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Centurion Dec 30th 2005 4:09 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by chance to be
why are so many of you verbally attacking RobnCaz for what they said (above). i think they are absolutely right.
dont normally go on this site - normally on the "moving back to uk" one and its interesting to note if a similiar conversation arises there, you would find more people clear of their intolerance to racism, than on this site. Take what you will from that statement. I know what it implies for me...

Expressing a differing opinion is not the same as verbally attacking someone. I dont think anyone here has actually attacked Rob have they ? He feels passionate about a subject and that's completely fine. I certainly would not expect everyone else to share my passions or views completely. However Rob cannot expect that either and his second post -

"What has amazed me from posting this thread is the varying different levels of racial tolerance from people here on BE!
When I posted, I honestly, honestly thought it would be a clear cut post with EVERYONE agreeing that racism is NOT to be tolerated under any circumstances...instead, it has turned into a (heated, dare I say) debate!
Have certainly had MY eyes opened!!"

That could certainly be a suggestion that some people on here are indeed racist or certainly less tolerant if read in a certain way and in fact some might find it an insult. The joys of the media of the misunderstood written word.

I personally find that racism in Australia is neither worse or better than any other part of the world. That doesn't mean to say that I find it particularly acceptable either.

MartinLuther Dec 30th 2005 5:59 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by chance to be
the OP quotes,
"Does this type of attitude exist all over Australia?
What is being done to combat it?

Seriously having a think now about wether we are moving to the right country!"

how is that insinuating that all Aussies are racists??? I thought a big reason that people are racist is that they mis-interpret others???It is like saying EVERY SINGLE person in a country has to be racist in order for it to be a racist country. (think WW", Germany...everyone felt the same???)We all know that that doesnt happen ANYWHERE. however people can still get a "feel" for a place and say that they think its racist etc due to events even if instigated by a minority (think Hilters era etc etc). The people here i have met in Oz, i would honestly say, I do not think the ones I am friendly with are racist - but then people are drawn to others with similar values. But I do get the feeling that racism is simmering under the surface here, not necessarilly overtly or worse than the UK.
You just have to look to your own values and decide if your can sit comfortably with your new countrys' values. For example, I personally could not live in some middle eastern countries, however much I was paid because the value system is TOO different to my own. As for Australias..well the jurys still out on that one...Its DEFINATELY not worse that England, but not as tolerant as I anticipated.

The bit that makes me wonder is "Does this type of attitude exist all over Australia?" - it seems a strange question in reference to an article that was written by an Aussie who also finds this behaviour deplorable - i.e. the answer was already in the article. So why post?

But that is all a side-track: the main point of my answer to your question was Rob's statement: "When I posted, I honestly, honestly thought it would be a clear cut post with EVERYONE agreeing that racism is NOT to be tolerated under any circumstances...instead, it has turned into a (heated, dare I say) debate!". What's the message behind that?

I don't think mis-interpretation means racism.

Can I invoke Godwin's Law?

Centurion Dec 30th 2005 6:04 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by MartinLuther
Can I invoke Godwin's Law?

Gah I missed the reference before, but there it is!!. Godwins Law invoked I say!!!!!

Shaun&Dee Dec 30th 2005 9:10 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!
For someone to truely not be a racist they must have never in their entire lives

* made an Irish/Scottish/Welsh joke
* never mocked someone elses nationallity (POME, convict, etc.?)
* joked about Germans losing war or first to lay down the towells on sunbeds, etc
* made some joke about pikeys/ travellers / romany travellers
* blind / deaf joke
* etc etc etc (could go on for hours)

Even if you are married to a partner from a different race, you can still be racist toward another race, whether intentially or not. I beieve that almost all people are/have been racist to some degree at some time in their lives. I don't think that there are that many people in the world who have a never ever made a single joke about at least one of the above.

It is everywhere you go, and just have to get on with it. What about the possitive discrimination in South Africa. I know of skilled white SA's who have been refused a job which was then given to less qulified black SA's. The job should be given on merit. Is this right? I think not.

Then the troubles in Israel/Palestine, Bosnia/Serbia, Northern Ireland/Ireland, etc. Its everywhere

You can't get away from it.

It will be the 3rd World War IMO.

ROBnCAZ Dec 30th 2005 9:15 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by MartinLuther
Probably because he insinuated that we are all racists. Just like he's insinuating that all Aussies are racists because of the Cronula stuff (even though the article was written by an Aussie who is clearly disgusted by it all).

As Rog said: "Recognising the reality of it is not the same as endorsing it!".

Did I??


Perhaps you should *CAREFULLY* re-read my posts!!

To##er!! :rolleyes:

MartinLuther Dec 30th 2005 9:34 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by ROBnCAZ
Did I??


Perhaps you should *CAREFULLY* re-read my posts!!

To##er!! :rolleyes:

An elegant and compelling rebuttal - well argued.

merlotsmum Dec 30th 2005 10:10 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by Centurion
Expressing a differing opinion is not the same as verbally attacking someone. I dont think anyone here has actually attacked Rob have they ? He feels passionate about a subject and that's completely fine. I certainly would not expect everyone else to share my passions or views completely. However Rob cannot expect that either and his second post -

"What has amazed me from posting this thread is the varying different levels of racial tolerance from people here on BE!
When I posted, I honestly, honestly thought it would be a clear cut post with EVERYONE agreeing that racism is NOT to be tolerated under any circumstances...instead, it has turned into a (heated, dare I say) debate!
Have certainly had MY eyes opened!!"

That could certainly be a suggestion that some people on here are indeed racist or certainly less tolerant if read in a certain way and in fact some might find it an insult. The joys of the media of the misunderstood written word.

I personally find that racism in Australia is neither worse or better than any other part of the world. That doesn't mean to say that I find it particularly acceptable either.

Could not agree more, well put :)

A dogs life Dec 30th 2005 10:14 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!
I hear the thunder of Moderators elephantine feet running towards this thread.

Jeez if they can ban a laughable one on 'whose the biggest tosser'... this ones a goner :rolleyes:

It might descend into an argument you see, and we can't be having that on a happy clappy forum :rolleyes:

Bix Dec 31st 2005 12:52 am

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by A dogs life
I hear the thunder of Moderators elephantine feet running towards this thread.

Jeez if they can ban a laughable one on 'whose the biggest tosser'... this ones a goner :rolleyes:

It might descend into an argument you see, and we can't be having that on a happy clappy forum :rolleyes:

Just for once why don't you shut your big gob :mad:

(Did that help A ? ;) )

Sue Dec 31st 2005 1:05 am

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!
My feet aren't that big.........honest :D

Originally Posted by A dogs life
I hear the thunder of Moderators elephantine feet running towards this thread.

Jeez if they can ban a laughable one on 'whose the biggest tosser'... this ones a goner :rolleyes:

It might descend into an argument you see, and we can't be having that on a happy clappy forum :rolleyes:

annqldau Dec 31st 2005 11:10 am

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!
Mr Ann again,

Ok - here's your homework assignment - an essay on 'How does racism compare to nationalism? - discuss'

I believe (and please people, this is only my opinion, not intended to cause WW3) that the UK was becoming a Country where to be White-English was turning into something wrong. For those of you who filled in any sort of 'ethnicity' form, you may have notice the Scots could be Scots, the Welsh could be Welsh but the English were always 'British'. I have no axe to grind with anyone but as an "englishman' why shouldn't I be able to declare that? Even all the stuff about not being able to fly the flag of St George in case it 'offends' people, all of the 'seasons greetings' instead of 'Merry Christmas', again in case someones sensitivities are upset. The Country has gone mad!! As a previous poster has said, moving to/living in a 'foreign' (and I use that word carefully as I appreciate a lot of people of other races/religions have actually been born there) country would imply that you will either accept that your adopted country has a set of values which differ from yours, or that you will adapt to live there. I am agnostic - doesn't mean I think all of Australia should become agnostic, or if I move to a predominantly Muslim/Catholic etc etc Country I would expect any special treatment. A lot of problems could be averted or not even exist, if people could just learn to 'live and let live'.

Once again, I believe it is possible to be Nationalistic, without being racist. Please discuss as you will. (and I will remind you - just an opinion)

Shaun&Dee Dec 31st 2005 11:23 am

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by annqldau
Mr Ann again,

Ok - here's your homework assignment - an essay on 'How does racism compare to nationalism? - discuss'

I believe (and please people, this is only my opinion, not intended to cause WW3) that the UK was becoming a Country where to be White-English was turning into something wrong. For those of you who filled in any sort of 'ethnicity' form, you may have notice the Scots could be Scots, the Welsh could be Welsh but the English were always 'British'. I have no axe to grind with anyone but as an "englishman' why shouldn't I be able to declare that? Even all the stuff about not being able to fly the flag of St George in case it 'offends' people, all of the 'seasons greetings' instead of 'Merry Christmas', again in case someones sensitivities are upset. The Country has gone mad!! As a previous poster has said, moving to/living in a 'foreign' (and I use that word carefully as I appreciate a lot of people of other races/religions have actually been born there) country would imply that you will either accept that your adopted country has a set of values which differ from yours, or that you will adapt to live there. I am agnostic - doesn't mean I think all of Australia should become agnostic, or if I move to a predominantly Muslim/Catholic etc etc Country I would expect any special treatment. A lot of problems could be averted or not even exist, if people could just learn to 'live and let live'.

Once again, I believe it is possible to be Nationalistic, without being racist. Please discuss as you will. (and I will remind you - just an opinion)

I'm extremely proud to be English, I always tick the box 'white other' and write 'white English' where I can. It does seem that to be English has lost its proudness and if you are labelled as nationalist you too get labelled a racist. I always fly a 12 ft wide flag with "English & Proud" across the eaves of my house when we play football (no photos to post unfortunately).

MartinLuther Dec 31st 2005 11:45 am

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by A dogs life
I hear the thunder of Moderators elephantine feet running towards this thread.

Jeez if they can ban a laughable one on 'whose the biggest tosser'... this ones a goner :rolleyes:

It might descend into an argument you see, and we can't be having that on a happy clappy forum :rolleyes:

Your reputation as a professional thread killer is being tested on this one. :D

seang Dec 31st 2005 12:31 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by Shaun&Dee
* made an Irish/Scottish/Welsh joke

Dont you dare! Moi will be very very peeved. Est je suis serious

Linda Lushardi Dec 31st 2005 1:53 pm

Re: Absolutely Disgusted!!!

Originally Posted by Shaun&Dee
For someone to truely not be a racist they must have never in their entire lives

* made an Irish/Scottish/Welsh joke
* never mocked someone elses nationallity (POME, convict, etc.?)
* joked about Germans losing war or first to lay down the towells on sunbeds, etc
* made some joke about pikeys/ travellers / romany travellers
* blind / deaf joke
* etc etc etc (could go on for hours)

Even if you are married to a partner from a different race, you can still be racist toward another race, whether intentially or not. I beieve that almost all people are/have been racist to some degree at some time in their lives. I don't think that there are that many people in the world who have a never ever made a single joke about at least one of the above.

It is everywhere you go, and just have to get on with it. What about the possitive discrimination in South Africa. I know of skilled white SA's who have been refused a job which was then given to less qulified black SA's. The job should be given on merit. Is this right? I think not.

Then the troubles in Israel/Palestine, Bosnia/Serbia, Northern Ireland/Ireland, etc. Its everywhere

You can't get away from it.

It will be the 3rd World War IMO.

I think what you mean is "prejudiced" as some of your examples dont refer to a race as such, but i get what you mean and agree. I get mildly irritated by some of the "holier than thou" stances some members here take over race issues and castigate people for expressing an opinion about issues classing them racists or in a negative light, yet fully endorse many and varying kinds of predjudice against other sectors of the community. Whether it be "chavs" "blings" blacks, muslims, fat people, ugly people, eyes too close together or any other ridiculous feature they have the audacity to class as abhorrent and lump them into one category. (you have to question their intelligence!)
The truth is that no one has the right to denegrate anybody and make assumptions but we do!! Unfortunately its a nasty human trait which honestly sickens me. But what really pisses me off is those on here who think that somehow their form of prejudice is more "Right" than others.

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