
Leaving the USA

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Old Aug 17th 2003, 2:04 pm
Cheryl Rychkova
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

ironporer <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > You are right- I guess my memory is fading, or I misunderstood some
    > Jeopardy question. Alzheimers perhaps, or perhaps lack of
    > investigation. Sorry

No need to apologize! But you know, it's really hard for me to buy
that you are American at all. Facts such as have been discussed
regarding birthplace of notable early Americans are *ingrained* in
those born, raised and educated in the US. It's not something you
"forget" or "fades away"
Strange indeed!
Old Aug 17th 2003, 11:16 pm
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As I mentioned before- I aologize for the misinformation regarding the birthplace of those first American presidents. I should have googled it to verify my info. I could swear that I heard on Jeopardy or somewhere that the 1st 7 were born in England. Perhaps it was that they were born Brittish citizens or something.

As towhether or not I am a "real" American, I don't think my Indiana birth certificate says anything about "real" or not- I think anyone who comes here with a dream and a work ethic to make that dream a reality should be considered a real american, although I conceed that they should speak the language after a time.

My feelings toward the starter of this thread remain the same as Deka's- s/he is a sick, xenophobic, twisted, racist, troll whosepresense in my country shames me. I only hope that someday s/he will have the opportunity to go on Oprah, Montel, or Geraldo and show to the whole world his stupidity...even if he leaves his white sheet and pointy white hat in the closet.

The beauty of America is that ALL of us are immigrants in one fashion or another- even the Natives came here from other lands... it is just a question of how long your family has been here- 1 generation or 200, we all are Americans if we believe in our dream.
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Old Aug 18th 2003, 12:20 am
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Amer20034 is a trip. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. I do believe you are forgetting the immigrants that:

1. Created this nation that you are sooo eager to build a fence around. ie.

- The immigrant men and women that died in the defense of our nation, many dying without ever becoming US citizens or becoming citizens posthumously.

- The immigrants that built this nation into an industrial powerhouse and world leader. I can pull out a history book and show name after name of immigrants that developed this country. Our steel industry (Carnegie, Scotland), electrical power industry (Edison, born in Italy to Canadian parents), communications (Bell, Scotland), our early space program was pioneered primarily by German scientists.

- The immigrants who came to America and those that come to America today to do the s**t jobs that Americans place themselves above. We need the output from these jobs, but most Americans are either to lazy or consider themselves to educated to do the work.

P.S. You need to find a new ESL teacher, your spelling and grammar sucks, bad....
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Old Aug 24th 2003, 3:28 pm
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

"Dekka's Angel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Listen Amer2003 (and I am trying really HARD not to go nuclear) aka
    > sick, twisted, xenophobic, racist troll:

Dekka's Angel,

it has been suggested that people of African descent in the U.S. have a
greater propensity than others to lose their cool, and you are a classic
Just look at our prison population.

When large groups of African-"Americans" go "nulcear" (like in the 1992
Los Angeles riots), the USA will have to deploy our National Guard to
maintain Law and Order for the benefit of other residents here.
And the National Guard is very good at restoring Law and Order
(much better than the Fire Department was during the 1965 Watts riots).
We would prefer not to have to use any of those means again.

There are real Americans who do not belong to your clan who understand
your rights and concerns as real Americans, who will not tolerate any
clan going nuclear here.
So it might be better for you and your clan not to go nuclear in any event

Allowing foreigners into the USA in large numbers has always had
its problems for the locals.
The bigger cost in the long run is when racist descendants of the original
immigrants start whining about why their immigrant forefathers had a harder
time than others, and start demanding additional support and handouts for
their kind/clan at the expense of other real Americans living here today.

You are the racist around here for putting the betterment of your clan before
the betterment of our Nation.

    > I am TIRED of you using my name and my very-tailored argument to support
    > your grossly-overreaching, hate-filled point.

If you don't like people referencing what you posted, don't post it to a
public newsgroup.

    > I explained my belief
    > about why slaves are not immigrants, and why the label in our case does
    > a disservice to our quite unique American experience. I stand by
    > everything I said.

I agree with you that the slaves were not immigrants.

    > But that is NOT the same thing support for YOUR argument, or any other
    > of the sick ones you've made since, about the distinction between
    > "Americans" and Non.

I did not ask for your support of my arguments.
You are simply a reference to something you posted that I agree with.

    > This weak bullshit of yours about "Real Americans" being defined by a
    > US-issued birth certificate finds no support in law *or* reason.

I believe the legal term is "Jus Soli".
And it is about time real Americans realized that there are too many
other countries that deny us liberties on the grounds that we weren't
born in their country. Many of them are the "Jus Sanguinis" bigots who like
talking about ancestry and family trees.
And these foreigners are the ones whining that they want our citizenship today,
for their clandestine agendas.
And their true allegiance will always be to their damn HOMEland, not to the

And since you post from a British ex-spats account and brought up this
"nuclear" topic,
I must ask you if you know anything about the UK Citizen shoe bomber (who was
Asia Indian descent) or that other 68-year old UK citizen (who was also of
Asia Indian origin) who was caught in a sting operation trying to sell
anti-aircraft weapons to hurt the USA, or anyone else in the UK who, like
might go "nuclear".
Because the FBI and the CIA would like to know.

Thank you.
Old Aug 24th 2003, 3:54 pm
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Posted by ironporer [email protected]:

    >The beauty of America is that ALL of us are immigrants in one fashion or
    >another- even the Natives came here from other lands... it is just a
    >question of how long your family has been here

You missed the point.
Anyone who wasn't born in the USA is not a real American.

So you are the racist for suggesting how long someone's family has been here.
Old Aug 24th 2003, 4:11 pm
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Yes!!! Come on Dekka's Angel tells us what you know about 3 more terrorist Eric Rudolph, John Walker Lindh, Timothy McVeigh
must all have been immigrants.. Oops no!! Good old American boys...
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Old Aug 24th 2003, 6:08 pm
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Default Re: Ignorance

We're all wasting our time on these trolls. I feel that Amer20034 is having us on and also that user OLIVER COSTICH is one and the same. Their posts are similar.

Last edited by jaytee; Aug 24th 2003 at 6:12 pm.
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Old Sep 1st 2003, 6:12 pm
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Originally posted by Amer20034
Posted by "CCNP+++" [email protected]:

    >Are you Native American?
Yes. A Native American is someone who was born in the USA.
They have a U.S. Birth Certificate, unlike you.

    >How many generations in your family tree were born in USA?
I'm not claiming citizenship because of my family or ancestry.
I'm a U.S. citizen because of MYSELF. Unlike you.

How many of your family tree was born in Russia?
What good did that do for Russia?
But they have a right to live in Russia, don't they?
How would you like it if Germans stormed Russia (again) and demanded the
right to live there because they build better cars than the Russians?
Even a Russian knows that German cars are better than Russian cars,
so does that give the Germans a "right" to move to Russia in large numbers?
Even for the betterment of the Russian economy or the Russian
automobile industry?
Even if Germans are harder working than Russians?
Will Russians ever learn any self-respect for themselves and their HOMEland
anytime soon?
And they all want to come here and mess up the USA now?
And they will all leave for Canada if the USA starts going down the drain.

    >Immigrants are who make this country.
Yes, but that does not make them real Americans.
Read my Immigration FAQ about Immigrants versus Parasites.

    >And we are people who give the growth. Look at science, universities,
    >manufacturing... Who are there? Who are working hard to get something
    >in the life?
Yes, but also look at the criminal elements posting from British Ex-spats
e-mail accounts trying to get into the USA.
Who was that Russian guy in California who got his Green Card and then
killed his whole family here a couple of years ago?
They later discovered that he was kicked out of the Russian military, but the
INS did not know that. And we gave that clown a Green Card to live here!
Do you know the number of good people who want to be here?
And we give Green Cards and Citizenships to criminals, and there is no real
laws to seriously punish these liars.
1 criminal can do more damage than 100 good people.
There should be better filters to determine who is allowed into the U.S.
You foreign elements who don't merge into mainstream U.S. culture will
rip this country apart.
Look at the segregation in Switzerland between descendents of
the Germans, the French and the Italians. Is that what we want to see
happen in the USA?
Look at what the Dutch have done to South Africa.
It was great for them when they were in power (like Saddam Hussein and Sons).
And now they want to get out and come to the USA to do the same thing here?
Not while I am an AMERICAN!

    >Immigrants and our children.
Children who are born in the U.S. are real Americans.
Immigrants, by definition, may become Naturalized U.S. Citizens, but they will
never be real Americans (who have a U.S. Birth Certificate).
Why do you think you can never become a U.S. President?

    >But what you did for YOUR country?
Obviously, I did a lot more for my country than you did for yours.
And I am still here while you have given up on your country and ran away.
What guarantee do we have that you will not leech this country dry and move
to Canada when it is most convenient for you?

And where do you want real Americans who were born in the USA to go?
To God-forsaken Russia, where even the real Russians who were born there
are trying to get out of?
Well well well here we are again.. same idiot same arguement. Let's see where to begin.. hmm you are native american? So you have your indian card proving your birth? The difference being you are a Native to America but you are not Native American. I see you don' t think you owe your existance in America to immigrants? (dodges the crap coming out of your mouth) Well I dont think we have to address that one I don't have my hip boots on today. What is a real American? Some would say it is a birthright they think that because they fell out of their mother in that spot that they have precedence over others. A real American would hold true the basic principles of our forefathers who were immigrants and fought and died to be able to claim they were Americans. Hmm but that would bring us back to you oweing immigrants something wouldnt it.. imagine that. Read my signature and put a check on your mouth make this "Real American" want to spew with your hateful representation of this country and the people that live in it. Dropping out of your mother onto the soil of a country does not make you a REAL AMERICAN and apparently it doesnt account for being much of a human being either.

And in the words of the famous unknown quoter:

" Label on a child's Superman costume: Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.
--Unknown "

Just in case you think being born here allows you to do that as well.
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Old Sep 2nd 2003, 8:29 pm
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Darksapphyre <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Originally posted by Amer20034
    > > Posted by "CCNP+++" [email protected]:
    > >
    >Are you Native American?
    > Yes. A Native American is someone who was born in the USA.

Native Americans and First Canadians are enrolled in a recognised
Tribe or Band and are exempt from immigration restrictions in the USA
and Canada.

Jay Treaty, 1794

You only wish you had such rights.
Old Sep 3rd 2003, 2:43 am
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Okay your confused I didnt write that.. Amer did, if you look further down the post you will see it.

Darksapphyre <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Originally posted by Amer20034
> > Posted by "CCNP+++" [email protected]:
> >
>Are you Native American?
> Yes. A Native American is someone who was born in the USA.

Do you see where it says originally posted by Ameri20034? That's it.. good boy I didnt write that. Very good post though I thoroughly enjoyed reading it especially as I am not only a American Citizen but I am also a Native American. Thanks!
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Old Sep 6th 2003, 4:14 am
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Darksapphyre [email protected] wrote:

    >Okay your confused I didnt write that.. Amer did, if you look further
    >down the post you will see it.

You British ex-spats should learn proper use of a news reading tool,
and how to quote and reply properly, so that people will know exactly who said
something, and who posted the reply.
I have seen you guys screw up too many times here.

Doesn't the British ex-spats site have a tool like the AMERICA ONLINE's
superior message posting and reading tools?

Maybe that's why all of you want to get out of the UK!
Old Sep 6th 2003, 4:56 am
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Default Real American????

Just to split hairs, regardless of your definition of what decides a "real" American (birthplace, citizenship, residence, attitude), surely America is a continent? So, a Mexican citizen is by definition an American, for example... and a Canadian citizen.... and a Venezuelan citizen....

So just who decided that "America" was a country? (steps back to dodge the flying BS......)
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Old Sep 6th 2003, 9:55 am
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Originally posted by Amer20034
Doesn't the British ex-spats site have a tool like the AMERICA ONLINE's superior message posting and reading tools?
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Old Sep 6th 2003, 10:14 am
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Default Re: Leaving the USA

Doesn't the British ex-spats site have a tool like the AMERICA ONLINE's A website for from a AOL membersuperior message posting and reading tools?
Maybe that's why all of you want to get out of the UK!
Here you go... A website from a AOL members for people like you ..
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