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Margaret3 Oct 12th 2008 11:11 am

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by arkon (Post 6868597)
Ok...only 5 things so need to pick carefully....

1) Beautiful Green Countryside with footpaths and hedgerow, and the ability
to walk your dog off the lead almost anywhere, whilst bumping into the odd castle or monument without ketting killed by a paralysis tick (the dog that is).

2) Towns, all of them, all different, all with everything you could want, all fairly close together.

3) Internet shopping that is cheaper has everything you could ever want and delivers next day.

4) Hour to get to Europe, Or 3 hours gets you most places in Europe for a completely different and diverse culture to visit without having to sell your first born son to get there.

5) Beautiful Green Countryside with footpaths and hedgerow, and the ability
to walk your dog off the lead almost anywhere. whilst bumping into the odd castle or monument. This one in hindsight was the most important to me and
the one I miss the most, as does my dog. So deserves a mention twice.

it does deserve mentioning twice, we have got a dog since coming here and its almost impossible to find somewhere you can let him off the lead, i find am sneaking around parks after dark, lol

arkon Oct 12th 2008 4:51 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by Margaret3 (Post 6868606)
it does deserve mentioning twice, we have got a dog since coming here and its almost impossible to find somewhere you can let him off the lead, i find am sneaking around parks after dark, lol

Yes, dog lovers beware. This was the single biggest shocker for me moving here, It never ever crossed my mind before coming here that the UK was infinately better if you were a dog and your owner liked walking you in the countryside. I just assumed that Oz with all it's supposed space was going to be a doggy utopia, how wrong can you be...My poor mutt is now lucky if he gets a sneaky off lead experiance in the pitch black on the local oval.

kendalanita Oct 12th 2008 5:13 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
Captain Emz

We've just moved to Oz from the Lake District and there is nothing here (scenery wise) that comes anywhere close! Tons of other things which are great about England but you won't realise until you've left! Shame we didn't appreciate them more when we were living there!

Three Legs Oct 12th 2008 6:40 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
In no particular order:

(i) My mates who have known me from 3 years old, including my 'two' best men. Family obviously.

(ii) Everton Football Club & trips around Europe watching England.

(iii) The Isle of Man TT festival ... no sporting event or spectacle comes close.

(iv) The lead up to Christmas ... late night shopping with the local brass band playing, dark dingy pubs with tacky trees & borbels & Noddy Holder blasting out.

(v) A 'proper' Indian.

rabsody Oct 12th 2008 7:26 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
1. Countryside - lush, green and lots of it!

2. History - castles, cobbledy old houses in cobbledy old lanes, oast houses, seaside towns, silly little British idiosyncrasies like tiny door frames and low ceilings in pubs, village greens, seaside towns with their multicoloured houses.

3. Humour - Dylan Moran, Ricky Gervais, BlackAdder etc. etc. and experimental, offbeat TV and radio.

4. Choice - clothes, shoes, food, supermarkets ... just about everything, much more range, variety and, on the whole, competitive pricing.

5. Feeling like you are part of something, in touch with the rest of the world, the vibe, hearing about cool bands and being able to go and see them, access to fashions, new designs etc. as soon as they come out. Proximity to other countries, hearing about other parts of the world regularly on news etc. A sense of connection to the rest of the world.

Willerby_brisbane Oct 12th 2008 7:39 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
1. Hull City most definately......
2.As said earlier Lake District.(Also Scottish Highlands as well)
3. Pubs and their food.
4.Radio and TV as said earlier (but its not a bad thing that its so c*** here because it makes us do something else instead)(And i thought it was just me who thought radio here was utter s*** and all they did was witter on constantly) oops i've started moaning here.....
5.Steak Pie(family size) and mushy peas

And probably most of what others have said as well.

Oh and Hull City :wub:again.

kendalanita Oct 12th 2008 8:28 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
Oh god can we go home now? Gonna have to stop reading or I will booking our flights back before you can say kendal mint cake!!

joho Oct 12th 2008 9:37 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
Thinks I miss

Bisto gravy granuals (or similar)
Tweet Tweet Birds
New Potatoes in summer
Utterly Butterly

Things I dont miss

Rain (did I mention that)
mowing the lawn (doesnt grow much)

Wouldnt move back though


mindblower Oct 12th 2008 9:40 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Before 1997, after this date the ruinous,lying,failing socialists ruined the country.



JackTheLad Oct 12th 2008 10:43 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by MartinLuther (Post 6868496)
But they're the only things I miss (apart from family). :D

With regards to HIGNFY I agree that it is much better than the Glass House and Aus has nothing to compare. However I'll point out that much of the success of HIGNFY comes down to the actual presenters. A few years ago Merton didn't appear on the programme for quite a while and it was not so good.

Deayton was obviously a freeloader :lol:

I remember that series, I think they got Martin Clunes and Neil Morrisey to stand in for Merton alot. But still nowhere as good.

As for Angus Deaton, he had a team of writers to come up with his witty one liners, whereas I've seen that Merton and Hislop turn up an hour before the show and just go on. No prep, no knowledge of the questions.

It was Jeremy Clarkson who said that, cos he was convinced they actually rehearsed it all. But then it was his turn to host and he realised they didn't, it was all ad-libbed.

If you ever saw Dave Hughes trying to ad-lib on The Glass House it was cringe-worthy. They'd ask him to put on a chicken head, and then guess what, he said cluck :rolleyes: Wil Anderson is about the funniest, but still not a patch on some of the UK comedians when it comes to thinking on their feet.


MartinLuther Oct 12th 2008 10:48 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by JackTheLad (Post 6869701)
I remember that series, I think they got Martin Clunes and Neil Morrisey to stand in for Merton alot. But still nowhere as good.

As for Angus Deaton, he had a team of writers to come up with his witty one liners, whereas I've seen that Merton and Hislop turn up an hour before the show and just go on. No prep, no knowledge of the questions.

It was Jeremy Clarkson who said that, cos he was convinced they actually rehearsed it all. But then it was his turn to host and he realised they didn't, it was all ad-libbed.

If you ever saw Dave Hughes trying to ad-lib on The Glass House it was cringe-worthy. They'd ask him to put on a chicken head, and then guess what, he said cluck :rolleyes: Wil Anderson is about the funniest, but still not a patch on some of the UK comedians when it comes to thinking on their feet.


I'm still trying to work out why people think Hughsey is funny :confused: (or Rove???)

Loved Chaser though.

TrentEnd Oct 12th 2008 10:59 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
Ok, i'll be controversial. 'Great' Britain is dead - we'd all be better off going our separate ways - independence for England, Scotland and Wales is a formality, it's just a matter of when. Northern Ireland should be part of Ireland again as well, though I accept that's a bit more complicated.

The Yoo-Kay used to be mutually beneficial, but not any longer. Scottish devolution and the unjust Barnett Formula are slowly making the English wake from their slumber/apathy/ignorance.

If anyone is interested in finding out more, have a look on or or

JackTheLad Oct 12th 2008 11:08 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by TrentEnd (Post 6869740)
Northern Ireland should be part of Ireland again as well, though I accept that's a bit more complicated.

Errr:confused: The Northern Irish might have something to say about that!

Here is something I received from a NI friend today: (ah well haven't had a post deleted for a while :P)

When rights become cultural dominance

Published Date: 08 October 2008 Belfast News Letter

WITH the 40th anniversary of the NI Civil Rights movement in the news this week, let us take a while to look at some of the important rights that Irish republicans are currently struggling to achieve.

The right to have whatever you want shown on television on demand.
In pursuit of this right, two Antrim men are suing the Hilton Hotel for not showing the Tyrone vs Kerry GAA Football final.
It would of course be a horrible breach of their human rights for them to have taken notice that the Hilton had advertised in advance that Premiership Soccer would be shown or for the pair to have had to dander across the road to a bar that was showing Gaelic football.
They say the incident was an affront to their dignity and national identity. Brian Corey, 54, of the Markets area of Belfast said:
"I just thought this was a terrible injustice."

The right to remove citizenship from those who do not toe the line.
On the website of a Belfast evening newspaper, a reader posted an objection to Irish soldiers joining their allies in the British Army for a homecoming parade in Belfast.
Someone called 'Muintir N hEireann' from 'Doire', wrote "these soldiers from the Republic should have their Irish citizenship revoked. For each such case, Irish citizenship would then be accorded in a symbolic manner to Afghan refugees."
Unfortunately, the author fails to elaborate whether that would be refugees from Taliban oppression that the British soldiers are putting their lives at risk to help, or the murderous Jihadists NATO is fighting, though I strongly suspect it is the latter.

The right to stop people of other persuasions going to the toilet.
Armagh Sinn Fein Councillor Mary Doyle is crying foul over an annual £10,000 spend on portable toilets for outdoor events.
The main call on the loos is Orange parades, though they are also used at many other public events.
She bewails: "Most of the money goes on Orange demonstrations…and this is disproportionate to the nationalist and republic section of the community."
We await Ms Doyle's comments on the £50,000 annual spend on Irish language translation at the Department of Education NI.

The right to control who may enter a school.
Sinn Fein in west Belfast has complained that three Royal Navy officers were allowed inside St Colm's High School in Twinbrook without their say so.
Councillor Sam Baker thought it very wrong that the sailors took part in a team-building exercise at the school and characterised the event as a "secret visit".
The sailors were one of several organisations that visited the school to give students information regarding career choice.
Would the republican movement also object to young people learning about Leading Seaman James Joseph Magennis, born on the Falls Road and the only Belfast man to receive the Victoria Cross during the Second World War?

There was a time when the call for Civil Rights in Northern Ireland was a legitimate and honourable cause, but is it just me who sees the continuing siren call for "rights" in Northern Ireland to be a perverse proxy for one-sided cultural dominance?

TrentEnd Oct 12th 2008 11:13 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain
Look, i was trying to summarise that situation very briefly cos I don't have the time to write an essay. It's a fair point, and as i say, i realise that is a very complicated issue.

Can we just talk England, Scotland and Wales then? Is that easier?

bcworld Oct 12th 2008 11:15 pm

Re: What it GREAT about Great Britain

Originally Posted by TrentEnd (Post 6869776)
Can we just talk England, Scotland and Wales then? Is that easier?

Not really, its all complicated. Who told you Scots independence was a formality?

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