British Expats

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emsirrah Nov 11th 2009 1:02 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
good grief - just came here to report and I think I have been on the noffi - and have not :eek:

noni Nov 11th 2009 8:44 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
UK nationals warned against visiting Goa
Rat race for shack allotment
cyclonic storm causes heavy loss in Goa.

a_f_d Nov 11th 2009 2:01 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by noni (Post 8091257)
UK nationals warned against visiting Goa
Rat race for shack allotment

" In 2008, 40 British nationals died in Goa"

40? that seems like a lot!

AndyD 8-)#

emsirrah Nov 12th 2009 1:17 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by a_f_d (Post 8092103)
" In 2008, 40 British nationals died in Goa"

40? that seems like a lot!

AndyD 8-)#

We have been "googling" that piece of info but can' find anything like that number unless they were not reported, which seems unlikely.

johnny five Nov 12th 2009 9:28 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by emsirrah (Post 8095545)
We have been "googling" that piece of info but can' find anything like that number unless they were not reported, which seems unlikely.

I think this all comes down to the Goan newspaper concerned (Navhind) being unable to read another website (where they get most of their "news" from) and copy it into their own publication without major mistakes.

I believe this refers to the FCO "warning" site where it referred to 40 British dying in India, not Goa.

Suspect the majority would have been in Goa though, if only because so many Brits are there?

a_f_d Nov 12th 2009 10:15 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by emsirrah (Post 8095545)
We have been "googling" that piece of info but can' find anything like that number unless they were not reported, which seems unlikely.

It's on the official FCO site - click on the link and then search for 40 British

AndyD 8-)#

noni Nov 12th 2009 11:43 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
Received from one of our wellknown members to-day, I have taken the name of the hospital out and the persons personal details.
She wanted this put on BE.
Our Condolences to her and her family,


I am writing to you with regards to my late husband who died in your hospital on the 11th November 2009 on ICU.

My husband was admitted to the ICU on Sunday the 10th and after a tests was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, which as you and your staff should know is only contracted through transmission of bodily fluids or contaminated needles.

The Doctor that admitted J asked my friend if J used needles, the answer to that question was NO, my husband was a clean living man and was strongly opposed to any form of drug taking and as for bodily fluids my husband and I through our own choice had been celibate for 19 years but remained truly faithful to each other for all those years.

My husband came to your hospital on the 7th September 2009 for exploratory tests and blood was taken at that time all the results were negative, but 8 weeks later he was diagnosed with hepatitis B so is your hospital to blame !!!!

Through my own observations and my friends whilst waiting in the hospital the health and hygiene practices of your staff are of a very poor standard if not zero i.e. staff carrying full syringes through the corridors, then coming back with the same gloves on, not having masks on whilst dealing with patients and the wards and corridors only being cleaned once in 18 hours.

I am appalled by the treatment of myself and my friend by your staff, they showed disregard for the situation I found myself in, continually hassling me for money, even though my husband and I have been regular patients at your hospital and all bills incurred had always been paid promptly.

Throughout the day even though we had explained that we had not come prepared for what had happened to J and all bills would be paid but I did not have the cash on me right at that moment and I was not prepared to leave the hospital to go to a bank.

They showed no compassion and refused to let me stay by Js side even though I had been told he had only a 1% chance of survival after he was put on the respirator, I hugged and kissed him on the cheek and was told sternly wash your mouth out and my friend was told not to speak to J as he wouldn’t be able to hear because he was sedated, so what who knows whether he can hear or feel us we just wanted to let him know we were there for him, and if your staff were trained they would have known that we couldn’t catch anything and patients under sedation may hear.

At 10pm I was instructed to wait outside and that I would be informed of any changes 9 hours later, and no contact by any members of your staff team I demanded to know what was happening, I was told there was no change and wouldn’t be so why keep him alive MONEY!!!!! Rps 28.000/- for a total of 18hrs in your hospital.

The only thing keeping J alive was the respirator, but they still continued to ask me to buy medication for him which I refused to do, what was the point it wouldn’t have helped J.

I requested respirator to be turned off this took a further 3 hours again during this time I was still hassled for money.

J died at 11.15am once again your staff showed no compassion or tact and a asked me if I was taking J home in our car!!! Surely to god your staff must know that FN’s do not take their loved ones home in a car how insensitive can they be, it was barbaric to say the least.

I will never know why or how my husband was infected but your hospital was the only place where needles had been used on him in the last 2 months and I will vigourously pursue a path of finding the cause of my husband’s condition

I am contacting the Health department regarding this matter and hopefully they will investigate your awful health and hygiene practices and I will be contacting the local and international press and tourist information centre to make them aware of how totally insensitive your staff were to my needs at this awful time and what to expect if they visit your hospital

Mrs M

Cc : Health Department of Goa

Cc Goa Tourism Board

Cc Herald

Cc NavindCc

CC. Goanvoice.

johnny five Nov 12th 2009 11:57 pm

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by a_f_d (Post 8096714)
It's on the official FCO site - click on the link and then search for 40 British

AndyD 8-)#

Perfectly apologies!

Was sure I had read different, but obviously not.

Pretty sure the FCO would not have got the numbers wrong?

johnny five Nov 13th 2009 12:02 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Received from one of our wellknown members to-day, I have taken the name of the hospital out and the persons personal details.
She wanted this put on BE.
Our Condolences to her and her family,
If anyone wants to know which hospital, I will glady tell you by PM, as I had minor surgery there earlier this year and was not impressed by attitudes or standards.
Afterwards I thought that if they have any thoughts of of developing medical tourism in Zimbabwe-on Sea, they've got a bloody long way to go!

emsirrah Nov 13th 2009 2:55 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
My OH had an op in this hospital in February and thank goodness he came out of it ok.
My heart goes out to this lady and I can't even begin to know how she feels.

To quote a sentence from her letter
Once again your staff showed no compassion or tact and asked me if I was taking J home in our car!!! Surely to god your staff must know that FN’s do not take their loved ones home in a car how insensitive can they be, it was barbaric to say the least.

This happened to a Goan friend of ours at the GMC - his best friend had been badly injured in a motor bike accident and died in the hospital and he was told to take him away. The boy was left completely naked on a trolley, badly injured, so our friend went away and bought lots of white cotton to wrap him in and had bring him back to Calangute in the back of a taxi.

Life is so cheap in Goa

Condolences to you and your family from ours.

Mrs Brinks Matt Nov 13th 2009 3:10 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
Life is cheap in Goa and the people are heartless bastards.
This poor lady,my condolences.

Mrs Brinks Matt Nov 13th 2009 3:13 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
I would name the hospital and all involved in this tragic death.

wheatsheaf Nov 13th 2009 4:56 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers
Sincere condolences. Horrified by the hospital and staff's open betrayal of their medical oath to care for the sick, no matter where they are located. This is the kind of occurrence that must be brought to the Consulate's attention so that other Brit nationals can be forewarned.

oktata Nov 13th 2009 5:36 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by noni (Post 8096899)
Received from one of our wellknown members to-day, I have taken the name of the hospital out and the persons personal details.
She wanted this put on BE.
Our Condolences to her and her family,


I am writing to you with regards to my late husband who died in your hospital on the 11th November 2009 on ICU.

My husband was admitted to the ICU on Sunday the 10th and after a tests was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, which as you and your staff should know is only contracted through transmission of bodily fluids or contaminated needles.

The Doctor that admitted J asked my friend if J used needles, the answer to that question was NO, my husband was a clean living man and was strongly opposed to any form of drug taking and as for bodily fluids my husband and I through our own choice had been celibate for 19 years but remained truly faithful to each other for all those years.

My husband came to your hospital on the 7th September 2009 for exploratory tests and blood was taken at that time all the results were negative, but 8 weeks later he was diagnosed with hepatitis B so is your hospital to blame !!!!

Through my own observations and my friends whilst waiting in the hospital the health and hygiene practices of your staff are of a very poor standard if not zero i.e. staff carrying full syringes through the corridors, then coming back with the same gloves on, not having masks on whilst dealing with patients and the wards and corridors only being cleaned once in 18 hours.

I am appalled by the treatment of myself and my friend by your staff, they showed disregard for the situation I found myself in, continually hassling me for money, even though my husband and I have been regular patients at your hospital and all bills incurred had always been paid promptly.

Throughout the day even though we had explained that we had not come prepared for what had happened to J and all bills would be paid but I did not have the cash on me right at that moment and I was not prepared to leave the hospital to go to a bank.

They showed no compassion and refused to let me stay by Js side even though I had been told he had only a 1% chance of survival after he was put on the respirator, I hugged and kissed him on the cheek and was told sternly wash your mouth out and my friend was told not to speak to J as he wouldn’t be able to hear because he was sedated, so what who knows whether he can hear or feel us we just wanted to let him know we were there for him, and if your staff were trained they would have known that we couldn’t catch anything and patients under sedation may hear.

At 10pm I was instructed to wait outside and that I would be informed of any changes 9 hours later, and no contact by any members of your staff team I demanded to know what was happening, I was told there was no change and wouldn’t be so why keep him alive MONEY!!!!! Rps 28.000/- for a total of 18hrs in your hospital.

The only thing keeping J alive was the respirator, but they still continued to ask me to buy medication for him which I refused to do, what was the point it wouldn’t have helped J.

I requested respirator to be turned off this took a further 3 hours again during this time I was still hassled for money.

J died at 11.15am once again your staff showed no compassion or tact and a asked me if I was taking J home in our car!!! Surely to god your staff must know that FN’s do not take their loved ones home in a car how insensitive can they be, it was barbaric to say the least.

I will never know why or how my husband was infected but your hospital was the only place where needles had been used on him in the last 2 months and I will vigourously pursue a path of finding the cause of my husband’s condition

I am contacting the Health department regarding this matter and hopefully they will investigate your awful health and hygiene practices and I will be contacting the local and international press and tourist information centre to make them aware of how totally insensitive your staff were to my needs at this awful time and what to expect if they visit your hospital

Mrs M

Cc : Health Department of Goa

Cc Goa Tourism Board

Cc Herald

Cc NavindCc

CC. Goanvoice.

Mrs M - my condolences - i feel very sad for your loss and the insensitive manner adopted by the hospital and staff.

dreadsoc Nov 13th 2009 10:27 am

Re: In To-day's Newspapers

Originally Posted by noni (Post 8096899)
Received from one of our wellknown members to-day, I have taken the name of the hospital out and the persons personal details.
She wanted this put on BE.
Our Condolences to her and her family,


I am writing to you with regards to my late husband who died in your hospital on the 11th November 2009 on ICU.

My husband was admitted to the ICU on Sunday the 10th and after a tests was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, which as you and your staff should know is only contracted through transmission of bodily fluids or contaminated needles.

The Doctor that admitted J asked my friend if J used needles, the answer to that question was NO, my husband was a clean living man and was strongly opposed to any form of drug taking and as for bodily fluids my husband and I through our own choice had been celibate for 19 years but remained truly faithful to each other for all those years.

My husband came to your hospital on the 7th September 2009 for exploratory tests and blood was taken at that time all the results were negative, but 8 weeks later he was diagnosed with hepatitis B so is your hospital to blame !!!!

Through my own observations and my friends whilst waiting in the hospital the health and hygiene practices of your staff are of a very poor standard if not zero i.e. staff carrying full syringes through the corridors, then coming back with the same gloves on, not having masks on whilst dealing with patients and the wards and corridors only being cleaned once in 18 hours.

I am appalled by the treatment of myself and my friend by your staff, they showed disregard for the situation I found myself in, continually hassling me for money, even though my husband and I have been regular patients at your hospital and all bills incurred had always been paid promptly.

Throughout the day even though we had explained that we had not come prepared for what had happened to J and all bills would be paid but I did not have the cash on me right at that moment and I was not prepared to leave the hospital to go to a bank.

They showed no compassion and refused to let me stay by Js side even though I had been told he had only a 1% chance of survival after he was put on the respirator, I hugged and kissed him on the cheek and was told sternly wash your mouth out and my friend was told not to speak to J as he wouldn’t be able to hear because he was sedated, so what who knows whether he can hear or feel us we just wanted to let him know we were there for him, and if your staff were trained they would have known that we couldn’t catch anything and patients under sedation may hear.

At 10pm I was instructed to wait outside and that I would be informed of any changes 9 hours later, and no contact by any members of your staff team I demanded to know what was happening, I was told there was no change and wouldn’t be so why keep him alive MONEY!!!!! Rps 28.000/- for a total of 18hrs in your hospital.

The only thing keeping J alive was the respirator, but they still continued to ask me to buy medication for him which I refused to do, what was the point it wouldn’t have helped J.

I requested respirator to be turned off this took a further 3 hours again during this time I was still hassled for money.

J died at 11.15am once again your staff showed no compassion or tact and a asked me if I was taking J home in our car!!! Surely to god your staff must know that FN’s do not take their loved ones home in a car how insensitive can they be, it was barbaric to say the least.

I will never know why or how my husband was infected but your hospital was the only place where needles had been used on him in the last 2 months and I will vigourously pursue a path of finding the cause of my husband’s condition

I am contacting the Health department regarding this matter and hopefully they will investigate your awful health and hygiene practices and I will be contacting the local and international press and tourist information centre to make them aware of how totally insensitive your staff were to my needs at this awful time and what to expect if they visit your hospital

Mrs M

Cc : Health Department of Goa

Cc Goa Tourism Board

Cc Herald

Cc NavindCc

CC. Goanvoice.

Mrs M

This is a terrible tragedy. My sincerest condolences go to you, and I for one fully applaud you in your quest to search for the truth.
For hospital staff to behave so lacksadaisically in terms of basic hygeine and sterility when dealing with patients is unforgivable in the extreme.
Furthermore, to treat your husband and yourselves with such cruelty and indignity is even more unforgivable.

Your sharing of this terrible experience is commendable, and you will see that I have started a new thread on health precautions in the light of this. I hope people reading will take notice.

All my best wishes to you and may J rest in peace for eternity.

Dread - dreadful news

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