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Meeting Royalty in Europe


Meeting Royalty in Europe

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Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:02 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Reid wrote:
    > Following up to Robert
    > >Oh, yea? Then why is royal watching so popular with the masses. People
    > >would do anything to get to meet royalty. But if you go about it the
    > >right way you can do it. Influenceing the subconscious through belief
    > >(not my original idea. I thought it foolish at first and I'm still
    > >learning)is the only way I know without being a wannbe. Remember good
    > >manners is a requirement.
    > yes, middle class manners are essential, our royals are very
    > middle class, but your advice is wasted on me, robert, I number
    > at least one queen amoungst my friends.

And I quite a few - "opera queens", that is!

    > --
    > Mike Reid
    > "Art is the lie that reveals the truth" P.Picasso
    > UK walking & photos "http://www.fellwalk.co.uk" <-- you can email us@ this site
    > Spain,cuisines and walking "http://www.fell-walker.co.uk" <-- dontuse@ all, it's a spamtrap
Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:12 pm
Arwel Parry
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

In message <[email protected]>, Mxsmanic
<[email protected]> writes
    >Arwel Parry writes:
    >> I have to say the royals serve very nice cakes and ice cream.
    >Are you expected to dress up to go to their parties? If so, what
    >happens if you don't?

A business suit will do, though lots turn up in morning suits and hats.

Arwel Parry
Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:19 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Robert wrote:
    > Your responses are so way off. People in this group cared that I had a
    > royal friend and wanted more information.

We did? All the posts I read seemed more in the nature of saying "pull
the other one" than requesting further details!

    > Why? Royals are interesting
    > to many people. Maybe not too you.

Nor to(o) most people who have lives of their own!

    > I have never profited financially from my princess friend. I profitted
    > from my billionaire friend because I introduced him to another
    > business owner and received a commission.

Judging from your frequent mistakes in spelling, one can only conclude
that your billionaire "friend" is a "self-made man" and his business
such that a proper education is not a requirement. (A lot of people
collect commissions for entrepreneurial services - how does that make
them "friends" of the business-owners involved?)
Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:21 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Magda wrote:
    > On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 14:35:05 +0000, in rec.travel.europe, Reid <[email protected]>
    > arranged some electrons, so they looked like this :
    > ... Following up to Robert
    > ...
    > ... >On the other hand some of the
    > ... >comments to my postings were nasty (by American standards)
    > ...
    > ... polite by european ones?
    > Extremely.
    > Next step is sending him flying from the third floor of the Eiffel Tower. Sans parachute.

Sounds like a good plan!
Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:23 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Mxsmanic wrote:
    > Olivers writes:
    > > Gina Lollabrigida (sp?) - better looking than you could possibly conceive
    > > (at least back then).
    > Even with those Mr. Spock eyebrows?

Possibly because of them? (Tastes in feminine beauty vary - perhaps
fortunately, at least for the women involved.)
Old Oct 31st 2003, 2:25 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Mxsmanic wrote:
    > Arwel Parry writes:
    > > I have to say the royals serve very nice cakes and ice cream.
    > Are you expected to dress up to go to their parties? If so, what
    > happens if you don't?

Oops! That lets you out, Mix (I imagine the DO enforce a "dress code"
Old Oct 31st 2003, 4:08 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"Deep Freud Moors" <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaVALIDiREALLY!l.nu> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Robert <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Mxsmanic <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:<[email protected]>. ..
    > > > Robert writes:
    > > > I could never countenance taking advantage of others in that way, no
    > > > matter how wealthy or royal they might be. And I should hope that my
    > > > friends would never talk about me as though I were an expensive car,
    > > > either.
    > >
    > > Your responses are so way off. People in this group cared that I had a
    > > royal friend and wanted more information. Why? Royals are interesting
    > > to many people. Maybe not too you.
    > No-one here truly gives a shit who you claim to know. There are some here
    > who enjoy humouring you and having a laugh at your expense.
    > > I have never profited financially from my princess friend. I profitted
    > > from my billionaire friend because I introduced him to another
    > > business owner and received a commission. In any case I said it wasn't
    > > about the money. It was about treating all people with respect.
    > I don't treat all people with respect. That would be completely false. Some
    > people are not worthy of respect, and giving them respect would be fake, and
    > a waste of effort on my part. I will save my respect for people whom I deem
    > worthy - because that in itself makes my respect worth something.
    > > By the way you get lucky meeting billionaires when you get in the
    > > game. In this case the game was the sale of used office furniture,
    > > believe it or not. I called an ad advertising large lots of office
    > > furniture. I knew another dealer and thought I could broker the deal.
    > > I was put right through to the billionaire. He was building an office
    > > supply company.
    > Your story keeps changing. Before you were about to hangup on the
    > billionaire. Why would you do this when you made the call about legitimate
    > business?
    > As I said a while back, your story stinks of bullshit, and that is why
    > no-one is treating you seriously. If you truly had all these impressive
    > contacts, you would understand why everyone is so dubious. If you were to be
    > as open and believing as you claim we should be, you would be excellent
    > fodder for rip-off artists.
    > ---
    > DFM

No, no, no. I said you treat all people with respect who treat you
with respect. I disrespected people in my earlier posts.
I did not change my story of the billionaire. I called the number in
the ad and was put through to a guy who had a lower class accent. At
this point in my earlier career I assumed all businessmen worthy of
associating with spoke "normal" english. So I almost hung up. But he
was saying he was a billionaire and I thought this guy was a nut or it
had to be true. I took his list of furniture and faxed it to my other
contact. The contact bought the inventory and I got a commission. I
was then invited to his house and met his beautiful wife and was asked
if I wanted to meet Senator Kennedy whose office was close by. I
couldn't believe it. We didn't go but went to an Indian resturant
where I showed more of my youthful ignorance. I've learned. What can I
tell you.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 4:26 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

Emilia <emilia@(itain't)easy.com> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Some of the rudest, most self centered people I have ever met have been
    > the very rich (particulary the ones who inherited thier money). They are
    > the ones who hold disdain for people not of thier "class". They are the
    > ones who treat everyone else like thier servants. And even worse were
    > those individuals who weren't rich but trying deperately to fit in the
    > jet set circles.
    > I have met royals and very rich people. Some I liked, some I didn't.
    > Some liked me, some didn't. Contrary to thier own belief, they are people
    > like everyone else.
    > Now I'm sure you and your friend are very nice. I'm not saying that
    > others where not rude to you in another post, but I think your lesson in
    > manners is misplaced.
    > Just my opinion.
    > Emilia

I was talking about royals and most successful business people, not
heirs. Most royals are nice because as someone here said "It's their
job". That's they way they grow up. Business people (the successful
ones)are nice because people are way more likely to do business with
you if you're nice. Not a pushover mind you. Just genuine respect and
    > [email protected] (Robert) wrote in
    > news:[email protected]:
    > > It's strange how my posting on safety in Europe turned into a debate
    > > of whether or not I have a royal friend. Some of you may not have seen
    > > my last post so I'll say it again below. The disrepectful tone, where
    > > given, is for those disrespectful to me through the postings. This is
    > > also a formula for meeting royalty but you can use it for attracting
    > > just about anything:
    > >
    > > There was no risk in you believing that I have a royal friend. In fact
    > > if you became my friend (after seeing your nasty postings to me this
    > > is unlikely)I might have introduced you. You actually could have been
    > > flying to Monaco (land in Nice) on the royal plane for a week of
    > > massages and relaxation. You have to have an open mind and sincere
    > > manners when it comes to all people. That's how I met my princess
    > > friend. Mick Jagger met Kieth Richards on a train platform. What would
    > > have happened if Mick told Kieth he was a moron and to "go away"?
    > >
    > > I can tell you for a fact that there are some very rich people in this
    > > world who don't look or act like it. Some look like tramps. You should
    > > give everyone respect if respect is given to you in any case. But
    > > sometime in your life you may have run into someone, quickly judged
    > > them and made some sarcastic remark. Well, that person you said that
    > > to may have been someone who may have allowed you to travel around
    > > Europe in total luxury for the rest of your life. But now you sit at
    > > your computer wishing you could afford even budget travel. I'm not
    > > saying be nice to everyone and sooner or later someone will give you a
    > > fortune (but it does happen - fact). I'm just saying to treat all
    > > people with sincere respect regardless if you you don't like the way
    > > they look, sound or say. True story: I almost hung up on a billionaire
    > > because he sounded like he was from a lower class - he was! but built
    > > many successful companies and was a billionaire. I have learned. Yes I
    > > have learned. And so should you. So shut up and read the formula:
    > >
    > > My royal friend, her family and friends have impeccable manners and my
    > > guess is that most royals do. You're much more likely to attract good
    > > people with good manners. Then the absolute belief (this is critical -
    > > be respecful toward me and this idea) that you will meet royalty.
    > > Sometime you'll be in the hotel or wherever and you'll meet someone.
    > > That someone might be royalty. Do not force your future. Do not show
    > > up at the palace uninvited. Just go about your business in a positive
    > > manner expecting someday that you will meet meet royalty. You people
    > > got lucky without any effort - because through me you have come one
    > > step to actually meeting royalty. Heck, I have her email address. I
    > > could call up her Queen Mother right now if I wanted to (but I
    > > wouldn't). That's my method. Worked for me. Let me know if it works
    > > for you.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 5:19 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <"evgmsop-no spam"@earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Miguel Cruz wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > I can only imagine that most people have better things to worry about than
    > > fine-tuning their secret plans for one day meeting royalty.
    > If the troll's claims WERE true, one wonders how his "royal" friends
    > would react to being made the butt of a travel newsgroup? (And of
    > course, ANYONE can claim ANYTHING on the internet - how many of us
    > actually CARE enough to do any checking up?)

My princess friend knows that people are interested in royalty. What
would she say about these posts? I don't know for sure but I think she
would think it's funny that no one believed me. She's smart enough to
understand all of this. She might be mad that I'm spending too much
time here.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 5:28 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <"evgmsop-no spam"@earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Robert wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > Your responses are so way off. People in this group cared that I had a
    > > royal friend and wanted more information.
    > We did? All the posts I read seemed more in the nature of saying "pull
    > the other one" than requesting further details!
    > > Why? Royals are interesting
    > > to many people. Maybe not too you.
    > Nor to(o) most people who have lives of their own!
    > >
    > > I have never profited financially from my princess friend. I profitted
    > > from my billionaire friend because I introduced him to another
    > > business owner and received a commission.
    > Judging from your frequent mistakes in spelling, one can only conclude
    > that your billionaire "friend" is a "self-made man" and his business
    > such that a proper education is not a requirement. (A lot of people
    > collect commissions for entrepreneurial services - how does that make
    > them "friends" of the business-owners involved?)

Yes, totally self-made. He only cares if you can sell. No waste or
bullshit in the way he does things. That's why he's a billionaire. He
invited me to his house. He called me a lot. Maybe we're not "friends"
but I say it like that.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 5:44 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <"evgmsop-no spam"@earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Deep Freud Moors wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > > step to actually meeting royalty. Heck, I have her email address. I
    > > > could call up her Queen Mother right now if I wanted to (but I
    > > > wouldn't).
    > >
    > > Feel free to have the Queen punish us all severely for being so rude.
    > I have e-mail addresses for a number of the celebrities I admire - I
    > seldom use them, and I CERTAINLY don't think they consider me a
    > privileged confidante, just because they were kind enough to provide
    > them!

What I meant is I have her email address and can email her right now
because we're good friends. I can call her too. I can also call her
father, the prince and his wife, the queen and get right through.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 5:52 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <"evgmsop-no spam"@earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Note to Robert: It doesn't appear that Mxsmanic has ever heard of you -
    > how could you claim to be a friend of his? (As you did in one of your
    > other threads?)

No, the name "Mxmanic" is so close to indentifying my princess friend.
It's staring you in the face but unless you know the who's who's of
world royalty you probably won't know who it is. What was princess
Diana's nickname? Di? That's why I thought you were messing with me. I
don't know who your Mxmanic is but I know who mine is!
    > Mxsmanic wrote:
    > >
    > > Robert writes:
    > >
    > > > It's strange how my posting on safety in Europe turned into a debate
    > > > of whether or not I have a royal friend.
    > >
    > > Why would anyone care whether you have a royal friend or not?
    > >
    > > > I can tell you for a fact that there are some very rich people in this
    > > > world who don't look or act like it.
    > >
    > > In that case, why does it matter?
    > >
    > > > Well, that person you said that to may have been someone
    > > > who may have allowed you to travel around Europe in total
    > > > luxury for the rest of your life. But now you sit at
    > > > your computer wishing you could afford even budget travel.
    > >
    > > It's not my habit to live as a parasite off others, so I'd probably be
    > > sitting in front of my computer in any case.
    > >
    > > > True story: I almost hung up on a billionaire because he
    > > > sounded like he was from a lower class - he was! but built
    > > > many successful companies and was a billionaire.
    > >
    > > Billionaires and royals ... you seem to have a lot of unusual luck in
    > > your encounters with others.
    > >
    > > > I have learned. Yes I have learned. And so should you.
    > >
    > > So that one can live off the wealth of others? Is that really such a
    > > good thing?
    > >
    > > > My royal friend, her family and friends have impeccable manners and my
    > > > guess is that most royals do.
    > >
    > > If you were rich and polite, would these friends profit from you as you
    > > imply it is possible to profit from them?
    > >
    > > > Sometime you'll be in the hotel or wherever and you'll meet someone.
    > > > That someone might be royalty.
    > >
    > > Wow.
    > >
    > > > Just go about your business in a positive manner expecting
    > > > someday that you will meet meet royalty. You people got lucky
    > > > without any effort - because through me you have come one
    > > > step to actually meeting royalty. Heck, I have her email address. I
    > > > could call up her Queen Mother right now if I wanted to (but I
    > > > wouldn't). That's my method. Worked for me. Let me know if it works
    > > > for you.
    > >
    > > I could never countenance taking advantage of others in that way, no
    > > matter how wealthy or royal they might be. And I should hope that my
    > > friends would never talk about me as though I were an expensive car,
    > > either.
    > >
    > > --
    > > Transpose hotmail and mxsmanic in my e-mail address to reach me directly.
Old Oct 31st 2003, 6:03 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

"Deep Freud Moors" <deepfreudmoors@eITmISaVALIDiREALLY!l.nu> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > Robert <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Mxsmanic <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:<[email protected]>. ..
    > > > Robert writes:
    > > > I could never countenance taking advantage of others in that way, no
    > > > matter how wealthy or royal they might be. And I should hope that my
    > > > friends would never talk about me as though I were an expensive car,
    > > > either.
    > >
    > > Your responses are so way off. People in this group cared that I had a
    > > royal friend and wanted more information. Why? Royals are interesting
    > > to many people. Maybe not too you.
    > No-one here truly gives a shit who you claim to know. There are some here
    > who enjoy humouring you and having a laugh at your expense.
    > > I have never profited financially from my princess friend. I profitted
    > > from my billionaire friend because I introduced him to another
    > > business owner and received a commission. In any case I said it wasn't
    > > about the money. It was about treating all people with respect.
    > I don't treat all people with respect. That would be completely false. Some
    > people are not worthy of respect, and giving them respect would be fake, and
    > a waste of effort on my part. I will save my respect for people whom I deem
    > worthy - because that in itself makes my respect worth something.
    > > By the way you get lucky meeting billionaires when you get in the
    > > game. In this case the game was the sale of used office furniture,
    > > believe it or not. I called an ad advertising large lots of office
    > > furniture. I knew another dealer and thought I could broker the deal.
    > > I was put right through to the billionaire. He was building an office
    > > supply company.
    > Your story keeps changing. Before you were about to hangup on the
    > billionaire. Why would you do this when you made the call about legitimate
    > business?
    > As I said a while back, your story stinks of bullshit, and that is why
    > no-one is treating you seriously. If you truly had all these impressive
    > contacts, you would understand why everyone is so dubious. If you were to be
    > as open and believing as you claim we should be, you would be excellent
    > fodder for rip-off artists.
    > ---
    > DFM

I would understand? But I do have these contacts and I realize that
that it's sounds unbelievable. I am curious that my sincerity has not
come shinning through my posts, because what I say is true. I see now
I made my own luck. It's not my targe but I'm just going to push
forward until I get it. Success treads on the heals of every right
Old Oct 31st 2003, 8:14 pm
Marie Lewis
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

In article <[email protected]>, Arwel Parry
<[email protected]> writes
    >In message <[email protected]>, Mxsmanic
    ><[email protected]> writes
    >>Arwel Parry writes:
    >>> I have to say the royals serve very nice cakes and ice cream.
    >>Are you expected to dress up to go to their parties? If so, what
    >>happens if you don't?
    >A business suit will do, though lots turn up in morning suits and hats.
Jamie Oliver turned up at the palace last week, to get his gong, and did
not wear a tie. Good for him.

The guidance lines are that one should wear what one feels comfortable
Marie Lewis
Old Oct 31st 2003, 8:16 pm
Marie Lewis
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Meeting Royalty in Europe

In article <[email protected]> , Robert
<[email protected]> writes
    >I would understand? But I do have these contacts and I realize that
    >that it's sounds unbelievable. I am curious that my sincerity has not
    >come shinning through my posts, because what I say is true. I see now
    >I made my own luck. It's not my targe but I'm just going to push
    >forward until I get it. Success treads on the heals of every right
Your idiocy has come "shinning" through your posts, and treads on
everyone's "heals."!
Still, you are a good laugh.
Marie Lewis

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