
Honest Question

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Old Aug 8th 2004, 2:00 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 09:58:01 GMT, "mistissini" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >"Mxsmanic" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected].. .
    >> mistissini writes:
    >> What sorts of things do you find interesting?
    >I occasionally play basketball or walk through the park. I have a couple of
    >other hobbies, I know what the European versions of the hobbies are, they're
    >just less skillful imitations of the real thing in the USA, so I would not
    >go to Europe to see that. Otherwise, my life is filled with daily fun,
    >learning science or doing stuff on the internet.

I think you may be trolling, but I'll bite.

I, too, like to walk through parks and also through interesting cities,
which are different from those in the U.S. and present so much variety
as to make the walking a sheer pleasure. Europeans, by the way, walk
far more than most Americans.

And if you are not immune to natural beauty, perhaps you could enjoy as
I have the mountains in Switzerland, the coast of the Italian Riviera,
the fjords of Norway, to name only a few areas well worth exploring.

I believe for travel to be at all rewarding, one must have some glimmer
of curiosity about how people in other countries live. You might find
the transportation systems in Europe of interest -- marvelous train
systems coordinated with local transport that you will not find in the

It is also interesting to see how European cities have retained the best
of the past and integrated it into cities every bit as "modern" and keyed
to technology as anywhere in the world.

Now I know you are going to say none of the above interests you in the
least. But that's OK. You are not required to visit Europe.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 2:21 am
Padraig Breathnach
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Donald Newcomb" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >"mistissini" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected] .com...
    >> I have an offer of a trip to Europe, but I'm wondering what to do. In my
    >> case, I get bored easily of museums/churches/monuments. I do not drink,
    >> I'm not into night clubs. I happen to be multiracial, and I'm afraid of
    >> obnoxious comments from Europeans -- I've had bad experiences with
    >> in the USA. Also, how would I go about obtaining healthy cuisine?
    >> Europeans may want to tell me a racist joke that I should just go to
    >> McDonalds, but I never eat there.
    >Well, if you get bored by museums/churches/monuments and you don't drink.
    >maybe you can tell us what you actually like to do and we can help.
    >Otherwise we can only assume you just like to watch TV and play video games,
    >in which case it would be best for you to stay home. In general the cuisine
    >in most of Europe is much more healthy than what you find in the US.

It's obvious what mistissini likes to do: troll.

[My spell checker invites me to ignore "mistissini"; seems like a good

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Old Aug 8th 2004, 2:46 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Padraig Breathnach" <[email protected]> wrote

    > It's obvious what mistissini likes to do: troll.
    > [My spell checker invites me to ignore "mistissini"; seems like a good
    > idea.]

A very good idea, seeing as a Google search shows no posting history

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Old Aug 8th 2004, 3:23 am
Lennart Petersen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"mistissini" <[email protected]> skrev i meddelandet
news:[email protected]. com...
    > "Petter" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:bsoRc.241$%[email protected]...
    > > > I have never seen a department filled with natives. Care to name
    > > Trondheim
    > Really, there is a university where a department is filled with natives?
    > That would be a sight I have never seen before.
    > If it's any coincidence, there was a Norwegian Buddhist from Trondheim
    > in 1996 who didn't like the things I said about Buddhism, made death
    > threats, and showed up in Washington DC (where I lived at the time), but
    > failed to physically track me down.
This is little too much.
Buddhism is the most peaceful religion of all. Frankly I don't believe you
the smallest.
Think you're just another troll making a warflame for fun.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 3:44 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"mistissini" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected] .com>...
    > "Mxsmanic" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > No, they do not. The difference is very obvious, in fact. Americans
    > > can't go for more than a short time without mentioning race in one
    > > context or another; many Europeans never give it any thought at all.
    > Wasn't it you who said, "There are some Europeans who might notice or
    > comment if you have

Wasn't it you who said you rarely get comments on your appearance in
the US? Those comments, in general, will be even rarer in Western
Europe. I can't speak for Eastern Europe, not much experience with the
place or the people. Europe is much too diverse to speak of as a
single entity.

If you receive any comments at all it will be with regards to your
rude, ignorant and condescending attitude which was apparent from the
moment you posted.

Besides, I've heard stories of personal experiences claiming that in
general most Europeans are much more tolerant of inter-racial
relationships than in some parts of the US. So what? There's racists
all over the world so don't act as if it diesn't happen in the US..
And about cops beating up people? Rodney? LAPD? You're on your own
turf now...

    > an unusual and obvious racial background (e.g., Chinese and American
    > black or something).... and they may then be more likely to comment on your
    > ethnicity, if they perceive that to be the source of your
    > unattractiveness"?
    > > The American obsession becomes quickly very tiring. They see race in
    > > everything, and racism under every rock and in every shadow.
    > If Europeans never think about race, how come far-right parties specifically
    > opposed to immigrants are rising in popularity throughout Europe?

Because, unlike in the US, most of our parties are on the "left" side,
and any "right" party gaining influence tends to attract a lot of
attention. In the US all 2 of your parties are on our "right" side,
hence no one makes a fuss.

Also, much of the anti-immigration protest is not racial as many of
the immigrants come from the former East-Block. Albanians cause just
as much, or more, problems as Algerians.

    > > > What about the deep-fried snickers bars they serve in Scotland?
    > > They are not typical of European foods (indeed, I wasn't even aware that
    > > such things existed--what is your source of information on Europe?).
    > New York Times travel section. It said that babies are given soda instead
    > of milk, and nutrition standards among working class Scottish are lower than
    > some third world countries.

The same goes for the working-class in some US states. And the UK is
not exactly a model for the rest of Europe.

    > > > I do not have problems in the USA, but if people there think I am a
    > gypsy or
    > > > an Arab, then there could be trouble.
    > > Worries about racism tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies. If you
    > > cannot free your mind of this preoccupation, perhaps you should stay in
    > > the USA.
    > I've heard that kind of line before, but I have been to countries where the
    > natives did make a big deal out of it.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 3:47 am
Keith Willshaw
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Tom Bellhouse" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

    > That's obvious. You ask for information, and then you argue with the
    > suggestions others give you. You also appear to be something of a
    > religious bigot. Maybe you should stay in the US. We don't need any
    > additional bad PR.

Come on guys this a troll and he's jerking you around

Old Aug 8th 2004, 4:33 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

B.deBurcht writes:

    > Those comments, in general, will be even rarer in Western
    > Europe.

Europeans have less personal tolerance but greater impersonal tolerance.
Among Americans, the situation is reversed.

A European will be more likely to find your dress or behavior
unbecoming, but as long as you don't associate directly with him, he
won't say anything. An American will be more tolerant of your dress or
behavior, but if he does happen to object to it, he'll be more likely to
insist that you change it, even if you don't associate directly with

    > And about cops beating up people? Rodney? LAPD? You're on your own
    > turf now...

Cops beat people up everywhere. It is the nature of cops to do this.
The occupation attracts people who are control freaks and these people
make up a large portion of the ranks; they tend to become violent when
their desire to control is thwarted. It's unfortunate that so many
police officers are drawn from this pool, but there aren't too many
other people interested in the job (altruistic believers in law and
order do exist, but they are too rare to meet demand).

Transpose hotmail and mxsmanic in my e-mail address to reach me directly.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 4:50 am
Donald Newcomb
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Padraig Breathnach" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > It's obvious what mistissini likes to do: troll.

Well, OK. But if troll he is, it's a very poor troll. It would be like
trolling an art group and starting a debate over the relative merits of
Michelangelo vs. Raphael. The discussions of race and diet are relevant even
if started by a troll.

Donald Newcomb
DRNewcomb (at) attglobal (dot) net
Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:29 am
Padraig Breathnach
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Donald Newcomb" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >"Padraig Breathnach" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected].. .
    >> It's obvious what mistissini likes to do: troll.
    >Well, OK. But if troll he is, it's a very poor troll. It would be like
    >trolling an art group and starting a debate over the relative merits of
    >Michelangelo vs. Raphael. The discussions of race and diet are relevant even
    >if started by a troll.

Discussions of racism and diet are relevant, but are less likely to be
interesting and useful if they are conducted on a troll's terms. It's
rather like discussing politics with Peej: a waste of time, and not
even an entertaining waste of time.

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Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:29 am
alain K.
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"mistissini" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
news:[email protected]. com...
    > "Petter Børkeeiet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:9mmRc.226$%[email protected]...
    > > Hi mistissini,
    > > you have a slight problem with your attitude. You are asking about
    > > which is a fairly huge and have many different aspects. I come from
    > > and the culture / landscape / climate / philosophy / people /
    > etc
    > > are completely different than in Portugal og Greece in the south. Or
    > Russia
    > > for that matter. If you tell the group where your ticket brings you
    > will
    > > be a bit easier.
    > Someone here proposed the idea of going to Copenhagen. Are there
things to
    > do there that still meet my parameters?


Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:30 am
alain K.
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"mistissini" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
news:[email protected]. com...
    > "Mxsmanic" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > mistissini writes:
    > >
    > > > Someone here proposed the idea of going to Copenhagen. Are there
    > to
    > > > do there that still meet my parameters?
    > > You haven't given much in the way of parameters.
    > Parameters: "In my case, I get bored easily of
    > I do not drink, and
    > I'm not into night clubs. I happen to be multiracial, and I'm afraid
    > obnoxious comments from Europeans -- I've had bad experiences with
    > in the USA. Also, how would I go about obtaining healthy cuisine?

Good idea : we just eat unhealthy cuisine. It is a reason why we are as
fat as most americans..........

Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:30 am
alain K.
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

I GOT IT : IT IS A JOKE ah ah ah.
My question ti you mistissini : are you really so dum????


"mistissini" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
news:[email protected]. com...
    > "alain K." <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > hi there, your comments concerning Europe is quite funny to me,
    > > french.
    > > There is a billion things to see in Europe, among Eiffel tower in
    > As I was saying, I get bored easily of museums/churches/monuments.
    > > France, champagne wineyards,
    > As I was saying, I do not drink.
    > > Concerning food, you may try pasta, tapas, cassoulet,
    > Aren't they rich in calories?
    > > with 3000 different wines.
    > As I was saying, I do not drink.
    > > Now, I suggest you choose one or two countries (for ex. France and
    > > Italy) and it will be a dream.
    > Do people in France/Italy have problems understanding questions as
much as
    > you do?
    > >Nobody cares here about your colour,
    > > religion or opinions.
    > I've heard otherwise from Arabs and Gypsies who live there.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:38 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 09:12:03 GMT, in, "mistissini"
<[email protected]> arranged some electrons, so they looked like this :

... "alain K." <[email protected]> wrote in message
... news:[email protected]...
... > hi there, your comments concerning Europe is quite funny to me, beeing
... > french.
... > There is a billion things to see in Europe, among Eiffel tower in
... As I was saying, I get bored easily of museums/churches/monuments.
... > France, champagne wineyards,
... As I was saying, I do not drink.
... > Concerning food, you may try pasta, tapas, cassoulet,
... Aren't they rich in calories?

Have you ever eaten food with zero calories ??

Eat less and stop whinning.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 5:51 am
Carole Allen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

Please don;t feed the troll...

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 08:05:48 GMT, "mistissini"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    >I have an offer of a trip to Europe, but I'm wondering what to do. In my
    >case, I get bored easily of museums/churches/monuments. I do not drink, and
    >I'm not into night clubs. I happen to be multiracial, and I'm afraid of
    >obnoxious comments from Europeans -- I've had bad experiences with Europeans
    >in the USA. Also, how would I go about obtaining healthy cuisine?
    >Europeans may want to tell me a racist joke that I should just go to
    >McDonalds, but I never eat there.
Old Aug 8th 2004, 6:47 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Honest Question

"Miguel Cruz" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > mistissini <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Cities like Amsterdam, London, and Paris are more diverse than anywhere in
    > the US except New York and LA.

Hmmm. Do London and Paris have nonwhite majorities? What do you know about
other US cities or states with nonwhite majorities?

    > And in some places (London, some German cities, etc.) you'll find areas
    > are more "modern" (in terms of innovative architecture, application of
    > technological solutions to consumer problems, and so on) than anything in
    > the USA. Remember that the USA is a notoriously slow adopter of new
    > technologies (though American business are faster).

Which consumer technologies?

    > If you want to complain about Europe, complain about the cost and the
    > weather. And the limited opening hours. And the monotonous food in most
    > places.

Sounds like it is not very diverse then.

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