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Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !


Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

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Old Jun 7th 2005, 6:43 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !)

"ShawnD2112" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected] o.uk...
    > Sorry, nobody, but you're not quite right. People flying in Economy class
    > buy tickets on price and price alone, once the hygience factors like
    > and destination are there. In fact, routing and aircraft type are
    > non-issues. People will fly from London to Amsterdam to New York if it's
    > cheaper than a London-NY direct service. it's not an issue of Economy
    > versus Business class - economy fare passengers only upgrade to Business
    > class when they're given it for free. Service and amenities are things
    > economy passengers are willing to bitch about but not pay for.

Actually you're the one who is wrong. If the difference in price is but a
few dollars between Southwest and Delta and all else is equal, Delta will
win. That's why Delta has a higher load factor (72%) than Southwest (67%).
Southwest is holding its head above water not because people are flocking to
their perceived lower prices but because they simply have lower costs (fuel

    > Because of this purchasing behaviour, economy fares are usually pretty low
    > and the airlines hardly make any money on them at all, the exception being
    > the lowcost carriers like Southwest and Easyjet. People put up with a lot
    > on those airlines because they're perceived to be cheaper (not always the
    > case, though)
    > Sorry, but that's the hard fact.
    > Shawn

That's right, Shawn. Southwest is *perceived* to be cheaper even though it
isn't always, thus your argument that people fly based on price alone is

Paul Nixon
Old Jun 7th 2005, 6:43 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday -

ShawnD2112 wrote:
    > Sorry, nobody, but you're not quite right. People flying in Economy class
    > buy tickets on price and price alone, once the hygience factors like safety
    > and destination are there. In fact, routing and aircraft type are
    > non-issues. People will fly from London to Amsterdam to New York if it's
    > cheaper than a London-NY direct service.

I disagree. Here, Air Transat offers lowest prices for trans atlantic,
but many people insist on paying more because they've flown Transat once
and swore never to do it again with only 28" seat pitch for so long.
Price is not the only variable.

And in terms of domestic USA market, the problem is that the low cost
carriers actually offers service in flight, just not meals. JetBlue for
instance offers in seat video for passengers.

Another aspect of the LCCs in the USA is that starting in the year 2000,
they rapidly gained the image of being more reliable and on time than
the legacy carriers. So if you are travelling on business, Southwest
became a viable option to get you to your destination on time at a time
where legacy carriers had systemwide delays due to some thunderstors in
some big hub city.

So the differentiation in service levels diminished not only because the
legacy carriers cut back on service quality, but also becauuse low cost
carriers increased the value of their product. But legacy carrier still
had ridiculously more expensive last minute fares than the low cost carriers.

Faces with paying $1000 to fly a legacy carrier instead of a low cost
airline for a last minute round trip, you'd forego the meal and go with
the low cost carrier. It isn't because of the meal, it was just that the
additional service the legacy carriers provided just weren't worth the
ticket price difference.

If you give a passenger a clear choice in well defined services with a
proce difference that fairly represents that difference alone, then that
woudl be a good indiaction of what passengers want. YOu want to charge
$1000 more for a meal, then you bet that pax won't go for it. But if you
were to charge $10 more for a real meal, you might find passengers
choosing to pay that extra for the meal. If you charged $30 more for
extra leg room, you'd find people paying for it.

The problem is that legacy carriers had overestimated how much business
travellers were really willing to pay for the extras that legacy
carriers provide.

In europe, this is different because the service level differences
betwene LCC and legacy carriers is mujch bigger than in north america.

A GOOD meal costs $10 to provide. Jetblue could afford to raise its
rates by $10, provide meals and still be very competitive with the
legacy carriers. It isn't the meal that caused the USA legacy carriers
to enter or approach bankrupcy. It is mismanagement, it is bad
schedules, an overly big fleet and expensice employee costs.

But management attacked the meals first, before tackling the real
issues. US Air only now has begun to rationalise its fleet and increase
schedule efficiency, and this is how many years since its first
bankrupcy ???????

When you can return 28 aircraft tomorrow and still maintain the same
number of available seat miles, that means that you were wasting a whole
hell of a lot more money than the provision of meals to customers.

    > Because of this purchasing behaviour, economy fares are usually pretty low
    > and the airlines hardly make any money on them at all, the exception being
    > the lowcost carriers like Southwest and Easyjet.

Again, that is because of the bad pricing philosophy of the legacy
carriers. Milk a few business travellers with extravagently high fares,
and give the rest of the seats at or below cost to leasure passengers.
When you lose those few high yield busines spassengers, you end up wiith
no profitable passengers.

The LCCs greatly reduced the gap between leasure and business
travellers, so when a business traveller is lost, they can replace him
with a leasure travellers at not great loss in revenu. LCCs are more
"communist" where everyone is equal.
Old Jun 7th 2005, 7:35 pm
Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !)

khobar wrote:

    > Actually you're the one who is wrong. If the difference in price is but a
    > few dollars between Southwest and Delta and all else is equal, Delta will
    > win. That's why Delta has a higher load factor (72%) than Southwest (67%).

By what percentage did DL reduce capacity vis a vis Southwest post 9 - 11?

    > Southwest is holding its head above water not because people are flocking
    > their perceived lower prices but because they simply have lower costs
    > hedging).

It's also a well - run airline that people want to fly and to work for...

Old Jun 7th 2005, 7:42 pm
Pooh Bear
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

Gregory Morrow wrote:

    > Jeff Hacker wrote:
    > > Welcome to the world of trolls. . .
    > Naw...the article is from the _The Sun_...

Oh right. The 'paper trolls' - OK !

Old Jun 7th 2005, 7:48 pm
Pooh Bear
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

Bob Fry wrote:

    > >>>>> "gglave" == gglave <[email protected]> writes:
    > gglave> again. People ALWAYS complain about lack of movies or
    > gglave> food or leg room, but have consistently shown that if push
    > gglave> comes to shove they will always reject that in favour of a
    > gglave> cheaper fare.
    > I wonder though, if at purchase time it was quite clear what extra
    > service they could buy ($10 for an inflight meal, $30 for 2 inches
    > more legroom, and so forth), maybe people would pay more. I buy the
    > cheap flight because I am very doubtful of actually buying better
    > service. Mind you, I'm not saying that buying an airline ticket
    > cafeteria style is practical. Just that people probably would pay for
    > better service, if they truly got it and knew what they were buying.

Fly BA. Good pricing generally on long haul and 'full service'.

On a short flight I don't really care much. I recall a joke situation when
flying Paris CDG to London Heathrow when the FAs had to serve a sandwich
snack. I wanted the use the loo and made my way to the back of the plane
to be told by a bossy stewardess ( I should mention at this point that
this was Air France ) that I wouldn't be able to get back to my seat ! So
I hung out in the galley helping myself to mineral water actually. Too
much nice wine in business on the incoming flight ! It *does* affect you
differently at altitude.

Old Jun 7th 2005, 7:52 pm
Pooh Bear
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday -

Mxsmanic wrote:

    > nobody writes:
    > > However, they choose it because the price difference between legacy
    > > ticket prices and low cost ticket prices is so big that people are
    > > willing to compromise on service.
    > In other words, price is more important.
    > > So drawing the conclusions that people are not willing to pay for
    > > service is wrong. What is right is that people are not willing to pay
    > > exhorbitant ticket prices because that isn't worth the value of extra
    > > services they may be getting.
    > There is relatively little difference in service across airlines,
    > anyway. They all fly the same planes in the same way on the same
    > routes. No amount of service reduces flight time, and there's almost
    > nothing that can be done to reduce discomfort. And food and drink don't
    > significantly compensate for this.

I find that inflight meals are a pleasant distraction from the boredom. They
help pass the time. On a 13 hr flight this can be very helpful. On a 1 hour
flight its a nonsence. On a 2-3 hour flight it might be nice to get a snack
if you'd previously missed getting a bite to eat. Thereafter it's essential.

Old Jun 7th 2005, 8:17 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

I fly BA over ryanair anytime, as long as I can book early enough to
keep prices reasonable. Even if the difference is sometimes close to a
100 pounds, I fly so often that I just can't stand the rush for seats
on ryanair, the cramped seating, the pay through your nose for a
sandwich syndrome....
Old Jun 7th 2005, 9:57 pm
Chancellor Of The Duchy Of Besses O' Th' Barn And
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks

Mxsmanic <[email protected]> wrote:

    > There is relatively little difference in service across airlines,
    > anyway. They all fly the same planes in the same way on the same
    > routes. No amount of service reduces flight time, and there's almost
    > nothing that can be done to reduce discomfort. And food and drink don't
    > significantly compensate for this.

The meals and drinks help pass a bit of time, usually, and IMO the
aircraft with seat-back video and lots of movies and TV shows on demand
help pass the time even more.

David Horne- www.davidhorne.net
usenet (at) davidhorne (dot) co (dot) uk
Old Jun 7th 2005, 10:25 pm
K . W . Persson v4 . 06
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Help! The stewardesses on my plane look like ABBA!

Det är inte fullständigt utrett vad "Terry Lomax" syftade på i
news:<[email protected] roups.com> som postades 7 Jun
2005 12:19:41 -0700 i gruppen soc.culture.nordic men texten i fråga återges här:

    >Markku Grönroos wrote:
    >> "Tush Smells Bush Kills!!!!!!!!!!!" <[email protected]> kirjoitti
    >> viestissä news:[email protected] oups.com...
    >> > >What a hoot! At least now we know what >ABBA is doing after
    >> > >retirement. They became flight attendants!
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > Yeah, they turned down $100M for a reunion show to become flight
    >> > attendants... yeah, OK.
    >> >
    >> Menes nyt beduiini muualle matkailukonffeista
    >Translation from Finnish to English:
    >"I, Markku Grönroos, am traumatized that the above message appeared in
    >my personal newsgroup rec.travel.europe. I consider your post
    >off-topic for rec.travel.europe. Please do not post such material to
    >rec.travel.europe in the future. I am posting this message to all the
    >other newsgroups, not caring whether or not my message is on-topic in
    >those newsgroups. I am a hypocrite for complaining about posts in my
    >newsgroup while adding to noise in all other newsgroups. In addition,
    >I don't realize that a post about a plane trip to Europe IS on-topic in
    >rec.travel.europe, so I'm being a kook for complaining about an
    >on-topic message. I'm a bigot who lashes out at posters I think are
    >nonwhite, calling them 'jungle bunnies', but because you seem to be
    >white, I'm being nice. However, if you make me lose my temper, I might
    >call you a 'faggot kike' or a similar name".

LOL! Nice one!

    >The Nordic flight attendants could have been worse. Instead of looking
    >like ABBA, they could have looked like the people who recorded the
    >"Ooga chucka" song!

This row is intentionally left blank.
Old Jun 8th 2005, 12:02 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

    >"ddttzz" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected] ...
    >> Posted on another forum by a Brit:
    >> Viking Charter Flight Horror
    >> A friend has come back off her holiday with the shakes! She flew out
    >> for Corfu from East Midlands on Excel Airways, lovley service she
    >> said, nice hot meal.
    >> Flew back from Corfu on a Viking MD83. This is as she told me,
    >> completley unpromted:
    >> "I was starving, I hadnt had a meal at the airport because I thought
    >> we would get one on the plane as we had coming out. It never occured
    >> to me it would be a different airline. When we got bussed to the
    >> aircraft I though 'oh god' whats that' (refering to the Viking MD83
    >> greeting her)

She should have asked more questions when purchasing her ticket. It
is not very difficult to determine if a flight is going to be a
codeshare or not.
    >> I felt a bit nervous because I had never heard of them and it looked
    >> different to all the others, this had engines at the back and was
    >> really long and skinny. I started to get scared and even more so when
    >> we got on through these stairs at the back in the tail. It was like a
    >> secret passage, you walked up and you were inside the plane at the
    >> tail. The door hole was like a little trap door. drawbridge thing. I
    >> waas shitting myself.
There are many, many MD-8x planes flying out there. What difference
does it make where the engines are mounted as long as they are mounted
where they are designed to be. Anyone that has flown a few flights in
Europe knows that airlines routinely use stairs in the front back on
MD-8x. It speeds up boarding and deplaning. Why should they not use
the back entrance?

    >> We were sat two rows from the back and Darren (her boyfriend) seat was
    >> like, really springy, and the woman at the back of him said 'that
    >> fellas got a rocking chair' The noise as we took off was really loud.
    >> I was very worried.
No shit it is loud when you are seated right next to the engine.

    >> Al the stewardess's talked funny like her with blond hair out of ABBA!
    >> Anyway, I was starving and looking forward to a meal like we had
    >> coming but do you know what? There was no meal and the hostess said we
    >> only have sandwiches or pringles for sale! I couldnt believe it! How
    >> come we had no meal and only offered a sandwich which we had to pay
    >> for? Anyway, I had a cheese sandwich because I was starving. We even
    >> had to pay for a cup of tea! It was free on Excel!

You had to pay for it because it is the operating airline's policy.
Alitalia serves complimentary alcoholic beverages on its transatlantic
flights, but if you are on an Alitalia coded flight operated by Delta,
you will pay for drinks. You play by the rules of the operating
    >> I wanted to go to the toilet. I was desperate but the toilet was right
    >> at the back of us, near that funny trapdoor and I was too scared to go
    >> so I held it all the way back to Eat Midlands. It was the worst flight
    >> ever. I reckon nothing to them and I am telling travel agent I dont
    >> want to fly with Viking anymore!"

When you are at the front of the plane are you scared to go to the
toilet because the front door was used for boarding too? If you were
scared, then you are just paranoid. In addition to telling the TA
that you don't want to fly Viking, be sure to tell them that you do
not want to fly any codeshares that they operate.
    >> Now my friend who told me this, knows nothing about aviation but flies
    >> a couple of times a year on holiday. Those who say that the average
    >> passenger knows or cares nothing about the plane/airline/service and
    >> just wants the cheapest havent met my friend and apparently a lot of
    >> other paople on the plane were grumbling.
Apparently your friend did want the cheapest, or she would have booked
a better airline, or paid a more competent TA to do the thinking for
Old Jun 8th 2005, 1:43 am
Martin Hotze
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !)

"ShawnD2112" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > People will fly from London to Amsterdam to New York if it's
    > cheaper than a London-NY direct service.

it depends on the price difference and time lost.

Three witches watch three Swatch watches.
Which witch watches which Swatch watch?
Old Jun 8th 2005, 1:44 am
Binyamin Dissen
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !)

On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 05:45:58 GMT "ShawnD2112" <[email protected]>

    :>Sorry, nobody, but you're not quite right. People flying in Economy class
    :>buy tickets on price and price alone, once the hygience factors like safety
    :>and destination are there. In fact, routing and aircraft type are


There can be a choice between a non-stop and a connection with a favorite

I will usually choose the former, while many will choose the latter to get FF
points (and possibly be upgraded).

You have to differentiate between:

1. Leisure travelers

2. Business travelers on their own dime

3. Business travelers on someone else's dime

Binyamin Dissen <[email protected]>

Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the dissensoftware.com domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.
Old Jun 8th 2005, 1:49 am
Padraig Breathnach
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Won't Pay for Perks (was Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !)

Martin Hotze <[email protected]> wrote:

    >"ShawnD2112" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >> People will fly from London to Amsterdam to New York if it's
    >> cheaper than a London-NY direct service.
    >it depends on the price difference and time lost.
and the traveller.

The return address has been MUNGED
Old Jun 8th 2005, 2:42 am
Gene Seibel
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

An airplane isn't a restaurant. An airplane isn't a movie theater. An
airplane is a way to get from point A to point B in a reasonable amount
of time and at reasonable cost. Most people see it as such.
Gene Seibel
Gene & Sue's Aeroplanes - http://pad39a.com/gene/planes.html
Because we fly, we envy no one.
Old Jun 8th 2005, 3:01 am
Des Small
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europeans flying on holiday - hysterical !

[Cross-post snipped]

"Gene Seibel" <[email protected]> writes:

    > An airplane isn't a restaurant. An airplane isn't a movie theater. An
    > airplane is a way to get from point A to point B in a reasonable amount
    > of time and at reasonable cost. Most people see it as such.

In fact everyone shares my opinion, if you ignore the people who


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