
Croc Hunter

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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:22 am
Professional Princess
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by G'Day
PP, I can't see you straining your back picking up shit, but who knows? And using your bare hands? Mmmm, I don't quite buy that one - I think you're telling a wopper. I don't even clean my cat's litter box without gloves - I cannot imagine Steve or anyone at the zoo actually EXPECTING you to pick it up with bare hands. However, if that's the way you like doing things......Nevermind the "death adder" stories. Why would someone who cares as much for his animals as Steve does put snakes in their compounds with them? Why would he leave them there if he didn't put them there, when he knows people work there regularly & in Australia people will sue the pants off you for even blinking funny in their direction? As for all sorts of other things like not allowing you to approach him & his family, well I don't know the man personally, but where does it say just 'cause he's on telly he has to be available to you at all times? What makes you so special anyway? I happen to like him and his programs a great deal, my own family is in the film industry & they're not the same people at home as what they are on TV either, neither does any Tom, Dick or Harry have the right to bug & harrass them simply because they happen to see their faces on TV. Furthermore, "free" courtesy tourist busses are for TOURISTS, not for employees, volunteer or otherwise. They don't really run for free, they run because the tourists pay to go into the zoo, which volunteers & employees don't - simple mathematics and good business sense. And if someone doesn't have the sense to ride his bike sensibly on a busy road it's hardly Steve's fault. Blame the council for not building a proper sidewalk or walkway for people. Last time I looked Steve wasn't elected to the council.

If you didn't like working there as a volunteer you could have just got up and left, and so could anyone else who wasn't happy. If everyone left because of bad conditions the man would have had to face up to facts (if they are indeed facts). You weren't locked into a contract or getting paid anyway, so why did you bother? I think your whinning is just a way of drawing attention to the fact that you worked for him. Many people do that, they get all starry-eyed around celebs & then they bitch about them afterwards in an attempt to draw attention to the fact that they actually met them, because they don't want to come straight out & brag that they met or saw so-and-so.

Gday, as well as calling me a liar when you dont even know me, you are spouting the biggest load of shit I have ever read in my life.

How dare you accuse me of that. You, as a rather simple visitor to his zoo, have made a stupid comment about someone who has actually worked there.

Legally he has a duty to oversee health and safety of all those that work there paid or unpaid.

I am not slagging him off and nor am I 'starry eyed' about him. I never met him, I saw him.

I merely made a comment about the way volunteers are treated, something you know nothing about.

You know jack shit about animals, when I have worked with them for the past 9 years.

As for saying that I was lying about them making us pick up shit without gloves, what the hell would you know? Were you there at the time I was? I don't think so.

Had we have asked for gloves for this job, we would have been laughed at. The only time you got gloves there, was when they made the volunteers go round the car park picking up fag butts.

Picking up leaves doesnt hurt your back? You spout shit Gday and now I know why you annoy the hell out of people.

Those 'few leaves' filled giant bins and several of them, that we had to fill and empty.

So before you start slagging me off for what you know absolutely nothing about, I suggest you shut your mouth.

For your information, most volunteers signed up for about a month and most left well before then.

Respect should come from both sides and not an assumption that everyone is there to 'star spot Steve Irwin'.

And whilst you may feel you are qualified to judge me because you are an expert in cleaning up cat shit, until you do a stint at the zoo yourself, you can't really comment on things or those you know nothing about.

I'm not saying I am special, but as an educated veterinary professional that wanted nothing more than to learn about Aussie wildlife, I am at least entitled to the respect of a trying to learn by volunteering in a zoo.

I tried to respect your initial opinion and you wrote back with a personal attack.

Carry on cleaning out your cat shit Gday, because quite frankly, it's all you will ever be an expert in.
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:24 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

I used to work for a global company, I would see no reason that I couldn't approach the CEO to say hello. They are not God, the reason they are CEO is for 2 reasons, 1 - they are highly skilled at what they do. 2- lots of people are working like buggery to make the money (in this case volunteers) to keep the company going.
As to the bus, I think it is silly to stop workers going on it, if the bus is constantly full and paying customers are having to wait then that is different.
I suppose the whole thing depends on your view to the workers - boss relationship. Myself I think everyone is equal, whether this is the person collecting the roo shit or the person parading around on TV hamming up to the yanks. All important to the smooth profitable running of the company
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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:27 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by kevinbloomfield
I used to work for a global company, I would see no reason that I couldn't approach the CEO to say hello. They are not God, the reason they are CEO is for 2 reasons, 1 - they are highly skilled at what they do. 2- lots of people are working like buggery to make the money (in this case volunteers) to keep the company going.
As to the bus, I think it is silly to stop workers going on it, if the bus is constantly full and paying customers are having to wait then that is different.
I suppose the whole thing depends on your view to the workers - boss relationship. Myself I think everyone is equal, whether this is the person collecting the roo shit or the person parading around on TV hamming up to the yanks. All important to the smooth profitable running of the company

I totally agree Kevin.

Gday makes it her ambition to piss people off on this site. I object to being called a liar.

Patronising cow, I cannot stand people that make a judgement when they werent there, you don't know them and you still get called a liar.

If she had bothered to read my earlier posts, I wasnt slagging Steve Irwin off, I was commenting on the way volunteers were treated.
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:28 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by kevinbloomfield
I used to work for a global company, I would see no reason that I couldn't approach the CEO to say hello. They are not God, the reason they are CEO is for 2 reasons, 1 - they are highly skilled at what they do. 2- lots of people are working like buggery to make the money (in this case volunteers) to keep the company going.
As to the bus, I think it is silly to stop workers going on it, if the bus is constantly full and paying customers are having to wait then that is different.
I suppose the whole thing depends on your view to the workers - boss relationship. Myself I think everyone is equal, whether this is the person collecting the roo shit or the person parading around on TV hamming up to the yanks. All important to the smooth profitable running of the company
Karma sent to you kevin
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:37 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by gobbyjock
If staff are expected to walk or bike along a dangerous road then then I feel staff transport should be provided (in my own opinion). People who love animals and want to help at the zoo is fine - so long as no-one takes the P**s out of them and don`t expect everything for nothing and dont provide equipement and training. Yes I agree that there are nutjobs out there who like to get too close and people dont have a right to a piece of a celeb - however if you want to be famous you should expect that people will want to approach you - it comes with the territory - and I`m not saying I agree with people doing it.
If every company was expected to provide transport for employees where access to workplace was via a 'dangerous' stretch of road, then probably 90% of us would be getting free rides to work. I don't really see how an employer can be deemed irresponsible for allowing an employee to cycle to work. I used to cycle to work every day in Melbourne thru choice - *shock*!!

g'DAY, a dead cyclist is not a stupid cyclist. We don't know the specific accident details in this case, and it could equally have been death caused by a 3rd party. (The vast majority of cyclist deaths and serious injuries are actually thru the fault of a motorist, and not the cyclist.) Not all cyclists cycle irresponsibly (I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate being called an irresponsible driver, simply because there are many irresponsible drivers out there). You simpply cannot say that it was the cyclist's fault that he died, or accuse him of cycling recklessly.
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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:43 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by HiddenPaw
If every company was expected to provide transport for employees where access to workplace was via a 'dangerous' stretch of road, then probably 90% of us would be getting free rides to work. I don't really see how an employer can be deemed irresponsible for allowing an employee to cycle to work. I used to cycle to work every day in Melbourne thru choice - *shock*!!

g'DAY, a dead cyclist is not a stupid cyclist. We don't know the specific accident details in this case, and it could equally have been death caused by a 3rd party. (The vast majority of cyclist deaths and serious injuries are actually thru the fault of a motorist, and not the cyclist.) Not all cyclists cycle irresponsibly (I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate being called an irresponsible driver, simply because there are many irresponsible drivers out there). You simpply cannot say that it was the cyclist's fault that he died, or accuse him of cycling recklessly.
Perhaps if it had been her son/daughter, Gday would have felt differently.

I know they are not obliged to provide transport, which is fine.

But bearing in mind the courtesy bus went past the accommodation he was staying in, it wouldnt have hurt.

As you say hidden paw, it doesnt mean the cyclist was at fault and may that poor guy rest in peace, no matter whos fault it was.
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:45 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

[QUOTE=HiddenPaw]If every company was expected to provide transport for employees where access to workplace was via a 'dangerous' stretch of road, then probably 90% of us would be getting free rides to work. I don't really see how an employer can be deemed irresponsible for allowing an employee to cycle to work. I used to cycle to work every day in Melbourne thru choice - *shock*!!

Fair comment,but the buses are already running, no one is asking for special transport to work, just the ability to ride on the buses that are already there. No wonder the volunteers leave before a month or so.
Sounds like they are treated as 2nd class citizens to me.

I didn't realize that G'day was a wind up merchant having never read any of her posts before
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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:47 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

[/QUOTE] Just because Steve owns the zoo & is a celeb and PP worked there doesn't mean she should be granted automatic access to him - does it? I work for a multi-million international company & I see our CEO on television all the time, does that now give me the right to insist that I meet him and his wife on a private, personal level? I don't think so....unless you want to take this to a whole new level of weird :scared:[/QUOTE]

I mentioned we were not allowed to approach him. Did you read once in my thread that I said I wanted to?

No, I don't think so.

Get your facts straight before you start saying what I may or may not have done.

Christ your an irritating little cow, has anyone ever told you that?
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:48 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by HiddenPaw
If every company was expected to provide transport for employees where access to workplace was via a 'dangerous' stretch of road, then probably 90% of us would be getting free rides to work. I don't really see how an employer can be deemed irresponsible for allowing an employee to cycle to work. I used to cycle to work every day in Melbourne thru choice - *shock*!!

Fair comment,but the buses are already running, no one is asking for special transport to work, just the ability to ride on the buses that are already there. No wonder the volunteers leave before a month or so.
Sounds like they are treated as 2nd class citizens to me.

I didn't realize that G'day was a wind up merchant having never read any of her posts before
Oh yes, you should have a read of some of her posts. Whilst I admit to writing some filthy posts in the lounge, she goes into the lounge to be horrible to members, purely for fun.
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:51 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

[QUOTE=G'Day] neither does any Tom, Dick or Harry have the right to bug & harrass them [QUOTE]

I had uncles called Tom, Dick and Harry but they are all dead now.
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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:54 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

i totally agree with you pp,if youve never worked for someone as a volenteer,how the hell can you argue with someone that has
as for picking up shit with your bare hands thats totally disgusting,god knows what you could catch,i know health and safety in this country certainly wouldnt allow it,and no one, even a volenteer should have to do something like that.
Ive had my own business and i know if i had a volenteer working for me, for free,i would certainly look after them as well,if not better than an employee,in appreciation for doing all the work for nothing,they should be grateful..the least they could do would be to lay on a bus for the workers,if it werent for the volenteers,they would have to pay more people to get the work done, and im sure this would cost a hell of a lot more than laying on a bus.

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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:56 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

[QUOTE=Bix][QUOTE=G'Day] neither does any Tom, Dick or Harry have the right to bug & harrass them

I had uncles called Tom, Dick and Harry but they are all dead now.
Bix, I love you.
Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:57 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

[QUOTE=Bix][QUOTE=G'Day] neither does any Tom, Dick or Harry have the right to bug & harrass them

I had uncles called Tom, Dick and Harry but they are all dead now.
But did they harass you?

I have an uncle called Michael, he doesn't harass me, he just shows me porn mags and lets me sleep in his room.
Allegedly of course
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Old Mar 29th 2005, 1:59 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by kevinbloomfield
But did they harass you?

I have an uncle called Michael, he doesn't harass me, he just shows me porn mags and lets me sleep in his room.
Allegedly of course

Yes, but does he have a white glove with a brown finger?
Old Mar 29th 2005, 2:11 am
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Default Re: Croc Hunter

Originally Posted by Professional Princess
Yes, but does he have a white glove with a brown finger?
Do you know my uncle?
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