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Fitzyafcb May 28th 2011 9:24 am

Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
My application for criminal rehab 'info only' was received by London CIC on the 18th April 2011 according to Royal Mail. As of yet, I have heard nothing from them. No acknowledgement that they have received my papers or that they are processing it.

Is this normal? Should I try and contact them and chase things up? How can I contact them? How long could this take?

I am travelling to London in June. Can someone help me at the embassy if I was to make enquiries?

I have read on the forums that some have heard within weeks.

Many thanks

Poppit May 28th 2011 1:05 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

My son's took 14 weeks and 2 emails to CIC before we received the letter informing him that he did not need to apply for rehabilitation. You're going to have to be patient for a while longer I suspect.


Fitzyafcb May 29th 2011 1:15 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
ok thank you.

I don't suppose you have the email address that you used?


Poppit May 29th 2011 2:30 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

He sent a case specify enquiry which can be found on the CIC website.



Fitzyafcb May 30th 2011 4:11 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
many thanks

Fitzyafcb Jun 11th 2011 9:32 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Looks like I have to just wait then.

Still waiting for any sort of response. I've waited 6 weeks since posting my application before sending a case specific enquiry email. This email has yet to be acknowledged 25 days on since sending it.

So So Frustrating this waiting malarchy.

christmasoompa Jun 11th 2011 9:36 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
You do know it can take over a year? So a bit early to be so frustrated with it.

Fitzyafcb Jun 11th 2011 9:54 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
what for a 'for info' application? Really

Fitzyafcb Sep 14th 2011 1:05 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Still haven't heard a thing! My start date at work was supposed to be august 15th. Gutted! :(

Anyone else out there waiting? Anyone had a response yet? How long have you been waiting?

Poppit Sep 14th 2011 3:58 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

I would be sending a case specific email informing them of when you sent the application 'for info only', and asking how long it is likely to be before your application is processed.



Fitzyafcb Sep 15th 2011 7:19 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
I have sent a few case specific enquiries now. I have yet to get a reply. :(

izzi81 Sep 15th 2011 9:13 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Have you been using the email form on their website, or sending a direct email? There are lots of comments on the forum about people getting no response from the web form. If you search the forum you'll find an email address for London enquiries, I'd use that?

Fitzyafcb Sep 15th 2011 6:18 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Yes, I've been using web form. Thanks this sounds about right what's the point of providing a service that doesn't work? arghh hahaha:confused:

christmasoompa Sep 15th 2011 8:30 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Fitzyafcb (Post 9624509)
Yes, I've been using web form. Thanks this sounds about right what's the point of providing a service that doesn't work? arghh hahaha:confused:

Send a direct email then? It's odd that they're not responding, but the email usually gets a response within 2 or 3 days max.

Fitzyafcb Sep 15th 2011 10:55 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
yes I have sent a direct email this morning. fingers crossed . many thanks

Fitzyafcb Sep 20th 2011 11:53 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Still waiting to hear back! :(

spaceace Sep 21st 2011 1:21 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Fitzyafcb (Post 9633942)
Still waiting to hear back! :(

Honestly, I have REAL issues with these ppl in London CIC!

I sent an application in 2009 knowing full well it could take a year to process. So when the year was coming up I contacted them to see how they were getting on, only to be told they'd not received it ......despite somebody in CIC signing for it!

Now, I'd like to think this was a one off case, but I would keep on top of them! (well as much as a mere mortal can, since they cower behind web-form email)

Good luck!


Fitzyafcb Sep 21st 2011 1:54 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Well this is what is worrying me. Have they actually received it? And are they actually processing it?

They won't speak to you face to face.
They won't reply to emails web form or via direct email.
They won't speak to you over the phone.
And they won't send any correspondance via the mail system.

I am a long way off a year but I'm not after full rehabilitation, just to see if I am deemed to be rehabilitated or not.

Very frustrating.

Do I email every week? or will this just make them want to ignore me forever?

Can someone please advise me

spaceace Sep 21st 2011 2:03 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
and there's the dilemma.

having had emails ignored in the past, I don't actually think it matters either way;

you send an email - they ignore you
you send multiple emails .... you get the picture!

I'm sending you some good karma....hopefully that'll help :fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

...and go help an old lady cross the street too......

Fitzyafcb Sep 21st 2011 2:34 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
thanks I hope I won't need it though. Fingers crossed, be patient and hope for the best. Maybe i will hear when I least expect it!:thumbup:

Fitzyafcb Sep 29th 2011 1:18 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Seriously how hard is it to respond to an email!?!?! :confused::frown::banghead::angry_smile:

Poppit Sep 29th 2011 11:41 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

I hope you hear something soon!

When my son applied 'for information only' he emailed them twice, and both times they responded within 48 hours, so can't complain.

All I can say is goodluck.


Moondoggy Sep 30th 2011 1:02 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Oh don't even get me started on the frustrations because of the Canadian CIC in London. I can almost understand them not accepting phone calls or face to face enquiries, but if that is the case they MUST respond to letters and emails and generally be better at keeping applicants more informed.

Currently waiting on a work permit and TRP and they have been utterly useless at keeping me informed. I guess the typical 9-5 office worker at the embassy doesn't realise that for applicants it is a massive issue and basically our whole life during the time that we are waiting. Can't do anything until we get a response from them!

Fitzyafcb Nov 14th 2011 2:28 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Still no response from London. :confused::confused::confused:

yzf.shaun Nov 16th 2011 7:15 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Fitzyafcb (Post 9731965)
Still no response from London. :confused::confused::confused:

Did you simply file for info only without fee?

Jonsie25 Nov 17th 2011 1:10 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by yzf.shaun (Post 9736979)
Did you simply file for info only without fee?

I applied for "Info Only" on the 26th September. I have not heard anything so will email them as work wanted me to visit the end of October. Getting awkward now even though I have been told I am "rehabilitated" as my offence was over 19 years ago. Had a letter from the attention centre were I attended.

Will let you know if I hear anything.

Fitzyafcb Nov 17th 2011 2:57 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Yes I applied for info only without a fee. They signed for it April 21st 2011. Still not a thing

Fitzyafcb Nov 17th 2011 3:00 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Well my offences are also spent but still need that official document from London to say that I am rehabilitated and admissable to Canada. I was due to start employment August 15th! :(

Jonsie25 Nov 17th 2011 3:05 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Fitzyafcb (Post 9738613)
Well my offences are also spent but still need that official document from London to say that I am rehabilitated and admissable to Canada. I was due to start employment August 15th! :(

what email address have you used?

Moondoggy Nov 17th 2011 3:13 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Fitzyafcb (Post 9738613)
Well my offences are also spent but still need that official document from London to say that I am rehabilitated and admissable to Canada. I was due to start employment August 15th! :(

When you say spent do you mean they are sufficient for you to meet the "deemed rehabilitated" requirement?

Fitzyafcb Nov 17th 2011 4:12 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
that's right 5 years for non custodial offences. my offences were deemed spent 2 years ago so I hope I will be 'deemed rehabilitated'

I still think no acknowledgement or update since I sent my app in April is very poor

Fitzyafcb Nov 17th 2011 4:14 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline

Originally Posted by Jonsie25 (Post 9738618)
what email address have you used?

[email protected]

also done a few case specific enquiries

yzf.shaun Nov 17th 2011 4:21 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Hmm I sent a for info only request last week.

Looks like they will be processing my full sponsorship app before I hear anything back.

Ahh well. I pretty convinced of deemed rehab. Just wanted more peace of mind before they get the spousal app in the new year.

Fitzyafcb Nov 17th 2011 4:29 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
I'm convinced too but didnt want to take the risk booking flights for a family of 4 just to be turned round at the airport and have to pay for expensive flights back.

There doesn't seem to be any consistency with the process. You may get dealt with quicker than me as mine was for a military offence and for a police caution.

Some people have heard back within weeks and some have taken years. I just hope that I'm not one of the ones who waits a year only to be told they have not received an application and have to start again.

Fitzyafcb Nov 21st 2011 7:03 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Just to let you all know that I received an email from London today :thumbsup:

It basically says that they have sent a letter out and to please wait for that before making any further enquiries:D

They must have got sick of my nagging!

Fingers crossed!

Fitzyafcb Dec 1st 2011 2:23 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
Well here we go again!

They told me in an email that they sent a letter on the 17th Novemeber. This letter has still not arrived. I emailed on monday to say that I have not received this letter. I have not had a reply yet, so I am back to the waiting game again.

Why do I feel like I'm being messed around and lied to!

Poppit Dec 1st 2011 3:02 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
I know it's frustrating but if they say that a letter has been sent you will receive it soon. My son's letter was dated 2 weeks prior to him receiving it, so you should get it in the next week.

Good luck!



Moondoggy Dec 1st 2011 11:48 pm

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
I dont understand why they can't email you also a copy of the letter.

They emailed me my confirmation of work permit letter...

Fitzyafcb Dec 2nd 2011 7:24 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
They replied to me today asking whether I had received it yet. I replied saying no not yet. It all seems too unprofessional. Oh well hopefully getting closer.

Fitzyafcb Dec 16th 2011 8:58 am

Re: Criminal Rehab 'info only' London timeline
The only thing worse than not receiving a response is receiving a response which turns out to be a lie and then they just ignore you.:frown:

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