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JamesM Sep 23rd 2014 5:09 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014
It goes further.

I'm waiting for the elevator at work and there is a lady there. The elevator door opens so I show etiquette and allow her to board first. She is busy scrolling on her phone and moving slowly. Then the elevator door shuts and neither of us have got on.

Then there is all the idiots walking down the street on their phones not concentrating on what is going on around them and holding everybody up whilst sharing their conversations and looking like weirdos.

Then there is the people in Supermarkets. It just gets worse and worse.

A friend of mine complained that he was walking on his cell phone in New York and someone told him to "get out the way". I laughed at his lack of self awareness and told him I was in agreement with the New Yorker. It's a policy I'm all for now.

There should be points in Supermarkets and on streets for people to use their phones. People aren't capable of being on their phones and completing other tasks at the same time with out slowing down the productivity of the people around them.

Sadly all giving a phone to a child will do is give us another useless generation of workers.

Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 5:11 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by JamesM (Post 11415663)
It goes further.

I'm waiting for the elevator at work and there is a lady there. The elevator door opens so I show etiquette and allow her to board first. She is busy scrolling on her phone and moving slowly. Then the elevator door shuts and neither of us have got on.

Then there is all the idiots walking down the street on their phones not concentrating on what is going on around them and holding everybody up whilst sharing their conversations and looking like weirdos.

Then there is the people in Supermarkets. It just gets worse and worse.

A friend of mine complained that he was walking on his cell phone in New York and someone told him to "get out the way". It's a policy I'm all for now.

There should be points in Supermarkets and on streets for people to use their phones. People aren't capable of being on their phones and completing other tasks at the same time with out slowing down the productivity of the people around them.

Sadly all giving a phone to a child will do will give us another useless generation of workers.

I agree with you except the last line. Just because someone is under 18 doesn't make them any less or more stupid than anyone over 18.

Its even worse in a school hallway. I swear at at least 1 person a day because they're walking slow as molasses and i can't get round them to get to my locker and get home.

JamesM Sep 23rd 2014 5:35 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Gozit (Post 11415664)
I agree with you except the last line. Just because someone is under 18 doesn't make them any less or more stupid than anyone over 18.

I said "another useless generation"- I did not discriminate or segment by age.

I have no doubt that smart phones effect a person's self awareness. This should be taught in schools and on TV adverts just like the harmful effects of smoking and drink/driving.

An extension of talking on a phone whilst driving perhaps.

dbd33 Sep 23rd 2014 5:40 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by JamesM (Post 11415663)
I'm waiting for the elevator at work and there is a lady there. The elevator door opens so I show etiquette and allow her to board first. She is busy scrolling on her phone and moving slowly. Then the elevator door shuts and neither of us have got on.

She was busy googling to see where her children might be posting now that they're no longer updating their facebook profiles and haven't instagrammed for days. Child stalking is rampant.

Tirytory Sep 23rd 2014 5:46 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Gozit (Post 11415642)
Yes I agree with JamesM. Its rude to check your mobile when you're having a meaningful conversation with someone.

And thats great that you restrict yourself with your gadgets and whatnot but i think there can be a meeting up half way with that. I'm a tech nerd so no i don't restrict myself. But i'm not rude and on my phone in public when i'm having a conversation with someone. Yes. It is possible to do that without being an adult.

Ok a coupe of things, and I appreciate I might be nit picking but the conversation doesn't have to be "meaningful". I see so many people talking and looking at their phone at the same time...they might not even know the person but it still so rude.

It's also about learning the ability to concentrate and impulse control..none of which children/teens are known for and especially starting at the age of 9/10. Lots of studies done on how sleep patterns have deteriorated in teens due to fb and for you prob expat forum- that inability to turn off- always waiting for the next update/response whatever.

I just think that as a young adult having a smart phone and having access to the internet without sufficient boundaries hinders development both socially and intellectually. Tbh you still haven't answered how many hrs you spend on the internet and whether that time could be usefully employed getting some fresh air and exercise?

Since when did having a smartphone and an ipad means that I limit myself tech wise? I don't get that....

Alan2005 Sep 23rd 2014 5:51 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014
"The youth of today eh?" the thread.

Sally Redux Sep 23rd 2014 5:58 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014
It is so true about the sleep patterns.

Part of me thinks it's all absolutely horrible. My daughter in particular is like a Borg with the phone grafted into her hand. Constantly waiting for the next update, that's it exactly. Wasting huge amounts of time and talent. (She is naturally good at playing the piano. She could be fantastic at it if she put in a tiny bit of practice. But the phone always comes first).

Part of me thinks, this is the way the world is now, it is pointless to try to make her emulate my youth, she might as well fit in and see if she can make a better fist of things.

BristolUK Sep 23rd 2014 7:37 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Sally Redux (Post 11415724)
My daughter in particular is like a Borg with the phone grafted into her hand.

Just give her a Servalan stare.

Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 7:45 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by JamesM (Post 11415690)
I said "another useless generation"- I did not discriminate or segment by age.

I have no doubt that smart phones effect a person's self awareness. This should be taught in schools and on TV adverts just like the harmful effects of smoking and drink/driving.

An extension of talking on a phone whilst driving perhaps.

"Sadly giving a phone to a child is going to create a useless generation".

So giving a phone to a child at age 16 will create a useless generation, but if that said child goes and signs the contract him/herself a couple years later it won't?

People of all ages are stupid.

Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 7:55 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Alan2005 (Post 11415716)
"The youth of today eh?" the thread.

Basically. Can't even start a thread about smartphones (which I figured was in order due to the new release of the iPhone 6) ... Gah. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the advice guys, but I kind of wanted to discuss smartphones in this thread. Not "kids these days" and how parents shouldn't be giving their kids smartphones (:blink:)

Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 8:00 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Tirytory (Post 11415708)
Ok a coupe of things, and I appreciate I might be nit picking but the conversation doesn't have to be "meaningful". I see so many people talking and looking at their phone at the same time...they might not even know the person but it still so rude.

I think for some people its a force of habit. They have to work at actually not checking their phone every 5 seconds. For me, if I keep it in my pocket, I don't check it. If its out on the table, I will.

It's also about learning the ability to concentrate and impulse control..none of which children/teens are known for and especially starting at the age of 9/10. Lots of studies done on how sleep patterns have deteriorated in teens due to fb and for you prob expat forum- that inability to turn off- always waiting for the next update/response whatever.
There have also been studies done to show that teens naturally want to stay up later. Sleep for Teenagers - National Sleep Foundation "
  • Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence -- meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm."

    I just think that as a young adult having a smart phone and having access to the internet without sufficient boundaries hinders development both socially and intellectually. Tbh you still haven't answered how many hrs you spend on the internet and whether that time could be usefully employed getting some fresh air and exercise?
  • OK. Heres where I stand on this. I do think that I would be less addicted to my phone/social networks if it had been withheld from me / I didn't get one till age 18. I do agree with that stance. Do I regret owning a smartphone? No! I love my smartphone, it even helps me do day to day tasks, like using it for a calculator in class (which we are allowed to do), I use the calendar on mine extensively instead of the planner they give us, etc. Its even moreso for me because I have issues writing and will soon have an IEP for it that legitimises my use of technology inside school.
  • The only downside of my using technology in school is it does become a distraction.

  • Since when did having a smartphone and an ipad means that I limit myself tech wise? I don't get that....
No no. You said you had the self control to know when you've been online too much and switch it off. You limit yourself when you know you've been on too much. That's good.

Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 8:02 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014
As an aside, BE messed up my formatting. I didn't intend to make a bulleted list but it got messed up somehow.

Dashie Sep 23rd 2014 8:07 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014
That's what conversations and discussions do in real life though, they digress, mutate, merge, go off on a random tangent. I guess maybe BE is as close to reality you can get on t'internet ;)

Dashie's Ultimate Smartphone Buying Guide:

Get Gozit to choose a phone for you. Once he gets his part time job (I think Shoppers is a good idea, you could advise people on the outdated tech they sell), or a girlfriend (don't shoot me...), his availability might be a bit restricted so you'll have to work around that.

Buy the phone outright and don't sign up for a data plan at all, just use the free wifi that many places seem to offer. This also carries the added bonus that you will have to speak to each other when there is no wifi.

Let the kids buy it themselves when they are old enough to pay for it, and mature enough not to be a slave to it (hides behind the couch with iPhone) and really actually want it, while at the same time help them hone in on their critical thinking skills. Maybe make them research their own phone purchase, but not while borrowing your smartphone...

Read some f#@*ing books.

Sally Redux Sep 23rd 2014 8:08 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by BristolUK (Post 11415834)
Just give her a Servalan stare.


Gozit Sep 23rd 2014 8:28 am

Re: Gozit's ultimate smartphone buying guide - Sept 2014

Originally Posted by Dashie (Post 11415877)
That's what conversations and discussions do in real life though, they digress, mutate, merge, go off on a random tangent. I guess maybe BE is as close to reality you can get on t'internet ;)

Dashie's Ultimate Smartphone Buying Guide:

Get Gozit to choose a phone for you. Once he gets his part time job (I think Shoppers is a good idea, you could advise people on the outdated tech they sell), or a girlfriend (don't shoot me...), his availability might be a bit restricted so you'll have to work around that.

Buy the phone outright and don't sign up for a data plan at all, just use the free wifi that many places seem to offer. This also carries the added bonus that you will have to speak to each other when there is no wifi.

Let the kids buy it themselves when they are old enough to pay for it, and mature enough not to be a slave to it (hides behind the couch with iPhone) and really actually want it, while at the same time help them hone in on their critical thinking skills. Maybe make them research their own phone purchase, but not while borrowing your smartphone...

Ha! That's actually a good guide :)

I don't really need data to be honest - home has wifi, school has wifi, him torton's has Wi-Fi....

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