British Expats

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ScarlettHill Mar 4th 2003 7:08 pm

Originally posted by dbark
Hey Scarlett,

Good luck with the fingerprinting later .... I am sure it will be no problem (says the nervous wreck, who knows there is another 6 months of waiting until approval, thanks to the slowdown at TSC)

There was a question I was gonna ask you, but I think I will wait until the red wine wears off!!

Good luck with fingerprinting

Debbie :)
PROLLY WISE (oops caps) about the wine - [email protected]
give me a shout when i sober up (if)

dbark Mar 4th 2003 7:10 pm

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..

Originally posted by Almost_Texanish
LOL The first time I visited my now husband we were eating in a restaurant and my husband was acquaintances with the waitress. She must have figure out I wasn't from around here and asked where I was from to which I replied England. She then asked me, "Do they speak English there"? I nearly sprayed her with my complimentary water!
Reminds me of last time I was in the US, I was buying a shirt and the clerk asked me where I was from, because I had a "strange" accent. When I told her England, she looked shocked. "How did you get here, by PLANE??" she asked. I was ROTFL......

Debbie :)

dbark Mar 4th 2003 7:22 pm

Originally posted by ScarlettHill
PROLLY WISE (oops caps) about the wine - [email protected]
give me a shout when i sober up (if)
Cheers Scarlett,

I will email you later.

Debbie :)

Dana Burke Mar 4th 2003 9:00 pm

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..
Milwaukee just built its first roundabout. There have been dozens of near
miss accidents cuz people can't figger out how it works. This just cracks
Alan up.

When he came to visit the first time, within 1 week he had been asked if he
was English, Irish, Australian and South African. The only person who knew
he was Scottish was a South African guy who recognized his rugby strip!


"robclews" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Patrick,
    > Have you noticed the lack of roundabouts here, i've only seen two here
    > since I arrived and I went round both twice just for nostalgic reasons.
    > And do you get the 'are you from Australia' thing, jesus more people
    > said I sounded like I was from Oz than I care to recall.
    > Rob
    > --
    > Posted via

Dana Burke Mar 4th 2003 9:03 pm

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..
How 'bout the first time you hear someone say "I'm going for a walk, has
anyone seen my fanny pack?"

Alan just about went through the roof!


"Almost_Texanish" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Originally posted by Patrick
    > > I have just thought of another
    > >
    > > You know your British and new in the states if.....
    > >
    > > You laugh when someone says "have you seen my new pants"
    > And you get blank stares when you say they have nice trousers.
    > --
    > Posted via

stevelisaw Mar 5th 2003 12:00 am

Originally posted by Almost_Texanish
And you get blank stares when you say they have nice trousers.
I always use to equate trousers to what a man wears......until marrying Steve didn't realize all "pants" were "trousers".

stevelisaw Mar 5th 2003 12:02 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if……

Originally posted by Almost_Texanish
How did THAT happen?
Has happened to Steve more times than I can count. (Fast food drive through windows.)

stevelisaw Mar 5th 2003 12:05 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if……

Originally posted by Careybear

Aren't the pancakes in england just potato pancakes to us?

No more like French crepes. Steve says he put orange juice and sugar on his.......sorry this just sounds as yucky to putting syrup on ours does to Steve.

stevelisaw Mar 5th 2003 12:09 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dana Burke

When he came to visit the first time, within 1 week he had been asked if he
was English, Irish, Australian and South African. The only person who knew
he was Scottish was a South African guy who recognized his rugby strip!


When Steve first arrived he could tell four of the above accents easily. In fact we ran into a couple who everyone else assumed she was English.....Steve asked her how long she had been away from Sout Africa....her husband told him in 1.5 years here, he was the first to spot her accent.

Usually they ask Steve, "Where are you from." He replies with, North once a woman asked him...."What country are you from." Why? Because her husband was from Ireland....and she told us she knows how annoying that "where are you from" can be. LOL!

stevelisaw Mar 5th 2003 12:10 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..

Originally posted by Dana Burke
How 'bout the first time you hear someone say "I'm going for a walk, has
anyone seen my fanny pack?"

Alan just about went through the roof!


LOL .....bum bag sounds like something a homeless person should be carrying. ;)

Patrick Mar 5th 2003 1:02 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..

Originally posted by Dana Burke
How 'bout the first time you hear someone say "I'm going for a walk, has
anyone seen my fanny pack?"

Alan just about went through the roof!


First time I came over to the US to visit Ellen in 1995 I saw a magazine with Oprah on the front and the tagline read -

"The new Oprah diet for a tighter fanny"

well it took 3 of them to drag the laughing so much I was crying person out of the shop.

Simularly I learnt very quickly I couldn't say "I'm feeling a bit queer, I think I'll go outside and have a fag"


I don't smoke anymore, and I only feel queer on thursdays

Oh Debbie - I found a restaurant near here called "Pirates", woo hoo

Jockgurl Mar 5th 2003 1:03 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if??
Almost_Texanish wrote in message news:...
    > Originally posted by Patrick
    > > I have just thought of another
    > >
    > > You know your British and new in the states if.....
    > >
    > > You laugh when someone says "have you seen my new pants"
    > And you get blank stares when you say they have nice trousers.
Well I started a rumor that my boss had herpes lmao, all by mistake.I
actually said he had a hair piece and cos of the serious accent i had
then it was heard as herpes.Took quite a while to kill that 1 lemme
tell ya lol

Pete F Mar 5th 2003 1:15 am

Re: OT: British Pancakes

Originally posted by Almost_Texanish
Someone PLEASE give me a recipe for pancakes! I like the ones here in the US but they can't compare to the ones in England!

Sarah.. The Pancake mix is the same as a yorkshire pudding mix but "Fried" rather than roasted..

Carla (my USC Wife) spend many attempts to try and perfect the mixture as a direct UK to US recepie didnt work well at all ..

here is a link to our recepie..
She has modified slightly to 2 yolks and one white of large eggs but the rest is the same.. thats 2/3rd of a cup of flour too

a good amount of air in the mix is important so beat it well and its supposed to stand a little too..
Only difference is that you pour it thinly into the fry pan with a knob of preferably butter..

Pete & Carla

Lisa Simmonds Mar 5th 2003 1:17 am

Re: OT: You know your British and new in the states if..
ever pulled the capsicum trick?

last time i was in subway in alabama (or tennessee - i can't remember), i
asked for some bell peppers on my sub, mike told me to say capsicum, and
kept urging me to say it.

the woman behind the counter asked what i was asking for, so i said capsicum

the look on her face was classic. complete idiot stare. - then i had a
couple of customers look at me funny too. i explained that in australia,
bell peppers are capsicums.

her response : "I'll have to tell my husband that!"

and rockmelons are another good one. cantelopes. sheesh!!

-- Lisa

"Rob" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > I once had the experience, in Idaho, of being in a supermarket and
    > to find some item (I can't remember what it was). I asked three or four
    > staff members and got blank looks. I could understand them perfectly but
    > they had no idea what I was saying. That Australian accent gets em every
    > time...
    > Rob :-)))
    > "abba48uk" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >
    > > You know you are a Brit in the USA when you speak perfectly clearly to a
    > > USC and see a panic stricken, hunted look come into their eyes as they
    > > look around for someone to translate. If only I could have a buck for
    > > every time I have heard "Say again?"
    > >
    > > --
    > > Posted via

simon bland Mar 5th 2003 1:40 am

Well Patrick, glad to hear you are settling in, at least you haven't been asked if you are German!! Coming from the same area as you we probably speak the same, so you never know someone may ask you one day.

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