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NKSK version 2 Sep 13th 2008 12:14 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by The S's (Post 6781114)
What, if he was from the Uk it would be ok to say? He is useless and are his qualifications. so what.

Not at all - I can't see what the country of origin has to do with the capability of someone.

mi5agent Sep 13th 2008 7:36 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by msi geek (Post 6778841)
Many Asians fear Australia because Aussies have zero tolerance attitude towards Asians.

How do people from Asian origin, who live in Australia, feel about the Aussie attitude?

Do the locals come very strongly at the Asians and target them?

Unlike USA, Canada which are very multi racial, the Aussies ONLY like POMS to fill up their skill shortages. No wonder, 1 out of every 3 migrants is from UK.

This post seems to come from "ignorance" ie misconception, old attitude from the 50s and 60s and totally misses the fact that after WW2 Aussie realised the UK, was never going to be able to act as a "defender of the nation"...and so turned its focus on the USA and Asia for allies.

Aussies dont "fear" Asians or any other culture.
The Aussie attitude is simple, - if you come here, be an Aussie and accept the Aussie way of life....and if you dont like it......and your "home" country is so much better....P**s Off out of the country you do not have to stay here.

Australia will take any immigrants based on visa requirements... pass the test, pay your fees and wait your turn.

Aussie carries a stigma from the persecusion of the oboriginal people in the early years. Basically the English attitude to them was much the same as it was to Africa and the slaves. William Wilberforce may have helped free the slaves, but not the attitude to the un-educated black population who even into the 1960's (and some still are) exploited as a source of low paid labour, which is why Mugabe is still seen as an hero for kicking the white farmers out.

After a successful court action by aboriginals, historic claims to tribal"ownership" of land were in the main accepted and while they get no financial return from mineral rights etc, they got their voice heard.

Individually, there may be racists, but in the the main, my impression is Aussies are thrilled to hear you praise their country, because they are rightly proud of it. Moan about "Home" being better, cooler, has more rain, better knickers in M & S, no killer spider,snakes or sharks.... and you will see their eyes glaze over.
Asians all seem to have "Home" at the front all the time. I know Asians in the UK born in the Uk who regard India as "Home"! So in my opinion, its not the skin colour that Aussies dont like.... its attitude!

So, if you can state that 1 in 3 are from UK, how many of them are white?
And, what mix comprises the other 2 in 3?

The UK has no more "right" of entry than any other nation.

1 in 3 is a statistic..... and we all know that there are - lies....damn lies, and Statistics!

L. L.

yanH Sep 13th 2008 7:49 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?
I personally find a deep current of racism just under the surface. Many times when I have been at bbq's etc with aussies I have heard derogotary comments about "Pakis", "Lebbo's" etc. Yes the official policies are not racist but a good percentage of the population are.

mi5agent Sep 13th 2008 8:05 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by yanH (Post 6781736)
I personally find a deep current of racism just under the surface. Many times when I have been at bbq's etc with aussies I have heard derogotary comments about "Pakis", "Lebbo's" etc. Yes the official policies are not racist but a good percentage of the population are.

You missed out, "wogs", "Spiks", " Ities" and .....Bloody Poms!

To an aussi, an ambulance is an "ambow" the afternoon is, "this arvo". its called slang.
Only the "white" western countries who bend over backwards not to have Christmas nativity plays in schools - in case it upsets the Muslims, make a fuss over such things. This "insult" is in the mind of the objector...who seems to be unable to cope with simple verbage.
I dont get upset when my mate Chalky (an african) calls me white trash, or milk bottle.
So never mind the nick names, what were the complaints about at your BBQ, at which you accepted an invitation knowing the people there, presumably there were and still are you friends.... or unbiased folk who accepted you into their homes with conditions!

I would sooner havethe aussie - say it as you see it - attitude than the prissy over reaction and lets forget our national heritage and religions.

Grow up.


Dorothy Sep 13th 2008 8:12 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?
Let's not let this degrade into a bunch of racist slurs being bandied about.

Blossom Sep 13th 2008 8:19 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?
FFS we do not live in a perfect world - if OP is of asian descent, then I think he/she has one bloody big chip on their shoulder and this kind of attitude goes along way to propogating racism. Why should we always be defending ourselves against racism - live and let live and get on with your life.

UncleKev Sep 13th 2008 8:23 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by yanH (Post 6781736)
I personally find a deep current of racism just under the surface. Many times when I have been at bbq's etc with aussies I have heard derogotary comments about "Pakis", "Lebbo's" etc. Yes the official policies are not racist but a good percentage of the population are.

Mate, you are talking bollocks. No Australian that I know has ever used the word "Paki". I am an Aussie, but lived in the UK for 15 years, and I defiinitely heard the word "Paki" used at bbq's there, but not by Australians.
Australia never had the large scale immigration from the Indian sub-continent that contributed to the negative use of the word "Paki" among some of the British working class.

You may have heard the word "Lebos" used after the Cronulla and Maroubra riots, but if you went to a bbq in Bankstown or Punchbowl you would most likely hear the word "Skip" used in a derogatory way as well. So what.

You personally find a deep current of racism just under the surface. Why are you digging under the surface? Maybe you are just over sensitive.

yanH Sep 13th 2008 8:24 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by mi5agent (Post 6781758)
You missed out, "wogs", "Spiks", " Ities" and .....Bloody Poms!

To an aussi, an ambulance is an "ambow" the afternoon is, "this arvo". its called slang.
Only the "white" western countries who bend over backwards not to have Christmas nativity plays in schools - in case it upsets the Muslims, make a fuss over such things. This "insult" is in the mind of the objector...who seems to be unable to cope with simple verbage.
I dont get upset when my mate Chalky (an african) calls me white trash, or milk bottle.
So never mind the nick names, what were the complaints about at your BBQ, at which you accepted an invitation knowing the people there, presumably there were and still are you friends.... or unbiased folk who accepted you into their homes with conditions!

I would sooner havethe aussie - say it as you see it - attitude than the prissy over reaction and lets forget our national heritage and religions.

Grow up.


I'm not talking about slang here but proper racism. As for pc I'm one of the least pc people around to me a spade is a spade.

It's simply an observation that in general here I have heard more racism than I did back in the UK. If you look at my other posts you will find that in general I am very positive about Australia simply not blinkered. What's the point in answering the question posed here and not giving the op a true answer of my experiences?

Why the need for the personal abuse? :confused:

yanH Sep 13th 2008 8:25 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by UncleKev (Post 6781789)
You personally find a deep current of racism just under the surface

Exactly its a personal response to a question asked about people's personal experiences. Why I would I not answer from a personal point of view?

moneypenny20 Sep 13th 2008 8:38 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by Hutch (Post 6779735)
T I personally believe that forcing people to vote is completely undemocratic. I believe that in a truly democratic society I should be allowed to waste my vote if I so choose. And yet today I went down to the polling station and voted because I was legally obliged to do so.


They don't force you to vote. They force you to visit the polling station and sign in. What you do with your voting paper after that is entirely up to you. You could have drawn pretty pictures or written an article for the Grauniad on it if you wanted.

NKSK version 2 Sep 13th 2008 8:48 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by mi5agent (Post 6781718)
Asians all seem to have "Home" at the front all the time.


Jesus. I though this was an intelligent post until I read this.

NKSK version 2 Sep 13th 2008 8:49 pm

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by mi5agent (Post 6781758)
I dont get upset when my mate Chalky (an african) calls me white trash, or milk bottle.


That's because your ethnic background is strong, not persecuted and generally not discriminated against.

Hutch Sep 14th 2008 1:02 am

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 6781803)
They don't force you to vote. They force you to visit the polling station and sign in. What you do with your voting paper after that is entirely up to you. You could have drawn pretty pictures or written an article for the Grauniad on it if you wanted.

Whoop-de-doo. Still got to go to the polling station like a good little boy.

An article ... The Guardian ... hmmm ....

mi5agent Sep 14th 2008 5:31 am

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by NKSK version 2 (Post 6781814)
Jesus. I though this was an intelligent post until I read this.

As the originator of the post to which you refer, this is not meant as a negative comment, or a complaint.

I just spent 50 minutes making a valid and detailed reply to your comments, but I deleted it.

If the sum of my post does not get the message through, neither will further explanation.

mi5agent Sep 14th 2008 5:52 am

Re: White Australia Policy - still present?

Originally Posted by NKSK version 2 (Post 6781818)
That's because your ethnic background is strong, not persecuted and generally not discriminated against.

No mate, its just bantor!

I dont imagine any Aussie has ever objected to being called a "Digger".

Maybe if they really were a racist bunch, they may well object, because the nickname was actually given BY the Aussie's to the Chinese who came to DIG for gold in the early 1800's. Followed rapidly by "Yanks" - the prospectors from the Klondyke gold rush in Alsaka USA after it run out of steam.

And if you want to add more ethnicity to the debate, take this - "Aboriginal"
a good old Aussie name for the native population.
Actually, the "Aboriginals" name, title, description or whatever...came from ...Spain.

Reading broadens the what my dear old granny always taught me... can I make a suggestion........

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