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The rise of the Ugly European

The rise of the Ugly European

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Old Mar 4th 2003, 1:39 pm
K. Smith
Posts: n/a
Default The rise of the Ugly European

Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their
xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend. ****


Ugly sentiments sting American tourists

By Marco R. della Cava, USA TODAY

As an A-list celebrity, actor Vince Vaughn employs an array of weapons
to cope with hecklers, from a Saharan wit to a waiting limo.

But during a movie shoot recently in England, Vaughn found himself
repeatedly reaching for the same comeback. Three totemic words from the
attic of history: the Marshall Plan.

"I'd say one in three conversations wound up the same way, basically
that 'America is the devil.' So I'd ask folks to think about the
Marshall Plan a bit and get back to me," says Vaughn, 32, referring to
the Allied blueprint for the reconstruction of Europe after World War
II. "In the end, though, I just had to tell people, 'I'm not having this
discussion anymore.' "

But if you're heading overseas, be prepared to have it. Again and again.
If the past 100 years were widely considered the American Century, this
new one is fast shaping up as the Anti-American Century.

Just ask tourist Colleen Frost, 33, who hopped into a cab recently on
her first day in Berlin. An English-speaking driver demanded an
explanation for what he called "America's megalomania."

"He wanted to know what I would think of my country if my brother or
boyfriend was killed in a war," says Frost, a dental hygienist from
Santa Fe. She says the ride was over before she could provide an answer
for the disgruntled cabby.

How times have changed.

A mother lode of goodwill fostered in the decades after the defeat of
Nazi Germany has been reduced to dust in recent years. A growing number
of foreigners see some of the United States' political decisions
(pulling out of the Kyoto Treaty on global emissions) and personal
choices (Americans' penchant for gas-loving SUVs) as at best unilateral
and at worst selfish. The confrontation over Iraq is just more fuel on a

From Spanish plazas to Parisian metros, American tourists are being
quizzed, grilled and even spat on by people who do not approve of the
Bush administration's drive for a war against Saddam Hussein.

As a result, a declining number of Americans (54% today vs. 79% a year
ago) believes that the USA enjoys a favorable image abroad, according to
a recent Gallup poll. And a majority of Americans (64%) cite a fear of
unfriendliness as the top concern of traveling abroad during wartime,
according to a survey in the February issue of Conde Nast Traveler.

Anecdotal evidence from across Europe indicates those fears are not

"I've spent 100 days a year for the past 30 years in Europe, and,
generally, people always managed to differentiate a government's action
from its citizens," says Rick Steves, a Seattle-based tour operator who
specializes in Europe.

"But I have never seen this level of frustration in my lifetime. They
just can't understand our push for war, especially the younger

Steves says the current climate is in stark contrast to the
"breathtaking" we-are-all-Americans sentiment that gripped Europe on
Sept. 11, 2001. He is not discouraging his clients from traveling abroad
now, and cancellations have been few. That said, his Web site features a
flurry of concerned exchanges about overseas travel. Steves urges
would-be tourists to pack the right attitude.

"Being defensive does no good. You have to keep things in perspective
and listen," he says. "At its best, travel remains a vital force in
promoting understanding."

And is it ever needed. If European criticism of the United States was
previously limited to newspaper headlines and kaffeeklatsch debates, the
tug of war over Iraq has unleashed a torrent of frustrated invective on
the streets.

Much of such vitriol is aimed at the Bush administration. That has never
been more in evidence than during the weekend of Feb. 15, when more than
6 million people in roughly 60 countries hit the streets in some of the
largest anti-war protests since the Vietnam War.

But sometimes this antagonism filters down directly to the American

Laurel Scapicchio and her 13-year-old daughter were waiting for a train
in the Paris metro a few weeks ago when their conversation was
interrupted. Two men in their 20s overheard their American accents and
shouted, "Pigs!"

"It brought us back to reality," says Scapicchio, 42, a freight
forwarder from Saugus, Mass., who was on her first trip to the French
capital. "It was a little spooky. But we shrugged it off. It wasn't
personal. It was just because we were Americans."

European tourism officials, who are battling a 19% drop-off in U.S.
travel since a record 13.1 million visited in 2000, discount such
incidents as aberrations.

"I am certain that a number of American visitors will be asked about the
U.S. administration's policy on Iraq. But if indeed there have been some
unpleasant encounters, I strongly believe that they are few and far
between," says Patrick Goyet, vice chairman of the European Travel
Commission in New York. "Furthermore, speaking as a European and for the
vast majority of my fellow Europeans, I consider any such behavior
idiotic and embarrassing."

Be ready for harsh words

Nonetheless, many Americans abroad have stories to tell. Their warning?
Expect the unexpected. While living in Spain recently, Jane Kelly, 20,
recalls a friend being spat on for being American.

"In any country you're going to get people who do this," says Kelly, who
was studying at the Madrid campus of Boston's Suffolk University.

However, fellow student Kate Perlis, 20, says the atmosphere was
charged. "It seems that the only English a lot of people there know are
the words, 'We hate Bush.' "

Joshua Eckblad, 28, an American high-tech manager living in Madrid, has
had similar experiences. Daily he faces the comments of Spaniards who
"feel free to say anything against America, who think Bush and his
people know nothing about the world."

His sister, Vanina, 27, an architect living in Paris, has fared no
better. She says that the other day a man on the street "told me to go
back to where I came from."

Such run-ins can cause some visitors to contemplate retreat. When Linda
Severson, an American who has lived in Brussels for two years, was
visiting Amsterdam recently with her mother, the pair found themselves
at the Hard Rock Cafe, surrounded by anti-American protesters.

"We were looking down at all the demonstrations and signs that said
'Kill Bush, not Iraqis,' and we just sat there stunned," she says. "We
felt a little homesick."

But other Americans abroad prefer to tack right into the storm.

Louis Nebelsick, 45, is an archaeologist from Louisville who organizes
exhibits for the Dresden museum of archaeology. He says he hasn't seen
this level of anti-Americanism in Germany since the days of Ronald
Reagan, when in 1983 masses protested the installation of medium-range
missiles in Europe.

But despite the rancor, Nebelsick proudly wears an American flag on his
baseball cap. It might as well be a lightning rod in a thunderstorm.

"One guy saw that I was American and said he just had to tell me what he
thought of my country," he says. "His opinion was that America is being
run by a rabid cowboy."

Nebelsick also carries a cigarette lighter emblazoned with an American
flag. Several times of late, folks have turned down his offer of a light
as soon as they caught a glimpse of the Stars and Stripes.

"The era of Americans as heroes is over," he says.

Pleasantries also exchanged

But that isn't to say that positive connections can't be made between
nationalities on a one-to-one basis. Some tourists interviewed spoke of
not only pleasant exchanges but also an appreciation for those Americans
who would travel overseas despite the current climate.

When Tony Vitanza, 42, of Fort Worth unleashed his Texas accent on a
shopkeeper in Belgium, she immediately asked what state he was from.

"I made sure to tell her I didn't vote for Bush," says Vitanza, a flight
attendant who was careful to pluck all the pins off his jacket before
heading outdoors. "But the woman said she was interested in my accent,
not my politics."

Similarly, when Jay Rooney, 57, and Bruce Plank, 35, were in Europe a
few weeks ago while on business for Armstrong Flooring, the only run-ins
they had were with vendors haggling over prices at flea markets.

"We've had no problems at all," says Rooney while touring London's famed
Portobello Road market. "Some of our hosts even seemed apologetic. I
haven't felt criticism. Haven't felt rudeness, haven't felt pressure.
Quite the contrary, I feel some people have gone out of their way to be

One veteran Europe-watcher thinks the average American is still very
much appreciated by the average European. It's when the policies of a
nation are pinned on an individual that the sniping begins.

"I've found that most Europeans are generally fond of Americans," says
Pieter Ockers, European analyst for iJet Travel Intelligence, an
American company that provides travel risk management advice for
corporate and leisure travelers.

"But the (European) media often stoke the fires," he says. "Their media
portray Americans as culturally inferior, ignorant of world politics,
arrogant in our interaction with the rest of the world and, worst of
all, the bully of the neighborhood."

During Vaughn's stay in England, he found himself criticized on all
those levels. Like a boxer countering each blow, he shot back with the
best responses he could.

Sometimes the complaints left him speechless, like the time he was told
" 'America had no culture' by a kid wearing a Kobe Bryant T-shirt and
listening to rapper DMX."

But one incident really stung.

"Man, it was bad," says the Rat Pack-y star of Swingers. "These girls
saw us and were kind of flirting, and they kept asking us if we were
American. Finally we said, 'Yes,' and they just took off.

"One girl turns and says, 'We were hoping you were Canadian.' Canadian?
Since when was it cooler to be Canadian?"

... K ...

TODAY'S BUSHISM: "Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments from some of our students in America."‹Bethesda, Md., Feb. 3, 2003

Still obssessed? http://duelingbushes.tripod.com/welcome.html
Old Mar 4th 2003, 3:16 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"K. Smith" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    > differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their
    > xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    > protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend. ****
    > 'em.

See what happens when you take the wrong side. They still blame you for
their problems.
Old Mar 4th 2003, 5:39 pm
Otto Von Bismarck
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 02:39:08 GMT, "K. Smith"

    >Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    >insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    >differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics.
You're a democracy, shit-for-brains.You voted for him. Deal with it.

    >I guess their
    >xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    >protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend.
Except it wasn't millions, was it? More like a few thousand.

Stay out of Europe, bozo.

    >But one incident really stung.
    >"Man, it was bad," says the Rat Pack-y star of Swingers. "These girls
    >saw us and were kind of flirting, and they kept asking us if we were
    >American. Finally we said, 'Yes,' and they just took off.
    >"One girl turns and says, 'We were hoping you were Canadian.' Canadian?
    >Since when was it cooler to be Canadian?"

ROFL. ****ing hilarious.
Old Mar 4th 2003, 7:04 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"K. Smith" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    > differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their
    > xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    > protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend. ****
    > 'em.

I'm sorry if you are offended by the rising anti-American sentiments as
reported in our newspapers. But I can assure you that it is typical lazy,
journalism. When we say we are anti-American, we should say we are
anti-Bush. Most of us love your country and it's ideals. It's the fact that
Bush has trampled on those ideals that we find so offensive.
Old Mar 4th 2003, 10:53 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

    > I'm sorry if you are offended by the rising anti-American sentiments
    > as reported in our newspapers. But I can assure you that it is typical
    > lazy, journalism. When we say we are anti-American, we should say we
    > are anti-Bush. Most of us love your country and it's ideals. It's the
    > fact that Bush has trampled on those ideals that we find so offensive.

We're all just so happy that you and your socialist buddies are in the
minority in Europe. Y'all got big mouths but no real power at all.

Mr_Blonde Presents the: "MORON OF THE MONTH" Club:
Kofi Annan, Vadik,
Old Mar 5th 2003, 1:19 am
Desmond Coughlan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

le Wed, 05 Mar 2003 06:39:34 +0000, dans l'article , Otto von Bismarck a dit ...

{ snip }

    >>I guess their xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of
    >>Americans who were protesting right alongside them this past President's
    >>Day weekend.

    > Except it wasn't millions, was it? More like a few thousand.

That depends on whether you know the truth, or whether you watch Fox-News,
doesn't it ..? ;-)

{ snip }

Desmond Coughlan
desmond @ zeouane.org
http: // www . zeouane . org
Old Mar 5th 2003, 2:16 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"Kel" wrote in message news:...

    > ... Most of us love your country and it's ideals. It's the fact that
    > Bush has trampled on those ideals that we find so offensive.

hah. many, many americans feel exactly the same way :-/
Old Mar 5th 2003, 3:38 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"Otto von Bismarck" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 02:39:08 GMT, "K. Smith"
    > wrote:
    > >Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > >insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    > >differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics.
    > You're a democracy, shit-for-brains.You voted for him. Deal with it.
    > >I guess their
    > >xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    > >protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend.
    > Except it wasn't millions, was it? More like a few thousand.
    > >****
    > >'em.
    > Stay out of Europe, bozo.
    > >
    > >But one incident really stung.
    > >
    > >"Man, it was bad," says the Rat Pack-y star of Swingers. "These girls
    > >saw us and were kind of flirting, and they kept asking us if we were
    > >American. Finally we said, 'Yes,' and they just took off.
    > >
    > >"One girl turns and says, 'We were hoping you were Canadian.' Canadian?
    > >Since when was it cooler to be Canadian?"
    > ROFL. ****ing hilarious.

Its always been cooler to be a Canadian! You Yanks are just startin' to
figure it out!
Old Mar 5th 2003, 6:20 am
Desmond Coughlan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

le Wed, 05 Mar 2003 02:39:08 GMT, dans l'article , K. Smith a dit ...

    > Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to differentiate
    > between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their xenophobic media
    > forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were protesting right
    > alongside them this past President's Day weekend. **** 'em.

This has been posted several times, Moron, and each time, has been
rubbished as quite probably anecdotal at best, and downright fabrication at

{ snip 'K. Smith' showing why he's considered a borderline retarded, ****wit
troll by most of news:rec.travel.europe }

Desmond Coughlan
desmond @ zeouane.org
http: // www . zeouane . org
Old Mar 5th 2003, 8:00 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

Desmond Coughlan wrote in message news:...
    > le Wed, 05 Mar 2003 06:39:34 +0000, dans l'article , Otto von Bismarck a dit ...
    > { snip }

    > That depends on whether you know the truth, or whether you watch Fox-News,
    > doesn't it ..? ;-)
now we're on to something....I'm reading these discussions about
perceived European hostility, but no "actual" incidents aside from
what is to be completely expected, regardless of when or where you've
traveled. I, along with about 12 million other people in my area see
people from France, Germany, Iraq, and every other damn place on earth
daily and the fact is that nobody cares.....and they don't care
"there" either. Turn off the TV, unplug the computer, go somewhere,
and life is really pretty close to what you'd think it should be. I
just got back from Amsterdam. It was like any other day on any other
trip. I'm going back in 3 weeks and then to Berlin six weeks after
that. NOTHING HAPPENED... not even a dirty look. If someone here is
writing that they were treated rudely, perhaps they should consider
taking it personally, instead of broadcasting it out of context....end
of rant
Old Mar 6th 2003, 6:59 am
Stop Nazi Christian Crusader 4 Peace
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

WAR on Islam :Blair claims Christianity justifies war on Iraq

The UK Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, claims that his Christian
beliefs will not be compromised by the invasion of Iraq.

"Tony Blair has told critics that his Christian conscience
is clear about the terrible death toll which could follow a
military strike against Iraq."


The Independent (UK), "Blair: My Christian conscience is clear over
war", front-page, 2 March 2003.
[ http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/pol...p?story=383014 ]



The Dirty War against Iraq Depleted Uranium Facts for All the World to See.


Transcript of Meeting Between Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein and U.S.
Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. - July 25, 1990 (Eight days before
the August 2, 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait)
Old Mar 6th 2003, 9:36 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"Kel" wrote in message news:...
    > "K. Smith" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > > insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    > > differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their
    > > xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    > > protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend. ****
    > > 'em.
    > I'm sorry if you are offended by the rising anti-American sentiments as
    > reported in our newspapers. But I can assure you that it is typical lazy,
    > journalism. When we say we are anti-American, we should say we are
    > anti-Bush. Most of us love your country and it's ideals. It's the fact that
    > Bush has trampled on those ideals that we find so offensive.

Kel, if it's of any interest, most of us aren't in the least
offended by what you continental European surrender monkeys think.
Like, why would we? It's not exactly like we don't know what we're
dealing with here. It must really piss you twits off that we can do
this alone if we have to, huh? Well, these unpleasant realities have
to be faced when all one has are high taxes, fresh croissants, hot air
pronouncements and no armies. I'd suggest that you nix some of that
social welfare and build some planes and missles. In the meantime,
you're all irrelevant and will not be allowed to dictate to us what is
or what is not in our national security interests. GO, BUSH, GO!!! GO,
RUMMY, GO!!! GO, POWELL, GO!!! We win! Cordially, Marie
Old Mar 6th 2003, 9:49 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

On 6 Mar 2003 14:36:35 -0800, [email protected] (Marie)


    > Kel, if it's of any interest, most of us aren't in the least
    >offended by what you continental European surrender monkeys think.
    >Like, why would we? It's not exactly like we don't know what we're
    >dealing with here. It must really piss you twits off that we can do
    >this alone if we have to, huh? Well, these unpleasant realities have
    >to be faced when all one has are high taxes, fresh croissants, hot air
    >pronouncements and no armies. I'd suggest that you nix some of that
    >social welfare and build some planes and missles. In the meantime,
    >you're all irrelevant and will not be allowed to dictate to us what is
    >or what is not in our national security interests. GO, BUSH, GO!!! GO,
    >RUMMY, GO!!! GO, POWELL, GO!!! We win! Cordially, Marie

Go, go, Marie - I want to see you in the frontline shooting some kids.
Wow, what a hero you are

Ohhh yes, war is such different war these days. You haven't to look
into the eyes the ones you kill - you have a screen in rose color and
an joystick, lets play "age of empires"


We will not pay for the mess, like Iraq I, this time


Old Mar 6th 2003, 9:54 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 08:04:44 -0000, "Kel"


    >I'm sorry if you are offended by the rising anti-American sentiments as
    >reported in our newspapers. But I can assure you that it is typical lazy,
    >journalism. When we say we are anti-American, we should say we are
    >anti-Bush. Most of us love your country and it's ideals. It's the fact that
    >Bush has trampled on those ideals that we find so offensive.

Yes, Bush will ruin the freedom of the US (see "Patriots Act", Part
two to follow soon).

Same way it started with the Nazis ... it doesn't come "over night",
it comes like you cut a salami ... step by step ... in the end the
salami of freedom is gone ...

Luckily all happened ... and can be read ...


Old Mar 6th 2003, 12:52 pm
Leo Smithson
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The rise of the Ugly European

"Kel" wrote in message news:...
    > "K. Smith" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Thanks to the Mad Kowboy Diseased Bush, Americans have to fight off
    > > insults from silly, judgemental Europeans who can't seem to
    > > differentiate between "Americans" and Bush's politics. I guess their
    > > xenophobic media forgot to report on the millions of Americans who were
    > > protesting right alongside them this past President's Day weekend. ****
    > > 'em.
    > I'm sorry if you are offended by the rising anti-American sentiments as
    > reported in our newspapers. But I can assure you that it is typical lazy,
    > journalism.

I would use the words "manipulative" journalism. The mass USA media
is trying its best to paint all **Europeans as hating all Americans.
They have already pulled a stellar job of convincing the sad public
that all Arabs *hate them at the same time obscuring the fact that
whom the Arabs really hate are the governmental policies that sponsor
the genocide of the Palestinians, an inhumane act in public display
all over the world, except of course in the USA. The attempt to
convince the public that Europeans hate Americans is part of a
concerted effort by the Neocons to denigrate all well informed people
that stand in the way of their fascist agendas, in particular
Europeans; this is not at all unexpected by those who have been
watching the USA media's nefarious twists and machinations for a
while. The idea is to confuse the already USA-media-brainwashed
innocent Americans into thinking that they are hated on all fronts.
Further, as the few who run the American media see it, this may be of
utmost importance in light of the fact that IT is considered a joke by
most of the informed civilized world.

** Many Europeans laughed at Bush when he visited continental Europe,
and Bush was depicted as a moron by several Europeans tabloids. In
general, they share these feelings towards Americans, but to a far
lesser extent, and Europeans are extremely willing to give any
American a chance to prove that he/she has resisted being dumbed-down.

*Bin Laden, a member of an extremist Islamic group, has stated that
Americans are responsible for the government they elect, but most
Arabs consider the majority of Americans as brain-washed subjects and
thus innocent of the policies of their government, to the extent that
they are often welcomed in places like Iraq.

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