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Mumfords Apr 4th 2008 7:25 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by Timber Floor Au (Post 6161023)

Youve opened a whole can of bloody worms there, a lot of which we speak about with fellow friends, aussies and poms.

I have even stated on here in the past, there are a proportion of poms, who are here and think they are gods bloody gift, and kind of instigate some class distinction and one upmanship ...

This i have to agree our next door neighbours rings a bell (If there on here at least try to acknowledge our hello!!!)


Vanessa Apr 4th 2008 7:29 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by markallwood (Post 6161846)
I do believe you Vanessa, that you are not a snob...:thumbup:

However - snobs can come from council houses or mansions alike, as per that wikipedia definition !!

I think it is human nature to be snobbish, as Centurion mentioned already. Most of us would admit to being a little snobbish from time to time, often about very silly things. The minority of idiots seem to enjoy being snobbish 24x7, almost as if they need to behave in this manner in order to enjoy life!

The rest of us though, I reckon we all try our hardest to treat people as they come, for who they are....pushing away those feelings of snobbery when they pop up every now and then.

I reckon that this "reverse snobbery" is the real problem. Rich people, as a rule, don't feel "superior" to poor people. Its the poor people that, all too often, jump to silly conclusions.

just my opinion !

I didn't mean that to come across quite how it has!

I think we are all a bit judgmental on occasions but that doesn't make us a snob - does it? If so then yes MY NAME IS VANESSA, I AM A SNOB!!!!!!

Ransi Apr 4th 2008 7:42 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by Margaret3 (Post 6162021)
you forgot to mention the dog turd on your feet:lol:

Its a bummer of a smell to get off your feet...:eek:

asprilla Apr 4th 2008 8:13 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by Vanessa (Post 6162101)
If so then yes MY NAME IS VANESSA, I AM A SNOB!!!!!!

heh heh... me too !!:)

Reedy Apr 4th 2008 8:42 pm

Re: Are you a snob??
Talking about snobbery, I have noticed a change in my children since we have been here!

Back in the UK my eldest went to an all girls school (a state school) and the girls were very competitive and materialistic. It rubbed off on my eldest who wanted designer goods and who started wearing makeup. She felt she had to conform to fit in....

She still wears mascara every day much to her dad's disgust (she is 13 soon) but is happy now to buy clothes wherever because she likes them and looks good in them rather than because they have a label!!!! She obviously feels more comfortable in herself here which is good news for me (and my pocket!!!).....:)

Lau xx

moneypenny20 Apr 4th 2008 9:58 pm

Re: Are you a snob??
I've not met any snobby people at all since being here. No one around my neck of the woods is up themselves or precious because of what school their kids go to - actually that's a lie, one is but they are arseholes anyway, not snobbish, just dicks ;). I have no idea how much money anyone I know has, I've met millionaires looking like bogans and bogans who look like bogans :lol: Maybe it's my parallel world again.

All I can say is thank god I've moved away from my area in the UK where, unless you were in full slap and dressed for executive work whilst standing in the playground waiting for the kids to come out, some people wouldn't even look your way, let alone speak to you.

Ozzidoc Apr 4th 2008 10:09 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by Nu-Shooz (Post 6161636)
I hate braggers:mad: My BIL is the biggest gobshite i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He has to have the biggest and best of everything. We went to visit Brisbane for 8 days, he has just booked to go for 2 weeks, we bought 2 cats here, he went out and bought 2 exactly the same. We bought a new car, he went and bought a sports car.
The nail on the head was when he said "i'm not being funny, but i earn 5 grand a week"
Needless to say i avoid him like the plague.

Gosh. I'm almost speechless.

When she was in her early 20s, someone very close to me benefited from a relative's lottery win. Suddenly all of their income was disposable, they could have what they wanted. "Yay we are rich. I bet you cant wait until you're in our shoes!"

My reply was along the lines of - oh that's great. So you no-longer need to work then. That's what being rich is, isn't it? Choosing to work because you want to. When's hubby giving up work and roughly what type of retirement income are you aiming for?

Oh the look on her face!! They had NO plans to retire and were trapped in needing to work......and this had been delicately pointed out by someone who at that stage hadn't worked for two years :)

JenniGee Apr 4th 2008 10:49 pm

Re: Are you a snob??
Interesting thread :)

I'm not sure about whether it's actual snobbery as such, amongst the new emigrants, maybe for some it's all just kind of a revelation & the novelty & excitement just stops people thinking properly for a while?

I'm thinking of our situation & maybe there's others the same - if we ever get over there, for the first time we'll be financially secure. We'll be able to buy a house mortgage free, it won't be anything great but it will be bought & paid for, we'll be able to give the kids a bit better than we can give them here. I'm not working at the moment anyway, so that isn't a factor for us anyway.

I guess what I'm saying is, that for many, maybe people get a bit full of themselves when they first emigrate - a lifestyle they could never have previously goes to their heads a little & they don't realise that essentially, they're still the same people inside & a little bit of over-inflated self importance comes into play for a while....

just thoughts :)

northernbird Apr 4th 2008 11:07 pm

Re: Are you a snob??
I have read the comments that Gobbyjock refers to and can't quite believe it. I know the person concerned. They lived close to where i lived in the UK and live close to me now. They are a normal family with a normal life. If he is reading this (and I know he will be), why do you feel the need to make such comments. Do you not realise you are hurting peoples feelings. I know I can wind folk up but insults such as those are a bit close to the bone don't you think.

Chris, ignore it love. You are a good person with a good family, end of.

asher Apr 4th 2008 11:30 pm

Re: Are you a snob??
yes i am a snob I look down on dirty people!
I have been very poor several times although I hope not to be again.
I don't mind untidy but I can't abide filth.

My family has always been proud to be clean. My best mate at school was a carnie girl and they also were scrupulously clean.

i can be pleased for people who have nice things and enjoy their good fortune with them I may not have those things I may not even want them. There is a difference between bragging and aren't I lucky where people want you to share their joy at their good fortune. Reverse snobbery is just as bad as snobbery.

People can think they are better than me with my blessing I don't care we shall all die one day and you can't take it with you.

I take people as I find them from any race, religion or walk of life and if they can't get along they aren't worth it;)

gobbyjock Apr 4th 2008 11:43 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by asher (Post 6162671)
yes i am a snob I look down on dirty people!
I have been very poor several times although I hope not to be again.
I don't mind untidy but I can't abide filth.

My family has always been proud to be clean. My best mate at school was a carnie girl and they also were scrupulously clean.

i can be pleased for people who have nice things and enjoy their good fortune with them I may not have those things I may not even want them. There is a difference between bragging and aren't I lucky where people want you to share their joy at their good fortune. Reverse snobbery is just as bad as snobbery.

People can think they are better than me with my blessing I don't care we shall all die one day and you can't take it with you.

I take people as I find them from any race, religion or walk of life and if they can't get along they aren't worth it;)

LOL!! I must admit I never liked taking a cup of tea there but lovelier people I have never met. I suppose we do all judge by appearances - I remember getting really annoyed one day because a store security guard followed me all around a store but when I thought about it - I had nipped out whilst painting (with a hangover) so probably did look like a scruff. At the same time I`ve also walked over the other side of the road to avoid walking past teenagers:unsure:

asher Apr 4th 2008 11:52 pm

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by gobbyjock (Post 6162724)
LOL!! I must admit I never liked taking a cup of tea there but lovelier people I have never met. I suppose we do all judge by appearances - I remember getting really annoyed one day because a store security guard followed me all around a store but when I thought about it - I had nipped out whilst painting (with a hangover) so probably did look like a scruff. At the same time I`ve also walked over the other side of the road to avoid walking past teenagers:unsure:

I think we all have our own standards and as such we are all snobs.
people love to know they are better than someone else. In my youth I volunteered at a mental subnormality hospital as they were called in those days and the patients there would say "well I am better than him, he's a low grade"

To some people material things are very important to others they are not.

annkc Apr 5th 2008 1:21 am

Re: Are you a snob??
I dont think am a snob by any means. My veiw is that i expext people to take me as i am at face value, and dont judge me till you get to know me :thumbup:!!!!
I have never been one to keep up with the jones as they say.
I've worked hard for everything i have but i play even harder :thumbsup:


Grayling Apr 5th 2008 1:33 am

Re: Are you a snob??
Of course everyone is equal in Australia....

everyone.....except bogans, hoons,aboriginals or anyone who lives in a less 'desirable' suburb.

Snobbishness is also alive and well on this forum......just look at the current thread on 'Chav towns' as an example.


Grayling Apr 5th 2008 1:45 am

Re: Are you a snob??

Originally Posted by Grayling (Post 6163150)
Of course everyone is equal in Australia....

everyone.....except bogans, hoons,aboriginals or anyone who lives in a less 'desirable' suburb.

Snobbishness is also alive and well on this forum......just look at the current thread on 'Chav towns' as an example.


Oh......and I forgot the obligatory sneering at any brit in Australia who chooses to wear an English football shirt.


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