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U.S. knew agent going to airport


U.S. knew agent going to airport

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Old Mar 10th 2005, 11:04 am
Colin Campbell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 20:29:57 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    ><[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected] roups.com...
    >> "I've also read mentions of a "pickup truck", "
    >> So quote your mentions of the pickup truck and give us a link. Then we
    >> can see if it's relevant. This photo has been out for three days and
    >> no one has challenged it's authenticity.
    >Actually no one has CONFIRMED its authenticity...

Except for the fact that it came from the Italian government.

There can be no triumph without loss.
No victory without suffering.
No freedom without sacrifice.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 11:06 am
Colin Campbell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

On 10 Mar 2005 15:09:00 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

    >It all depends if your convention is to name the side as you are
    >sitting in the car or as you are facing the car. In any case, Colin's
    >objection is irrelevant because the majority of the bullets would go
    >all the way through both sides of the car.

Isn't that what I said?

There can be no triumph without loss.
No victory without suffering.
No freedom without sacrifice.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 11:15 am
Enzo Michelangeli
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected] oups.com...
    > "I've also read mentions of a "pickup truck", "
    > So quote your mentions of the pickup truck and give us a link. Then we
    > can see if it's relevant.

http://www.washtimes.com/national/20...1240-1847r.htm , misspelled
as "pickup trick".

    > This photo has been out for three days and
    > no one has challenged it's authenticity.

No official reconstruction of what happened has been completed yet, as far
as I know.

Old Mar 10th 2005, 11:25 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

Sorry, I think that I was off one count in who I was responding to.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 11:37 am
Howard Berkowitz
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (remove underscore) wrote:

    > On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:55:43 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
    > >in
    > >message news:[email protected]...
    > >
    > >> If we were actually trying to kill her we would have used a Hellfire
    > >> missile. (Our weapon of choice for killing AIF in a vehicle.)
    > >
    > >That would have been A TAD too obvious...
    > How? The vehicle blows up and the bodies are unidentifiable. Plus we
    > can always claim it was an IED.
    > And you can do it with only a few people involved (and not even in
    > Iraq). One of the big holes in the conspiracy theory is how many US
    > soldiers have to be involved. Considering that all it would take is
    > one soldier to open his mouth - you have a conspiracy that is
    > impossible to keep secret. (Remember that this is the US where we
    > cannot even do a cover up of a presidential blow job.)

In the intelligence and security term of art, the most memorably blown
cover in history.

I still think the untold story is that the incident with the cigar
involved Bill practicing for a face-to-face summit with Fidel Castro.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 12:00 pm
Enzo Michelangeli
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
in message news:[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 08:59:57 +0800, "Enzo Michelangeli"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >Well, it doesn't seem to be so irrelevant to me: I've also read
    > >mentions of a "pickup truck", which that car surely is not. Instead
    > >of posting the same URL a dozen of times, I would have held my
    > >judgement and waited for more elements to emerge. But you look more
    > >interested in exculpating the US military from any responsibility
    > >than in finding out the facts of the matter.
    > And you sound more interested in blaming the US military than in the
    > facts.

Not at all: I just object to the knee-jerk defense of its actions, if
necessary blaming and discrediting the victims and anybody else who
questions the party line. The "hail the chief and march in goose-step"
attitude that I'm seeing displayed in these days is very un-American, and
worries me.

    > You have to admit that the reporter is not a very reliable witness.

Sure, but neither is anybody directly involved in this case.

Old Mar 10th 2005, 12:02 pm
Enzo Michelangeli
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
in message news:[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 20:29:57 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > ><[email protected]> wrote in message
    > >news:[email protected] roups.com...
    > >> "I've also read mentions of a "pickup truck", "
    > >>
    > >> So quote your mentions of the pickup truck and give us a link. Then
    > >> we can see if it's relevant. This photo has been out for three days
    > >> and no one has challenged it's authenticity.
    > >
    > >Actually no one has CONFIRMED its authenticity...
    > Except for the fact that it came from the Italian government.

Source? So far I've only seen it on a Yahoo web page that didn't state its

Old Mar 10th 2005, 12:22 pm
Paolo Pizzi
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:55:43 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
    >>message news:[email protected]...
    >>> If we were actually trying to kill her we would have used a Hellfire
    >>> missile. (Our weapon of choice for killing AIF in a vehicle.)
    >>That would have been A TAD too obvious...
    > How? The vehicle blows up and the bodies are unidentifiable.

Like I said, right wingers are immensely stupid and have never
heard of DNA evidence...

    > And you can do it with only a few people involved (and not even in
    > Iraq). One of the big holes in the conspiracy theory is how many US
    > soldiers have to be involved. Considering that all it would take is
    > one soldier to open his mouth - you have a conspiracy that is
    > impossible to keep secret. (Remember that this is the US where we
    > cannot even do a cover up of a presidential blow job.)

It's only by sheer accident that the Abu Ghraib scandal saw
the light. Had all the photos be destroyed (like they're doing
now), people like you would have never believed it and would
have accused anyone who hinted at that savage and racist
treatment of people mostly guilty of petty crime of being
"commie" conspiracy theorists...

    > Nope the most likely conclusion is that the people making up
    > conspiracy theories are:
    > 1) Your standard clueless idiots.
    > 2) Officials in the Italian government trying to distract attention
    > from their bungling.

But of course, the US Army NEVER screws up...
Old Mar 10th 2005, 12:32 pm
Paolo Pizzi
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...

    >>> And - of course - the Italians did not screw up the extraction.
    >>No, they did not.
    > Then can you explain why they almost lost control of the car as they
    > drove through a puddle of water? (Excessive speed and no route recon
    > beforehand.)

And the evidence of the above is?

    > Can you explain why they were laughing and joking during the drive to
    > the airport?


    > Can you explain why they drove her to the airport themselves (using an
    > Iraqi driver) instead of turning her over to the Italian troops at the
    > embassy?

Can you explain why until yesterday you right-wing idiots claimed
it MUST have been the driver's fault because, we all know, Italians
are reckless drivers? Now that you finally admit you completely
blew it and that the driver was Iraqi, you're changing the story
accordingly... Pathetic.

    > Can you explain why they failed to notify the local commander
    > that an operation was occurring in his sector?

And the evidence for this claim is?

    > Can you explain why they even selected a relative of a national
    > politician as a covert operative?

Who told you that?

    > All of these issues scream: 'amateur!'

Sure, first you make up a bunch of stories, then you're stupid
enough to believe them.

    >>Actually YOU are not sure what kind of vehicle it was...
    > The Italian government gave two vehicle descriptions. Sounds like
    > they had no idea what was going on.

Again, show me your evidence.

    >>> 2) The Italian agent drove her to the airport himself instead of
    >>> handing her off the Italian embassy.
    >>Wrong again, the driver was Iraqi.
    > He still was personally taking her to the airport.

Sorry, but you can't get off the hook this easily. I have PROVEN
that you make up stories and then you believe them as they were
factual truths...

    >>> 3) The route the airport had not been rehearsed (notice that
    >>> they were not expecting the puddle?)
    >>Totally irrelevant.
    > Very relevant. I spent a year in Iraq working in operations and we
    > always made a recon of our ingress and egress routes. This is simple
    > professionalism.

Once again, where is your evidence?

    >>> 4) Laughing and joking during the extraction phase. (As pilots say
    >>> 'the mission is not over until you are in the O-club having a beer.')
    >>Totally untrue.
    > Are you calling what's-her-name the reporter a liar?

No, I'm calling YOU a liar, or maybe the right-wing newspapers/websites
you read with ridiculously false translations.

    >>> 5) Apparently the Italian agent was a relative of a political figure.
    >>Again, total BS. And even if it were true, I wouldn't see the
    > Covert intelligence agents are supposed to be people that nobody ever
    > heard of - and no connections to political figures in case they get
    > captured or killed.

First of all, show me evidence he was a relative of a political
figure. Sounds like you believe all the BS you hear from
right wing extremists...

    >>> 6) No coordination had been made with allied forces - and worse,
    >>> apparently none with the Italian forces either.
    >>Total bullshit.
    > Really? Can you name one Coalition Forces commander who says he
    > knew about the operation?

The Italian goverment claims there was FULL COOPERATION.
The US government claims otherwise. Obviously anyone in the US
Army who disagrees with that has been told to shut up or face the
consequences. It's a case of he said/he said, but obviously someone
like you believes that US version just because you're a nationalistic

    >>In conclusion: you know absolutely NOTHING about what happened
    >>and you're repeating the bullshit published on the Washington Times,
    >>a newspaper owned by a deranged lunatic who thinks he's God.
    > Actually, my sources are from the Italian news media.

Really? Can you read Italian?
Vediamo, vediamo se sei capace di leggere una singola parola in

    > What are yours from?

The TRUE Italian news media, not the phony translations made
available through right-wing newspapers and websites.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 12:32 pm
Paolo Pizzi
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...

    >>Actually no one has CONFIRMED its authenticity...
    > Except for the fact that it came from the Italian government.

Bullshit. Prove it or shut up and admit you're a liar.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 1:49 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

BruceB wrote:

    > And this has WHAT do to with European travel??? I certainly don't mind you
    > being an off-topic cross-posting for no real purpose asshole, but you really
    > should take your little anti-US article (or is it really?) and post it in
    > just the group that is first on the list of where you posted it,
    > alt.politics.bush.

Las time I looked, Italy was still in Europe, and if Turkey
qualifies too, why not Iraq?

Old Mar 10th 2005, 1:53 pm
Willie T. Soke
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"punktilious" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > "Willie T. Soke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> "LawsonE" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:oBOXd.70772$Tt.45396@fed1read05...
    >>> "Bill Gamelson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:dtLXd.6300$ju.5607@okepread07...
    >>>> "B Vaughan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>Berlusconi said that according to information from the person driving
    >>>>>the car, the vehicle was traveling at a low speed and braked very
    >>>>>swiftly when a light shone on it.
    >>>> But the Italian news reporter stated that there were no lighs, no
    >>>> warnings and that the driver floored it when he saw U.S. troops.
    >>> Where did you read that?
    >> Sgrena is a Communist (yes, I meant that literally) dingbat responsible
    >> attitude, she endangered herself, her rescuers, and thanks to the $8
    >> million bribe paid to the head choppers, our soldiers. Sgrena is a MORON.
    >> -----------------------------------------------------
    >> http://www.zachtei.nl/2005/03/08/000670.html
    >> 'Be careful not to get kidnapped,' I told the female Italian journalist
    >> sitting next to me in the small plane that was headed for Baghdad. 'Oh
    >> no,' she said. 'That won't happen. We are siding with the oppressed Iraqi
    >> people. No Iraqi would kidnap us.'
    >> "It doesn't sound very nice to be critical of a fellow reporter. But
    >> Sgrena's attitude is a disgrace for journalism. Or didn't she tell me
    >> back in the plane that 'common journalists such as yourself' simply do
    >> not support the Iraqi people? 'The Americans are the biggest enemies of
    >> mankind,' the three women behind me had told me, for Sgrena travelled to
    >> Iraq with two Italian colleagues who hated the Americans as well."
    >> -----------------------------------------------------
    >> http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Internatio...=563069&page=1
    >> "But, according to the senior U.S. military official, the car was
    >> traveling at speeds of more than 100 mph. The driver almost lost control
    >> several times before the shooting as the car hydroplaned through large
    >> puddles, the official told ABC News. The car had not gone through any
    >> previous checkpoints, the source added."
    >> -----------------------------------------------------
    >> From Il Moron's own article:
    >> http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe.../il.manifesto/
    >> The car kept on the road, going under an underpass full of puddles and
    >> almost losing control to avoid them. We all incredibly laughed. It was
    >> liberating. Losing control of the car in a street full of water in
    >> Baghdad and maybe wind up in a bad car accident after all I had been
    >> through would really be a tale I would not be able to tell.
    >> -----------------------------------------------------
    >> It's dark. It's raining. Il Moron is traveling down the most dangerous
    >> road in Bagdad at 100 mph. She ADMITS they were driving recklessly, and
    >> she thought it was funny. Soldiers manning the checkpoint are continually
    >> threatened by headcutters driving car bombs. The soldiers have no idea Il
    >> Moron is in the car (or was it a truck? She can't seem to make up her
    >> mind about this). They had just seconds to act, and they acted in a way
    >> any other person would in the same situation.
    > Since she is a COMMUNIST MORON, your words not mine,

Of course those are my words. She is indeed a COMMUNIST
MORON, and that's the polite way to describe her. Who claimed
*you* wrote that she was a COMMUNIST MORON?

    > does this mean that the US or anybody else has a right to shoot at her
    > with the intent of killing her?

Your premise is incorrect. The only people who intended to
kill her were the head-chopping Wahabis who kidnapped her.
If she was supposed to be killed by US forces, she would have
been. Instead, she was taken to the hospital, cared for, then
sent home to spread her paranoid insanity. If you are deranged
enough to pretend to believe she was "targeted" by the US, you
are beyond help. Go wrap tinfoil around your head and hide
under a table.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 1:55 pm
Willie T. Soke
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

"Paolo Pizzi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected] m...
    > "Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
    > in message news:[email protected]...
    >>>> And - of course - the Italians did not screw up the extraction.
    >>>No, they did not.
    >> Then can you explain why they almost lost control of the car as they
    >> drove through a puddle of water? (Excessive speed and no route recon
    >> beforehand.)
    > And the evidence of the above is?


"The car kept on the road, going under an underpass full of puddles and
almost losing control to avoid them. We all incredibly laughed. It was
liberating. Losing control of the car in a street full of water in Baghdad
and maybe wind up in a bad car accident after all I had been through would
really be a tale I would not be able to tell."
Old Mar 10th 2005, 2:23 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

On 10 Mar 2005 15:09:00 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

    >It all depends if your convention is to name the side as you are
    >sitting in the car or as you are facing the car. In any case, Colin's
    >objection is irrelevant because the majority of the bullets would go
    >all the way through both sides of the car.

I don't know what convention you are talking about.

There is only one convention.

If I say the steering wheel is on the left side of the car or the
right side of the car I believe everyon in the WORLD knows we are
talking from the perspective of viewing the steering wheel form the
INSIDE of the vehicle.
Old Mar 10th 2005, 3:15 pm
Colin Campbell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: U.S. knew agent going to airport

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 01:22:34 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    >"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote in
    >message news:[email protected]...
    >> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:55:43 GMT, "Paolo Pizzi"
    >> <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>>"Colin Campbell" <[email protected] (remove underscore)> wrote
    >>>message news:[email protected]...
    >>>> If we were actually trying to kill her we would have used a Hellfire
    >>>> missile. (Our weapon of choice for killing AIF in a vehicle.)
    >>>That would have been A TAD too obvious...
    >> How? The vehicle blows up and the bodies are unidentifiable.
    >Like I said, right wingers are immensely stupid and have never
    >heard of DNA evidence...

And who in Iraq is going to do DNA tests on a couple of anonymous

    >It's only by sheer accident that the Abu Ghraib scandal saw
    >the light. Had all the photos be destroyed (like they're doing
    >now), people like you would have never believed it and would
    >have accused anyone who hinted at that savage and racist
    >treatment of people mostly guilty of petty crime of being
    >"commie" conspiracy theorists...

Wrong. If you had been paying attention - you would be aware that
those photos were released by the US government in a press conference.
In fact the copies the reporters got were leaked from the CID case

But, then it appears that you do not really pay attention to current

There can be no triumph without loss.
No victory without suffering.
No freedom without sacrifice.

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