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Elaine B. Apr 18th 2008 5:25 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by AlexInBC (Post 6229189)
That must have been terrifying. I hope she's 100% again soon.

My eldest used to get raging temps every time he had the slightest repiratory infection, but thankfully wasn't prone to convulsions.

One useful thing we did find out was that (in his case) ibuprofen was FAR more effective at lowering his fevers than paracetamol (sorry - acetaminophen!) which made barely no difference.

We were also advised that the best effect was achieved by alternating the two meds. They can be given at the same time with no ill effects as they're totally different drugs, but always making sure that you never exceed the max daily doseage of either (and leave a min of 4hrs between paracetamol doses and 6hrs between ibuprofen doses.)

That's what we do with our two when they have a temperature and it works a treat:thumbup:

The4BellsLondon Apr 18th 2008 8:01 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
AWW big hugs xxx

neekie Apr 18th 2008 8:07 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Hope things are much better for you now. If its any consolation this is fairly common with littleuns that have high temperatures and it will probably never happen again. My monster ate a jar of Vics when she was about 18 months! That was scary as the poisons unit told me it was poisonous and I would either have to admit her to A&E or monitor her all night incase she had a fit. Silly child! I blame my hubby for leaving it by her cot!! Kids eh. Who'd have 'em? :rofl:

Alberta_Rose Apr 18th 2008 8:28 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by neekie (Post 6229867)
Hope things are much better for you now. If its any consolation this is fairly common with littleuns that have high temperatures and it will probably never happen again. My monster ate a jar of Vics when she was about 18 months! That was scary as the poisons unit told me it was poisonous and I would either have to admit her to A&E or monitor her all night incase she had a fit. Silly child! I blame my hubby for leaving it by her cot!! Kids eh. Who'd have 'em? :rofl:

When mine was little we'd been to visit his Nana for the evening, and come home and put the tired little mite to bed ..... when the phone goes.......

It's Nana, hysterical, to say that she thinks he's eaten all her sweeteners!:eek:

Kid by now asleep and unrousable. I call the hospital for advice, and they have to call the poison unit in London to see if an overdose of Sorbitol requires action!

Nervous pacing ensues ... by now it's after midnight. Eventually the hospital call back to say that he might get a nice case of the runs, but he doesn't need his stomach pumped or anything.:huh:

Next day Nana calls to say she's found all the sweeteners. He'd taken them out of the tube and put them in a paper bag which he left behind the couch! :blink::rofl:

Piff Poff Apr 18th 2008 8:56 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Oh! What a horrible thing to do to a Mum:eek: Hiding sweetners/having convulsions - blinking kids don't they know how scary they can be????:rofl:

Seriousley I hope she is feeling better and is pigging out on marshmellows!

flipflop Apr 18th 2008 9:09 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Goodness me that is awful, you must have been terrified. Hope she is feeling better.

woodmanbg Apr 18th 2008 4:49 pm

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by AmyDavid (Post 6228223)
Yesterday afternoon my youngest daughter had a very high fever, which in turn caused her to have a fit and stop breathing. It has to be the worse thing that has ever happened to us and I am SO happy my OH was here because I was no help at all - apart from managing to call 911.

The staff and ambulance crew at IWK here in Halifax were absolutely fantastic and after lots and lots of tests they allowed us to take her home. She seems to be okay today and we are dosing her up with Tylenol but have been told that it may happen again if her temp. cannot be controlled.

OH is at work today so I am like her constant shadow and feel completely sick - BUT at least she is here with us.

God how frightening, thank goodness your OH was there. Best wishes. :)

Coffeepot Apr 18th 2008 7:52 pm

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by AmyDavid (Post 6228223)
Yesterday afternoon my youngest daughter had a very high fever, which in turn caused her to have a fit and stop breathing. It has to be the worse thing that has ever happened to us and I am SO happy my OH was here because I was no help at all - apart from managing to call 911.

The staff and ambulance crew at IWK here in Halifax were absolutely fantastic and after lots and lots of tests they allowed us to take her home. She seems to be okay today and we are dosing her up with Tylenol but have been told that it may happen again if her temp. cannot be controlled.

OH is at work today so I am like her constant shadow and feel completely sick - BUT at least she is here with us.

Sorry to hear about your little one they are so helpless when they are little because they can't tell you whats wrong.

Thank goodness your OH was there im sure you would have dealt with it if you had been on your own i know its very scary, :thumbsup: for the staff at Halifax thats great to see they responded well. good luck hope its all over with now :wub:
its made me think about my first aid course again its been 3 years since i did the last one, must get on the next course :D

destinationnovascotia Apr 18th 2008 8:20 pm

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
I hope she is feel in better now. Just give her plenty of cool drinks and wearing light clothing. My son did this from age 6 weeks to 6 years (which is unusual, they usually stop long before then). She will grow out of it and one day will be a really obnoxious but healthy teenager like mine.

Poppy2 Apr 18th 2008 10:48 pm

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Amy - I am so sorry to hear this, how utterly awful for you. My goodness, I cant even imagine how scary that was. Glad to hear she is fine now, and I hope you all take it easy this weekend!

Cookie Apr 18th 2008 11:47 pm

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Hi Amydavid, that must have been extremely scarey. Hope she is well now and back to her old self :)

Beastie Apr 19th 2008 2:00 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by AmyDavid (Post 6228223)
Yesterday afternoon my youngest daughter had a very high fever, which in turn caused her to have a fit and stop breathing. It has to be the worse thing that has ever happened to us and I am SO happy my OH was here because I was no help at all - apart from managing to call 911.

The staff and ambulance crew at IWK here in Halifax were absolutely fantastic and after lots and lots of tests they allowed us to take her home. She seems to be okay today and we are dosing her up with Tylenol but have been told that it may happen again if her temp. cannot be controlled.

OH is at work today so I am like her constant shadow and feel completely sick - BUT at least she is here with us.

Only just got around to reading the post but know exactly where you're coming from. My youngest suffered with febrile convulsions up until he was about 3 then they stopped as suddenly as they'd appeared. I think that 1st one was the most scariest thing John and I have ever had to deal with.

At the time I had no idea how common febrile convulsions were - the things our children put us through :eek:

If your little one is the same as David she will have bounced back to her normal self by now - you on the other hand will spend days watching her like a hawk.

Best wishes to all of you

AmyDavid Apr 19th 2008 3:50 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by Beastie (Post 6233223)
Only just got around to reading the post but know exactly where you're coming from. My youngest suffered with febrile convulsions up until he was about 3 then they stopped as suddenly as they'd appeared. I think that 1st one was the most scariest thing John and I have ever had to deal with.

At the time I had no idea how common febrile convulsions were - the things our children put us through :eek:

If your little one is the same as David she will have bounced back to her normal self by now - you on the other hand will spend days watching her like a hawk.

Best wishes to all of you

Thanks everyone for your best wishes - she is a little better today - still highish temp and being sleepy and grouchy and I am tired out after checking on her every 10mins when she is asleep. I do believe I am now a neurotic (spell?) mother!

Beastie Apr 19th 2008 7:32 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.

Originally Posted by AmyDavid (Post 6233635)
Thanks everyone for your best wishes - she is a little better today - still highish temp and being sleepy and grouchy and I am tired out after checking on her every 10mins when she is asleep. I do believe I am now a neurotic (spell?) mother!

You mean you've managed this long to stay normal.:thumbsup:

Think I can safely say I became a neurotic mum the day I gave birth all those years ago. We started off 4 weeks premature and a breech delivery - haven't looked back since :blink:


raine66 Apr 19th 2008 10:05 am

Re: The Most Awful Night of my Life Ever.
Hope your wee one is feeling better today, and Mum is starting to relax a little. ;)

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