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Train Robbers in Italy


Train Robbers in Italy

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Old Jul 29th 2004, 6:07 am
Bobby Fischler
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hillary & Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. Hillary "set phasors for kill" Mrs. Heinz got rich off the back o

A. Dulcimer <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>. ..
    > On 29 Jul 2004 07:04:41 -0700, [email protected] (Bobby
    > Fischler) wrote:
    > >Go Fig <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<280720042306008522%[email protected]>...
    > >> In article <[email protected]>, Carole Allen
    > >> <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >>
    > >> > Au contraire, if you saw her speech last night, she is simply an
    > >> > intelligent, articulate woman who has ideas...and is not content to
    > >> > stand behind a man with a vapidly adoring look in her eyes. I just
    > >> > don't get why some people (men and women) are so threatened by strong,
    > >> > intelligent woman. BTW, when her REPUBLICAN senator husband from PA
    > >> > died in that plane crash REPUBLICAN party leaders thought highly
    > >> > enough to ask her to run to fill his seat. She declined, determined
    > >> > to focus on raising her sons.
    > >>
    > >> She says; 'I grew up under a dictatorship', she forgets to mention she
    > >> was on the Colonial privileged side of that equation and the went on to
    > >> the best university in Africa in segregated S Africa.
    > >>
    > >> Not my picture of an 'African American' as she calls herself.
    > >>
    > >> Somebody better keep her away from microphones, or there will surely be
    > >> TV adds contrasting her statements with her real life experience. I'm
    > >> sure there must be a number of childhood pictures of her being cared
    > >> for by a 'house Negro'.
    > >>
    > >> jay
    > >> Wed Jul 28, 2004
    > >> mailto:[email protected]
    > >>
    > >
    > >
    > >Her family had plenty of servants and they lived very well thanks to
    > >repressive Portuguese slavery going back to 1752. The Portuguese and
    > >Belgians were probably the worst colonialists in Africa.
    > >
    > >She also became a billionairess, along with Lurch her current husband,
    > >on the backs of poor blacks, mexican and other migrants picking
    > >tomatoes, beans, pickles and other food products for Heinz.
    > >
    > >She is very creepy and instead of the 7 languages she might want to
    > >work on the English a bit. The accent sounds like a female Big
    > >Brother.
    > >
    > >As Limbaugh said, Hillary has her phasors set for kill. The last
    > >thing the Clintons want is Kerry in office with a wife who has a
    > >politically ambititous trust fund between $1 billion to $3.8 billion.
    > >They will have the money and power to make sure Kerry gets two terms
    > >and through billions in litigation, Edwards will get 8 years. The
    > >Clintons will become a footnote very very fast if Kerry wins.
    > >
    > >Watch for stories to leak out about Kerry soon. There are dozens of
    > >stories about what a creep he is but the press will run with these
    > >stories. Don't forget - Bill & Hillary have Kerry's FBI files.
    > >
    > >People think the Clinton's went through those files for Republican
    > >dirt - they also went through Dem files to keep people in line.
    > >Remember when Bob Kerrey was going to run for Pres? A little story
    > >leaked out how he and his SEAL team did a little number on sleeping
    > >Vietnamese family in a hamlet. John Kerry's actiosn were probably
    > >worse. Anyway, Bob Kerrey's Presidential ambitions went up in smoke
    > >overnight.
    > Once again we see the conservatives are scared shitless of this
    > ticket!! The more frightened they become the more shrill the lies and
    > distortions. Keep it up honey , we love your posts!
    > -----

Oh so scared.

Watch and learn. If you think Bill & Hillary are going to let the
Kerrys take over the party you are a fool. The Kerrys are about to
learn about Clinton hardball. It won't be pretty.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 6:21 am
A . Dulcimer
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hillary & Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. Hillary "set phasors for kill" Mrs. Heinz got rich off the back o

On 29 Jul 2004 11:07:58 -0700, [email protected] (Bobby
Fischler) wrote:

    >A. Dulcimer <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>. ..
    >> On 29 Jul 2004 07:04:41 -0700, [email protected] (Bobby
    >> Fischler) wrote:
    >> >Go Fig <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<280720042306008522%[email protected]>...
    >> >> In article <[email protected]>, Carole Allen
    >> >> <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> >>
    >> >> > Au contraire, if you saw her speech last night, she is simply an
    >> >> > intelligent, articulate woman who has ideas...and is not content to
    >> >> > stand behind a man with a vapidly adoring look in her eyes. I just
    >> >> > don't get why some people (men and women) are so threatened by strong,
    >> >> > intelligent woman. BTW, when her REPUBLICAN senator husband from PA
    >> >> > died in that plane crash REPUBLICAN party leaders thought highly
    >> >> > enough to ask her to run to fill his seat. She declined, determined
    >> >> > to focus on raising her sons.
    >> >>
    >> >> She says; 'I grew up under a dictatorship', she forgets to mention she
    >> >> was on the Colonial privileged side of that equation and the went on to
    >> >> the best university in Africa in segregated S Africa.
    >> >>
    >> >> Not my picture of an 'African American' as she calls herself.
    >> >>
    >> >> Somebody better keep her away from microphones, or there will surely be
    >> >> TV adds contrasting her statements with her real life experience. I'm
    >> >> sure there must be a number of childhood pictures of her being cared
    >> >> for by a 'house Negro'.
    >> >>
    >> >> jay
    >> >> Wed Jul 28, 2004
    >> >> mailto:[email protected]
    >> >>
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >Her family had plenty of servants and they lived very well thanks to
    >> >repressive Portuguese slavery going back to 1752. The Portuguese and
    >> >Belgians were probably the worst colonialists in Africa.
    >> >
    >> >She also became a billionairess, along with Lurch her current husband,
    >> >on the backs of poor blacks, mexican and other migrants picking
    >> >tomatoes, beans, pickles and other food products for Heinz.
    >> >
    >> >She is very creepy and instead of the 7 languages she might want to
    >> >work on the English a bit. The accent sounds like a female Big
    >> >Brother.
    >> >
    >> >As Limbaugh said, Hillary has her phasors set for kill. The last
    >> >thing the Clintons want is Kerry in office with a wife who has a
    >> >politically ambititous trust fund between $1 billion to $3.8 billion.
    >> >They will have the money and power to make sure Kerry gets two terms
    >> >and through billions in litigation, Edwards will get 8 years. The
    >> >Clintons will become a footnote very very fast if Kerry wins.
    >> >
    >> >Watch for stories to leak out about Kerry soon. There are dozens of
    >> >stories about what a creep he is but the press will run with these
    >> >stories. Don't forget - Bill & Hillary have Kerry's FBI files.
    >> >
    >> >People think the Clinton's went through those files for Republican
    >> >dirt - they also went through Dem files to keep people in line.
    >> >Remember when Bob Kerrey was going to run for Pres? A little story
    >> >leaked out how he and his SEAL team did a little number on sleeping
    >> >Vietnamese family in a hamlet. John Kerry's actiosn were probably
    >> >worse. Anyway, Bob Kerrey's Presidential ambitions went up in smoke
    >> >overnight.
    >> Once again we see the conservatives are scared shitless of this
    >> ticket!! The more frightened they become the more shrill the lies and
    >> distortions. Keep it up honey , we love your posts!
    >> -----
    >Oh so scared.
    >Watch and learn. If you think Bill & Hillary are going to let the
    >Kerrys take over the party you are a fool.

Is there anyone you aren't scared of? Now you're scared of the

    >The Kerrys are about to
    >learn about Clinton hardball.
    > It won't be pretty.

and when Kerry is sworn in next January will you admit that you're a


"The only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with
in the last twenty years are1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing
the wealth upward toward those who already have more than
they know what to do with, and; (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing
ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those
who know more than they need to.

-Barbara Ehrenreich
Old Jul 29th 2004, 6:22 am
Tim Kroesen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy?

FOCUS indeed...and I hope she damn well has the sense to stay the hell
out of the 'oval office' then... We elect Presidents on their
platforms, NOT their wives...

Perhaps Hillary should therefore be lambasted for not producing the
'national health care plan' deferred to her by her hubby's deference...
What a waste of 'Blonde'... <g>

Tim K

"Carole Allen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Au contraire, if you saw her speech last night, she is simply an
    > intelligent, articulate woman who has ideas...and is not content to
    > stand behind a man with a vapidly adoring look in her eyes. I just
    > don't get why some people (men and women) are so threatened by strong,
    > intelligent woman. BTW, when her REPUBLICAN senator husband from PA
    > died in that plane crash REPUBLICAN party leaders thought highly
    > enough to ask her to run to fill his seat. She declined, determined
    > to focus on raising her sons.
    > .
    > On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:05:49 -0500, Olivers <[email protected]>
    > wrote:
    > >Of course, this time around, Bush stands an excellent chance at
    > >since his opponent seems to possess all the charismatic appeal of a
bowl of
    > >unflavored tapioca, along with some substantial baggage, including
what may
    > >be a albatross slung about his neck in the person of his spouse whom
    > >seems impossible to conceal from public scrutiny. She may be at
least to
    > >the "Traditional Family Values" set, a big chunk of USAian voters,
about as
    > >appealing as scheduling John Ashcroft to speak at an ACLU
    > >
    > >TMO
Old Jul 29th 2004, 7:22 am
The Invisible Man
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hillary & Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. Hillary "set phasors for kill" Mrs. Heinz got rich off the back o

"A. Dulcimer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > On 29 Jul 2004 11:07:58 -0700, [email protected] (Bobby
    > Fischler) wrote:
    > >A. Dulcimer <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>. ..
    > >> On 29 Jul 2004 07:04:41 -0700, [email protected] (Bobby
    > >> Fischler) wrote:
    > >>
    > >> >Go Fig <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<280720042306008522%[email protected]>...
    > >> >> In article <[email protected]>, Carole Allen
    > >> >> <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >> >>
    > >> >> > Au contraire, if you saw her speech last night, she is simply an
    > >> >> > intelligent, articulate woman who has ideas...and is not content
    > >> >> > stand behind a man with a vapidly adoring look in her eyes. I
    > >> >> > don't get why some people (men and women) are so threatened by
    > >> >> > intelligent woman. BTW, when her REPUBLICAN senator husband from
    > >> >> > died in that plane crash REPUBLICAN party leaders thought highly
    > >> >> > enough to ask her to run to fill his seat. She declined,
    > >> >> > to focus on raising her sons.
    > >> >>
    > >> >> She says; 'I grew up under a dictatorship', she forgets to mention
    > >> >> was on the Colonial privileged side of that equation and the went on
    > >> >> the best university in Africa in segregated S Africa.
    > >> >>
    > >> >> Not my picture of an 'African American' as she calls herself.
    > >> >>
    > >> >> Somebody better keep her away from microphones, or there will surely
    > >> >> TV adds contrasting her statements with her real life experience.
    > >> >> sure there must be a number of childhood pictures of her being cared
    > >> >> for by a 'house Negro'.
    > >> >>
    > >> >> jay
    > >> >> Wed Jul 28, 2004
    > >> >> mailto:[email protected]
    > >> >>
    > >> >
    > >> >
    > >> >Her family had plenty of servants and they lived very well thanks to
    > >> >repressive Portuguese slavery going back to 1752. The Portuguese and
    > >> >Belgians were probably the worst colonialists in Africa.
    > >> >
    > >> >She also became a billionairess, along with Lurch her current husband,
    > >> >on the backs of poor blacks, mexican and other migrants picking
    > >> >tomatoes, beans, pickles and other food products for Heinz.
    > >> >
    > >> >She is very creepy and instead of the 7 languages she might want to
    > >> >work on the English a bit. The accent sounds like a female Big
    > >> >Brother.
    > >> >
    > >> >As Limbaugh said, Hillary has her phasors set for kill. The last
    > >> >thing the Clintons want is Kerry in office with a wife who has a
    > >> >politically ambititous trust fund between $1 billion to $3.8 billion.
    > >> >They will have the money and power to make sure Kerry gets two terms
    > >> >and through billions in litigation, Edwards will get 8 years. The
    > >> >Clintons will become a footnote very very fast if Kerry wins.
    > >> >
    > >> >Watch for stories to leak out about Kerry soon. There are dozens of
    > >> >stories about what a creep he is but the press will run with these
    > >> >stories. Don't forget - Bill & Hillary have Kerry's FBI files.
    > >> >
    > >> >People think the Clinton's went through those files for Republican
    > >> >dirt - they also went through Dem files to keep people in line.
    > >> >Remember when Bob Kerrey was going to run for Pres? A little story
    > >> >leaked out how he and his SEAL team did a little number on sleeping
    > >> >Vietnamese family in a hamlet. John Kerry's actiosn were probably
    > >> >worse. Anyway, Bob Kerrey's Presidential ambitions went up in smoke
    > >> >overnight.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Once again we see the conservatives are scared shitless of this
    > >> ticket!! The more frightened they become the more shrill the lies and
    > >> distortions. Keep it up honey , we love your posts!
    > >>
    > >> -----
    > >
    > >
    > >Oh so scared.
    > >
    > >Watch and learn. If you think Bill & Hillary are going to let the
    > >Kerrys take over the party you are a fool.
    > Is there anyone you aren't scared of? Now you're scared of the
    > Clintons?
    > >The Kerrys are about to
    > >learn about Clinton hardball.
    > > It won't be pretty.
    > and when Kerry is sworn in next January will you admit that you're a
    > nut?

No, he won't. He and his Rush Druggo followers will spend absolutely every
waking minute per day looking for that elusive, ' democrat blowjob'.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 7:42 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy

Deep Flawed Muslim wrote:

    > "Edoardo Vancini" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>.. .
    >>"Tim Challenger" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio
    >>news:[email protected]...
    >>>Is the USA a civilized country or what?
    >>Is there any civilized country at all?
    > Japan. Well, only if you don't look back too far in time.
    > ---
    > DFM

hmm a country where women are treated as third class citizens and grown
men read pornographic comic books
Old Jul 29th 2004, 7:43 am
Deep Flawed Muslim
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy

"Edoardo Vancini" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>.. .
    > "Tim Challenger" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio
    > news:[email protected]...

    > >
    > > Is the USA a civilized country or what?
    > Is there any civilized country at all?

Japan. Well, only if you don't look back too far in time.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 7:48 am
Tim Kroesen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hillary & Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. Hillary "set phasors for kill" Mrs. Heinz got rich off the back o

...just like all the 'waking minutes' I spent digging out your bottom
posted Two liner...

Tim K

"The Invisible Man" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

    > No, he won't. He and his Rush Druggo followers will spend absolutely
    > waking minute per day looking for that elusive, ' democrat blowjob'.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 8:01 am
Deep Flawed Muslim
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy

Daisy <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>. ..

    > When the Italian police were notified of the train robberies in
    > Ventimiglia they said it was just as well they were all asleep -
    > because a gang of Eastern European thugs had been doing these trains
    > for a few weeks and if they were challenged, were quite violent.

Oooooh, those naaaaaaasty Eastern Europeans. Nice little scapegoats
they are, as if this stuff never happened before the iron curtain

    > People are told NOT to wear money belts because they can be cut into -
    > but all the same night-trains in Europe are not advised unless one has
    > a wagon-lit - and these are expensive.

Are you out of your head??? Money belts are about as safe as you can
get. If someone is going to cut into that, the last thing you should
be worried about is your money!!!

Night trains are safe enough, if you keep you don't do anything dumb.
Usually they have 4 sleepers in them, and you get to know the other
occupants before going to sleep. You are FAR more likely to be
pickpocketed in the train station than robbed during the night, unless
(as I keep saying) you do something dumb, like leave your wallet
somewhere easily accesible.

    > My son lives and works in Italy and has done for three years - he is
    > not a naive innocent tourist. He was travelling with 3 other
    > Italians who are frequent train travellers in Italy - and it was the
    > first time they had been robbed on a train as well - and they were all
    > asleep when it happened.
    > So please don't be so smug and patronising about this. There is
    > apparently a gang of these people operating and sometimes they even
    > use harmful sprays to incapacitate people.

Me thinks what actually happened is that he lost his money doing
something dumb, and made up an elaborate story, which deep down inside
you knew was rubbish, but you swallowed, being the good-but-oblivious
mother that your are. Then you thought you would come here and slag
off Italy's train security instead - quite unjustifiably.

This is why you got such a hostile reception here. Next time, use your
discretion more wisely, and pick your targets better.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 8:10 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy

On 29 Jul 2004 12:43:08 -0700, in rec.travel.europe, [email protected] (Deep Flawed
Muslim) arranged some electrons, so they looked like this :

... > Is there any civilized country at all?
... Japan. Well, only if you don't look back too far in time.

Not a paradise, either :


Teen crimes taint Japan's reputation

Criminal acts by juveniles and illegals are undermining the country's image as the safest
place in the world, warns Koizumi

TOKYO - Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi yesterday said Japan's reputation for being the
safest place in the world has been shaken greatly by an increasing number of felonies by
juveniles and crimes by illegal immigrants.

His remarks came amid reports that a 19-year-old Japanese has confessed to raping or
robbing around 100 young women since June last year.

Mr Koizumi said in a speech to senior police officers and politicians in Tokyo that he
wanted to see Japan's reputation as the world's safest place restored.

'The government wants to restore people's confidence in public safety as soon as possible
while hoping that the authorities concerned will be more active in reviving Japan's
reputation as the safest place,' he said.

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko attended the ceremony to mark the July 1, 1954,
adoption of the Police Law, and the setting up of the current structure of prefectural
forces under the National Police Agency.

'Your duty has increasing importance due to increased crime at home and threats of
international terrorism,' the Emperor said.

Police functions were spun off from the Home Ministry in 1947 when the allied powers
abolished the ministry notorious for suppressing anti-government activity.

Violent crime by juveniles in Japan hit a four-year high last year, with the number of
serious offenders aged between 14 and 19 totalling 2,212.

On June 1, a 12-year-old girl was stabbed to death by her classmate during a lunch break
at an elementary school in western Japan, apparently over an exchange of e-mail.

Three weeks later, Japanese police took a 13-year-old girl into custody for allegedly
pushing a Chinese boy off a high building. The boy suffered minor cuts.

Last week, two 15-year-olds were arrested over the stabbing of a stranger with a kitchen
knife at a festival.

In the latest crime case involving a minor, the alleged serial rapist was attacking a
20-year-old woman on the streets of Sakai last month when police officers spotted him. He
fled the scene but was tracked down a week later.

A record 20,007 foreigners - including both non-permanent residents and short-term
visitors - were arrested in connection with criminal offences last year, up 23.4 per cent
from the previous year, police data showed. -- AFP
Old Jul 29th 2004, 8:22 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hillary & Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. Hillary "set phasors for kill" Mrs. Heinz got rich off the back o

[email protected] (Bobby Fischler) wrote in message news:<[email protected]. com>...
    > Her family had plenty of servants and they lived very well thanks to
    > repressive Portuguese slavery going back to 1752. The Portuguese and
    > Belgians were probably the worst colonialists in Africa.
    > She also became a billionairess, along with Lurch her current husband,
    > on the backs of poor blacks, mexican and other migrants picking
    > tomatoes, beans, pickles and other food products for Heinz.
    > She is very creepy and instead of the 7 languages she might want to
    > work on the English a bit. The accent sounds like a female Big
    > Brother.

At least she never killed anybody, unlike Laura Bush......
Old Jul 29th 2004, 1:45 pm
Carole Allen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy?

Until the day of course when the president's spouse is the "First

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:22:53 GMT, "Tim Kroesen"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    >FOCUS indeed...and I hope she damn well has the sense to stay the hell
    >out of the 'oval office' then... We elect Presidents on their
    >platforms, NOT their wives...
    >Perhaps Hillary should therefore be lambasted for not producing the
    >'national health care plan' deferred to her by her hubby's deference...
    >What a waste of 'Blonde'... <g>
    >Tim K
    >"Carole Allen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected]...
    >> Au contraire, if you saw her speech last night, she is simply an
    >> intelligent, articulate woman who has ideas...and is not content to
    >> stand behind a man with a vapidly adoring look in her eyes. I just
    >> don't get why some people (men and women) are so threatened by strong,
    >> intelligent woman. BTW, when her REPUBLICAN senator husband from PA
    >> died in that plane crash REPUBLICAN party leaders thought highly
    >> enough to ask her to run to fill his seat. She declined, determined
    >> to focus on raising her sons.
    >> .
    >> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:05:49 -0500, Olivers <[email protected]>
    >> wrote:
    >> >Of course, this time around, Bush stands an excellent chance at
    >> >since his opponent seems to possess all the charismatic appeal of a
    >bowl of
    >> >unflavored tapioca, along with some substantial baggage, including
    >what may
    >> >be a albatross slung about his neck in the person of his spouse whom
    >> >seems impossible to conceal from public scrutiny. She may be at
    >least to
    >> >the "Traditional Family Values" set, a big chunk of USAian voters,
    >about as
    >> >appealing as scheduling John Ashcroft to speak at an ACLU
    >> >
    >> >TMO
Old Jul 29th 2004, 2:03 pm
Bobby Fischler
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy & Muslims Gangs Stabbing Tourists In London

"Alan Harrison" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > "Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > The English have an odd habit of calling
    > > Muslims - asians
    > Err, no. "Asians" in British usage are south Asians. Many are Sikhs or
    > Hindus.
    > Alan Harrison

Yes but Sikhs and Hindus are usually not violent criminals and jihadists.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 4:40 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy & Muslims Gangs Stabbing Tourists In London

"Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > "Alan Harrison" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
    > > "Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > >
    > > > The English have an odd habit of calling
    > > > Muslims - asians
    > >
    > > Err, no. "Asians" in British usage are south Asians. Many are Sikhs or
    > > Hindus.
    > >
    > > Alan Harrison
    > Yes but Sikhs and Hindus are usually not violent criminals and jihadists.

Blockhead speaks again. Reflection of a simple mind, no less. I bet you
also think that because the Chinese are generally Buddhists that means that
there are never any human rights abuses in China.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 6:53 pm
Luca Logi
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy

Olivers <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I must admit that I've only been offered watches (apparently stolen)
    > displayed from the inside lining of a raincoat three times, all three in
    > Naples (and long ago). Just as there's a lot more to Italy than stolen
    > watches

It is irrilevant if watches were stolen or not. The real trick is that
when you buy the watch, a packet is made for you on the spot. When you
open your packet at home, you discover that your watch has been
exchanged with something else (probably cardboard). If you buy something
more weighty than a watch (say, a TV), it is not unheard to end up with
a brick.

For buying watches you go to Switzerland, not to Naples :-)

Luca Logi - Firenze - Italy e-mail: [email protected]
Home page: http://www.angelfire.com/ar/archivarius
(musicologia pratica)
Old Jul 30th 2004, 2:15 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Train Robbers in Italy?

Roger <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>.. .
    > Don't tell Blair. Apparently he and his family are to visit the Italian
    > PM, Sivio Berlusconi, at his lexery villa in Sardegna in August!
    > Not that they are likey to have musch trouble with thieves, not common
    > ones anyway! Sivlio Berlusconi is heavily linked with the Mafia

Any proof for that allegation? I mean, I wouldn't be *all* that amazed
but I've yet to see a shred of proof.

    > and P2,

Since P2 was closed in the early 80s that would take some doing.

    > and in any case his villa, which is full of fantastic extensions such as
    > a jetty big enougth for luxery yachts and a mock greek amphitheatre,

Is that a crime? the word is 'luxury' btw.

    > is all covered by state secrets so the local planning authority can't get
    > fussy.

So what?
    > Ah, Italy, a great place to visit if you have friends in the right places!

Like everywhere else then.

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