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gobbyjock May 23rd 2007 3:36 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I do read the the MBTUK forum, I don`t comment on there as I don`t feel I have anything constructive to say (we are not in Oz yet). The way I look at it is someone else`s experience not mine (as I don`t have any yet to compare against) but that doesn`t mean to say the experiences on there are not going to happen to me. Trouble is if I lose my optimism then I see no point in getting out of bed in the morning never mind emigrating to Oz.:)

Scrawni 2 May 23rd 2007 3:40 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I did used to read posts from those members and found some of what they said quite useful (I also disagreed with some of what they said too). It is always best to have 2 sides of the story and then be able to make your own mind up. Some of what they posted was quite funny and used to cause all sorts fo arguments :D Alot of what they said was right on the button but hidden behind alot of bitterness and yes, I'd wish I had taken heed of some of it!

When we decided to return to the UK I found the MBTUK very useful especially. It was full of people who knew where I was coming from at that particular time of my life. I try not to visit too often now cause it makes me feel sad for those who wish they were home.:(

If we all read at least one post that helped us on our way, then this forum has done its job as far as I'm concerned.


asher May 23rd 2007 4:09 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I have read the mbtuk forum to see why people dont get on in Oz

as far as I can see these reasons are all personal.

I looked to see if there was anything I would need to avoid/sort out before I go.

I have always preferred to listen to all sides of a story and then make up my own mind :thumbsup:

Kapri May 23rd 2007 4:12 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I read it from time to time as I think it's good to know what you MIGHT come up against and be prepared.

When I do read them I try to sort out what is a genuine problem with Australia and what might just be down to the individuals experience.

it's not always easy though :D

rebnatoli May 23rd 2007 4:17 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I think its good to have negative posts - it gives a balanced view. You can see whether other peoples issues will affect you and can prepare for some things (already thinking big rain tanks on my house in case it ever rains again!)

I don't like the people who try and "save" all of us from making their "mistake" by responding to almost every post with a negative slant but you soon realise who they are and ignore them. We are all entitled to try - honest negative posts are fine.

65 million May 23rd 2007 4:28 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
Its a diificult subject, and as already highlighted our experiences will vary considerably. I for one partly feel like returning back to the UK, not because I miss it, but because I feel almost unemployable here.

Its difficult not to make comparisons with the life we left some two and a half years ago in the UK. In the UK I had a good paid job and not too many extra hours with work. Travelling only half an hour to work.

Here it took me 5 months getting my first job (my boss there was a Scott), made redundant 15 months later with a 3 month old daughter and wife to keep, yet not entitled at the time to any financial help.

I have applied to hundreds of jobs, yet have only had a couple of interviews. I'm starting to believe there is a certain "he's a pommy, no thank you" attitude here.

Ive resorted to re-training and back at college, full-time at the age of 37. If I don't get a job after this I'll have to come back, but wether my wife will with our Ozzy daughter I just don't know.

I'm depressed, seriously depressed! :(:(:(:(:(:(:( I never thought it would be possible to live in such a lovely place as this and feel the way I do.

I recall reading the negative threads from the likes of Pommy B###ard, but like others have said most just have to try and experience it for themselves.

Good luck to you all.


Gems May 23rd 2007 5:23 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
Ive read the MBTUK threads.

I think its ok to see both good the band and damn right Ugly side to Aus!

Me, I think some people take to moving abroad others dont and thats fine with me. Me and hubby have always been independant and moved around a fair bit. However my sisters have not really left the town they went to school in! I reckon they would last all of 5mins in Aus, but hey each to their own.
Id go insane living in the same town.

I dont expect Aus to be perfect. But dont go by one persons view either, I know what I like and dont.

Do agree most of the reasons people come back seam more personal eg missing family.

One thing from reading the ping pongers is - if you dont like one state, dont rush home try another! So thats a good tip I picked up.

Read the post but dont take everything as gospel. Make your own mind up.


Gems May 23rd 2007 5:24 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
Ha! ha! That should read ' the good, the bad and damn right ugly!


C&R May 23rd 2007 5:37 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia

Originally Posted by Gems (Post 4821037)
Ha! ha! That should read ' the good, the bad and damn right ugly!


I personally sometimes don't feel that Australia itself is the actual problem. It is a personal experience how you view your surroundings. Some people can be in paradise yet still not feel comfortable or at home. Australia may not be the problem - its what is inside you that could be.

Gems May 23rd 2007 5:54 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia

Originally Posted by C&R (Post 4821104)
I personally sometimes don't feel that Australia itself is the actual problem. It is a personal experience how you view your surroundings. Some people can be in paradise yet still not feel comfortable or at home. Australia may not be the problem - its what is inside you that could be.

I agree with your quote and do reckon lifes what you make it. I mentioned my own sisters as no matter what was on offer in Aus or any other country they would not settle. Me on the other hand, my parents reckon you could drop me off on a desert island and I would be OK!:eek: (Hope that wasnt they would like to see me dumped on a desert island! ;) )


tracey.d May 23rd 2007 5:56 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I have trawled threads on here for a fair while now and along with TWT am probably one of the longest on here without actually moving :lol:

During that time I have occassionally ventured into the MBTTUK forum. In the early days I used to get a bit worried by some of the more negative threads. But, I think it has opened my eyes a lot and made me more prepared for what's to come. I no longer think it's all going to be a bed of roses. I know its going to be bloody tough but we are going to give it a try anyway. What have we got to lose? We can always come back.

The main thing is to realise that these are other peoples experiences, everyones different.

To stay here and always wonder what if is far worse than going, not liking it and coming home.

:thumbsup: to the moving back forum.

steve`o May 23rd 2007 6:53 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia

Originally Posted by BadgeIsBack (Post 4820024)
Polly is commenting on MTBUK as to how more people should have taken more heed of some cautionary posters when they were back in UK.

I distinctly remember thinking, where are these people living? I still do!

I also had the advantage of having lived here for a year already when I found expats.

1) What did you think when you read them? Did being here help?

2) Do people think they just got lucky?

3) Do people feel that all these cautionary tales could have applied to them
if they were in a different job/town/state?

4) Do people feel it really is all personal taste (as always)?

5) Do some people mitigate the problems better than others?

6) Do some people give up?

Lets hear facts people, not emotion!



one thing that does worry me regarding negative posts is if someone is put off from coming over and trying / seeing for themselves

we do seem to have a loads of negative posters and not so many postive ones, i assume at lot more people stay than go home ( dont know the stats ) so you would think that they are out there but staying silent

maybe its like the papers
people want to hear who`s f22ked up and got it all wrong
but not thoose who are doing all right :ohmy:

GinaUK May 23rd 2007 7:43 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia

Originally Posted by asher (Post 4820697)
I have read the mbtuk forum to see why people dont get on in Oz

as far as I can see these reasons are all personal.

I looked to see if there was anything I would need to avoid/sort out before I go.

Originally Posted by rebnatoli (Post 4820724)
I think its good to have negative posts - it gives a balanced view. You can see whether other peoples issues will affect you and can prepare for some things (already thinking big rain tanks on my house in case it ever rains again!)

I don't like the people who try and "save" all of us from making their "mistake" by responding to almost every post with a negative slant but you soon realise who they are and ignore them.

Those two posts summed up my views perfectly.


Mumof1 May 23rd 2007 8:21 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
I'm quite new on here. My OH thought reading these forums would help me to find whatever answer I'm looking for. I've looked in MBTUK, and obviously in here too.
Form a newbie's point of view, and as a voice of someone still trying to make up their mind, I'd definately have to say that reading about the negative is a key thing to do (my opinion of course, and purely what I find best). I like to gather as much information on the unknown as possible, and so to have purely read the positive (which I was doing at first) actually made me really scared. Difficult to explain properly, but put bluntly, knowing that other people had tried, (even though they had "failed" or however the individual feels), the possibility of failure being an option is comforting, it takes the pressure of feeling that if you decide to go, once and for all, that you have to love the country, and coming back is not really an option (even though your OH reassures you it is!!).
Hope this makes some sense...I'm known to ramble...

scotlandtooz May 23rd 2007 9:21 am

Re: What did you think when reading negative posts about Australia
Some of the negative posts I don't like - the type that are Oz is rubbish, the UK is great. No use whatsoever. But those that say what it is they've struggled with, and why they're moving back to the UK (if they are), are useful.

Its far to easy to emigrate to somewhere like Oz with a dream - it'll be all sunny, and we'll have a big house by the beach, a pool, and neighbours just like in Neighbours. Obv. that is complete poop. And the more times I'm reminded of that, in a way, the better it is - I certainly don't want to go anywhere with such high expectations that the reality can never meet my ideal.

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