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neil.b Jun 12th 2005 9:22 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I just cannot believe what I have just read. My wife has tears in her eyes.
We want to convey our best wishes to all of you and wish your husband a speedy recovery.
For what your husband has done, he should walk tall. A man who stands up for morale decency, against so called human beings that are no more than genetic f**k ups.
If you are struggling for somewhere to stay until your house is sold, our front door is always open.

Best wishes
Neil and Mandy.

meljor Jun 12th 2005 10:02 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Words are inadequet, suffice to say I cannot imagine how you are all coping with this dreadful ordeal. All our thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family. When do you plan to move to Oz, I hope its soon and that you all keep safe in the meantime. It kinda make you feel reassured tho that the Australian Govt have such rigorous checks before they let anyone into their country, all the best Mel

moneypenny20 Jun 12th 2005 10:12 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Have only just seen this. Would like to say I can't believe people will behave this way but of course there are sh*t people everywhere. Your husband and daughter (and yourself) are incredibly brave to stand up to these scum. You almost have to feel sorry for the children who have been bullying your daughter. Sadly they have obviously never been shown any love or respect by their parents and think that the only way to get attention is to behave in the same way.

I hope that the CPS push this case through and they are made to pay for what they have done to you and yours and probably many others.

Speedy recovery for your husband and loads of love and hugs to all of you.

blossom Jun 12th 2005 10:30 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Shazza, I think your situation is horrendous and puts my little problems into perspective. I feel for you and your family and wish you a speedy departure to a happy new life together in Australia, you all deserve it so much.

You are all so brave, and its good to hear that as a family you are learning to be strong together. I wish you all the best for your future happiness, and a speedy recovery for your husband.

God bless you all


charlie63 Jun 12th 2005 11:24 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Dearest Sharon and your family

I have just read through the 6 pages of your terrible past few days. My family and myself would like to say how much we feel for you all. Both my daughters were victims of bullying and i would like to say to your daughter how proud everyone is of her braveness and the depth of her character you are right to be proud of her.

We all hope that your husband recovers quickly and that the house moves on speedily. Keep in touch as we are heading for brisbane hopefully week after next.

Charlie, Michael and girls

Karma sent for you all

Anastasia Beaverhausen Jun 12th 2005 11:47 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Shazza, I think your daughters is incredibly brave for going back to school. Its takes some real guts to show people they cant beat you. Well done to her. You guys must be so proud.

Well done to you and your family for not being scared out of your home.

Best of luck to your daughter for her return to school.


renth Jun 12th 2005 4:11 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Sounds like a horrific incident. I hope your husband recovers quickly and doesn't end up too traumatised, he made a brave stand but wouldn't have stood a chance against those sort of numbers.

I hope they jail the ringleaders and I guess the fact you are moving to Oz means that you won't have to worry about any consequeces if they do send them to jail (further intimidation etc...)

Best wishes to you and your family and hope that everything turns out well in the end.

smidgemum2 Jun 12th 2005 4:53 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I'm sending you my best wishes as well. You are one brave family who should be able to leave the UK when you want and on your terms and with good memories of the place. However, it seems as if a tiny minority have messed this up for you. Hoping that they all get what they deserve and that you can move on...and over start afresh and you can chuck those bad memories in a skip on the way to the airport! :) Wishing you strength and lots of luck until then.


CadburysFingers Jun 12th 2005 5:15 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

That is shocking, absolutely shocking. I hope your husband recovers soon. If it were me, and I know its not, but if it was, I would call on a few other like minded dads, and knock seven shades of ***** out of the group of bullies. Yes I know they are 14, but sometimes there are very odd occasions where the law simply wont help you. Rest assured, you hardly see any of this in Aus, or not that I have seen anyway. Good luck to you, look after that daughter of yours.

joho Jun 12th 2005 7:29 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
A simialr thing happened to my next door neighbour, he was trying to protect his son from a group of lads and one vicious dog and got himself kicked in the head repeatadly,one man even took a running leap and landed straight on this head. Me and another neighbour ran over to him, he was face down in the grass, and turned him over only to find that if we hadn't he would have drowned in a very large puddle of his blood. He didnt touch the kids and ended up with a broken nose and shattered jaw. Spent 3 months with his jaw wired and only able to drink high energy milkshakes. The only benefit was a good figure at the end. They have just (finally) pleaded guilty to GBH and one to GBH with intent which carries a minimum 5 yrs. Sentancing will happen in the next 2 weeks. So hang in there and dont let them win. To many people are afraid to stand up to these bullies. You hopefully will be out of there soon.

Best wishes to you all.

Love Jo

debilloyd Jun 12th 2005 7:59 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

I can't believe people can be so cruel and downright nasty. I can only wish your family the best of luck in Australia and hope that this can be a new start for your daughter.

My heart goes out to you - best of luck for your future life in Oz.

TopCat3 Jun 12th 2005 9:23 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Godspeed you to Australia. I know I grumble about things sometimes, but the more I read/hear about the UK the more glad I am to be here. You will find life a lot more easygoing and loving here. Something about the sunshine and open spaces, I think. I am appalled at what you've had happen to you and I wish your husband a quick recovery and for your daughter not to lose her faith in human beings (even if we do sometimes...) I hope the perpetrators get their just desserts. Sleep well and stay safe, all of you. Karma sent.- TopCat.

hevs Jun 13th 2005 10:38 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Bloody bastards :mad: :mad:

I feel so proud for you having such an amazing daughter though, tell her well done from us :)

lucy.summers Jun 13th 2005 10:44 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
It is so sad that things like this go on - how can parents so clearly support such behaviour - although from the sounds of it it may have been learnt at home. I wonder how they would feel if it happened to their child.

Such feelings for you all at the moment and hope your husband gets better soon. He is obviously made of strong stuff. Hope all goes quickly to get to Aus. As you say these things happen everywhere but a new start will be the making of your family.

Karma sent


fireeater Jun 13th 2005 11:03 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
My best friend was beaten into a coma by thugs a few years back. I was numb then and couldn't find words for him or his family. And hearing this makes me numb in the same way. Behaviour like this is truly shocking. I have the deepest sympathy for anyone who has to endure this type of inhuman treatment and I wish you and your family all the best in following your dreams and putting this terrible incident behind you.


logan Jun 13th 2005 11:30 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Hi Sharon, have pmd you x

Ransi Jun 13th 2005 11:51 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Sharon,I've only just found this thread...and it made me heart goes out to your daughter,your husband,you and your family....some people really are thick low life's....anyway I could go on more about them but I dont want them to occupy my mind as my blood is boiling...
Hope things go swiftly and smoothly for you all xxx

Jellybean Jun 13th 2005 11:58 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

I dunno what to say, I stumbled upon this thread from the lounge so I hope you don't mind me barging in. What a nightmare you are going through and my heart goes out to you and your family....I wish there was something we could do :(

I wish you all the luck in the world on selling your house and I hope they keep these people out of your hair in the meantime.

Take care JB xx

Three Legs Jun 14th 2005 2:32 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
As a relatively new parent your post has upset me greatly.

My thoughts are with you, your husband and obviously your daughter who seems to have suffered terribly.

Three Legs

PS - Chin up.

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

Jamiem Jun 14th 2005 6:35 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
First of all, I'm abolutely gutted for you, and wish you all the very best. It saddens me immensely to learn of incidents like this, which seem to be happening much, much more frequently of late. Just over this last month or two, I can think of at least two major news items involving the death or near death of CHILDREN for God's sake... young kids. I just can't understand how it's being allowed to progress at such a rate. I'm only 25, and I have noticed (very much so) the way in which society seems to have worsened in my lifetime. People have no respect for each other any more. A friend of mine, who is very religious (I am a heathen) recently said to me that all there is that's left is selfishness and that people are out for what they can get for themselves and that is it. I argued at the time, probably because I don't want to believe it, but the more things like this that happen, the more he seems to make sense.

The most worrying thing is that they have no fear of the law (such as it is) and no respect of the law of government/societal structure etc.... and as such, it makes them incredibly powerful, as the consequences don't matter to them. Very frightening and very sad. I know that this sort of thing is prevalent everywhere, but i'm sure in the UK it seems to have escalated to the next level.

It's a sad affair. Hope you and your family find what you are looking for and don't have to put up with much grief from pond life much longer. Take care

Jamie x :(

chatty34 Jun 14th 2005 7:22 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Thank you so much everyone for your kind wishes. We have gained a lot of strength from these messages of support. We have smiled, marveled and cried over some of them but most of all it has been a tremendous support to see that we are not a minority. It has reminded us that most people are inherently good and that the scum that did this to us are the minority, Thank God.
We are all feeling much better today, I feel hungry again ;) and tired enough to hope for sleep tonight.
My beautiful brave daughter has held her head up high at school. The bullies have not spoken directly to her, they have laughed in her face from across the room and pretended to not know she is nearby and talked about how wicked it was (not our interpretation of wicked) and did you see that stamp to the head it was classic.
She has found an inner strength from somewhere and just ignored them. I however am ashamed to say that I didn't know how much hate I had in me and actually dream of taking a cricket bat to their heads and the attackers heads. Cannot believe that I have just written that down, that I could actually dream of attacking 14yr old boys with a cricket bat disturbs me but that is how I feel at the moment. I wont act on it, the same as I don't want anyone to act on those feelings.
The police have charged 2 of the attackers with G.B.H. and are still looking for another one that is well known to them but alas it looks like the others will get away with what they did as the police cannot find out who they were.
Again thank you so much!!

Sharon & Family
Dreaming of Brisbane.

fraser Jun 14th 2005 7:26 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Thank you so much everyone for your kind wishes. We have gained a lot of strength from these messages of support. We have smiled, marveled and cried over some of them but most of all it has been a tremendous support to see that we are not a minority. It has reminded us that most people are inherently good and that the scum that did this to us are the minority, Thank God.
We are all feeling much better today, I feel hungry again ;) and tired enough to hope for sleep tonight.
My beautiful brave daughter has held her head up high at school. The bullies have not spoken directly to her, they have laughed in her face from across the room and pretended to not know she is nearby and talked about how wicked it was (not our interpretation of wicked) and did you see that stamp to the head it was classic.
She has found an inner strength from somewhere and just ignored them. I however am ashamed to say that I didn't know how much hate I had in me and actually dream of taking a cricket bat to their heads and the attackers heads. Cannot believe that I have just written that down, that I could actually dream of attacking 14yr old boys with a cricket bat disturbs me but that is how I feel at the moment. I wont act on it, the same as I don't want anyone to act on those feelings.
The police have charged 2 of the attackers with G.B.H. and are still looking for another one that is well known to them but alas it looks like the others will get away with what they did as the police cannot find out who they were.
Again thank you so much!!

Sharon & Family
Dreaming of Brisbane.

You have better self control than me that's for sure.
Glad to hear you've come through the worst of it, omwards and upwards now all the way to your new life in Oz.

Best of luck Fraser :)

Rich and Angie Jun 14th 2005 9:15 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Thank you so much everyone for your kind wishes. We have gained a lot of strength from these messages of support. We have smiled, marveled and cried over some of them but most of all it has been a tremendous support to see that we are not a minority. It has reminded us that most people are inherently good and that the scum that did this to us are the minority, Thank God.
We are all feeling much better today, I feel hungry again ;) and tired enough to hope for sleep tonight.
My beautiful brave daughter has held her head up high at school. The bullies have not spoken directly to her, they have laughed in her face from across the room and pretended to not know she is nearby and talked about how wicked it was (not our interpretation of wicked) and did you see that stamp to the head it was classic.
She has found an inner strength from somewhere and just ignored them. I however am ashamed to say that I didn't know how much hate I had in me and actually dream of taking a cricket bat to their heads and the attackers heads. Cannot believe that I have just written that down, that I could actually dream of attacking 14yr old boys with a cricket bat disturbs me but that is how I feel at the moment. I wont act on it, the same as I don't want anyone to act on those feelings.
The police have charged 2 of the attackers with G.B.H. and are still looking for another one that is well known to them but alas it looks like the others will get away with what they did as the police cannot find out who they were.
Again thank you so much!!

Sharon & Family
Dreaming of Brisbane.

You are a better woman than I am Sharon, I would have smacked their heads in....
But positive thinking and good self attitude is brill from someone just been through what you have girl....

Good Luck and we will see you in Brisbane

Ang & Rich

LancashireLass Jun 14th 2005 10:14 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I can't believe what has happened to your daughter and husband. The way society is going just disgusts me and this just highlights how bad parenting is taking the moral fabric of society lower and lower. If children see their own parents commiting violent acts like this what hope do they have. The worse thing is that schools/police can't be effective these days because of the politically correct groups. Teachers are worried about punishing students as the students hit back or make threats that their older brothers/fathers will come and get them. My Dad was a teacher and eventually left after being sick with depression for 2 years and as he used to say it was the good kids who he felt sorry for as these hooligans prevent everyone else from getting an education.

Your daughter is so very brave for going back to school and facing her tormentors head on and I hope your brave husbands wounds heal soon. You are all very brave for staying in your house but I would get the police to listen to the threatening calls they may be able to trace the rest of them. Hopefully the sale will go through quickly and then you can be on your way here soon.

Take care x

snowbunny Jun 14th 2005 10:26 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I wish they could be charged with attempted murder because kicking a person in the head can kill, in addition to blind, maim, and brain damage.

How very proud your daughter must be of her dad this Father's Day.... how proud I am of her that she returned to school despite the presence of the bullies.

I'm glad you have already set in motion plans that will take you away from these animals and hopefully will help with emotional healing.

love from America

madsad Jun 14th 2005 2:20 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Hi Sharon,

Cant begin to imagine the turmoil this has caused you all,these people are animals/scum of the earth,pure & simple.

I hope you all keep finding the strength to carry on as a better life awaits ;)

Thoughts are with you all x


Hels Jun 14th 2005 3:42 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Wow!! I have just sat and read through all 8 pages and have to say, my blood ran cold at what these animals have done to your family.

Everyone has already said the things I would have said had I read this earlier.

Continue to be strong and continue to love and support each other the way you are and you will all be fine.

Good luck and best wishes to you all,

Hels & Hubby

Wanderlust Jun 14th 2005 4:12 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

I was so shocked to read what happened to your husband and your daughter. So very sorry for what you all went through.

I feel for your daughter, having been in a similar situation myself when I was age 14. I was picked on and bullied by a large gang of kids - just because I was different (I had spent a few years overseas). It ended up with the headmaster suggesting I leave school for my own safety, and I ended up not going to school for 1yr until we emigrated to Canada.
It was tough getting back into the educational side of things again in another country after being out of it for so long, but I can honestly say that none of the bullying and intimidation followed me. In Canada I was safe and happy at school and did well.
I am sure that when your daughter gets to her new school in Brisbane she will find it much different to what she is used to and she'll be very happy. The culture here is very different.

I'm sure that after a while the events that took place will be a distant memory - a story to be told to shock the curious Aussies who ask why you left the UK.

My thoughts are with you, and I hope that all your plans and dreams to move to Australia materialise soon.

All the best,


Jellybean Jun 14th 2005 8:14 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Thank you so much everyone for your kind wishes. We have gained a lot of strength from these messages of support. We have smiled, marveled and cried over some of them but most of all it has been a tremendous support to see that we are not a minority. It has reminded us that most people are inherently good and that the scum that did this to us are the minority, Thank God.
We are all feeling much better today, I feel hungry again ;) and tired enough to hope for sleep tonight.
My beautiful brave daughter has held her head up high at school. The bullies have not spoken directly to her, they have laughed in her face from across the room and pretended to not know she is nearby and talked about how wicked it was (not our interpretation of wicked) and did you see that stamp to the head it was classic.
She has found an inner strength from somewhere and just ignored them. I however am ashamed to say that I didn't know how much hate I had in me and actually dream of taking a cricket bat to their heads and the attackers heads. Cannot believe that I have just written that down, that I could actually dream of attacking 14yr old boys with a cricket bat disturbs me but that is how I feel at the moment. I wont act on it, the same as I don't want anyone to act on those feelings.
The police have charged 2 of the attackers with G.B.H. and are still looking for another one that is well known to them but alas it looks like the others will get away with what they did as the police cannot find out who they were.
Again thank you so much!!

Sharon & Family
Dreaming of Brisbane.

Good people bring out the good in us all, bad people bring out the bad in us all. Some peoples strengths are in their badness and some peoples strengths are in their goodness....yours is shining through, keep up the good work.

Oh and keep us updated please.

JB ;) xx

moneypenny20 Jun 14th 2005 8:39 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I have to say, your daughter is a complete legend. You have obviously done a great job of bringing her up for her to have the courage and strength to go to school where these scum are still allowed to taunt her.

Hope hubby is well on the way to recovery and you all get to Brissie soon.

jugsy Jun 14th 2005 9:18 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
What a terrible story. I hope a jail sentence is forthcoming for them. :mad:
I hope all the support and karma you get from this site restores your faith in people.
Good luck with whatever happens. :)

Paul the spark Jun 14th 2005 10:09 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Hi Sharon and family

What absolute bastards these people are. The saddest thing though is that whilst I was appauled and sickened by your post I wasn't shocked. That says such a lot about the present climate in this country for me.

In the last 6 months two of Pauls friends have been attacked following a night out in Manchester. One was attacked with his wife and another couple. Andy was kicked about the head and left unconcious. Unfortunately they have not been caught. Another friend was hit in the head with a metal object and stabbed. He is now suffering from some form of seizure because he keeps passing out and came round recently on the pavement with a face full of blood. His attacker has not been found either. He is terrified to tell his medical advisors about the seizures he is having because he is self employed and terrified that he will be unable to work.

I know there have always been nutters around but in the last few years there seems to have been an escalation in the level of violence. We live not far from Salford and Middleton both places that have suffered similar attacks. One family man died and another has recently woken from a coma. I don't know you or your family but I feel so thankful that your husband has not suffered this terrible fate. It brings tears to my eyes thinking of how I would feel if this were my husband and daughter.

You are clearly an incredibly stong family and I wish you all the luck in the world for your future. What is quite clear by the massive response this post has received is this county is going to be loosing alot of fair and caring people.

Jo, Paul and Family xxx

TopCat3 Jun 14th 2005 10:28 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by Wanderlust

I was so shocked to read what happened to your husband and your daughter. So very sorry for what you all went through.

I feel for your daughter, having been in a similar situation myself when I was age 14. I was picked on and bullied by a large gang of kids - just because I was different (I had spent a few years overseas). It ended up with the headmaster suggesting I leave school for my own safety, and I ended up not going to school for 1yr until we emigrated to Canada.
It was tough getting back into the educational side of things again in another country after being out of it for so long, but I can honestly say that none of the bullying and intimidation followed me. In Canada I was safe and happy at school and did well.
I am sure that when your daughter gets to her new school in Brisbane she will find it much different to what she is used to and she'll be very happy.
The culture here is very different.

I'm sure that after a while the events that took place will be a distant memory - a story to be told to shock the curious Aussies who ask why you left the UK.

My thoughts are with you, and I hope that all your plans and dreams to move to Australia materialise soon.

All the best,


I was amazed to read your story too, that your headmaster, albeit pragmatic, was for some reason in the situation whereby he suggested YOU leave the school rather than the perpetrators of the bullying that you had suffered! It was you, and not them, that were deprived of a year's schooling! Reminds me of the quote I once heard that Indira Gandhi made when she was PM of India. When someone suggested that women stay off the streets at night for their own safety, she responded curtly that it was not the WOMEN that should be kept off the streets...
It seems no matter where you go in the world, the innocent law abiding citizens are always the ones that have to make way for the damage-doers with no conscience. I can never understand why this is. :(

tracey.d Jun 14th 2005 10:29 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
I'm so sorry. Unfortunately there are some evil people about and it's innocents like yourselves who suffer because of their behaviour. Sounds like the kids are learning from their parents. It makes me so mad :mad:

I hope you and your family recover soon. Good luck with the house sale and your new life in Australia.

Thinking of you all.

kirsty&al Jun 14th 2005 11:30 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Hi Sharon and Family,

I am deeply shocked by your story. I hope your husband recovers quickly and that the case also goes to court quickly. You should be proud of your daughter, but keep checking that returning to school is the best thing for her.

Best Wishes
Alistair and Family

AliMay Jun 14th 2005 11:44 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
[QUOTE=chattyshazza]Thank you so much everyone for your kind wishes. We have gained a lot of strength from these messages of support.
She has found an inner strength from somewhere and just ignored them.

Dear Sharon and family,
I wanted to add another message of support. I cannot imagine what you are going through and wish you well.

Well done to your daughter in going to school and facing everyone. What a brave girl.

I hope you get to Oz soon and can make a fresh start.

Just a thought. I gained a lot from doing karate when I was a nervous 16 year old. It may be that doing this, or another martial art, will add to you're daughters confidence (maybe your sons as well). I don't mean in the sense of being able to go out and hurt someone- but to build up inner confidence and have a better means of defending yourself if needs be.

Good luck and take care.

funkybuddah Jun 15th 2005 11:43 am

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!

Originally Posted by chattyshazza
Well, if I had any doubts about leaving England, today has finally laid those doubts to rest.
These are personal reasons so please don't feel the need to tell me that this goes on in Australia too, I know this could happen anywhere but it happened to us in England.
It is now 5am and don't think I will be able to sleep until my body gives up later on today.
My daughter has been bullied relentlessly by a group of 14yr old boys at school for just over a year now, mostly name calling but she has also had stones thrown at her and dirty drain water poured over her head and food rubbed into her eyes. The school have tried to intervene and stop them but seem to have their hands tied.
She ventured to the local village Fete today. She phoned me after one hour crying and asking me to come and pick her up, yep the group were there and were up to their usual nasty tricks, name calling, telling other boys that she doesn't even know to go and hit her, and the ring leader rode his bike into her and kicked her. Sadly but understandably her friends do not intervene, because whilst its her they pick on... you know the rest.
My husband came home from his late shift at 8pm and when he heard what had happened decided enough is enough and drove to the ring leaders house to speak to his father, thinking that they would be like us if our son was bullying a girl (horrified :mad: ) WRONG...... They had a house full of rowdy drunk people and rather than discuss it with my husband, the father and around another 10 men + teenage boys jumped on my husband and got him on the ground and proceeded to kick him and kick him and kick him, mostly in the head and whilst they were doing this the teenage boys and other men kicked our car and smashed our car lights.
I have spent 6 hours at the hospital with my husband who is now home and in bed. I cannot look at him without wanting to cry. His face is swollen like a football and black and blue, one eye has completely closed up and he can hardly walk. The doctor could not believe that the xray showed no fractures as he actually has 2 clear stamp marks on his head along with the bruises. I am sure if my husband had been a smaller man I would not have him home with me now and that he would be lying on a slab in a mortuary.
We also came home to messages that they are coming round to finish him off tonight or tomorrow.
Finish him off?? He hasn't even bloody done anything wrong, he just wanted to ask the parents to stop their son bullying our daughter. I just cannot see how total strangers can kick someone that they don't even know in the head repeatedly, how can people feel that hate and aggression for absolutely no reason.
I cannot tell my husband that I don't feel safe going to bed, this would upset him more but these are the kind of people that wont drop it because I called the police. The ring leaders father is now in a police cell charged with G.B.H and C.I.D have said that they will arrest all the others too but I am not so sure as we don't know any of their names or addresses and obviously before the police arrived at the scene they had all disappeared.
I am so sorry to ramble on and hope I haven't bored anyone that reads it but I am just so upset I had to write it all down.
Please Please, let our house sale go through quickly and smoothly!

What an awful sad story. You must feel so angry and hurt that someone could terrorise your family like this. The laws nowadays are so crap it makes you sick. They've taken away every hard punishment in schools, and whats the betting these bastards will probably do a few weeks inside and not learn their lesson and start picking on some other poor family. I hate people like this, their a disgrace to the human race. Bring back the cane and harder punishments on these scum of the earth so called adults.
Sending out lots of big hugs and love to you and your family. FBxxxxxxxx

goldie Jun 15th 2005 2:28 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
You pooor things!!! Your message literally bought tears to my eyes when I read it! I'm soooo sorry you and your family went through family keep telling me that the uk is becoming such a dangerous place to live and reading this seems to bring it home. I think things are particularly bad in the south east as my family aren't far from Ashford.

I hope you are all able to recover from this in time. It sounds like you are coping well considering and I take my hat off to you for that. I hope your move abroad occurs smoothly and swiftly, and that you can begin a much happier and more peaceful life.

With loads of love and take care


ljj Jun 15th 2005 3:17 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
Oh, my heart really goes out to you and your family.

I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

At our leaving party friends and neighbours told us we were lucky to escape and we were "fleeing a sinking ship were hooligans run the country". This really rings true after your experience.

Get out now while you can. If it's any consolation I've not heard of anything like this in Melbourne but it's a sad state that I'm sure it must happen.

Take care, leave now and try and rent. You are not fleeing you are just putting the wellbeing of your family first.

good Luck in your decision xxxx


Coogee Rocks Jun 15th 2005 3:32 pm

Re: Worst Night Of My Life!
thatd awful, good luck with things from now on. Hope they all go down for a while and learn their leasons...

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