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leoline Nov 28th 2007 10:25 pm

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Again thanks for the website.

I am checking various websites daily and am rather excited.

BUT - Folk in Vancouver are doing their best to dissuade me from coming!

I.E. - The cold winters and the hot humid summers.

I wonder if I should post this thread elsewhere to get a wider response?


budda Nov 29th 2007 12:58 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
I have lived in Vancouver and its ok,

But it is pretty small! I prefer the larger city like Toronto, but at the same time its not too big, but i am at the early stage of my career to want the jobs opportunities that Toronto bring. Every one is different.

In Vancouver it rains solid for the winter and is that dark dreary weather that i grew up with in Glasgow. The Summer is pretty damn special though. not too hot and you are surrounded by water and moutains.

I am affraid my education knowledge (the little bit that is) is limited to GTA



budda Nov 29th 2007 6:06 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Weener 2,

I have sent you a PM. I have done some digging and a guy in my network has contacts in Injection Plastic Moulding. Weird!!!!!

He is happy to pass on your details.

Send me your resume.



Sarah1981 Nov 29th 2007 11:19 pm

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Originally Posted by budda (Post 5329839)
Hey guys,

Fingers crossed to all who are waiting to hear. I have been here for almost 2 weeks now and life is great. Although still in holiday mode!

I just wanted to say that I am working as a recruiter out here and may be of some assistence to job seekers when you get here. I am working on positions in downtown and the Greater Toronto area. Our main area is recruiting recruiters. We also recuit within the HR, IT and Supply Chain fields. Anyone who has worked in that areas feel free to give me a message and we can chat. Hopefully I can help some of you. I know it made such a difference to me having someone to help. I flew out for interviews and had a job before I landed.

Again good luck to those who are waiting!



P.S I have some contacts in Calgary and Vancouver as well (particularly for recruiter positions), but not my core market.

Hi Budda, thanks for PM but cannot access as haven't added 3 threads - but hopefully will by end of day!

Sarah1981 Nov 29th 2007 11:24 pm

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Originally Posted by budda (Post 5606326)

Most definately! I had a job before i landed (flew over for interview in July and came in september). We are pretty much the only rec2rec in Canada so will be a great resource for you. Where you moving to? When?

Send me your resume, and I ca give some feedback



Finally got into your PM - and will send my CV over the weekend. Budda will the visa include my husband too?

Many thanks Sarah

budda Nov 30th 2007 12:17 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Sorry Sarah,

I dont know what you mean?

Did you want to get sponsored? If so that wasnt clear in your original post.

The thing about Visa's is I am not the right perosn to ask and i am far from an expert. I would say getting a job for you would be fine. Getting sponsored is a whole different thing.

Lets chat anyway. I had my visa before i got the job, so it is pretty different. PM and we can chat further.

All the best


budda Dec 8th 2007 9:25 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to xmas.

I just wanted to poin everyone towards the resume advice section on the wiki:

Pay close attention to the section that says "omit" which i have pasted below. some of this may come as a surprise. Bear in mind that a poorly written resume will stop you getting calls.

"Leave out personal information (age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, family details, hobbies, etc.).
Don’t mention your driver’s licence. Most adult Canadians have drivers’ licences, and it’s taken as a given that people have them. The only time it would be worth mentioning would be an instance in which the job description specifically required it. For example, some jobs in the Alberta oil industry require people to drive long distances to reach oil wells, and employers stipulate that workers have drivers’ licences.
It is especially damaging to mention that you have a UK driver’s licence. If you already are in Canada, it begs the question as to why you have not yet exchanged your UK driver’s licence for a provincial one.
Omit skills and qualifications that are irrelevant to the job you want. If you are looking for a job as a geologist and you can type 80 words a minute, do not mention your typing speed on your resume. You are looking for a position as a geologist, not an administrative assistant.
Do not provide your Social Insurance Number. You need only give it for tax reporting purposes. Once hired, and only then, do you part with this information"

Hope it helps

jhorsfield30 Dec 9th 2007 8:25 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
In IT support/management and now finishing training in supply chain management and puchasing myself,
Trying to find those hidden job markets in Alberta and BC,
Any ideas. Need LMO

Caitilin Dec 10th 2007 5:24 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Originally Posted by budda (Post 5329839)
Hey guys,

Fingers crossed to all who are waiting to hear. I have been here for almost 2 weeks now and life is great. Although still in holiday mode!

I just wanted to say that I am working as a recruiter out here and may be of some assistence to job seekers when you get here. I am working on positions in downtown and the Greater Toronto area. Our main area is recruiting recruiters. We also recuit within the HR, IT and Supply Chain fields. Anyone who has worked in that areas feel free to give me a message and we can chat. Hopefully I can help some of you. I know it made such a difference to me having someone to help. I flew out for interviews and had a job before I landed.

Again good luck to those who are waiting!



P.S I have some contacts in Calgary and Vancouver as well (particularly for recruiter positions), but not my core market.

I'm looking to be over in about 18 months, CHC willing and all that stuff.

Can you help me? I'm in IT, currently MSC (artificial intelligence) qualified and hope to be MCSE qualified by then too!


Judy in Calgary Dec 10th 2007 6:33 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Originally Posted by jhorsfield30
In IT support/management and now finishing training in supply chain management and puchasing myself,
Trying to find those hidden job markets in Alberta and BC,
Any ideas. Need LMO

Using the Wiki on Finding Job Opportunities and following links from there, I saw a job for a supply chain something or other in Sherwood Park, near Edmonton. It was on the Job Bank website. I used search terms like "inventory control" and "supply chain."

If you haven't already done so, use other tips in the Finding Job Opportunities article. For example, use the Canadian Company Capability website to find out who the corporate players in different fields and in different regions are.

Then use the tips in the Wiki on Networking, and phone them. Even if the person whom you phone says he/she has no need of your services, pick his/her brain and ask for suggestions regarding other companies whom you might try.

There are other kinds of research you can do too. I don't have time to go into it all now. If you haven't already done so, read all the Wiki articles in the series on Job Hunting in Canada.

YYZlover Dec 10th 2007 8:35 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada

Originally Posted by budda (Post 5647832)
Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to xmas.

I just wanted to poin everyone towards the resume advice section on the wiki:

Pay close attention to the section that says "omit" which i have pasted below. some of this may come as a surprise. Bear in mind that a poorly written resume will stop you getting calls.

Uh-oh. Guess I broke every rule there is.


budda Dec 10th 2007 8:53 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Dont worry,

Most people do. It is just different over. All the changes are pretty simple though.



budda Dec 10th 2007 3:14 pm

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Hey Guys,

I hope all is well and everyone is seeing their applications progress.

I just wanted to say that I get a lot of questions regarding getting sponsorship. I am probably not the best person to ask in this area, mainly as I dont know my PNP's from my LMO's. Companies would be reluctant to come to someone like me and pay fee for someone when they would then have to go through the sponsorship process, which can take anywhere up to a year and obvioulsy cost them more time and money.

Dont let my lack knowledge and traction in this space put anyone off asking advice or questions, as I am here to help in other areas. I hope I have been of some use to people on here.



lauraloo18 Dec 11th 2007 8:33 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
hi john

hope you dont mind me messaging you - i am a recent law graduate from glasgow university and i am looking to move to canada either on bunac or a work permit. would you know of anyone interested in employing a law graduate for any type of work?

any help would be much appreciated

thanks laura

budda Dec 11th 2007 8:35 am

Re: Find Jobs in Canada
Hey Laura,

Tough one. Did you do international Law?



P.S you mayeb be able to get some sort of paralegal or intern position. let me ask around

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