British Expats

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-   -   Russian Brides. (

Tanya Jan 3rd 2002 12:12 pm

There is a great risk for Australian and Western men who want to marry a woman from
the old USSR. I am from the area myself and I married an Australian man so I know.
This post shall be simply a word of warning.

There are a lot of women who want to use marriage in order to get out of Russia and
live the good life in a Western country. They don't care whom they marry as long as
he has a house and money. Their husband will be just a provider and if he runs out
of money they will look for someone else. If a man takes a woman from
Ekateranienburg (formerly Sverdlovsk) in the Ural (populated by lazy drunks) they
run special big risk.

Personally I came to Australia to live with my husband and, may be, my example can
show the difference. Because I was genuine I had no problem obtaining a visa to come
to Australia, it took only 6 months.

I met my husband in Odessa at work. He had a contract to do a job and we fell in
love. No marriage agency and no Internet crap! I had a job. I earned a lot less that
people earn in Australia but the prices are much lower too. The quality of life is
almost the same. It was not my aim to leave the country. I was quite happy there.

After we were engaged we even discussed if we should live in Odessa or in Australia
and we decided for Australia because my husband loves Australia, has his house there
he is emotionally attached to and he has his business there. I can speak English but
he can't speak Russian so it would have been hard for him. Because of that we decided
to live in Australia. A wife's place is at the side of her husband.

Whilst I waited for my visa I attended additional English classes to become better.
It cost a lot but if I want to live in Australia I could be expected to at least
learn English properly.

I have been in Ekateranienburg several times on the job and I know that hole. I know
the attitude of the women too. There are a lot of marriage agencies and hundreds of
women are offering themselves for marriage to get out of the country. You see, many
people from Ekateranienburg (Ural) would not get a job in Moscow, St. Petersburg and
other cities either because they are known as lazy and as drunks even in the old
Soviet Union.

Because I speak Russian I was referred in Australia to other Russians so that one can
speak Russian again. This was hell. I met several women from Ekateranienburg in
Australia who married an Australian man. When they came here they could not speak
English properly and they could not be bothered to learn before they got their visa.
They rather used their money to get drunk and smoke drugs.

Many told me with pride how they were drunk and had sex with many men whilst their
potential husband was in Ekateranienburg whenever they were not with their potential
husbands. This is strange because I lived with my man, who is my husband today, in
the same flat in Odessa and we slept in the same bed and ate from the same table.

Now they spend all the money and don't care about tomorrow. 3 have said: "He brought
me to Australia, now he has to make the money and I don't care how he does it." When
I asked them what they will do when he runs out of money they said they will get
divorced and find another man. Most of them can't cook and are too lazy anyway and go
spend some 200 Dollars every week going to restaurants. Most men were stupid giving
their wife a credit card and they reached their limits after a few weeks buying gold
jewellery, expensive clothing and shoes.

Most of them don't really speak to their husbands. They buy a lot of alcohol and
drink a lot often to the point that they can't walk or stand any more. They watch old
videotapes with Russian movies and read Russian books and have little interest in
learning English better. When I had the misfortune to meet a couple like that with my
husband these women spoke only Russian to me and ignored their own husbands as well
as my husband.

I have been told I am stupid for loving and supporting my husband and for working to
bring in extra money. I don't think I am stupid but they are nothing but prostitutes.
These women even said to me that learning English is not important.

I have met 3 good Russian women who married an Australian but none of them came from

I admit that I feel ashamed coming from the same area but at least I am here to live
with my husband whom I love a lot and to support him.

It must be said that some women pay a lot of money to get taken by some
Ekateranienburg marriage agencies. Some of them are Mafia run, they are people
smugglers really. One agency even has a couple of agents in Canberra and men have to
pay a lot of money to be put in touch with a bitch who then later marries him to life
the good life at his expense.

Be warned with the Internet Brides. If a man wants a Russian wife he better goes
there and avoids the marriage agencies. It would be an interesting holiday anyway. In
any case, a man should say he would not mind to live in Russia and always say that he
just is an average income earner who is paying off his house, drives a 10 years old
car and cannot afford to go to a restaurant more than one time each week (even if it
is not true). They will quickly see if a women loves him or not.....

Be careful, gentlemen! It is hard for Russian women now to get a prospective spouse
or a spouse visa because of all those who want to marry for convenience. May be the
Australian Immigration Department knows and wants to protect Australian men and so
they should. I would not issue any visa to any woman from Ekateranienburg and I would
screen others much more carefully. Papers don't count for anything. False documents
can be purchased everywhere in Russia.

Stop complaining about the Immigration Department.

I am ashamed now to come from the Old USSR after meeting those bitches and I hope the
people of Australia are kind enough not to see me in the same light. Australians are
extremely kind and helpful people and I think they need to learn to avoid being taken
advantage of. Australians deserve better.

J D Leister Jan 3rd 2002 10:16 pm

Sure you are.

Sure you are genuine....

Now piss off

tasmanet Jan 4th 2002 12:57 am

J D Leister You ignorant prick
J D Leister

You ignorant prick

Why would someone go to all that trouble
to write a screed that long unless they
were genuine ??

They would just keep quite

Rich D'Beirman Jan 4th 2002 2:14 am

J D Leister <[email protected]>
look ,no more bloody sub human slavs in our country thank you. if your a bloke and
you dont realise what they are after,and its not you body.just an aussie
passport,why dont you go live in bloody russia

Tanya Jan 4th 2002 11:44 am

J D Leister
I am not sure if you are talking to me. If yes, fortunately the majority of
Australians are not that rude. Tell my Australian husband to take his mail order
bride and piss off with her. Tell an Australian to leave his country because he
doesn't associate with someone you approve of.

I always thought Australia is a free country..... am I incorrect?

Tanya Jan 4th 2002 12:10 pm

Rich D'Beirman

Point 1 Now the country of the sub-humans might be poor but they don't have things
like social welfare. The sub-humans don't sit on their bums avoiding work and cash in
the dole. They even work despite of frequently not getting paid.

Point 2 The sub-humans pay when they see a doctor, they don't get their medical
treatment subsidised or for free through things like medicare.

Point 3 The sub-humans build computer chips and aeroplanes. They are not only
smartarse "consultants" and know-betters. Australians purchase Russian tractors, air
conditioners and washing machines and stop manufacturing things themselves. They
import clothing from the sub-humans in China and Indo-China e.t.c. Why? Because the
good are cheaper and better.

Now what can the "Australian Masterrace" actually produce? Stupid remarks on

Point 4. It is very interesting to read this comment considering that just 11 years
ago people like you (the writer) were shit-scared of the USSR like little toddlers
are scared of the boogyman.

The sub-humans still have nuclear weapons so remain to be scared.

End of points.

May be if there were more sub-humans in Australia the country would actually develop
faster and be a lot richer instead of following the USA. The sub-humans are prepared
to WORK and even to do without to get a better future.

I live here with my husband. I ignore you completely because the Australians I met
are different. They are kind, friendly and helpful and they acknowledge my Australian
born husbands right to live with his wife he selected in the house he paid for which
is on the land he paid for which happens to be in the country he was born in.

You can stick your Australian passport, sonny. As long as I am an Ukrainian citizen I
can return and even take my husband with me. He will automatically get a permanent
residence visa because he is married to me. In this way we can both leave if more
Australians become like you.

Now sit on that.

For all other Australian let me say that I really love you. Don't worry, all
countries have the ugly people like him.....

Tanya Jan 4th 2002 12:14 pm

Aryan wrote in message ...
I disagree. Australians look into the future instead of into the past.

The fellow who wrote the message is one of the idiots you run into once a year if you
are unlucky.

Australians are outstanding people. Let's not judge a case of beautiful fruit just
because of one rotten apple in it.

J D Leister Jan 4th 2002 3:00 pm

Rich D'Beirman wrote:

[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]

I never said I wanted them......

This same mail appears in other groups usually the soc. groups and usually with a
glamourised picture of a russian slut

J D Leister Jan 4th 2002 3:03 pm

tanya wrote:

[usenetquote2]> >Sure you are.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >Sure you are genuine....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >Now piss off[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]

NOT you Tanya

Just those mails appear very regularly in other newsgroups and usually with attached
glamourised pictures of so called Russian women........

I wasn't telling you to piss off

Rich D'Beirman Jan 4th 2002 7:19 pm

"tanya" <[email protected]>
[usenetquote2]> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > Sorry for the comments about the sub human slavs,I withdraw the crass[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > statement.Yes you are a creative race,I have no doubt that you can carry out the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > tasks in your post.But alas please do it in your own country.[/usenetquote2]
Russia,Ukraine etc are all backward countries thanks to communisam.It is only natural
that peoples from your country will try and improve themselves by going to a young
fresh country like ours. Now Russian,Thai and Pillipino women can do this by marrying
an Australian,getting a passport and then a divorce. I would also like to add you are
the people that gave us Stalin!

Kosmonaut Jan 4th 2002 8:40 pm

Rich D'Beirman
[usenetquote2]>> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> > Sorry for the comments about the sub human slavs,I withdraw the crass[/usenetquote2]
statement.Yes you are a creative race,I have no doubt that you can carry out the
tasks in your post.But alas please do it in your own country.


They were pretty backwards before communism. Have you got a point to make?


Yes it is.


So can Poms, Yanks, South Africans, Japanese etc


Who cares? They've also given us vodka, the Bolshoi, St Petersburg and women who
understand the meaning of the term "a good, hard ****ing root"

J D Leister Jan 4th 2002 11:26 pm

J D Leister wrote:

[usenetquote2]> > J D Leister[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >Sure you are.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >Sure you are genuine....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >Now piss off[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > I am not sure if you are talking to me. If yes, fortunately the majority of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > Australians are not that rude. Tell my Australian husband to take his mail order[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > bride and piss off with her. Tell an Australian to leave his country because he[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > doesn't associate with someone you approve of.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> > I always thought Australia is a free country..... am I incorrect?[/usenetquote2]


'Oh hang on you did post in soc.penpals.... I got the same mail from a few years back
in google.... ' The wonders of the net

Aryan Jan 5th 2002 8:16 am

Aren't you glad you are here Tanya? I mean you suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians
in your post and vilify your own kind from Ekateranienburg . You started your life
in Australia by making racist comments. Just like only some (not all) Russians are
prostitutes and are mail order brides, only some people from Ekateranienburg are
drunks/bad and not all. You call people from your own region lazy drunks to curry
favour with the Aussies. Well done! You have found out that the only way to be
friendly with "some" sort of people (meaning the people you have the privilege to
be friends with) here is to vilify others. You will fit right in Tanya. But
remember, no matter how much you lick their asses, to them, you will always remain
a "stupid Slav".

[usenetquote2]> >Sub human? slavs? Aren't these what the Nazis used to say? The nazis, who lost the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >war (descipably surrendered), had their country enslaved by the west and the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >russians for decades? The newspapers are right. Australia HAS become a haven for[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >the losers[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >criminals).[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]

Tanya Jan 5th 2002 9:34 am

J D Leister
[usenetquote2]>> >Sure you are.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >Sure you are genuine....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >Now piss off[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> I am not sure if you are talking to me. If yes, fortunately the majority of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Australians are not that rude. Tell my Australian husband to take his mail order[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> bride and piss off with her. Tell an Australian to leave his country because he[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> doesn't associate with someone you approve of.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> I always thought Australia is a free country..... am I incorrect?[/usenetquote2]

If you did not aim at me then, please, accept my profound appology! It was a
misunderstanding. Please forgive me.

In this case it was only posted as well to misc.immigration Australia+NZ because
the original post was designed to be a warning. Many Australian men tell their
about their hurt that the Immigration Department takes such a long time to process
spouse visa.

I know that there are many Australian men who are taken advantage of. The Australian
men are usually genuine and love the woman and they don't know that the woman uses
him just to get into Australia. He will find out only when it is too late and he sits
there without a wife and thousands of Dollars in the red....

Eastern European women are good wives because loyalty to the husband as well as
faithfulness are part of the culture. For an Eastern European woman the husband they
love is their life. However, like anywhere else love must be involved.

I cannot understand how any Australian man can even think that a contact through a
marriage agency and a few hours meeting in her country can result in true love.
That is crazy.

Further to that I cannot understand some Australian men's way of thinking. How can
a very simple man who is overweight and 45 years old ever assume that a 25 years
old University Graduate would find him attractive and want to spend the rest of her
life with him?

Australian men are so gullable.

May be I am wrong but I have the impression anyway that those who go to marriage
agencies are lonely and there is something about them which makes women in general
not like him....?

Tanya Jan 5th 2002 10:00 am

Rich D'Beirman
[usenetquote2]>> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> > Sorry for the comments about the sub human slavs,I withdraw the crass[/usenetquote2]
statement.Yes you are a creative race,I have no doubt that you can carry out the
tasks in your post.But alas please do it in your own country.

Ok, nothing wrong with a crass statement. I can understand your fear.

Russia and the old USSR republics were behind because of the idiotic planning systems
of the communists and their oppressive system which assured them to stay in power.

However, Gorbachov wanted to change but the West supported an alcoholic Russian
politician called Yeltsin who just wanted to be President for his own ends. He is
primarily responsible for the total collapse of the countries because he initiated an
immediate change which never works.

However, I think that Western companies were very happy to see the East dive into the
dark ages - it eliminated potential competitors.

You might laugh about it but most people in the old USSR republics want to stay there
and build up their countries. The majority is not trying to emigrate. The people are
quite nationalistic and they love their country and their culture.

Men usually consider immigration if there is some interesting or challenging job
in another country. Unfortunately there are a lot of women, often divorcees with
children, who want to emigrate. It is not easy for a divorcee, particularly if
she has a child, to re-marry. These are the kind of women who seek marriage to
foreign men.

Others want to get into the rich life without working for it. They have the dream
that the West consists of countries where any potential husband earns well and they
can go into restaurants every day instead of cooking, can buy expensive jewellery and
clothing and drive a red sports car. In short, they just want a rich husband to
bludge of. Not that different to some women in the West - isn't it?

Women who marry foreign men and then, after they got permanent residency. divorce
their husbands are simple scum. They are the offals of any society and I completely
support the Australian Immigration Department to do everything in their power to keep
these women away for the protection of Australian men.

You see, these women will not divorce their husbands immediately after they have
the permanent residency visa. At first they are looking for a better husband. Then
they get divorced to marry another poor soul.... I hope you can see why I call
them scum....

Last but not least we are not responsible for Stalin. He is the most hated person in
Russia. He has killed almost as many Russians as Hitler killed Jews. He was never
elected, he grabbed power in the Communist Part and the only support he had was by
the Army and the police (KGB).

Let us not forget that the German emperor transported Lenin from Switzerland to
Russia to get the Zarist Army off his back. If anyone si to blame for the Soviet
Revolution and Communism it is the German Emperor.

I hope I could lay some of your fears to rest.

Tanya Jan 5th 2002 10:04 am

[usenetquote2]>>> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> > Sorry for the comments about the sub human slavs,I withdraw the crass[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>Russia,Ukraine etc are all backward countries thanks to communisam.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>It is only natural that peoples from your country will try and improve themselves[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>by going to a young fresh country like ours.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>Now Russian,Thai and Pillipino women can do this by marrying an Australian,getting[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>a passport and then a divorce.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>I would also like to add you are the people that gave us Stalin![/usenetquote2]
Where do some people from Australians are so proud of such as the pole volt champion
Tatiana Gregoriovna, the boxer Ktsu e.t.c.?

Tanya Jan 5th 2002 12:51 pm

Aryan wrote in message ...

Firstly, I am not Russian but Ukrainian.

Secondly I am from Odessa and not Ekateranienburg.

Thirdly, whilst I am married to an Australian Australia is still a host country. I
have no legal or moral right to be here and I am here by the grace of Australia. If
anyone has a right then it is my Australian husband who wants to live with me in his
own country Australia. Like Russia, has got the right to determine who is allowed to
live in the country and who not. They don't even owe any non - Australian an

Fourthly, sucking up to the Anglos seems to be rather strange. Have you ever noticed
that not all Australians are of Anglo-Saxon heritage? Our neighbour who was born in
Australia and whose mother and father were born in Australia has the surname

Fifthly, nobody has called me a "stupid slav" as yet except an immigrant - YOU. There
might be the odd one but since when are 20 people representative of the Australian
population? In any case, if they call you a "stupid slav" you have asked for it and
they are probably right in your case.

Sixthly, the only one who is a racist here is YOU and ONLY YOU because it was YOU who
came up with the comment RACIST, it was YOU who talked about (and I quote) "suck up
to Anglo Saxon Australians"

Here is a suggestion. The Australians own this country and if you don't like them
then pack your bags and leave and stop telling people in their own house how to live
and not to live.

Go and sit on it....


[usenetquote2]>> Aryan wrote in message ...[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >Sub human? slavs? Aren't these what the Nazis used to say? The nazis, who lost[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >the war (descipably surrendered), had their country enslaved by the west and the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >russians for decades? The newspapers are right. Australia HAS become a haven for[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >the losers[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >criminals).[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> I disagree. Australians look into the future instead of into the past.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> The fellow who wrote the message is one of the idiots you run into once a year if[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> you are unlucky.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Australians are outstanding people. Let's not judge a case of beautiful fruit just[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> because of one rotten apple in it.[/usenetquote2]

Rich D'Beirman Jan 5th 2002 6:46 pm

"tanya" <[email protected]>
[usenetquote2]> >Aren't you glad you are here Tanya? I mean you suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >in your post and vilify your own kind from Ekateranienburg .[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >started your life in Australia by making racist comments. Just like only some (not[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >all) Russians are prostitutes and are mail order brides, only[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >people from Ekateranienburg are drunks/bad and not all. You call people from your[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >own region lazy drunks to curry favour with the Aussies. Well done! You have found[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >out that the only way to be friendly with "some" sort of people (meaning the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >people you have the privilege to be friends with) here is to vilify others. You[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >will fit right in Tanya. But remember, no matter how much you lick their asses, to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >them, you will always remain a "stupid Slav".[/usenetquote2]
me sick first you sit and suck your way into Australia and the you tell us to pack
our bags and go.NICE.You are only her to improve living standards and to say anything
else is a cop out.I would not like to live somewhere which has dangerous nuclear
power plants.
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >>[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >[/usenetquote2]

Tanya Jan 6th 2002 10:47 am

Rich D'Beirman
[usenetquote2]>> Aryan wrote in message ...[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >Aren't you glad you are here Tanya? I mean you suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >in your post and vilify your own kind from Ekateranienburg .[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> You[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >started your life in Australia by making racist comments. Just like only some[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >(not all) Russians are prostitutes and are mail order brides, only[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> some[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >people from Ekateranienburg are drunks/bad and not all. You call people from your[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >own region lazy drunks to curry favour with the Aussies. Well done! You have[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >found out that the only way to be friendly with "some"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >of people (meaning the people you have the privilege to be friends with) here is[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >to vilify others. You will fit right in Tanya. But remember, no matter how much[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >you lick their asses, to them, you will always remain a "stupid Slav".[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Firstly, I am not Russian but Ukrainian.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Secondly I am from Odessa and not Ekateranienburg.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Thirdly, whilst I am married to an Australian Australia is still a host country. I[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> have no legal or moral right to be here and I am here by the grace of Australia.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> If anyone has a right then it is my Australian husband who wants to live with me[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> in his own country Australia. Like Russia, has got the right to determine who is[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> allowed to live in the country and who not. They don't even owe any non -[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Australian an explanation.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Fourthly, sucking up to the Anglos seems to be rather strange. Have you ever[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> noticed that not all Australians are of Anglo-Saxon heritage? Our neighbour who[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> was born in Australia and whose mother and father were born in Australia has the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> surname Kostaniatis.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Fifthly, nobody has called me a "stupid slav" as yet except an[/usenetquote2]
immigrant -
[usenetquote2]>> YOU. There might be the odd one but since when are 20 people representative of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> the Australian population? In any case, if they call you a "stupid slav" you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> have asked[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> it and they are probably right in your case.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Sixthly, the only one who is a racist here is YOU and ONLY YOU because it was YOU[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> who came up with the comment RACIST, it was YOU who talked about (and I quote)[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> "suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Here is a suggestion. The Australians own this country and if you don't like them[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> then pack your bags and leave and stop telling people in their own house how to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> live and not to live.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Go and sit on it....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> No thanks!Sitting on it was what you did to get in our country,Tanya you[/usenetquote2]

I did not tell anyone to pack their bags and go. I suggested it if one cannot cope
with the situation.

I did not suggest that to many, I suggested that only to you personally assuming that
you are not an Australian citizen.

Either learn to read and or stop lieing.


Ok, so you are accusing me publically of being a non genuine spouse who engaged
into a marriage of convenience in order to fraudulently obtain a permanent
resiidency visa?

You better prove that, sonny, you just accused me publically of an offense!

Boner Jan 6th 2002 11:00 am

Go Tanya give it to him babe - hey you got any good looking friends looking for a
host in Australia ?

[usenetquote2]>>> Aryan wrote in message ...[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >Aren't you glad you are here Tanya? I mean you suck up to Anglo Saxon[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >Australians in your post and vilify your own kind from Ekateranienburg[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> You[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >started your life in Australia by making racist comments. Just like[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >some (not all) Russians are prostitutes and are mail order brides, only[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> some[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >people from Ekateranienburg are drunks/bad and not all. You call[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >from your own region lazy drunks to curry favour with the Aussies. Well done![/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >You have found out that the only way to be friendly with "some"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >of people (meaning the people you have the privilege to be friends[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >here is to vilify others. You will fit right in Tanya. But remember, no matter[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >how much you lick their asses, to them, you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> >always remain a "stupid Slav".[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Firstly, I am not Russian but Ukrainian.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Secondly I am from Odessa and not Ekateranienburg.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Thirdly, whilst I am married to an Australian Australia is still a host country.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> I have no legal or moral right to be here and I am here by the grace of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Australia. If anyone has a right then it is my Australian husband who wants to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> live with me in his own country Australia. Like Russia, has got the right to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> determine who is allowed to live in the country and who not. They don't even owe[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> any non - Australian an explanation.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Fourthly, sucking up to the Anglos seems to be rather strange. Have you ever[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> noticed that not all Australians are of Anglo-Saxon heritage? Our neighbour who[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> was born in Australia and whose mother and father were born in Australia has the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> surname Kostaniatis.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Fifthly, nobody has called me a "stupid slav" as yet except an[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> YOU. There might be the odd one but since when are 20 people representative[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> the Australian population? In any case, if they call you a "stupid slav" you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> have asked[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> it and they are probably right in your case.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Sixthly, the only one who is a racist here is YOU and ONLY YOU because it was YOU[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> who came up with the comment RACIST, it was YOU who talked about (and I quote)[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> "suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Here is a suggestion. The Australians own this country and if you don't like them[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> then pack your bags and leave and stop telling people in their own house how to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> live and not to live.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> Go and sit on it....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>> No thanks!Sitting on it was what you did to get in our country,Tanya you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>me sick first you sit and suck your way into Australia and the you tell us to pack[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>our bags and go.NICE.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>You are only her to improve living standards and to say anything else is a cop[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>out.I would not like to live somewhere which has dangerous nuclear power plants.[/usenetquote2]

Kal Jan 6th 2002 12:49 pm

I have so far seen a Canadian, 2 English, 2 Irish and a French girl all 'use'
Australian men to gain residency so I know what you are talking about. A lot of hurt,
emotional and financial, for the men and their families. Only one of those couples
married - after she had her approval and became pregnant but the relationship ended
within months prior to the birth of the baby. All these women retain their PR - yes,
Aussie men can be very gullible!!

Tanya Jan 6th 2002 1:21 pm

[usenetquote2]>>>> Aryan wrote in message ...[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >Aren't you glad you are here Tanya? I mean you suck up to Anglo Saxon[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >Australians in your post and vilify your own kind from Ekateranienburg[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> You[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >started your life in Australia by making racist comments. Just like[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >some (not all) Russians are prostitutes and are mail order brides,[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> some[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >people from Ekateranienburg are drunks/bad and not all. You call[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >from your own region lazy drunks to curry favour with the Aussies.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >done! You have found out that the only way to be friendly with "some"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >of people (meaning the people you have the privilege to be friends[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >here is to vilify others. You will fit right in Tanya. But remember, no matter[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >how much you lick their asses, to them, you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> >always remain a "stupid Slav".[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Firstly, I am not Russian but Ukrainian.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Secondly I am from Odessa and not Ekateranienburg.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Thirdly, whilst I am married to an Australian Australia is still a host country.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> I have no legal or moral right to be here and I am here by the grace of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Australia. If anyone has a right then it is my Australian husband who wants to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> live with me in his own country Australia. Like Russia, has got the right to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> determine who is allowed to live in the country and who not. They don't even owe[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> any non - Australian an explanation.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Fourthly, sucking up to the Anglos seems to be rather strange. Have you ever[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> noticed that not all Australians are of Anglo-Saxon heritage? Our neighbour who[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> was born in Australia and whose mother and father were born in Australia has the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> surname Kostaniatis.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Fifthly, nobody has called me a "stupid slav" as yet except an[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>immigrant -[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> YOU. There might be the odd one but since when are 20 people representative[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> the Australian population? In any case, if they call you a "stupid slav"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> you have[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> it and they are probably right in your case.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Sixthly, the only one who is a racist here is YOU and ONLY YOU because it was[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> YOU who came up with the comment RACIST, it was YOU who talked about (and I[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> quote) "suck up to Anglo Saxon Australians"[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Here is a suggestion. The Australians own this country and if you don't like[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> them then pack your bags and leave and stop telling people in[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> own house how to live and not to live.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> Go and sit on it....[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>> No thanks!Sitting on it was what you did to get in our country,Tanya[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>me sick first you sit and suck your way into Australia and the you tell us to pack[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>our bags and go.NICE.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>I did not tell anyone to pack their bags and go. I suggested it if one cannot cope[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>with the situation.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>I did not suggest that to many, I suggested that only to you personally assuming[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>that you are not an Australian citizen.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>Either learn to read and or stop lieing.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>You are only her to improve living standards and to say anything else is a cop[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>>out.I would not like to live somewhere which has dangerous nuclear power plants.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>Ok, so you are accusing me publically of being a non genuine spouse who engaged[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>into a marriage of convenience in order to fraudulently obtain a permanent[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>resiidency visa?[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>>You better prove that, sonny, you just accused me publically of an[/usenetquote2]

Tanya Jan 6th 2002 1:23 pm


That's right, it is not a question of nationality. However, it is more likely to find
these kind of women in not so well off countries. These women are usually
under-educated and can't find a job either.

Australian men are gullible but don't worry, Americans are even worse!

Aryan Jan 6th 2002 3:14 pm

You could not be from Ukrain. Or anywhere else nice. They do not villify their own
people. People like you only belong to one race and culture. It is called "LOSERS".
They come under different guise every century or decade. But one thing seperates them
from all others. They do not respect their own and they are prepared to trash their
own people to curry favour with others. You are a scum Tanya. We have enough room
here in Australia even for scums like you but you gotta behave. No one will persecute
you here for what you think but you may be liable for what you say. You clearly made
racist remarks about people from Ekateranienburg . You called them lazy drunks. Stop
this. You have met nice Aussies but you have not yet faced Aussie law. What you did
is defamatory and , if done in NSW, could also be a crime (called racial
vilification). You are despicable not because you use racist language. But because
you are ready to backstab your own people to curry favour with others. Shame on you.
You are a disgrace to your own people.

Aryan Jan 6th 2002 3:24 pm

You are laying nobodies "fear" to rest Tanya. These are not fear, these are good old
fashioned "hate". Contrary to popular leftists' belief that all hates emanate from
fear, this is the KKK type of hate which does not come from the fear of the unknown.
This type of hate usually comes from illeterate or semiliterate people who were
handed a bad deal by life and who are looking for scapegoats to blame their bad luck
on. You are it Tanya. The scapegoat! You do not help the situation yourself by
licking these people's butts.

Rt Jan 6th 2002 10:02 pm

[usenetquote2]> >Go Tanya give it to him babe -[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >hey you got any good looking friends looking for a host in Australia ?[/usenetquote2]

Er, well...

My missus (ok, she's Russian. not Ukrainian) had already been here, plus to UK and
the rest of Europe, US and South Africa. We ended up (ok, we started) by submitting a
joint paper to a UNESCO conference in Riga and the rot set in after that. Now what
was supposed to be my workshop is full of mother-in-law (another engineer). Bloody
women. Only consolation are that as a business development manager she's earning
twice what I get as a senior research engineer and has legs that end just under her
ears... Oh well...

(Er - she has a low opinion of Ukraine beaches compared to ours :)

Ken Jan 7th 2002 9:31 am

Aryan wrote in message ...

Oh, she stepped on your toes, didn't she? Are you from Russia or that Ekaterienburg?
May be you are running a dating agency trying to sell us Russian women?


She hasn't said anything bad about Russians at all. She has only said that there are
a lot of gold diggers and most of them are in that funny city. You distort


Let's see what Russians from Moscow say.


Since when is that a racist remark, you idiot?


Wrong, she did not vilify anyone, get your facts right. However, you posted before
that she came here to live a better life saying that she used marriage to get into
Australia. That is accusing her of breaking Australian law which makes you liable for

If I call you a drunk it is not vilification. It is vilification if I tell people
that you are going around attacking people, stealing from them and so on. Get your
bloody facts right.


If she lives in Australia she is to support Australia and Australians. This is not a
miniture UN or miniture world here. There are no enclaves of other countries.

The landslide re-election of John Howard mainly caused by the Tampa incident clearly
shows that Australians are fed up with foreigners coming into the country and
building small enclaves of their own countries.

Tanya has said nothing which makes me think bad about Russians. For me Russians are
welcome. Every country has dropkicks including Australia, unfortunately in the past
Australia allowed too many dropkicks from other countries to settle here. The only
thing Tanya has done is warn gulliable people about marriage agencies.

Now I used a search engine and searched for Ekaterinburg Marriage Agency and there
seem to be a bloody lot of them many having hunndred of women looking for foreign
men. Seems to me as if all females in that place look for western men..... Proves to
me that Tanya is right.

Good on you, Tanya and thanks for the warning and don't worry about lunatics
like Aryan.

Danny Boom Jan 7th 2002 12:18 pm

"Rich D'Beirman", you are an ASSHOLE and a BLOODY piece of shit. Go back to
Queensland and **** your sheeps

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG

Aryan Jan 7th 2002 4:36 pm


Very clever. You are one of those "clever" Australians aren't you ? Let's see you
guess from which town in russia I am?


Of course she didn't . But she said plenty about people from another region. She
implied that all people from Ekateranienburg are drunks. I did not use the word
Russian in any of my posts, "clever" Ken.


That WAS a racist remark "clever" Ken! If you call ALL members of a nationality/race
"lazy drunks" then that is a racist remark.


No, "clever Ken. I never said that in any of my posts. Read back carefully. and
accept the fact that just because you can use a computer, you are NOT smart.


Really? And who told you that Kenny? Was that in your high school curricula that you
obviously did not complete?


What is Australia? A few high school dropouts like you?

This election shows that the "clever" people of this "clever" country are prepared to
get hyped up about a few refugees but happily pay high bank charges and phone bills
even when those companies make zillions of dollars in profit. That's why I love so
much being here Kenny. Among you "clever" people anyone can feel he/she is a genious.


Tanya is not a Russian. As a mater of fact, she went to great lengths trying to prove
that she is not one. She is from Ukraine. And Ukraine, although belonged to the old
Soviet Union, is not Russia. It would have been in your high school syllabi .


When people want to marry for sex alone and not for love, they should get what they
deserve. There are plenty of traps strewn all over the net for people like that.

Finally, keep on being this clever Ken. At least you will keep on providing us
with amusment.

Merv Kelly Jan 8th 2002 2:02 am

"tanya" <[email protected]>
[usenetquote2]> >I have so far seen a Canadian, 2 English, 2 Irish and a French girl all 'use'[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >Australian men to gain residency so I know what you are talking about. A lot of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >hurt, emotional and financial, for the men and their families. Only one of those[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >couples married - after she had her approval and became pregnant but the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >relationship ended within months prior to the birth of the baby. All these women[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]> >retain their PR - yes, Aussie men can be very gullible!![/usenetquote2]

And I hear Russian women are excellent at fellatio,and anal sex is a common greetng.

Big Merv

Ken Jan 8th 2002 6:48 am

Aryan wrote in message ...
[usenetquote2]>> Oh, she stepped on your toes, didn't she? Are you from Russia or that[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Ekaterienburg? May be you are running a dating agency trying to sell us[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Russian women?[/usenetquote2]

Blah Blah Blah Blah.

[usenetquote2]>> She hasn't said anything bad about Russians at all. She has only said that there[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> are a lot of gold diggers and most of them are in that funny city. You distort[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> everything.[/usenetquote2]

Bullshit, learn to read before you open your mouth.

[usenetquote2]>> Since when is that a racist remark, you idiot?[/usenetquote2]

She never said that all Russians or all slaves are drunks! Liar!
[usenetquote2]>> Wrong, she did not vilify anyone, get your facts right. However, you[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> before that she came here to live a better life saying that she used marriage to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> get into Australia. That is accusing her of breaking Australian law which makes[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> liable for prosecution.[/usenetquote2]

Bullshit. Running out of things to say, hey?

[usenetquote2]>> If I call you a drunk it is not vilification. It is vilification if I[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> people that you are going around attacking people, stealing from them and so on.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Get your bloody facts right.[/usenetquote2]

Running out of things to say? May be one of these days you try to read a lawbook or
just look up in a dictioary what vilification is.

[usenetquote2]>> If she lives in Australia she is to support Australia and Australians. This is not[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> a miniture UN or miniture world here. There are no enclaves of other countries.[/usenetquote2]

Again, running out of things to say?

[usenetquote2]>> The landslide re-election of John Howard mainly caused by the Tampa incident[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> clearly shows that Australians are fed up with foreigners coming into the country[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> and building small enclaves of their own countries.[/usenetquote2]

Must be hard for you to live with such morons, whty don't you leave?

[usenetquote2]>> Tanya has said nothing which makes me think bad about Russians. For me Russians[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> are welcome. Every country has dropkicks including Australia, unfortunately in the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> past Australia allowed too many dropkicks from other countries to settle here. The[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> only thing Tanya has done is[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> gulliable people about marriage agencies.[/usenetquote2]

I read that, thanks for your lecture, moron. Now you admitted that you are a bloody
fool. Didn't you say that she talks against her own people?

[usenetquote2]>> Now I used a search engine and searched for Ekaterinburg Marriage Agency and there[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> seem to be a bloody lot of them many having hunndred of women looking for foreign[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> men. Seems to me as if all females in that place look for western men..... Proves[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> to me that Tanya is right.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Good on you, Tanya and thanks for the warning and don't worry about lunatics[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> like Aryan.[/usenetquote2]

Piss off, you are too stupid to have a discussion with.

Tanya Jan 8th 2002 6:51 am

Merv Kelly
[usenetquote2]>> >I have so far seen a Canadian, 2 English, 2 Irish and a French girl all 'use'[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >Australian men to gain residency so I know what you are talking about. A lot of[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >hurt, emotional and financial, for the men and their families. Only one of those[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >couples married - after she had her approval and became pregnant but the[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >relationship ended within months prior to the birth of the baby. All these women[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> >retain their PR - yes, Aussie men can be very gullible!![/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> That's right, it is not a question of nationality. However, it is more likely to[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> find these kind of women in not so well off countries. These women are usually[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> under-educated and can't find a job either.[/usenetquote2]
[usenetquote2]>> Australian men are gullible but don't worry, Americans are even worse![/usenetquote2]

You are disgusting and should be ashamed of yourself.

Russian women have morals of much higher standard that Western women.

Aryan Jan 8th 2002 8:41 am

I really got to you didn't I Ken? Now go back to your plumbing job and stop lurking
around here. Tanya will soon learn get back her self respect and, as a result, stop
being so ingratiating to people like you. As you suggested, I will get back to my law
books. I am, after all, getting behind in my research. Meanwhile, why don't you have
the last word on this by posting something vulgar and offensive in response to this ,
like you are wont to do .

Rich D'Beirman Jan 8th 2002 9:31 am

"tanya" <[email protected]>

Australian men are gullible but don't worry, Americans are even worse!

Russian women have morals of much higher standard that Western women.

Oh my word.I am shocked! Aussie men are gullible and Western women
have no morals.Thats so nice that you have respect for your hosts.

Aryan Jan 8th 2002 12:38 pm

common greetng.

Don't believe everything your mother tells you Merv.

Aryan Jan 8th 2002 12:42 pm

[usenetquote2]>> Like in Australia you might meet someone nice and in time a[/usenetquote2]

The only relationship that you seem to be interested in developing seems to be that
of master-and-slave. Shame on you .

J D Leister Jan 8th 2002 1:51 pm

Rich D'Beirman wrote:


Exactly why I took back what I said when I apologised to "tanya" because a person
with the same name funnily enough posted the same mail in a few of the soc.
newsgroups, namely soc.penpals and there as a lovely picture attached of an
attractive woman in a very small black dress.......

Rt Jan 8th 2002 8:15 pm


You can number the first names of Russians on the head of a pin :)

There seems to be about 7 female names. As the a.p Tanya can certainly confirm, it's
mindblowing to Russians to have to deal with the range of names (1st and family) in
the west :) However the number of diminutives is higher per name than here, IME.

Anshka, Anya, Anna, eg - and depends on age/social circumstances. In this caes Anshka
for the baby, Anya for the young, Anna for the formal, Anshka for the extremely close
friends when adult.

Similarly Nata, Natasha, Nataly, Natalia.

Whereas we have only stuff like Bob, Rob, Robert and they don't usually
depend on age.

mazarik Jan 8th 2002 8:46 pm

Dear Tanya,
Criticizing your own people is like saying that your mother and your father are drunk and loose and not worth to trust. What you did was a mistake in my opinion because others cannot appreciate a person that curses his own kind. If you were looking for something useful, all you should have to do was to write a simple warning omitting that you are Ukrainian. Instead of that, you moaned (in the good old Slavic way) and thus invited al sort of maniacs to write you unpleasant replies (I mean by this, Aryan's breed). You were the one that made the mistake so you are the one to blame. Again what you did was like saying that my people suck but I am the exception. I also intend to emigrate there and the main reason for doing this is to make sure that my kid will get the chance for a better life. I am aware that I will always be the immigrant I will be treated as such. I am aware that although I have degrees, I worked in research, I have a IQ of 148, speak 3 languages etc. I will be discriminated against and probably I will have to do all sort of unpleasant jobs in the beginning. It is Au's country after all. But this is the sacrifice that I want to do for my family and I think that they deserve it.
Anyway if it weren't for the soviets to bring us "The Liberation" and the "light of the communism" I wouldn't have to go now, through this ordeal. If you are from Ukraine probably you are eastern orthodox and you know what our religion says: "If one's sin is not forgiven in his own lifetime than it passes to his kids". And you ex-soviets carry a lot of sins from your savage forefathers. So what you have to do is to try to mind your people's problems and try to get them to civilization rather than butt-kissing foreigners (which I agree, are naive). Take a look at the Germans. Their rulers work hard to wipe off the dirt from their faces, which they got from the war. You soviets don't want do this. Am I right?

Tanya Jan 9th 2002 8:36 am

Rich D'Beirman
Ok, Rich, you have quoted my words nicely word by word. Now, if you would read them
in context and with a bit of thought then you might find that you did not understand
what I said.


Yes, in the context more Americans get into problems compared to Australians.


Where was it said that Western women have no morals? Please enlighten me?

I said the moral code of Russian women generally is higher = more restrictive than
with Western women.

See the difference?

Amazing how many people have problems with comprehension. Is there something wrong
with the local education system?

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