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kporte Dec 7th 2009 11:00 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by viviennef (Post 8155940)
still laughing - I am going to bed.

I like Molly well enough but the outfit - uh uh. faux pas. Combat gear wouldnt do her any good either.

If you feel the need to dress her, at least dress them in something that keeps them warm and doesnt make them look like they have been dressed as a plaything for your enjoyment.

I mean she could be a statesperson among her doggie friends - can you imagine margerat thatcher or kate adie dressed like that.

Shes probably smiling in the pain of her humiliation. she could go on your christmas tree :)

Seriously, it's not about dressing her. Chi's have vulnerable tracheas and they need a harness for walkies rather than a collar. So the lead doesn't stress the throat. Simple as that. She's a girl, pink seems fair...

viviennef Dec 7th 2009 11:16 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?
yes yes ok. I apologise - on further examination it is a harness and not a tutu. The pink item on small dog made me think it was a clothing item.

Nelson has a harness too as he is the same - you would swear his windpipe was being completely crushed by the slightest pressure - hes such a drama queen.

walking down the street with your all chi perfection in pink though I am sure looks really cool. Honestly

kporte Dec 7th 2009 11:18 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by viviennef (Post 8155986)
yes yes ok. I apologise - on further examination it is a harness and not a tutu. The pink item on small dog made me think it was a clothing item.

Nelson has a harness too as he is the same - you would swear his windpipe was being completely crushed by the slightest pressure - hes such a drama queen.

walking down the street with your all chi perfection in pink though I am sure looks really cool. Honestly

I do look pretty suave walking past the workies having a xxxx, with Mol in pink. Who gives a frak!!!

Cheetah7 Dec 7th 2009 11:35 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by viviennef (Post 8155708)

SJ Oldfield who posts on here has two of the most gorgeous boxers Ive ever seen. I went round her house and fell in love with her dogs, one of them is called Lampard.:wub:

Dreamy Dec 8th 2009 7:35 am

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by daunted (Post 8155803)
wouldnt be so bad if she just walked around with them in her mouth! to date she has 'pooed out' two socks!!:eek: damned lucky dog hey! we now have a no leavin socks on the floor rule:rofl:

Himself is the big culprit for leaving socks for the dogs to find.

He is also the person who has to extract them from their bottoms when they're walking around with half a crappy sock dangling.

DunRoaminTheUK Dec 8th 2009 1:17 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by viviennef (Post 8155749)
yeah but trussing them up reduces their vigour - perhaps some self discovery on this topic may help you cheer up.

anyway back on topic

That's some kinky shit?

joho Dec 8th 2009 4:07 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?
3 Attachment(s)
I havent read the whole thread, but I actually dont trust any dog completly. We have 2 one greyhound x and a pure greyhound and the x was as gentle as until we got the greyhound (as a 10wk pup) and she became a bit snappy at other large dogs, I think as a protective thing. The greyhound is a big banana and lives quite happily with our cat who is the boss, even snappy wont boot her out of her bed if the cat is in it LOL, of course the greyhound has never raced. When hubby walks them he takes a muzzle for the x just in case she gets a bit funny and she knows that if she barks at another dog, the muzzle goes on for the rest of the walk. The greyhound is deaf as a post and was from birth and the stupidest thing ever, in fact the perfect pet. Here is a photo of him looking rather relaxed on their loung:rolleyes: outside.

Even though my dogs have never shown ANY signs of aggressiveness towards humans I am always very nervous when small kids are around and tend to restrict them to the bottom of the garden out of the way. I am more worried about the cat and kids LOL.


DunRoaminTheUK Dec 8th 2009 4:27 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by joho (Post 8158002)
I havent read the whole thread, but I actually dont trust any dog completly. We have 2 one greyhound x and a pure greyhound and the x was as gentle as until we got the greyhound (as a 10wk pup) and she became a bit snappy at other large dogs, I think as a protective thing. The greyhound is a big banana and lives quite happily with our cat who is the boss, even snappy wont boot her out of her bed if the cat is in it LOL, of course the greyhound has never raced. When hubby walks them he takes a muzzle for the x just in case she gets a bit funny and she knows that if she barks at another dog, the muzzle goes on for the rest of the walk. The greyhound is deaf as a post and was from birth and the stupidest thing ever, in fact the perfect pet. Here is a photo of him looking rather relaxed on their loung:rolleyes: outside.

Even though my dogs have never shown ANY signs of aggressiveness towards humans I am always very nervous when small kids are around and tend to restrict them to the bottom of the garden out of the way. I am more worried about the cat and kids LOL.


Do you sedate your dog routinely?

Broad Shoulders Dec 8th 2009 4:28 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by kporte (Post 8155988)
I do look pretty suave walking past the workies having a xxxx, with Mol in pink. Who gives a frak!!!

I'm trying to work out what your censored word is.

I'm guessing it is w@nk, right?

Broad Shoulders Dec 8th 2009 4:28 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by DunRoaminTheUK (Post 8158024)
Do you sedate your dog routinely?

probably Rohipnol

FiP Dec 8th 2009 5:40 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why? Dogs v kids

Originally Posted by asprilla (Post 8152098)
I don't understand the appeal of dogs. I think I like the "idea" of having a dog, but in reality there are far too many things about them that I don't like:

a) they are invariably smelly (cue the dog owners who like to say "but my dog doesn't smell at all" - trust me, your nose doesn't function properly.....and babies don't smell?....of anything? can usually smell nappies in peoples houses where the kids still wear them also around people with young babies so ditto the 'but my baby doesn't smell at all" - trust me, your nose doesn't function properly
b) their hairs fall out everywhere.....and childrens don't?......ever?........there is a process for removing them called vacuuming (the hairs not the kids!)
c) their breath stinks and they lick your hands/face/everywhere - after licking all sorts of disgusting things. What cracks me up, is that many dog owners don't think this is a problem :confused:.........and young children and babies constantly have mucky faces and clothes, pick their noses and wipe their sticky hands everywhere............including on you and things you touch.......
d) they bounce up on you and scratch you. Dog owners will tell you "she's only playing" :confused:.........and children bump into you in shops with ice creams and their parents run over your foot or into your heels with their prams and don't apologise...........they rudely stare you out and point.........or try to poke your dogs eyes out or pull it tail.......all offensive!
e) they get ticks, fleas etc......and kids get worms.....and suffer with bed bugs.........and colds and other contagious diseases they constantly bring home from school...........
f) they get sick - and vet bills are supposedly pretty high......and kids get sick too although granted the docs are probably cheaper than the vets..........although school costs make up for this.............
g) you have to put them in kennels when you go away somewhere......if only parents could do the same with their kids.......sometimes it would make a nicer world......
h) they are sometimes unpredictable, biting and seriously injuring (even killing) people. Again - you would think that this would put most people off... but no........ditto with the kids...........
i) they need to be taken out for regular walks- quite an inconvenience if you don't have the spare time...and even if you do, still a pain......ditto with kids to the park to play mindless childish games or play on the swings.........albeit often some parents don't ever bother and neithe do some dog owners...........
j) they leave their "dirt" in the garden, or on the footpath for you to pick up after them in a nice little plastic bag and then carry home. :confused: Surely that's enough disincentive for owning one.......and kids need nappies changed...........the same nappies you see dumped in car parks........
k) some dogs will literally wreck your house when you are out. Tearing your furniture to shreds, ripping down curtains, breaking breakables. Typically these are puppies. Does this bother the dog owner? No, they usually laugh it off and it's just another amusing story for them to tell their friends?:confused:.......ditto with kids and textas on walls etc and especially teenagers partying when their parents are away.......
l) they bark, sometimes at all hours. This in turn sets off other dogs in the vicinity. This "barking" can be extremely loud and annoying......this is agreed.....but also annoying are kids screaming and crying at all hours and shouting at the top of their voices in the garden pissing off neighbours......parents excuse it and call it 'playing'......are they all deaf?
m) they need to be fed and watered regularly - an extra ongoing cost that many people could do without.....again, I presume kids need the same care......
n) I'm sure there are others too.

But all along, I know that there are many millions of people who own dogs and love it. I guess I will just never understand dog lovers.

Kids v dogs - after making a few comparisons above, give me dogs any day!!

Having said that, responsible dog owners should do the same as responsible parents, teach their animal to respect others, be quiet when the occaision warrants, be well behaved, respond to instructions and commands, socialise them, stimulate them to prevent them becoming bored and disruptive and clean up after them - I guess its each to their own!!!

joho Dec 8th 2009 6:20 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by DunRoaminTheUK (Post 8158024)
Do you sedate your dog routinely?

I am sorry by I dont understand, I don't sedate the dogs at all....were you just having a joke because he looks so spaced out on the lounge.:confused:


Cheetah7 Dec 8th 2009 6:30 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by joho (Post 8158193)
I am sorry by I dont understand, I don't sedate the dogs at all....were you just having a joke because he looks so spaced out on the lounge.:confused:


I love greyhounds, I had one - a male ex racing dog called Caesar, he was brindle, I also had a small female ex racer for a short while, her name was Anne.

Then I changed to having a whippet but they are gorgeous dogs.

DunRoaminTheUK Dec 8th 2009 6:38 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?

Originally Posted by joho (Post 8158193)
I am sorry by I dont understand, I don't sedate the dogs at all....were you just having a joke because he looks so spaced out on the lounge.:confused:


Are you feeding him magical mushrooms then? He looks as if he's eaten about 1Kg of them?

joho Dec 8th 2009 7:44 pm

Re: Dog Owners - Why?
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DunRoaminTheUK (Post 8158233)
Are you feeding him magical mushrooms then? He looks as if he's eaten about 1Kg of them?

Ok so it was a Joke, thats ok then. We sometimes think he plays twister in his sleep we often wonder how he gets himself into the positions, I think its a greyhound thing. I have others too. We have now given up on the baskets because he has outgrown all of them, he now has a mattress on the floor in the lounge LOL.

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