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MrsDagboy Jun 17th 2005 1:11 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?
Just had a thought - is Zyban the anti-depressant one?

Grayling Jun 17th 2005 1:12 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by MrsDagboy
Just had a thought - is Zyban the anti-depressant one?



MrsDagboy Jun 17th 2005 1:16 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by Grayling


OK, that might be the one that another poster in the UK is taking as well. Maybe Podgy could PM him (its alkristensen). I think he was sayig that he was feeling a bit "out of it" from them as well.

podgypossum Jun 17th 2005 1:32 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?
Hi Robyn

I dont mind feeling "out of it" for a few weeks as long as i get the result i want..hey!!..i might enjoy the buzz..LOL

seriously though,... you have to weigh up the pros and cons i guess... as long as Zyban isn't addictive (which i dont think it is) is it worth doing it for the long term benefits? are the risks worth taking if yu are going to drastically reduce your chances of cancer, heart disease and the eons of other killers associated with it?... whats the bigger risk?

The money i save could go towards some big plans... eh Robyn? ;)

anya4oz Jun 17th 2005 3:04 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by Bordy
I hated them, I ended up chucking them down the lavvy.

I couldn't sleep, I'd maybe have two hours kip then PING, wide awake then I'd be knackered at work. After a week or so I was like a zombie.

I bought the Alan Carr book about giving up smoking & so far so good after almost 3 months.

Well done, Bordy! Not easy, as I know from personal experience....

Also I guess you now have a lovely non-smoking lavvy :)


anya4oz Jun 17th 2005 3:07 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Well done on the weight loss - bet you look lovely & svelte now!! :)

Good luck with giving up the smokes too - it IS worth it, honestly. I found the best bit was all the extra $$$ I saved, then not having to worry about 'have I got enough left in the pack until the tobacconist opens again' - very liberating!


podgypossum Jun 17th 2005 3:40 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by anya4oz

Well done on the weight loss - bet you look lovely & svelte now!! :)

Good luck with giving up the smokes too - it IS worth it, honestly. I found the best bit was all the extra $$$ I saved, then not having to worry about 'have I got enough left in the pack until the tobacconist opens again' - very liberating!


I have a long way to go to get to "svelte" Anya but thanx.. and i'm doing it the right way, slowly and changing my lifestyle instead of faddy diets.
I tink this Zyban is affecting my appetite too.. havent felt like eating all day!!

JackTheLad Jun 17th 2005 6:38 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?
I took it a few years back, I remember being really scared when I read the leaflet about side effects, it had everything from swollen tongue to hallucinations.

But in the end the only side effect I got was really freaky dreams at night, sleep walking, waking up standing in the back garden and stuff :eek: And it does work after a week or two.

Unfortunately circumstances conspired to get me back on the ciggies soon after that.


Kevhaze Jun 17th 2005 11:20 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?
My F-I-L had smoked for many, many years before he took Zyban and was very successful with it. In fact he was still taking it when he had to attend a family funeral which (with his family) is about the most stress you can have. I can't remember how long he was on the tablets, but I am sure he stopped within two weeks.

However, I did think that a couple of years ago Zyban got very bad press because one of the side-effect was depression and a small minority suffered from this side-effect. Hopefully if you don't have any severe side-effects in the first couple of weeks, then you should be alright?


HUP Jun 17th 2005 11:31 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it necessary?
I gave up using a book!! "A book?" I here you mock. Yes its a book called "The Easy Way to Give Up Smoking" by Allan Carr.

It does not try and scare you into giving up. It basically helps remove the brainwashing and fear that smoking has placed on you. It is not "happy clappy" but written in a very simple way by an ex smoker who used to smoke 60 a day.

Recently I recommended the book to two friends at work and within a week of getting the book they gave up. At the start of the book he even recommends that you carry on smoking while you read it

BUY THIS BOOK!! It could be the best $20 - 30 you ever spend.

podgypossum Jun 17th 2005 11:38 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it necessary?

Originally Posted by HUP
I gave up using a book!! "A book?" I here you mock. Yes its a book called "The Easy Way to Give Up Smoking" by Allan Carr.

It does not try and scare you into giving up. It basically helps remove the brainwashing and fear that smoking has placed on you. It is not "happy clappy" but written in a very simple way by an ex smoker who used to smoke 60 a day.

Recently I recommended the book to two friends at work and within a week of getting the book they gave up. At the start of the book he even recommends that you carry on smoking while you read it

BUY THIS BOOK!! It could be the best $20 - 30 you ever spend.

I have the book!!.. its just that its stuck at the bottom of a packing case and been there since we left NZ.. i'm gonna dig it out.

Now.. i have the book, i have the pills, and when i have to stop (which is Friday) i shall bung on a patch as well. I am hoping that if all this fails then at least the pills have anti dpressant qualities which SHOULD prevent me from hanging myself from the nearest tree..... there, i think i have all avenues covered :D

podgypossum Jun 17th 2005 11:53 pm

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Why do i have to keep smoking for one week after starting the pills?

sme Jun 18th 2005 1:04 am

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by podgypossum

Why do i have to keep smoking for one week after starting the pills?

Medication like the one you've been px'd, take a while to build up adequate levels. Persever with it ,I know people who it worked well with

Ozzidoc Jun 18th 2005 9:19 am

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by podgypossum

Why do i have to keep smoking for one week after starting the pills?

Takes a little while to kick in....

Also... is it risky?
Well, it couldnt be more risky than smoking, with the links between smoking and lung cancer. Sorry to be blunt. Have seen too many lung cancer patients in the last week. :(

MrsDagboy Jun 18th 2005 11:02 am

Re: Zyban.. is it risky?

Originally Posted by podgypossum
Hi Robyn

I dont mind feeling "out of it" for a few weeks as long as i get the result i want..hey!!..i might enjoy the buzz..LOL

seriously though,... you have to weigh up the pros and cons i guess... as long as Zyban isn't addictive (which i dont think it is) is it worth doing it for the long term benefits? are the risks worth taking if yu are going to drastically reduce your chances of cancer, heart disease and the eons of other killers associated with it?... whats the bigger risk?

The money i save could go towards some big plans... eh Robyn? ;)

Biiiiiig plans! With your svelte new figure ;) :D

Well done you! :)

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