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This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

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Old Feb 21st 2003, 3:58 am
John Of Aix
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

Jenn wrote:

    > well yeah -- and Chirac has dramatically demonstrated that he is the
    > same sort of Bully that Bush is.

Yeah that's right, he's about to rain down hundreds of tons of bombs
on Latvia.
Old Feb 21st 2003, 6:02 am
Bob Fusillo
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

"Gregory Morrow" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Eastern Europe dismayed at Chirac snub
    > French leader hints support for US may jeopardise EU entry
    > Ian Traynor in Zagreb and Ian Black in Brussels
    > Wednesday February 19, 2003
    > The Guardian (UK)
    > Eastern European countries reacted with fury and dismay yesterday after
    > being summarily ordered by France to hold their tongues on Iraq and toe
    > Franco-German line of resistance to the US.
    > The former communist countries due to join the EU next year, or hoping to
    > so soon, endorsed an emergency summit declaration from Brussels on Monday
    > giving Saddam Hussein a "final opportunity" to comply with UN demands.
    > But outrage at remarks by President Jacques Chirac late on Monday,
    > as "infantile" and "reckless" EU candidates' support for the US, echoed
    > across the continent.
    > Poland's prime minister, Leszek Miller, stayed away from yesterday's
    > of the 13 candidate countries in Brussels, angry that he had not been
    > to attend the summit proper.
    > But his deputy foreign minister, Adam Rotfeld, said the countries of the
    > region would decide what was good for them in spite of Mr Chirac's rebuke
    > that in supporting Washington the east Europeans had "lost a good
    > opportunity to keep quiet".
    > The European Commission and current member states were appalled.
    > "They have as much right to speak up as Great Britain or France or any
    > member of the European Union today," said Tony Blair, a champion of
    > eastwards expansion. "They know the value of Europe and America sticking
    > together."
    > Chris Patten, the EU's external relations commissioner, said union members
    > were entitled to their own views.
    > Romano Prodi, president of the European Commission, was mortified by the
    > hint that French voters might block the new members' accession in a future
    > referendum. "The enlargement of the EU is an historic duty and a promise
    > made by all the member states," a spokesman said. "We trust the treaty
    > be ratified and enter into force as planned."
    > A senior Czech official complained that the eight eastern countries
    > the EU next year had been under intolerable pressure from Brussels and
    > Berlin and were being bullied into toeing the Franco-German line on Iraq.
    > "We've spent the past 10 years trying to get into both the EU and Nato.
    > vital for us to keep in both the EU and Nato. But the Americans are
    > us to make a choice one way and the Germans the other.
    > "Not so long ago we were being told Berlin wanted a European Germany. Now
    > seems [the EU] is to be a German Europe."
    > The Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians joined Mr Blair and four others in
    > the "gang of eight" letter in support of President Bush, while another 10
    > countries in eastern Europe and the Balkans issued a declaration backing
    > Americans.
    > The east Europeans respond that Germany's anti-war line, initially an
    > electoral tactic by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, was not squared with EU
    > allies.
    > "All of central Europe is in an impossible position, between a rock and a
    > hard place," said Jiri Pehe, a Czech analyst and foreign policy aide to
    > former president Vaclav Havel. "No matter what we do, we will be seen as
    > disloyal to France and Germany, or to the US."
    > Mr Chirac singled out Bulgaria and Romania for criticism, warning that
    > support for the US was jeopardising their chances of being admitted to the
    > EU. Ion Iliescu, president of Romania, hoping to join in 2007, called Mr
    > Chirac's comments "totally unjustified, unwise and undemocratic".
    > Mr Chirac's fury was widely seen as betraying France's deep anxiety at the
    > way the club it helped to found will change beyond recognition when it
    > in 10 new members next May - as well as mounting anger at the distinction
    > made by Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, who dismissed France
    > Germany as "old Europe" compared to the friendlier "new" easterners.
    > Starting in Slovenia next month, the incoming EU states are to hold
    > referendums on EU membership.
    > Gary Titley, leader of Britain's Labour MEPs, condemned Mr Chirac's
    > "bully-boy tactics".
    > Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Old Feb 21st 2003, 6:02 am
Bob Fusillo
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

"devil" wrote in message
news[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:37:01 +0000, Gregory Morrow wrote:
    > >
    > > "All of central Europe is in an impossible position, between a rock and
    > > hard place," said Jiri Pehe, a Czech analyst and foreign policy aide to
    > > former president Vaclav Havel. "No matter what we do, we will be seen as
    > > disloyal to France and Germany, or to the US."
    > Not that Chirac's tirade was necessaily a smart move on his part, but that
    > sentence above says it all, doesn't it?
    > All sides trying to pressure these poor devils. It's not that what we
    > hear from them has any relationship with what they really think. Just
    > their best way to handle the various blackmails they are suffering from.
    > Bottom line remains that this war would be absolute nonsense. Rumsfeld is
    > a lunatic who lives in a parallel universe totally disconnected with
    > reality.
    > I guess the man being insane is probably not too far from reality. He
    > needs mental treatment.
Old Feb 21st 2003, 6:54 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French ...

Michael Sierchio wrote in message news:...
    > Paris - In a stunning reversal of policy, French
    > President Jacques Chirac announced today that the
    > French government will be supporting the War on Terror
    > after all. Five hundred soldiers from the elite
    > L'Abandonnement des Champs d'Honneur Battalion are in
    > the process of preparing for deployment to Iraq where
    > they will assist the Iraqi Republican Guards in their
    > surrender to the overwhelming might of the American
    > Armed Forces. The Battalion intends to allow the
    > Republican Guard unprecendented access to two
    > centuries worth of accumulated French experience of
    > surrendering. For example, "eet ees important to be
    > 'aughty and insufferable when surrendering," said
    > Colonel Philippe Drapeau-Blanc, the Battalion's
    > Commanding Officer, who has personally surrendered in
    > over 200 battles going back to Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
    > "We French are the world masters at surrendering,
    > n'est ce pas, not like you arrogant Americans who
    > never surrender."
    > President Chirac also announced that his government
    > will be sending two hundred advisors from the
    > volunteer Force du Collaborateur Francaise to assist
    > the Iraqis in collaborating with the Americans while
    > pretending to be part of a non-existent resistance
    > movement.

Satire worthy of "The Onion".
Old Feb 21st 2003, 6:54 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 11:34:26 +0100, AJC wrote:

    >On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:06:39 -0500, scott wrote:
    >>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:49:47 +0100, AJC wrote:
    >>>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:04:40 GMT, "devil" wrote:
    >>>>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:37:01 +0000, Gregory Morrow wrote:
    >>>>> "All of central Europe is in an impossible position, between a rock and a
    >>>>> hard place," said Jiri Pehe, a Czech analyst and foreign policy aide to
    >>>>> former president Vaclav Havel. "No matter what we do, we will be seen as
    >>>>> disloyal to France and Germany, or to the US."
    >>>>Not that Chirac's tirade was necessaily a smart move on his part, but that
    >>>>sentence above says it all, doesn't it?
    >>>>All sides trying to pressure these poor devils. It's not that what we
    >>>>hear from them has any relationship with what they really think. Just
    >>>>their best way to handle the various blackmails they are suffering from.
    >>>But those countries do have a choice, and they have chosen to jump in
    >>>to the whirlpool that is the EU. They have made that choice because
    >>>they know the benefits to them could be enormous, they are joining for
    >>>what they can get out of it, but they must also know that those
    >>>benefits don't come for free.
    >>So in order to get in the EU, they must give up their sovereignty?
    >By definition when you join a club, you agree to abide by it's rules
    >and regulations, in exchange you get some say in forming the rules and
    >regulations of that club. So, not giving up sovereignty, but pooling
    >some aspects of it certainly. In fact you could argue that small
    >countries gain a lot by being a member of the club and therefore
    >having at least some say in how the club is run, rather than sitting
    >just outside the club, affected by what it does but with no influence
    >at all over what it does.

But why is Chirac setting the rules? I thought the club was European
and not French-German?
Old Feb 21st 2003, 7:12 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 14:54:30 -0500, scott wrote:

    >But why is Chirac setting the rules? I thought the club was European
    >and not French-German?

This week's Economist has quite a bit to say about the French-German
implications that they ARE the EU, and how it's irritating some of the
other members and members-to-be.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Feb 21st 2003, 8:00 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French ...

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 12:58:14 +0000, in rec.travel.europe, "Donna Evleth"
arranged some electrons, so they looked like this :

... I would like to quote to you from an op-ed piece which appeared in the Wall
... Street Journal Europe of Feb. 21-23. It is entitled "Not All Bad," and the
... author is R. James Woolsey, who was CIA director from 1993-95. He says:
... "Internet messages mocking French courage and denying that the French have
... ever successfully defended Paris should not only be beneath Americans but
... are quite false - the drafters of this nonsense should consult, among other
... things, the history of the Battle of the Marne in September 1914. Gen.
... Gallieni's mobilization of the taxis of Paris to rush reinforcements to the
... front and save the city is as famous in France as Washington's crossing the
... Delaware is to Americans. We Americans diminish ourselves and our arguments
... by denying the noble side of these nations' history and slandering their
... national honor."

Ils ne sont pas à ça de près... et n'ont jamais été !

We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are.
Old Feb 21st 2003, 9:05 am
Lennart Petersen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

"scott" skrev i meddelandet
news:[email protected]...
    > But why is Chirac setting the rules? I thought the club was European
    > and not French-German?
Just wonder that too, being forced to be an EU-citizen.
And Mr.Chirac shouldn't try to play an emperor as long as his country is one
of the subsidized countries in EU. The countries being the main
contributors to the common EU economy are Netherlands,Germany,Sweden and
Finland all with a net contribution.
UK have negotiated a nice treaty and is almost on par. Rest of the countries
do more or less receive more than their payments. Most of all through the
subsidized farming.
Could be fair to pay something to poor brothers in Portugal or Greek for
their development but why France ?
Old Feb 21st 2003, 10:04 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 14:54:30 +0000, scott wrote:

    > But why is Chirac setting the rules? I thought the club was European
    > and not French-German?

Ever heard of bullies? Didn't you know that the Franco-German axis owned
the EU, just like the US owns NATO. And expects them to take orders?

BTW, all that talk about the UN being weak makes me laugh. In my book, a
weak UN is one that lets itself be pressured by the bully on the block.
While a strong one is the one with the guts to send the bully go ****

Anyway, it's all about bullies, one way or another. And yes, Chirac
vented one frustration too many, which was not necessarily smart.
Old Feb 21st 2003, 6:05 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

"AJC" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:06:39 -0500, scott wrote:
    > >On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:49:47 +0100, AJC wrote:
    > >
    > >>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:04:40 GMT, "devil" wrote:
    > >>
    > >>>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:37:01 +0000, Gregory Morrow wrote:
    > >>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>> "All of central Europe is in an impossible position, between a rock
and a
    > >>>> hard place," said Jiri Pehe, a Czech analyst and foreign policy aide
    > >>>> former president Vaclav Havel. "No matter what we do, we will be seen
    > >>>> disloyal to France and Germany, or to the US."
    > >>>
    > >>>Not that Chirac's tirade was necessaily a smart move on his part, but
    > >>>sentence above says it all, doesn't it?
    > >>>
    > >>>All sides trying to pressure these poor devils. It's not that what we
    > >>>hear from them has any relationship with what they really think. Just
    > >>>their best way to handle the various blackmails they are suffering
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >>But those countries do have a choice, and they have chosen to jump in
    > >>to the whirlpool that is the EU. They have made that choice because
    > >>they know the benefits to them could be enormous, they are joining for
    > >>what they can get out of it, but they must also know that those
    > >>benefits don't come for free.
    > >>
    > >
    > >So in order to get in the EU, they must give up their sovereignty?
    > >
    > By definition when you join a club, you agree to abide by it's rules
    > and regulations, in exchange you get some say in forming the rules and
    > regulations of that club. So, not giving up sovereignty, but pooling
    > some aspects of it certainly. In fact you could argue that small
    > countries gain a lot by being a member of the club and therefore
    > having at least some say in how the club is run, rather than sitting
    > just outside the club, affected by what it does but with no influence
    > at all over what it does.
    > --==++AJC++==--

So hopefully the USA and UK, having joined the UN, will respect its rules
and decisions?

Old Feb 21st 2003, 7:53 pm
Marie Lewis
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

In article , Dave J
    >why, all you lame-ass Frogs do is surrender anyways

How utterly boring................
Marie Lewis
Old Feb 21st 2003, 9:30 pm
Dorian West
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

"Marie Lewis" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > In article , Dave J
    > writes
    > >
    > >why, all you lame-ass Frogs do is surrender anyways
    > How utterly boring................
    > --
    > Marie Lewis

The lame-ARSE "frogs" saved your treasonous butts from the British, you
Old Feb 21st 2003, 9:41 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 08:53:24 +0000, in rec.travel.europe, Marie Lewis
arranged some electrons, so they looked like this :

... In article , Dave J
... writes
... >
... >why, all you lame-ass Frogs do is surrender anyways
... How utterly boring................

They don't have anything to say, so they repeat this ad nauseam.
Poor devils... no brain, no life, no friends... tsk tsk.

Due to a lack of interest, tomorrow has been cancelled.
Old Feb 22nd 2003, 1:00 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 14:05:46 +0700, "Ringolevio"

    >"AJC" wrote in message
    >news:[email protected]...
    >> On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:06:39 -0500, scott wrote:
    >> >On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:49:47 +0100, AJC wrote:
    >> >
    >> >>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:04:40 GMT, "devil" wrote:
    >> >>
    >> >>>On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:37:01 +0000, Gregory Morrow wrote:
    >> >>>
    >> >>>>
    >> >>>> "All of central Europe is in an impossible position, between a rock
    >and a
    >> >>>> hard place," said Jiri Pehe, a Czech analyst and foreign policy aide
    >> >>>> former president Vaclav Havel. "No matter what we do, we will be seen
    >> >>>> disloyal to France and Germany, or to the US."
    >> >>>
    >> >>>Not that Chirac's tirade was necessaily a smart move on his part, but
    >> >>>sentence above says it all, doesn't it?
    >> >>>
    >> >>>All sides trying to pressure these poor devils. It's not that what we
    >> >>>hear from them has any relationship with what they really think. Just
    >> >>>their best way to handle the various blackmails they are suffering
    >> >>>
    >> >>
    >> >>But those countries do have a choice, and they have chosen to jump in
    >> >>to the whirlpool that is the EU. They have made that choice because
    >> >>they know the benefits to them could be enormous, they are joining for
    >> >>what they can get out of it, but they must also know that those
    >> >>benefits don't come for free.
    >> >>
    >> >
    >> >So in order to get in the EU, they must give up their sovereignty?
    >> >
    >> By definition when you join a club, you agree to abide by it's rules
    >> and regulations, in exchange you get some say in forming the rules and
    >> regulations of that club. So, not giving up sovereignty, but pooling
    >> some aspects of it certainly. In fact you could argue that small
    >> countries gain a lot by being a member of the club and therefore
    >> having at least some say in how the club is run, rather than sitting
    >> just outside the club, affected by what it does but with no influence
    >> at all over what it does.
    >> --==++AJC++==--
    >So hopefully the USA and UK, having joined the UN, will respect its rules
    >and decisions?

According to Bush, it's the other way around. According to this
adm., the current resolutions give the US the authority to act.
Shouldn't France and Germany respect that?
Old Feb 22nd 2003, 4:39 am
John M Price Phd
Posts: n/a
Default Re: This Is Why The French Should All Be SHOT.....

In alt.radio.talk.dr-laura article Ringolevio wrote:

    : So hopefully the USA and UK, having joined the UN, will respect its rules
    : and decisions?

You misspelled 'built'.


John M. Price, PhD [email protected]
Life: Chemistry, but with feeling! | PGP Key on request or FTP!
Email responses to my Usenet articles will be posted at my discretion.
Comoderator: sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated Atheist# 683

This is for all ill-treated fellows
Unborn and unbegot,
For them to read when they're in trouble
And I am not.
-- A. E. Housman

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