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Have we got everything? (London Interview)

Have we got everything? (London Interview)

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Old Mar 3rd 2001, 12:50 am
Posts: n/a

my fiance is driving down from edinburgh to london on sunday, and has his interview at the
consulate on monday. (!!!)

we're going through the piles of papers obsessively to make sure we've got everything in
order. can anyone think of anything else we need? general helpful advice is also

we've got:

*his passports (one new one & one old one) *a copy of my passport *his birth certificate:
original and copy of long form, plus registered copy and photocopy of it, and one short
form version. *my birth certificate (original and copy) *2 ADIT photos of him *police
certificate (original and copy) *affidavit of support materials including an original and
a copy of: -cover letter -I-134 from me -my supporting documentation (student info) -my
1188 sponsor responsibility form -I-134 from the co-sponsor -co-sponsor supporting
documentation (bank letter, tax form, pension information) -co-sponsor's 1188 form *I-156
with receipt stamp and attached sheet documenting visits to USA (original and copy)
*Letter from doctor and copy of immunization record (original & copy) *IV21a (original and
copy) *copy of entire petition package *originals of plane ticket stubs, phone bills, etc.
sent as copies as evidence for petition.

i can't imagine there could be much that we're missing, but we're obviously also a wee bit
paranoid at this point.

Old Mar 3rd 2001, 3:25 am
Diane M
Posts: n/a

I have nothing to add - but I'm saving your list as a checklist for when we get our
interview - I can't imagine anything else that could be included. Good Luck.

Diane M.

nymsa wrote:

Old Mar 3rd 2001, 3:26 am
Posts: n/a

Nothing to add, but can you advise me of the difference between a "long form" and "short
form" birth certificate in England? There's only one type here in the States, and my
soon-to-be fiance from England has not mentioned there are different types.

Oh dear, I hope he got the right thing!!

Thanks, Beth


Old Mar 3rd 2001, 4:53 am
Posts: n/a


Well my dear Beth if you read the Faq you would see this.....

4.7)...(newsgroup)..Is an extract from the records (short form) a valid birth certificate,
I know it is for UK stuff, but how about the K1 process ?
A..(newsgroup)..It has to be a full Certificate (long form), ie showing parents names
etc...not the short form one. A Certfied Copy (ie on official paper, would be considered
an original).
B..(newsgroup).. it is very easy to get copies of the BC in the UK.. just call the records
officer controlling the district where you was born. I searched for the number on the
net, called and got the address and cost (£6 pound each). Send a letter with a cheque
and 4 days later got 4 original copies. back

but perhaps this is a friendly exchange not a specific question.

Old Mar 3rd 2001, 5:09 am
Posts: n/a

once upon a time, Diane M wrote:


<smile> ahh, the perks of being compulsively organized. now and then it really is a


thanks ... it's getting awfully close now. *jitter*

--nymsa (posting rather a lot tonight ... must be midterm-avoidance)
Old Mar 3rd 2001, 5:47 pm
Posts: n/a

in message


(frown) But Grinch, my point is this STILL doesn't help me. (sigh) Since my only
experience with birth certificates is in the U.S., and since we only have one form
(that I know of), I did not know there were two types. Shawn got his copies from some
office of records in London. Went down, filled out the request, and got his copies
back in the post in a few days. So yes, we looked on line, and yes we found the answer
as to where to get an official copy (or five), but that doesn't tell me the differenc
between a long and short form.

Come to think of it, the birth certificates I have (and yes, they're
official copies from the Dept of Vital Records at the State Office Building)
don't even have my parents name on them. But they didn't ask me if I had a
preference in which type I want, so perhaps there is something I'm missing.
Old Mar 3rd 2001, 6:07 pm
Posts: n/a

And I was just looking online and found that only in two states (mine is not one of them)
do US birth certificates include parents' names, so I have the right information.

Look, Grinch, you are a wealth of knowledge, and I do appreciate your help. Really,
sincerely, I do. I am not a fool. That doesn't mean I won't sometimes post foolish
questions. The whole experience gives me short fits of panic which usually go away of
their own accord within a few minutes.

Thanks for your answer. I feel better about it now.

Beth. Awaiting sarcastic reply.

in message

Old Mar 3rd 2001, 11:26 pm
Steven Astley
Posts: n/a


Please bear with me whilst I try to answer your question. It's been a while since I had to
do anything with birth certificates, but from what I remember it goes something like this.

When we register a birth in the UK, we give all of the details to the registrar who writes
them all into a large book. A "short form" certificate is then made out and given to the
parents free of charge. This piece of paper shows things like the child's name, date of
birth and place of birth.

In addition, for a small fee, it is possible to have the registrar make a copy of the
entry in the book. This is the "long form" certificate. It shows all of the information
given to the registrar, including the names of the child's parents.

As I said, it has been a long time since I did this, so, if anything has changed, please
don't hold it against me.

Hope that helps.


Old Mar 4th 2001, 9:19 pm
Posts: n/a

Thanks, Steven. The ones that Shawn got have both his parents names, his father's
occupation, and some more details. I'm therefore assuming it's the correct "long form".

It's amazing how the smallest cultural differences can throw you for a loop in these
things! And I'd just ask Shawn to check it all out, but he IS a man after all.... Haha

Thanks for the info. One less thing to fret about.



Old Mar 5th 2001, 2:45 pm
Posts: n/a

once upon a time, Diane M wrote:


well, apparently all of you who said we were all set were right. colin got his visa from
the embassy today and is driving back up to edinburgh at the moment!

i am a very, very happy person.

he was asked: -when we met. -how we met. -what the weather was like in scotland.

the medical exam took longest 'cos he was near last called. he didn't get out of there
until 10:40. he was done at the embassy at 12:45.

i'm gonna go grin myself to sleep and try to make up for only getting a couple hours rest
last night.

thank you all for being here ... the backlog of 55000+ posts i have archived to go through
when questions come up, as well as the faqs and websites and all, has been absolutely
invaluable. we'd have been far more anxious and lost without the net.folks.


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