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Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left


Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

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Old Sep 7th 2005, 6:11 am
Karen Selwyn
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

GEM wrote:
    > ...but nobody would have ever guessed the leveee would break...

Nobody had to guess. It was a *certainty.* The levee was engineered to
withstand a Category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a Category 4 hurricane in
New Orleans. There's no guessing about it. Under the circumstances, the
levee wasn't designed to function/hold up/insert any word you'd prefer
that denotes failure.
Old Sep 7th 2005, 6:14 am
PJ O'Donovan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

<<PJ O'Donovan wrote:
The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be.>>

<No, most of us believe he is incompetent.
Captain Dondo>

As usual the Bush Bashers are just able to resonate with their own
choir in their futile attempts to blame Bush for all of humankind's
problems. It simply depends on one's political agenda and reflects
again the "blue"/
"red" polarization.


Analysis by GARY LANGER

Bush's Response to Katrina
Approve Disapprove
Democrats 17 71
Independents 44 48
Republicans 74 22
Old Sep 7th 2005, 6:20 am
John Rennie
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

"Karen Selwyn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > GEM wrote:
    >> ...but nobody would have ever guessed the leveee would break...
    > Nobody had to guess. It was a *certainty.* The levee was engineered to
    > withstand a Category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a Category 4 hurricane in
    > New Orleans. There's no guessing about it. Under the circumstances, the
    > levee wasn't designed to function/hold up/insert any word you'd prefer
    > that denotes failure.

GEM was just quoting Bush, Karen. However you have raised a point similar
to one I made earlier. In 1969 after category five hurricane Camille it
was decided to build the levees so that they could withstand category 3
perhaps 4 hurricanes. A completely illogical decision. The logical
decision was to build levees that could withstand category 6's. No doubt
the expense would have been prohibitive in those Nixonian times. If so New
Orleans should have been declared unsafe to live in a long time ago.
Old Sep 7th 2005, 6:23 am
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque) wrote:

    > Captain Dondo wrote:
    > > PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    > >
    > >> The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
    > >> Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
    > >> villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be.
    > >
    > >
    > > No, most of us believe he is incompetent. He's too dumb to be a
    > > nutcase; that requires some modicum of understanding.
    > >
    > > As always in these things, the people on the ground know what they're
    > > doing. It's management that is all screwed up, all the way to the White
    > > House. Where was Bush for 2 days after the disaster? Where was Condi
    > > Rice? Where was Cheney? On vacation. Not one saw fit to interrupt his
    > > vacation even as the US lost one of its crown jewels. That's leadership
    > > for you.
    > >
    > > Compare that to the Guardsmen you tout so greatly; I bet most of them
    > > were calling to volunteer. Bush did as always - hid behind advisors and
    > > blamed the Democrats. Blech... What a failure.
    > And to think a (slight) majority of us actually elected him!
    > (Doesn't exactly make one "proud to be an American", does it?)

Evelyn, I wonder how Condi Rice's new Ferragamo shoes fit? You know, the
ones she bought whilst shopping on NYC's 5th Ave. last week while New
Orleans was dying...

A customer in one of the stores approached her, saying something along the
lines of, "Shouldn't you be attending to this flood business?". She had her
security detail remove the person, she considered that a "threat"...

Old Sep 7th 2005, 6:40 am
PJ O'Donovan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

<Nobody had to guess. It was a *certainty.* The levee was engineered to
withstand a Category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a Category 4 hurricane in
New Orleans.
Karen Selwyn>

No city or protective facility ANYWHERE is built to withstand a high
Cat 4 hurricane? Most hurricane-prone areas now have codes calling for
protection for winds up to 120 mph. Katrina had sustained winds up to
145-150 mph. Thirdly, even the Army Corps of Engineers said more money
would not have saved the levee.

Knowledgeable people who live in and around New Orleans have known
since Hurricane Betsy in 1965 that they live in a bowl lower than sea
level, and that a category 4 or cat 5 storm would flood the city. Why
are these political hacks blaming a president who took office in 2001
for a
problem gambled on for 40 years other than for a futile attempt to
politicize a natural catastrophe? Or should we just conveniently skip
LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton....and blame
George W. Bush for the inability of Lousiana to plan the impossible for
category 4 hurricanes?

Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
July 22, 2005 Friday
LENGTH: 665 words

HEADLINE: Hurricanes don't scare most here, survey says;
Up to 60% would stay home for Category 3
Old Sep 7th 2005, 7:11 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

PJ O'Donovan wrote:

Your entire rant is hypocritical stupidity.

What the mayor of New Orleans did or didn't do is irrelevant, his
budget and resources were never, and could never be, sufficient to deal
with a class 4 (and perhaps class 5) hurricane. What the governor of
Louisiana did or didn't do is irrelevant. Her state resources were
never enough to deal a city-destroying, region devastating hurricane.
Had their plans and execution been perfect...the aftermath of Katrina
would be no different.

Neither had multi-year, multi-billion dollar budgets for security. They
did not have a multi-billion dollar Department of [Homeland] Security.

When one summarizes the rightwing philosophy, it becomes "We leave
citizens to fend for themselves, we provide for corporations."

Michael Certoff, that great conservative legal mind, failed to see what
Katrina had become: the first national scale disaster that would test
the Department of Homeland Security. He, and Bush, sat on their
collective hands, if not out of indifference, then out of stupidity. As
other posters have noted, Bush faced Katrina as he faced 9/11, with
arrogant uncertainity.

Consider for a moment that the heart of New Orleans had been devastated
by an explosion. Would Bush, Cheney, and Brown have waited for the
mayor and governor to check whether it was an accident, indigneous
terror attack, or al Qiada using a small nuke or dirty bomb? Whether a
class 4 hurricane or explosion, the correct response would have been to
immediately begin moving men and material as a hedge against the worst
case. Remember, previous mayors and governors had all exhorted citizens
to evacuate when other hurricanes threatened. And there was no
devastating damage. Finally the deadly hurricane stuck, and not
everyone had responded as they should have. Failure of Louisiana does
not relieve the national leader from his duty to protect all Americans.

There is a way of looking at why there are three levels of government:
each higher level "backstops" the lower level, to prevent their errors
from killing their citizens.

John Steward had a most telling description of why Bush should not be
president. He listed Bush's failures alphabetically--from "A" for Abu
Grab to "K" for Katrina; Bush has 3 more years to reach the letter "Z".
I recommend you watch the re-play of last night's episode.

It then becomes obvious that it is a simple matter of Bush not being
man enough for the job.

And a simple matter of you not being smart enough to see that.

    > The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first
    > that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans
    > and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in
    > the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care
    > and good judgment forgot. Ray Nagin, the mayor, ordered a "mandatory"
    > evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked
    > and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees
    > to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet
    > of dirty water. Then the governor, Kathleen Blanco, resisted early
    > pleas to declare martial law, and her dithering opened the way for
    > looters, rapists and killers to make New Orleans an unholy hell. Gov.
    > Haley Barbour did not hesitate in neighboring Mississippi, and looters,
    > rapists and killers have not turned the streets of Gulfport and Biloxi
    > into killing fields.
    > The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    > president flooded the city with National Guardsmen from a dozen states,
    > paratroopers from Fort Bragg and Marines from the Atlantic and the
    > Pacific. The flutter and chatter of the helicopters above the ghostly
    > abandoned city, some of them from as far away as Singapore and
    > averaging 240 missions a day, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of
    > Saigon. Nevertheless, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who seems to think she's cute
    > when she's mad, even threatened on national television to punch out the
    > president -- a felony, by the way, even as a threat. Mayor Nagin, who
    > you might think would be looking for a place to hide, and Gov. Blanco,
    > nursing a bigtime snit, can't find the right word of thanks to a nation
    > pouring out its heart and emptying its pockets. Maybe the senator
    > should consider punching out the governor, only a misdemeanor.
    > The race hustlers waited for three days to inflame a tense
    > situation, but then set to work with their usual dedication. The Revs.
    > Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, our self-appointed twin ambassadors of
    > ill will, made the scene as soon as they could, taking up the coded cry
    > that Katrina was the work of white folks, that a shortage of white
    > looters and snipers made looting and sniping look like black crime,
    > that calling the refugees "refugees" was an act of linguistic racism. A
    > "civil rights activist" on Arianna Huffington's celebrity blog even
    > floated the rumor that the starving folks abandoned in New Orleans had
    > been forced to eat their dead -- after only four days. New Orleans has
    > a reputation for its unusual cuisine, but this tale was so tall that
    > nobody paid it much attention. Neither did anyone tell the tale-bearer
    > to put a dirty sock in it.
    > Condi Rice went to the scene to say what everyone can see for
    > himself, that no one but the race hustlers imagine Americans of any hue
    > attaching strings to the humanitarian aid pouring into the broken and
    > bruised cities of the Gulf. Most of the suffering faces in the
    > flickering television images are black, true enough, and most of the
    > helping hands are white.
    > Black and white churches of all denominations across a wide swath
    > of the South stretching from Texas across Arkansas and Louisiana into
    > Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia turned their
    > Sunday schools into kitchens and dormitories. In Memphis, Junior
    > Leaguers turned out for baby-sitting duty at the city's largest, most
    > fashionable and nearly all white Baptist church, cradling tiny black
    > infants in compassionate arms so their mothers could finally sleep. The
    > owner of a honky-tonk showed up to ask whether the church would "accept
    > money from a bar." A pastor took $1,400, some of it in quarters, dimes
    > and nickels, with grateful thanks and a promise to see that it is spent
    > wisely on the deserving -- most of whom are black.
    > The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
    > Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
    > villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans,
    > skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes.
Old Sep 7th 2005, 7:39 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On 7 Sep 2005 02:23:41 -0700, "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]>

    >The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first
    >that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans
    >and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in
    >the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care
    >and good judgment forgot.

The fact that the mayor and governor didn't do what they should
have done is no excuse for the president not doing what he should
have done, such as call out the military, of which he is
commander-in-chief. Earlier in the game he sould have appointed a
FEMA director who knew what he was doing. FEMA didn't call out
the military, either. Once someone got around to issuing the
order the military had supplies there within hours.

Frankly, ther's plenty of blame to spread around, but that
doesn't excuse Bush from his share.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 7th 2005, 7:41 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 09:02:18 -0700,
"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >Euro wrote:
    >> PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    >>> The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    >>>president flooded the city
    >> I guess that's what the "vultures from the left" have always said: the
    >> President "flooded the city"!
    >Yeah, a lot of us may consider Bush a major disaster in
    >himself, but he had nothing to do with actually flooding
    >the city.

Except to whatever extent the levees weren't improved becaus the
federal construction money was diverted to other uses.

    >Too many lawmakers went along with his
    >short-sighted budget cuts (which made the situation worse),
    >but none of them were responsible for Katrina it(her?)self!

The fact that many lawmakers went along is not an excuse for the
administration making the budget cuts in the first place.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 7th 2005, 7:45 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005 11:57:19 -0400, "GEM"
<[email protected]> wrote:

    >...but nobody would have ever guessed the leveee would break...

In this context it's hard to tell if you're joking or not.

************* DAVE HATUNEN ([email protected]) *************
* Tucson Arizona, out where the cacti grow *
* My typos & mispellings are intentional copyright traps *
Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:05 am
Mister Exador
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <BF449635.15AE2%[email protected]>, [email protected]
    > > From: "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]>
    > > Organization: http://groups.google.com
    > > Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty,rec.travel.europe,talk.politics.misc
    > > Date: 7 Sep 2005 02:23:41 -0700
    > > Subject: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left
    > >
    > > The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first
    > > that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans
    > > and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in
    > > the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care
    > > and good judgment forgot. Ray Nagin, the mayor, ordered a "mandatory"
    > > evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked
    > > and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees
    > > to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet
    > > of dirty water. Then the governor, Kathleen Blanco, resisted early
    > > pleas to declare martial law, and her dithering opened the way for
    > > looters, rapists and killers to make New Orleans an unholy hell. Gov.
    > > Haley Barbour did not hesitate in neighboring Mississippi, and looters,
    > > rapists and killers have not turned the streets of Gulfport and Biloxi
    > > into killing fields.
    > > The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    > > president flooded the city with National Guardsmen from a dozen states,
    > > paratroopers from Fort Bragg and Marines from the Atlantic and the
    > > Pacific. The flutter and chatter of the helicopters above the ghostly
    > > abandoned city, some of them from as far away as Singapore and
    > > averaging 240 missions a day, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of
    > > Saigon. Nevertheless, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who seems to think she's cute
    > > when she's mad, even threatened on national television to punch out the
    > > president -- a felony, by the way, even as a threat. Mayor Nagin, who
    > > you might think would be looking for a place to hide, and Gov. Blanco,
    > > nursing a bigtime snit, can't find the right word of thanks to a nation
    > > pouring out its heart and emptying its pockets. Maybe the senator
    > > should consider punching out the governor, only a misdemeanor.
    > > The race hustlers waited for three days to inflame a tense
    > > situation, but then set to work with their usual dedication. The Revs.
    > > Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, our self-appointed twin ambassadors of
    > > ill will, made the scene as soon as they could, taking up the coded cry
    > > that Katrina was the work of white folks, that a shortage of white
    > > looters and snipers made looting and sniping look like black crime,
    > > that calling the refugees "refugees" was an act of linguistic racism. A
    > > "civil rights activist" on Arianna Huffington's celebrity blog even
    > > floated the rumor that the starving folks abandoned in New Orleans had
    > > been forced to eat their dead -- after only four days. New Orleans has
    > > a reputation for its unusual cuisine, but this tale was so tall that
    > > nobody paid it much attention. Neither did anyone tell the tale-bearer
    > > to put a dirty sock in it.
    > > Condi Rice went to the scene to say what everyone can see for
    > > himself, that no one but the race hustlers imagine Americans of any hue
    > > attaching strings to the humanitarian aid pouring into the broken and
    > > bruised cities of the Gulf. Most of the suffering faces in the
    > > flickering television images are black, true enough, and most of the
    > > helping hands are white.
    > > Black and white churches of all denominations across a wide swath
    > > of the South stretching from Texas across Arkansas and Louisiana into
    > > Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia turned their
    > > Sunday schools into kitchens and dormitories. In Memphis, Junior
    > > Leaguers turned out for baby-sitting duty at the city's largest, most
    > > fashionable and nearly all white Baptist church, cradling tiny black
    > > infants in compassionate arms so their mothers could finally sleep. The
    > > owner of a honky-tonk showed up to ask whether the church would "accept
    > > money from a bar." A pastor took $1,400, some of it in quarters, dimes
    > > and nickels, with grateful thanks and a promise to see that it is spent
    > > wisely on the deserving -- most of whom are black.
    > > The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
    > > Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
    > > villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans,
    > > skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes.
    > What is your source for the above? It is hard for me to believe that you
    > wrote it yourself. It is more literate and articulate than your usual
    > style. The name-calling is less crude.
    > Donna Evleth
    > >
It's Party-approved, Donna. Why do you think PJ took a day or so off? He
was awaiting instructions from Party Central Headquarters.

Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:05 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

Captain Dondo wrote:

    > EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque) wrote:
    >> And to think a (slight) majority of us actually elected him!
    >> (Doesn't exactly make one "proud to be an American", does it?)
    > It makes me shiver.... I *am* proud to be an American, but the
    > present crew in the White House are really screwing things up...
    > We've weathered worse, but we have 3 more years of that idiot and his
    > cronies.
    > It is really disgusting that he will play politics even with this
    > disaster. The 5 week vacation really pisses me off; wasn't it the
    > Republicans who fought tooth and nail against family leave and all
    > that? Yet the President needs his time to be himself, but the
    > workign stiff doesn't....

So were you complaining when Harry Truman spent 175 days in Key West?
(Not counting vacation days spent elsewhere.)
The "August recess" has been going on for how many years?
(Yeah....we've got important things to do....like confirmation
hearings....but it'll have to wait until we get back from "recess".)
Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:10 am
Mister Exador
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

In article <[email protected] .com>,
[email protected] says...
    > <Nobody had to guess. It was a *certainty.* The levee was engineered to
    > withstand a Category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a Category 4 hurricane in
    > New Orleans.
    > Karen Selwyn>
    > No city or protective facility ANYWHERE is built to withstand a high
    > Cat 4 hurricane? Most hurricane-prone areas now have codes calling for
    > protection for winds up to 120 mph. Katrina had sustained winds up to
    > 145-150 mph. Thirdly, even the Army Corps of Engineers said more money
    > would not have saved the levee.

What a lot of rot. Building codes in northern Australia, where such
events are relatively commonplace, are specifically designed to protect
against such storms and have been since 1974, when Cyclone Tracy wiped
out Darwin. I suggest you go back to the Party and tell them you need
better propaganda, the stuff they're giving you at the moment is woeful.

Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:16 am
PJ O'Donovan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

I,ve been to Darwin. I saw a film at your library showing when Darwin
was devastated.

Did you change your codes before ar after the devastation?
Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:35 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

very interesting

"Donna Evleth" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de news:
BF449635.15AE2%[email protected]...
    >> From: "PJ O'Donovan" <[email protected]>
    >> Organization: http://groups.google.com
    >> Newsgroups:
    >> alt.activism.death-penalty,rec.travel.europe,talk.politics.misc
    >> Date: 7 Sep 2005 02:23:41 -0700
    >> Subject: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left
    >> The vultures of the venomous left are attacking on two fronts, first
    >> that the president didn't do what the incompetent mayor of New Orleans
    >> and the pouty governor of Louisiana should have done, and didn't, in
    >> the early hours after Katrina loosed the deluge on the city that care
    >> and good judgment forgot. Ray Nagin, the mayor, ordered a "mandatory"
    >> evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked
    >> and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees
    >> to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet
    >> of dirty water. Then the governor, Kathleen Blanco, resisted early
    >> pleas to declare martial law, and her dithering opened the way for
    >> looters, rapists and killers to make New Orleans an unholy hell. Gov.
    >> Haley Barbour did not hesitate in neighboring Mississippi, and looters,
    >> rapists and killers have not turned the streets of Gulfport and Biloxi
    >> into killing fields.
    >> The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    >> president flooded the city with National Guardsmen from a dozen states,
    >> paratroopers from Fort Bragg and Marines from the Atlantic and the
    >> Pacific. The flutter and chatter of the helicopters above the ghostly
    >> abandoned city, some of them from as far away as Singapore and
    >> averaging 240 missions a day, is eerily reminiscent of the last days of
    >> Saigon. Nevertheless, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who seems to think she's cute
    >> when she's mad, even threatened on national television to punch out the
    >> president -- a felony, by the way, even as a threat. Mayor Nagin, who
    >> you might think would be looking for a place to hide, and Gov. Blanco,
    >> nursing a bigtime snit, can't find the right word of thanks to a nation
    >> pouring out its heart and emptying its pockets. Maybe the senator
    >> should consider punching out the governor, only a misdemeanor.
    >> The race hustlers waited for three days to inflame a tense
    >> situation, but then set to work with their usual dedication. The Revs.
    >> Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, our self-appointed twin ambassadors of
    >> ill will, made the scene as soon as they could, taking up the coded cry
    >> that Katrina was the work of white folks, that a shortage of white
    >> looters and snipers made looting and sniping look like black crime,
    >> that calling the refugees "refugees" was an act of linguistic racism. A
    >> "civil rights activist" on Arianna Huffington's celebrity blog even
    >> floated the rumor that the starving folks abandoned in New Orleans had
    >> been forced to eat their dead -- after only four days. New Orleans has
    >> a reputation for its unusual cuisine, but this tale was so tall that
    >> nobody paid it much attention. Neither did anyone tell the tale-bearer
    >> to put a dirty sock in it.
    >> Condi Rice went to the scene to say what everyone can see for
    >> himself, that no one but the race hustlers imagine Americans of any hue
    >> attaching strings to the humanitarian aid pouring into the broken and
    >> bruised cities of the Gulf. Most of the suffering faces in the
    >> flickering television images are black, true enough, and most of the
    >> helping hands are white.
    >> Black and white churches of all denominations across a wide swath
    >> of the South stretching from Texas across Arkansas and Louisiana into
    >> Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Georgia turned their
    >> Sunday schools into kitchens and dormitories. In Memphis, Junior
    >> Leaguers turned out for baby-sitting duty at the city's largest, most
    >> fashionable and nearly all white Baptist church, cradling tiny black
    >> infants in compassionate arms so their mothers could finally sleep. The
    >> owner of a honky-tonk showed up to ask whether the church would "accept
    >> money from a bar." A pastor took $1,400, some of it in quarters, dimes
    >> and nickels, with grateful thanks and a promise to see that it is spent
    >> wisely on the deserving -- most of whom are black.
    >> The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A
    >> Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the
    >> villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans,
    >> skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes.
    > What is your source for the above? It is hard for me to believe that you
    > wrote it yourself. It is more literate and articulate than your usual
    > style. The name-calling is less crude.
    > Donna Evleth
Old Sep 7th 2005, 8:36 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Katrina: A response to the vultures of the left

again US based blahblah

"EvelynVogtGamble(Divamanque)" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le
message de news: [email protected]...
    > Euro wrote:
    >> PJ O'Donovan wrote:
    >>> The drumbeat of partisan ingratitude continues even after the
    >>>president flooded the city
    >> I guess that's what the "vultures from the left" have always said: the
    >> President "flooded the city"!
    > Yeah, a lot of us may consider Bush a major disaster in himself, but he
    > had nothing to do with actually flooding the city. Too many lawmakers
    > went along with his short-sighted budget cuts (which made the situation
    > worse), but none of them were responsible for Katrina it(her?)self!

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