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steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 9:21 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by jackytoo (Post 9869192)
Many of those jobs advertised on agency websites are pie in the sky anyway. Most don't exist.

No, you're thinking of UK agency practices.:D
Have a word with anyone involved with start-ups in either the UK or in Spain. They are all crying out for talented developers - because they are not skills most of us have or can develop. The IT teenage geek has the world in front of him.
Do you seriously think that people are making up websites like the following, and inventing companies and vacancies, just to prove you wrong on a talkboard? You must need your head examining if you really believe that.

Lushdaddy Jan 27th 2012 9:25 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by agoreira (Post 9869296)
And you fancy your chances in Spain? ¡que tengas buena suerte, la vas a necesitar!

Arrogant prat. He means 'good luck, you're going to need it' basically. He's a jumped up smart arse that hates Spain yet implies to know everything about it and knows what is best for everyone, especially expats who would like to move to Spain. Also if you don't earn a million pounds a year you are beneath him and don't deserve an opinion. Well, I do wish you good luck and hope you get it. Forget those negative no marks. Miserable sods.:thumbsup:

JLFS Jan 27th 2012 9:26 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by steviedeluxe (Post 9869277)
You really are a complete idiot. I'm not going to go to staff of Woolworths, Northern Rock, Barratts shoes or various other companies either. As I've stated several times altready (maybe the message will sink in your dense brain on the fourth reading, it's niche sectors that is hiring big-time, but they need specific skills. Have you got it yet, or are you completely beyond help?

just they need skills that many of us haven't got.

Well lets see, you could not hack it in Spain could you, so it is a bit rich for you to be pointing out the vacanies available to others.

I am not and never have looked for a job in Spain, I do my own thing, but I appreciate the struggle other Spanish people go through.

Yet you the armchair expert make it look so easy, and you call me an idiot, just sit dreaming of Spain little Stevie boy, because you hightailed it back to UKwhen the going got tough. Keep daydreaming and living of your memories of your career that you apparently had here, it will give you a warm glow in your old age.

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 9:29 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by JLFS (Post 9869305)
Well lets see, you could not hack it in Spain could you, so it is a bit rich for you to be pointing out the vacanies available to others.

I am not and never have looked for a job in Spain, I do my own thing, but I appreciate the struggle other Spanish people go through.

Yet you the armchair expert make it look so easy, and you call me an idiot, just sit dreaming of Spain little Stevie boy, because you hightailed it back to UKwhen the going got tough. Keep daydreaming and living of your memories of your career that you apparently had here, it will give you a warm glow in your old age.

You know so little of me, yet you try so hard to pretend to know. I pity you.

agoreira Jan 27th 2012 9:32 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by steviedeluxe (Post 9869290)
I always thought Wales was a true paradise from your Spain knocking posts here. Yet it seems people are flocking to get away. How come, if it's as perfect there as you keep claiming?

It´s perfect for me, I don´t need a job, I´ve got more money than I know what to do with! :rofl: This has never been a great area for work, and of course I´ve never claimed any such thing. I came here to wind down, and that´s what I´m doing. Unlike you, you´re getting a little uptight, slagging off other members here, you´re losing it. You know your argument goes out the window when you start to resort to personal abuse of the other members. Get to Spain, take one of those jobs you keep harping on about, and give us a break.

Originally Posted by steviedeluxe (Post 9869290)
There are jobs out there (in Spain like elsewhere), but they need specific skills.

Is there an echo here? I keep hearing that, it´s like a broken record. Take your medicine and go and have a lie down, you´re getting over excited.

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 9:37 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !
Here's another jobs page in Spain (mainly IT and marketing), must be working overtime out there, creating false jobs, non-existent companies, merely to hoodwink posters on this talkboard. :rofl:

Lushdaddy Jan 27th 2012 9:39 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by agoreira (Post 9869322)
It´s perfect for me, I don´t need a job, I´ve got more money than I know what to do with! :rofl: This has never been a great area for work, and of course I´ve never claimed any such thing. I came here to wind down, and that´s what I´m doing. Unlike you, you´re getting a little uptight, slagging off other members here, you´re losing it. You know your argument goes out the window when you start to resort to personal abuse of the other members. Get to Spain, take one of those jobs you keep harping on about, and give us a break.

Is there an echo here? I keep hearing that, it´s like a broken record. Take your medicine and go and have a lie down, you´re getting over excited.

So with all this money he sits in a dark room all night every night putting people down and spreading misery where he can. A recluse of the highest degree. Howard Hughes springs to mind. We all know how he ended up. If you have sooooo much money then do something useful with it. ENJOY YOURSELF FOR ONCE. Try to make someone happy.:)

tonysallis1 Jan 27th 2012 9:40 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by Lushdaddy (Post 9869304)
Arrogant prat. He means 'good luck, you're going to need it' basically. He's a jumped up smart arse that hates Spain yet implies to know everything about it and knows what is best for everyone, especially expats who would like to move to Spain. Also if you don't earn a million pounds a year you are beneath him and don't deserve an opinion. Well, I do wish you good luck and hope you get it. Forget those negative no marks. Miserable sods.:thumbsup:

thanks lushdaddy,

JLFS Jan 27th 2012 9:41 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by steviedeluxe (Post 9869309)
You know so little of me, yet you try so hard to pretend to know. I pity you.

I know you more than you think, and dont pity me, I live where I want to live and dont hanker to move on.

Iknow that you ponced about for a few years in Madrid teaching English as a foreign language, but then decided that you needed a more secure future that Spain could not give you.

You needed a proper mans job, a job to provide for a family, like a lot of Spanish men wantin Spain, so you decided that the UK was the place that you decided would be the best bet.

But you still long for you life in Madrid, working a couple of hours a day, not getting up too early as your poxy little classes did not start untill a civilised hour in the mornings, so you could be on the terraces untill all hours.

You were an English man in New York so to speak, you enjoyed being a foreigner, a novelty, with you schoolboy Spanish you could critisise the British expats who did not speak Spanish and lived on the costas.

You were a little celeb, but now you are back in the UK, you are just another English bloke, probably boring the crap out of all the people you come into contact with, reliving your glory days as an adventurer.

You have become almost invisible and lost your novelty value, and it hurts, so you feel bitter against the people who live in the country of your dreams, and hate it when they critisise Spain..........

And you say that I dont know you.........

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 9:44 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by Lushdaddy (Post 9869333)
So with all this money he sits in a dark room all night every night putting people down and spreading misery where he can. A recluse of the highest degree. Howard Hughes springs to mind. We all know how he ended up. If you have sooooo much money then do something useful with it. ENJOY YOURSELF FOR ONCE. Try to make someone happy.:)

I do fear for his well-being tbh. If I didn't like a country for example Greece, I wouldn't spend lots of free time on a talkboard devoted to Greece, trying to talk it down all the time (in fact I don't think I'd even bother the once). He claims he's here for the language aspect, yet there are other sites eg WordReference that cater for the lingo aspect - in fact it's against the rules here to post other than in English.

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 9:52 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by JLFS (Post 9869337)
I know you more than you think, and dont pity me, I live where I want to live and dont hanker to move on.

Iknow that you ponced about for a few years in Madrid teaching English as a foreign language, but then decided that you needed a more secure future that Spain could not give you.

You needed a proper mans job, a job to provide for a family, like a lot of Spanish men wantin Spain, so you decided that the UK was the place that you decided would be the best bet.

Only needed to read that bit, and already you're totally off the mark...:D
I'll repeat this one more time - I twice went to Madrid to get work, when I couldn't get any in the UK.
I returned both times because of my partner's condition (and I'm not going to go into further details here).
Actually my work and earnings record has been abysmal in the UK since that point. I realised a couple of months back, on meeting expats who stayed, that they've prospered in Madrid. Sorry to destroy the 100% Spain bad story, but there are success stories, although I admit it's probably different outside of Madrid or Barcelona.
By the way I meet Londoners from different walks of life (project managers, painters etc) who've been hit hard by the combination of recession and cheaper migrant workers. If you can get a job in your specified field, chances are you may have to move, it's the way the world is going. Not that it's new, but it's getting more intense.

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 10:00 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !
Amazing I've read further Sherlock's analysis - couldn't be more wrong!

But you still long for you life in Madrid, working a couple of hours a day, not getting up too early as your poxy little classes did not start untill a civilised hour in the mornings, so you could be on the terraces untill all hours. -- WRONG! the best business classes were block bookings and started 8.30 or 9am, not that early, but they were often on a business park. On the terraces until all hours???? In Madrid in January or March?? You really don't know the place I'm afraid.

You were an English man in New York so to speak, you enjoyed being a foreigner, a novelty, with you schoolboy Spanish you could critisise the British expats who did not speak Spanish and lived on the costas. -- WRONG! Last thing you do in a place like Madrid is think about expats on the coast (UK friends maybe, but on the Costas???). And schoolboy Spanish? Again WRONG, we never had Spanish at my school.

You were a little celeb, but now you are back in the UK, you are just another English bloke, probably boring the crap out of all the people you come into contact with, reliving your glory days as an adventurer. -- WRONG - It's rare I even mention it to people I come in contact with. Why should I?

You have become almost invisible and lost your novelty value, and it hurts, so you feel bitter against the people who live in the country of your dreams, and hate it when they critisise Spain..........--WRONG - Aggy doesn't live here and has no intention of living here. J2 - I don't envy the made-up place she lives in, 2 euros a coffee and all the Spanish hate her; actually I can understand the last bit...

And you say that I dont know you.........-- Err yes obviously you know a lot about me... :rofl: keep it coming...

JLFS Jan 27th 2012 10:05 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by steviedeluxe (Post 9869353)
Only needed to read that bit, and already you're totally off the mark...:D
I'll repeat this one more time - I twice went to Madrid to get work, when I couldn't get any in the UK.
I returned both times because of my partner's condition (and I'm not going to go into further details here).
Actually my work and earnings record has been abysmal in the UK since that point. I realised a couple of months back, on meeting expats who stayed, that they've prospered in Madrid. Sorry to destroy the 100% Spain bad story, but there are success stories, although I admit it's probably different outside of Madrid or Barcelona.
By the way I meet Londoners from different walks of life (project managers, painters etc) who've been hit hard by the combination of recession and cheaper migrant workers. If you can get a job in your specified field, chances are you may have to move, it's the way the world is going. Not that it's new, but it's getting more intense.

Ihave never said that Spain is 100 percent bad, I am doing fine, always have done, and dont see any reason why I will not continue to do so.

But when you are always posting employement advice as a fireside expert, it does get very boring.

About your partners health, sorry about that, but there are sick peolpe in Spain too, they stay here.
So obvoiusly as much as you bang on about how great things are here, you did not feel that your partner could get the same standard of treatment here in Spain.

So I am speaking up for the Spanish people who dont have the luxury that you had and going back to England, for whatever reason.

The result is the same, Spain did not do it for you, whereas the UK did.

So stop telling people that it is all rosy, because you obvioulsy did not practice what you preach.

steviedeluxe Jan 27th 2012 10:12 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by JLFS (Post 9869370)
Ihave never said that Spain is 100 percent bad, I am doing fine, always have done, and dont see any reason why I will not continue to do so.

But when you are always posting employement advice as a fireside expert, it does get very boring.

About your partners health, sorry about that, but there are sick peope in Spain too, they stay here.
So obvoiusly as much as you bang on about how great things are here, you did not feel that your partner could get the same standard of treatment here in Spain.

So I am speaking up for the Spanish people who dont have the luxury that you had and going back to England, for whatever reason.

The result is the same, Spain did not do it for you, whereas the UK did.

So stop telling people that it is all rosy, because you obvioulsy did not practice what you preach.

got it wrong again, I was a lot better off in Madrid than coming back. I made the mistake of coming back (although my hand was tied by my partner's condition, not just health issues, she's not from the EU originally)

As for telling people it is all rosy, again you're not reading my posts. Go away and get some literacy classes. Telling people there are vacancies in the IT and teaching English fields, is not telling people "it is all rosy".
Of course when I get the aggy+you (and also J2 but she's just a fantasist) turning up at the same time on the attack, I'll defend myself, and give the relevant links. for those fortunate to have the needed skills (must have said that 8 times now, hope you're beginning to understand) then there are opportunities. Doesn't mean it's not hard for people in other trades/professions - I've seen too many suffering.

Lushdaddy Jan 27th 2012 10:12 am

Re: Its time for me to move on !

Originally Posted by JLFS (Post 9869337)
I know you more than you think, and dont pity me, I live where I want to live and dont hanker to move on.

Iknow that you ponced about for a few years in Madrid teaching English as a foreign language, but then decided that you needed a more secure future that Spain could not give you.

You needed a proper mans job, a job to provide for a family, like a lot of Spanish men wantin Spain, so you decided that the UK was the place that you decided would be the best bet.

But you still long for you life in Madrid, working a couple of hours a day, not getting up too early as your poxy little classes did not start untill a civilised hour in the mornings, so you could be on the terraces untill all hours.

You were an English man in New York so to speak, you enjoyed being a foreigner, a novelty, with you schoolboy Spanish you could critisise the British expats who did not speak Spanish and lived on the costas.

You were a little celeb, but now you are back in the UK, you are just another English bloke, probably boring the crap out of all the people you come into contact with, reliving your glory days as an adventurer.

You have become almost invisible and lost your novelty value, and it hurts, so you feel bitter against the people who live in the country of your dreams, and hate it when they critisise Spain..........

And you say that I dont know you.........

This is a very bitter post. Seems like you are getting a bit irate. Stevie was pointing out facts, the jobs are there. He doesn't live here but is being positive, not harming anybody. Now you're trying to rip and it just makes you look sad. :(

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