised that Darwin was even that big. I wouldn't be
    > seen dead in any of them. Queensland is just that little bit too much
    > and _The_ Northern Territory is simply beyond the pale.
    > Perhaps the party can advise "PJ" as to the content of his next
    > outburst...
I'm sure the Party is working on it as we speak...

Old Sep 8th 2005, 8:25 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On 8 Sep 2005 10:27:11 -0700, "Go Fig" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Hatunen wrote:
    >> On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 09:02:18 -0700,
    >> "EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >Euro wrote:
    >> >
    >> >> PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >>> The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    >> >>>president flooded the city
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> I guess that's what the "vultures from the left" have always said: the
    >> >> President "flooded the city"!
    >> >
    >> >Yeah, a lot of us may consider Bush a major disaster in
    >> >himself, but he had nothing to do with actually flooding
    >> >the city.
    >> Except to whatever extent the levees weren't improved becaus the
    >> federal construction money was diverted to other uses.
    >> >Too many lawmakers went along with his
    >> >short-sighted budget cuts (which made the situation worse),
    >> >but none of them were responsible for Katrina it(her?)self!
    >> The fact that many lawmakers went along is not an excuse for the
    >> administration making the budget cuts in the first place.
    >And which article in the U.S. Constitution provides for this spending ?

Does it matter? The government does spend for such things. Once
it says it is going to it should follow through. In the law, if
you or I make a promise and the other party relies on it, and we
reneg, the other party has a cause of action.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 8:26 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On 7 Sep 2005 20:02:04 -0700, [email protected] wrote:

    >EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque) wrote:

    >> And to think a (slight) majority of us actually elected him!
    >Mathematically incorrect. A slight majority **OF THOSE WHO VOTED**
    >elected him. That leaves almost 25% of adult completely innocent, and
    >50% guilty by inaction.

You forgot to add in the minors not yet of voting age; they
didn't vote for him either.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 8:50 am
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <[email protected]>,
DDT Filled Mormons <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:

    > On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 12:34:13 GMT, "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >First things first...
    > >
    > >"PJ" has obviously not been within spitting distance of an atlas, much
    > >less _The_ Northern Territory, otherwise he would not have made such an
    > >elementary error of nomenclature.
    > In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
    > coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
    > people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
    > public health cannot work.

He noticed no such thing because it does not happen. Ergo, he has never
been here.

Driving up the east coast, you'd be hard pressed to notice a private
hospital. There are few hospitals of any kind on the Pacific Highway.

    > He didn't believe me when I told him that even public hospitals have
    > waiting rooms, and he wouldn't reveal just how he knew if they were
    > private or not.
    > His world is not the same as ours.

In his world, he has visited Australia. In the real world he has not.

Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
Old Sep 8th 2005, 9:17 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On 8 Sep 2005 10:38:17 -0700, "Go Fig" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >You should look at the U.S. Constitution, the primary obligation of the
    >Fed is Defence, they need no State approval to move to defend from a
    >foreign enemy... a U.S.Federal military personnel has NO ability to
    >arrest a citizen... only State National guard (not Federalized) can
    >undertake this type law enforcement... they are not protecting or
    >enforcing U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights... as was the case 60 years
    >ago in Alabama.

Everyone in the United States has the right to make arrests.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 11:08 am
John Rennie
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

"DDT Filled Mormons" <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
    > On 8 Sep 2005 12:01:38 -0700, "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >><In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
    >>coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
    >>people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
    >>public health cannot work.
    >>The massive queues I saw at public hospitals in town after town,
    >>driving from Melboune to Cape York in 88 was offered as an anecdotal
    > Utter bullshit. No such queues have ever existed.
    >>I reposted another part of our exchange posted in 2003 documenting that
    >>the public health care system in Australia may not be the panacea some
    >>here are trying to advance as part of their political agenda.
    > This has nothing to do with any political agenda. It has to do with
    > you telling incredibly obvious bullshit.
    > --
    > ---
    > DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
    > ---
    > --

He is a congenital liar.That has been demonstrated quite frequently
on a.a.d-p. However the main source of enjoyment that he
provides is his huge self esteem and the fact that he seriously thinks
he has some intellectual prowess.
Old Sep 8th 2005, 11:10 am
Mr Q. Z. Diablo
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <[email protected]>,
DDT Filled Mormons <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:

    > On 8 Sep 2005 12:01:38 -0700, "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > ><In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
    > >coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
    > >people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
    > >public health cannot work.
    > >DFM>
    > >
    > >The massive queues I saw at public hospitals in town after town,
    > >driving from Melboune to Cape York in 88 was offered as an anecdotal
    > >observation.
    > Utter bullshit. No such queues have ever existed.

He must have driven up during Stand Outside a Public Hospital Week".
What a prize tool.

    > >I reposted another part of our exchange posted in 2003 documenting that
    > >the public health care system in Australia may not be the panacea some
    > >here are trying to advance as part of their political agenda.
    > This has nothing to do with any political agenda. It has to do with
    > you telling incredibly obvious bullshit.

You do realise that "PJ" has never been anywhere near Australia, yes?

Mr Q. Z. D.
Remove luncheonmeat (truncheon) to reply.
Old Sep 8th 2005, 11:22 am
Go Fig
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

Hatunen wrote:
    > On 8 Sep 2005 10:38:17 -0700, "Go Fig" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >You should look at the U.S. Constitution, the primary obligation of the
    > >Fed is Defence, they need no State approval to move to defend from a
    > >foreign enemy... a U.S.Federal military personnel has NO ability to
    > >arrest a citizen... only State National guard (not Federalized) can
    > >undertake this type law enforcement... they are not protecting or
    > >enforcing U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights... as was the case 60 years
    > >ago in Alabama.
    > Everyone in the United States has the right to make arrests.

Not under the Color of Authority.

Thu Sep 08, 2005
mailto:[email protected]

    > ************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
    > * Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
    > * My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 11:36 am
DDT Filled Mormons
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On 8 Sep 2005 12:01:38 -0700, "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]> wrote:

    ><In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
    >coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
    >people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
    >public health cannot work.
    >The massive queues I saw at public hospitals in town after town,
    >driving from Melboune to Cape York in 88 was offered as an anecdotal

Utter bullshit. No such queues have ever existed.

    >I reposted another part of our exchange posted in 2003 documenting that
    >the public health care system in Australia may not be the panacea some
    >here are trying to advance as part of their political agenda.

This has nothing to do with any political agenda. It has to do with
you telling incredibly obvious bullshit.
DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
Old Sep 8th 2005, 2:15 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

Hatunen wrote:
    > Does it matter? The government does spend for such things. Once
    > it says it is going to it should follow through. In the law, if
    > you or I make a promise and the other party relies on it, and we
    > reneg, the other party has a cause of action.

Historically, the U.S. Army Engineers have been responsible
for navigable waterways in the continental U.S. - the
Mississippi has always qualified as one, SFAIK.

    > ************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
    > * Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
    > * My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 8th 2005, 3:50 pm
Mister Exador
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
    > "DDT Filled Mormons" <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote in
    > message news:[email protected]...
    > > On 8 Sep 2005 12:01:38 -0700, "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >
    > >><In my first encounter with PJ he told me that he drove up the east
    > >>coast of Oz, and 'noticed' that all the public hospitals had queues of
    > >>people outside, and the private ones did not. From this he QED'd that
    > >>public health cannot work.
    > >>DFM>
    > >>
    > >>The massive queues I saw at public hospitals in town after town,
    > >>driving from Melboune to Cape York in 88 was offered as an anecdotal
    > >>observation.
    > >
    > > Utter bullshit. No such queues have ever existed.
    > >
    > >>I reposted another part of our exchange posted in 2003 documenting that
    > >>the public health care system in Australia may not be the panacea some
    > >>here are trying to advance as part of their political agenda.
    > >
    > > This has nothing to do with any political agenda. It has to do with
    > > you telling incredibly obvious bullshit.
    > > --
    > > ---
    > > DFM - http://www.deepfriedmars.com
    > > ---
    > > --
    > He is a congenital liar.That has been demonstrated quite frequently
    > on a.a.d-p. However the main source of enjoyment that he
    > provides is his huge self esteem and the fact that he seriously thinks
    > he has some intellectual prowess.
That and his slavish adherence to the Party and its "Gormless Leader".


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