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lucy71 Apr 6th 2010 7:17 am

Re: How did you tell your preschooler about the move?
Hi Family of 3,

Probably Melbourne, as we have lots of friends there and we really love Victoria.

How about you?

lol Lucy

Family of 3 Apr 6th 2010 3:08 pm

Re: How did you tell your preschooler about the move?
Perth. Can't wait, counting down the days..........

moneypenny20 Apr 6th 2010 3:15 pm

Re: How did you tell your preschooler about the move?

Originally Posted by lucy71 (Post 8469686)
I told my LO this morning about the move. He's three and a half.

Said we had something exciting to tell him, that we are moving back to live in Australia and would move into a new house. Tried to keep it as simple as possible.

He promptly burst into tears, asking why and said he wanted to stay where we are. Said he didn't want to leave.

It wasn't the reaction I was expecting and frankly very upsetting to see him so upset.

He said he didn't want to leave his house. He also mentioned preschool (which he loves) and asked if a certain teacher there who he is mad about would be in Australia. I said no she wouldn't be there but he would make new friends at Kindy in oz.

He was just weeping and very upset about the whole thing which was awful to see and not expected at all.

With respect, at that age he only knows the things he has, he has no concept of anything else. Had you told him you were moving six doors down the road and that he was leaving preschool and going to proper school you would have had the same reaction.

My eldest would cry at the end of each school year during primary because she was leaving the teacher she had had for a year and going to a new one who she claimed she hated then by the end of the year she'd be crying again about leaving that one. At 3 and a half, forever is about four days, the understanding isn't there. Personally I wouldn't bother discussing it or anything until a few weeks before you actually fly. As long as he has mummy and daddy and favourite toys and bedding around him, the rest is irrelevant.

It's part of your job description as a mother to stress and worry about them but as long as you never let them pick up on that stress and worry, even subconsciously, he'll be fine.

ozhappy981 Apr 6th 2010 7:08 pm

Re: How did you tell your preschooler about the move?

Originally Posted by lucy71 (Post 8469686)
I don't think he's had a chance to think it through yet, once he realizes we're leaving family behind too, I wonder how he will be.

I am starting to wonder if we're doing the right thing to take him away from family, friends, and start all over on the other side of the world.

He is three years old!

How much do you remember from when you were three years old? My guess is you'll remember hardly anything. And do you still have the same friends you had when you were three years old?

Three-year olds live in the here-and-now. That means he'll be upset to leave behind his house, his favourite teacher, his friends. Leaving familiar thinsg behind is upsetting. But a few weeks after he lives in a new house with his Mum and Dad and his toys, he'll love his new house. And a few weeks after he has started at a new kindy he will have a new favourite teacher and new friends.

As long as you and his Dad are happy and cheerful, he will be happy and cheerful.

Pack some of his favourite toys in your suitcase and his favourite duvet so he has a few familiar things around him while you wait for the rest of your stuff to arrive.

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