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leewilson Aug 30th 2006 12:36 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by Australia_bound?
Find it amazing someone who's looking at moving to another country can criticise others for moving to the country they live in. But be assured the same scum (abet English speaking) will be in Australia too, hopefully living very close to you!
God have just looked at your blog, what a racist! Must be an avid Daily Mail reader, hope you find Multicultural Australia to your liking and being an alien in foreign country will suit you down to the ground as you'll be reminded of it on a daily basis....

who are you calling a racist i have no problem with legal law abiding people of any race i just think this little island is really over populated and is struggling to cope anyone who thinks this is not correct must be MAD.
My nephew who has never been in trouble was hospitalized over the weekend after being attacked by 5 scumbags(white with hoods) and robbed. This was the second time in lawless uk he has been attacked this past twelve months so what am i now am i suffering from hoodeism as well.
I have worked and paid my taxes all my life and feel we should be strong as a country we have so many problems here already without freely importing all of europes too (being racist again am i) i know many are working legally but the ones who dont should not be entitled to free housing and benefits.
So people like you just use words like racist. I hope we do get into Oz multi culturism is not a problem so long as you live with and respect all and dont live in seedy little ghettos.

Speargun Aug 30th 2006 12:49 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
who are you calling a racist i have no problem with legal law abiding people of any race i just think this little island is really over populated and is struggling to cope anyone who thinks this is not correct must be MAD.
My nephew who has never been in trouble was hospitalized over the weekend after being attacked by 5 scumbags(white with hoods) and robbed. This was the second time in lawless uk he has been attacked this past twelve months so what am i now am i suffering from hoodeism as well.
I have worked and paid my taxes all my life and feel we should be strong as a country we have so many problems here already without freely importing all of europes too (being racist again am i) i know many are working legally but the ones who dont should not be entitled to free housing and benefits.
So people like you just use words like racist. I hope we do get into Oz multi culturism is not a problem so long as you live with and respect all and dont live in seedy little ghettos.

You are not a fact it must be unintended that the post appears in that way. Austrailia is a multi- cultural Country as much so as England - but it is not can drive even in populated areas without encountering road rage or tailgaters - the problem with the UK is we have totally lost control over immigration...the problem is not immigrants coming in (I know plenty of poles who are more hard working than many of my other English colleagues!) the problem is this country is already overpopulated....60 million people living on the same area of land that only 4 million new zealanders live on! The good thing about Australia is it is very difficult to get into and long may that remain.....even though we complain over the time it takes for visa at least proves we are keen and committed to Australia.

The problem is pure and simply overcrowding...which inturn leads people to live practically on top of one another with no is sad to say that the UK will only get worse!!!

Speargun Aug 30th 2006 12:51 am

Re: mass migration
perhaps just perhaps the main reason may lie with the European Union dream?????!!! A way Multi national companies increase their power - the EU is not about trade at all it is more political integration and harmonisation of all countries in Europe! You only need to see how Germany has suffered!

leewilson Aug 30th 2006 12:54 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by Speargun
perhaps just perhaps the main reason may lie with the European Union dream?????!!! A way Multi national companies increase their power - the EU is not about trade at all it is more political integration and harmonisation of all countries in Europe! You only need to see how Germany has suffered!

Thanks its so refreshing to hear this i was beginning to think it was me! :D

tiredwithtwins Aug 30th 2006 2:17 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
who are you calling a racist i have no problem with legal law abiding people of any race

to quote your own post ... " So we (uk) take immigrants from other countries because "they do the work the english wont" i am bloody sick of this line they do the work english wont because they want a foot in the door.

making sweeping generalisations about any immigrant coming into this country doing it cos they want a foot in the door...that is racist.

What about the next generation and what if their attitude is why should we do these jobs? What then. "
same could be said for any migrant to any country ... whether they go through the same difficult migration process as we do to get to aus or not.

i just think this little island is really over populated and is struggling to cope anyone who thinks this is not correct must be MAD.
so if i have an opinion about anything that doesnt agree with your opinion im mad am i?

My nephew who has never been in trouble was hospitalized over the weekend after being attacked by 5 scumbags(white with hoods) and robbed. This was the second time in lawless uk he has been attacked this past twelve months so what am i now am i suffering from hoodeism as well.
Im sorry to hear about your nephew ... but WTF has that got to do with immigration from europe? Hate to tell you but that sort of thing goes on in aus too ...

I have worked and paid my taxes all my life and feel we should be strong as a country we have so many problems here already without freely importing all of europes too (being racist again am i)
yes!!! again you are making sweeping generalisations that anyone coming from europe is going to be a problem!!!

i know many are working legally but the ones who dont should not be entitled to free housing and benefits.
of course they shouldnt ... no one would argue with you on that.

I hope we do get into Oz multi culturism is not a problem so long as you live with and respect all and dont live in seedy little ghettos.
do you really think that there isnt a cultural integration problem in aus!??

think you might be in for a shock. :D

leewilson Aug 30th 2006 2:36 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by tiredwithtwins
to quote your own post ... " So we (uk) take immigrants from other countries because "they do the work the english wont" i am bloody sick of this line they do the work english wont because they want a foot in the door.

making sweeping generalisations about any immigrant coming into this country doing it cos they want a foot in the door...that is racist.

same could be said for any migrant to any country ... whether they go through the same difficult migration process as we do to get to aus or not.

so if i have an opinion about anything that doesnt agree with your opinion im mad am i?

Im sorry to hear about your nephew ... but WTF has that got to do with immigration from europe? Hate to tell you but that sort of thing goes on in aus too ...

yes!!! again you are making sweeping generalisations that anyone coming from europe is going to be a problem!!!

of course they shouldnt ... no one would argue with you on that.

do you really think that there isnt a cultural integration problem in aus!??

think you might be in for a shock. :D

when did i say everyone!!!you have made it clear you are the most liberal of liberals and attack all things that you disagree with which is fair enough but do YOU think people who come from europe are ALWAYS going to be happy just doing the work the british "wont" then the next generation of british born poles, rumanians, bulgarians etc... will they still want these jobs just answer it for me as i have a theory they wont but accordig to you i am just a racist so what ever i say is rubbish. And the bit about my nephew had nothing to do with you or your beloved europeans. It was about lawless hoodie run britain which proberbly does not exsist and is just me dreaming up another problem.
of course i fell their will be certain problems in Oz but at least as we all know their borders are regulated
what you mean their IS crime in Oz :scared: OMG!
Can you tell me all the good aspects of the human rights act that concern me (selfish and a racist your thinking now) because deep down i am delighted of the way we treat criminals i think they all deserve a life filled with joy!
People who are a danger to britain deserve to stay if they are in danger in their own countries (poor little dears)

tiredwithtwins Aug 30th 2006 3:17 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
when did i say everyone!!!

:confused: where i quoted your own text ...

you have made it clear you are the most liberal of liberals
no im not, im just having a discussion with you and pointing out where i disagree with you.

and attack all things that you disagree
no, im not attacking you ... im pointing out where i disagree with you and why.

with which is fair enough but do YOU think people who come from europe are ALWAYS going to be happy just doing the work the british "wont" then the next generation of british born poles, rumanians, bulgarians etc... will they still want these jobs
but why do you think they wont? you are the one who said they are only taking them to get a foot in the door, not me. And if they dont want to continue to do the menial jobs, the generation that migrated or the next generation, why shouldnt they aspire to better jobs? we all have to start at the bottom ... some of us will have to do the same when we get to aus and i have no problem with that. Nor should it be presumed that they will live off benefits for the rest of thier lives, which is what you are insinuating.

just answer it for me as i have a theory they wont but accordig to you i am just a racist so what ever i say is rubbish.
No, you are going off at a tangent again - you are just firing off blatant statements and not backing it up with any facts/figures/stats/reasonable arguement ...

And the bit about my nephew had nothing to do with you or your beloved europeans. It was about lawless hoodie run britain which proberbly does not exsist and is just me dreaming up another problem....of course i fell their will be certain problems in Oz but at least as we all know their borders are regulated
what you mean their IS crime in Oz :scared: OMG!
I never said it didnt happen nor did i intimate it was a dream ...I asked (perhaps a little crudely) what relevance it had to your arguement ... CRIME HAPPENS EVERYWHERE, and not just in Britain ... the crime you described happens all over Europe, America, and Australia - you are the one that seemed to see Australia as crime free.
(god im turning into PB!!!!!!)
I was also sympathetic to your nephew ... i wasnt slagging you or him off. I genuinely was shocked by what happened and hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Can you tell me all the good aspects of the human rights act that concern me (selfish and a racist your thinking now)
the whole thing affects you and your basic freedom to do what you want ...
read this;

and tell me which bits dont concern you.

because deep down i am delighted of the way we treat criminals i think they all deserve a life filled with joy!
No one could disagree with you ... I didnt, if you read my post properly.
its about time we started looking after the victims instead of the criminals, but you are blaming the human rights act for all that is wrong with our criminal justice system ... and its the whole system that needs shaking up and reshaping. A lot of criminals DO get sentences that fit the crime ... I agree an awful lot dont, but those are the ones that get the media attention.

People who are a danger to britain deserve to stay if they are in danger in their own countries (poor little dears)
can you repeat the question please, it doesnt make sense.

You seem to think im attacking you, and shouting in your face.
Im not.
Im not attacking you.
Nor am I shouting in your face.
Im disagreeing with some of your statements and giving you my opinion.
You seem to think that anything i say makes me some sort of bleeding heart liberal, well im not. you dont know me... you are just making assumptions.
Im a fairly balanced person, and see the good and bad in everyone and most situations ... im sure you are just posting as if you are having a stand up arguement with me.

take a deep breath and respond calmly...

possoms Aug 30th 2006 3:58 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by tiredwithtwins
take a deep breath and respond calmly...

YOU GO GIRL ...and relax :D

russmcp Aug 30th 2006 4:34 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
My nephew who has never been in trouble was hospitalized over the weekend after being attacked by 5 scumbags(white with hoods) and robbed. This was the second time in lawless uk he has been attacked this past twelve months so what am i now am i suffering from hoodeism as well.
I hope we do get into Oz multi culturism is not a problem so long as you live with and respect all and dont live in seedy little ghettos.

Blimey, you'll not believe this, but my favourite city in the whole wide world (Sydney) has the same problem. Scumbags with hoods opening emergency doors on buses and robbing and assaulting commuters! Who would believe it? I thought it was just the UK that had this type of problem.

I can't wait to get to OZ (other half not ready so I have to bide me time, we will get there, but not just yet), however I can't believe that all some people do is slate the UK. And I love the fact that some of these people slate immo's for coming here and doing eff all, yet become one themselves. However no doubt those people will "AHHH Its different I'm not going to sponge off the state" Well guess what most 'immos' here work there butts off legally to better themselves and to try and make something of their lives, so stop using your arse as a means of communication and come up with a sensible argument.

MikeStanton Aug 30th 2006 5:37 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by TheAshleys
Dont have figures but as you can see there are a fair few ! Mostly due to the scum that are coming in I would say. Cant see how Pommie Bastard (a comical poster on BE) can say it is better here than Aus with the amount of politcal correctness and that wonderful world of diversity going on in the UK.

This country has gone down the toilet.

Oh dear, oh dear, more evidence of incoming brain-dead to Oz. Good news for us remaining Brits.

While you're talking out of your rear-end, let's check out Oz and an example of their pathetic political correctness. When I were a lad, the front of Airfix kits used to have great paintings of Brit and US bombers blowing the hell out of the enemy.

Until Oz came along and nagged the company into removing the pictures of bombing, cos they were worried that some would take offence.


Get a grip, Darren, if England is going down the toilet, I can only assume you must have your head Down Under.

jugsy Aug 30th 2006 5:59 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
do YOU think people who come from europe are ALWAYS going to be happy just doing the work the british "wont" then the next generation of british born poles, rumanians, bulgarians etc... will they still want these jobs

So they are not allowed to come to the U.K and better themselves but it's ok for you to go to Australia and better yourself.
i think any immigrant who comes here and commits a serious crime should be deported but hard workers? Let them in I say.
Britain is densely populated for sure but it's not OVERpopulated.

I don't care who slags me for saying this - If you are having a go at legal immigrants to this country when you are about to emigrate yourself you must be stupid.

rugbymatt Aug 30th 2006 6:02 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by MikeStanton
Oh dear, oh dear, more evidence of incoming brain-dead to Oz. Good news for us remaining Brits.

While you're talking out of your rear-end, let's check out Oz and an example of their pathetic political correctness. When I were a lad, the front of Airfix kits used to have great paintings of Brit and US bombers blowing the hell out of the enemy.

Until Oz came along and nagged the company into removing the pictures of bombing, cos they were worried that some would take offence.


Get a grip, Darren, if England is going down the toilet, I can only assume you must have your head Down Under.

It would appear that the same comparisons between Australia and the UK go on a lot on this site and all anybody ever does is try to score points against each others arguments and opinions. the fact of the matter as i see it is personal taste and preference but so many views are forced across in such a way that it just encourages the spiral. As some one far more articulate said elsewhere we could all come up with stats and figures that prove and disprove opinions, 75% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
As human beings it is our want for conflict that makes us argue but does quoting contrary facts and opposing figures really make one country better than the other. the problems that Oz and UK face are a global one. There is crime everywhere and all we ever do is comment on it but i bet most of us have broken the speed limit or drunk and driven, they are illegal, couldn't you easily say that by allowing that we are allowing rape and murder to go unpunished!!!???? Its down to us to make our world better and as i have said before just because someone hates perth or oz or UK or London their view isn't necessary right.
Incidentally has anyone noticed that the main focus of hatred is Perth and the main destination for brits is also Perth!? Just an observation, nothing else!

Speargun Aug 30th 2006 7:36 pm

Re: mass migration
so many views are forced across in such a way that it just encourages the spiral. the problems that Oz and UK face are a global one. There is crime everywhere .......

Finally a touch of common sense to the conflict!! We are all different all pursuing our dream of a new life down under....and all going for different reasons.....some of us have been to Australia and others havent

suebrennan Aug 30th 2006 7:53 pm

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by marvinc
Hi, pretty new to this and enjoy reading the posts.

It amazes me reading aobut you lucky people with flights coming up the amount of people emigrating on a seemingly daily basis, has anyone got figures for the amount of people from the UK that go to Australia yearly

I read somewhere that the figure is in the region of 160,000 leaving the UK yearly.

Australia_bound? Aug 31st 2006 8:42 am

Re: mass migration

Originally Posted by leewilson
who are you calling a racist i have no problem with legal law abiding people of any race i just think this little island is really over populated and is struggling to cope anyone who thinks this is not correct must be MAD.
My nephew who has never been in trouble was hospitalized over the weekend after being attacked by 5 scumbags(white with hoods) and robbed. This was the second time in lawless uk he has been attacked this past twelve months so what am i now am i suffering from hoodeism as well.
I have worked and paid my taxes all my life and feel we should be strong as a country we have so many problems here already without freely importing all of europes too (being racist again am i) i know many are working legally but the ones who dont should not be entitled to free housing and benefits.
So people like you just use words like racist. I hope we do get into Oz multi culturism is not a problem so long as you live with and respect all and dont live in seedy little ghettos.

Think you must have a massive chip on your shoulder as my post was nothing to do with you! You don't have a blog ranting on about immigrants do you? so what is your problem? Oh and generalising about certain highly populated areas of England does not mean it's all like that!

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