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FenTiger May 20th 2013 5:40 am

Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Rural Hungary May 20th 2013 9:45 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Originally Posted by FenTiger (Post 10716741)

OMG, reading your title I thought it was going to be a humorous story and that I could do with some light relief. In actual fact, that is both very sad and quite horrific. Poor chap and it makes you wonder just what happened, isn't it unusual for donkeys to become aggressive to this extent and not one but two of them at the same time:unsure:

FenTiger May 20th 2013 11:06 pm

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
Knowing the majority of Hungarians leave their dogs outside nearly 24/7 with some being chained to kennels I have wondered whether the donkeys were mistreated.

Pollypaprika May 21st 2013 12:26 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
I thought this was a joke when I first read it on a news site. Having said that donkeys and mules can be extremely territorial. My sister has a mule and I keep away from her (the mule not my sister)....we have a mutual respect thing going on....I keep out of her way and she doesn't kick me.

Even so, this is still quite shocking and I just think there is more to the story than meets the eye.

fidobsa May 21st 2013 3:47 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
I also wondered if they had been badly treated. I remember when I was a child we had an aggressive rabbit. It was not that we did anything to frighten or annoy the rabbit but it outgrew the small hutch my father made for it so it was too confined.

duztee May 21st 2013 4:25 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
My first reaction was to check the date because this honestly sounded like and April fool joke, but it seems that this really was a serious inccident.

I tend to agree with polgardi that we are not seeing the full story, we all know how annoying some mobility scooter users can be.

Any animal (or human come to that) can become vicous if (they feel) threatened.

Have to say they didn't appear to be that vicious on their 'mug shots'

Rural Hungary May 21st 2013 6:58 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Originally Posted by Polgardi (Post 10718035)
we have a mutual respect thing going on....I keep out of her way and she doesn't kick me.

similar to me and my other half then;)

PaulinEger May 21st 2013 8:09 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
A similar thing happened to a guy we used to know near Eger but in his case it was his neighbour's abandoned 4 dogs that attacked him one night and ate him. They were shot and 7kgs of old man were recovered from their stomachs.

Rural Hungary May 21st 2013 8:13 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Originally Posted by PaulinEger (Post 10718753)
A similar thing happened to a guy we used to know near Eger but in his case it was his neighbour's abandoned 4 dogs that attacked him one night and ate him. They were shot and 7kgs of old man were recovered from their stomachs.

No Paul!!! I need to remove an abandoned dog from a property this week - had intended doing it myself but after that I'm calling the dog warden. Out of curiosity, what type of dogs were they?

John Gilbert May 21st 2013 11:34 am

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Originally Posted by PaulinEger (Post 10718753)
A similar thing happened to a guy we used to know near Eger but in his case it was his neighbour's abandoned 4 dogs that attacked him one night and ate him. They were shot and 7kgs of old man were recovered from their stomachs.

That is disgusting !

PaulinEger May 21st 2013 4:49 pm

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
As far as I remember just your general mongrel types

Peter_in_Hungary May 21st 2013 8:31 pm

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary

Originally Posted by Rural Hungary (Post 10718766)
I need to remove an abandoned dog from a property this week - had intended doing it myself but after that I'm calling the dog warden.

As far as I am aware stray dogs are the responsibility / liability of the local council, but you might have to insist as they don't like spending the money!

rgl Jun 18th 2013 2:41 pm

Re: Beware - Killer Donkeys in Hungary
I still wonder what happened to the two donkeys which were the original subject of this thread. Has anyone heard any more news of them? As it was rather sad I have included a link to a happy donkey story you may not have come across.

You may also find amusing the writer's comments about Lake Balaton which come before the description of his donkey farm hunting adventure, in search of "the largest donkey farm in Hungary" that his donkey loving wife insists on visiting.

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