British Expats

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itxrd Jul 24th 2011 12:08 am


Originally Posted by Amazulu (Post 9515579)
2nd hand more expensive to buy but you get more when you sell

There are some good price comparison sites - shopbot, getprice, staticice spring to mind

I never buy anything before checking price comparison

Oh thats okay then ;-)

I have noticed the Davy Jones and Myers sites are awesome. Or hang on they don't sell much online and its easier for me to buy off house of fraser and get it shipped here for 10 pounds from the UK.

Bix Jul 24th 2011 12:10 am

Bottom line is, as we repeat like a gattling gun, that your personal way of life dictates your costs whichever country you live in.

In addition you can't compare moving from Talskiddy Harbour to central Sydney nor for that matter from Alice Springs to South London.

I saw a cost price index chart a few days ago which in order of expense:
1 Sydney
2 London
3 Melbourne
4 New York
5 Berlin
I don't know the validity of it or the base data used which is why I didn't post it but I'm sure it changes all the time anyway.

The only thing that does matter is what your net pay will be and what percentage of it you will have left after paying for everything.

No, not just after buying food and consumer items but also utilities, housing costs, insurances, taxes etc.

Too much is judged on just half the story.
"Have you seen the extortionate price of baked bean shampoo in Aus"?
"Yeah, but who gives a fook, it is balanced by cheaper scented jockstrap powder".
As Badge would say "you get the idea".

Don't compare oranges and apples. Compare the total package as like for like as you can get it. Don't compare living in a shoe box flat in the UK with a large property and pool in Aus.

There is no doubt things have increased substantially in Aus over the last few years. However they have also increased in the UK.

Aus is not the cheap wonderland it once was but in overall terms it is not as expensive as some would have you believe.
My opinion is still that the cost of living is about the same either side of the water.

As TE has pointed out on a few occassions though the real issue for current migrants is the exchange rate upon emigration. You will lose substantial value on any amount converting from GBP to AUD at the moment.

Amazulu Jul 24th 2011 12:13 am


Originally Posted by Bix (Post 9515593)
Bottom line is, as we repeat like a gattling gun, that your personal way of life dictates your costs whichever country you live in.

In addition you can't compare moving from Talskiddy Harbour to central Sydney nor for that matter from Alice Springs to South London.

I saw a cost price index chart a few days ago which in order of expense:
1 Sydney
2 London
3 Melbourne
4 New York
5 Berlin
I don't know the validity of it or the base data used which is why I didn't post it but I'm sure it changes all the time anyway.

The only thing that does matter is what your net pay will be and what percentage of it you will have left after paying for everything.

No, not just after buying food and consumer items but also utilities, housing costs, insurances, taxes etc.

Too much is judged on just half the story.
"Have you seen the extortionate price of baked bean shampoo in Aus"?
"Yeah, but who gives a fook, it is balanced by cheaper scented jockstrap powder".
As Badge would say "you get the idea".

Don't compare oranges and apples. Compare the total package as like for like as you can get it. Don't compare living in a shoe box flat in the UK with a large property and pool in Aus.

There is no doubt things have increased substantially in Aus over the last few years. However they have also increased in the UK.

Aus is not the cheap wonderland it once was but in overall terms it is not as expensive as some would have you believe.
My opinion is still that the cost of living is about the same either side of the water.

As TE has pointed out on a few occassions though the real issue for current migrants is the exchange rate upon emigration. You will lose substantial value on any amount converting from GBP to AUD at the moment.

You get a gold star from Mr Amazulu for this post telling it like it really is!

ldticp Jul 24th 2011 2:13 am


Originally Posted by itxrd (Post 9515572)
Wow. Vegemites list is something else. Awesome you put that together!!

IDticp - I've tried to explain it and given examples but obviously you don't agree. Before I came I was like you - oh I'll be fine $70k is a lot of money I'll be fine. When someone told me how expensive it was I just thought 'who is this asshole'.

What I'm trying to say is I am not telling you this for my own health. If you don't want to listen to my advice that's fine. But within a few hours of being here you will see for yourself

If I had a choice of 30k UK or 70k Oz it would depend which city I was in. So 30k UK in Glasgow is better than 70k Sydney. Or 30k Lon is worse than 70k adelaide. However like for like I would take the 30k UK everytime. To me 30k UK is not a bad wage - its pretty good. Here in sydney 70k is poor.

I really stick by 3. Guess you'll just have to see for yourself. Not everyone agrees with me here but you can see a fair few do.

Post figures that prove it then, I only make decisions based on evidence. You keep saying how crazy expensive everything is and how you need 3 times salary ect ect but you haven't posted any actual figures that prove this. All I am trying to do is arm myself with as much info as possible before arrival and am hoping you all can help.

There seems to be no evidence that a 2.2 conversion rate will not provide at least the same standard of living in Oz compared to UK. I am moving from Leeds/UK to Brisbane.

People say dentists are so expensive in Oz, I pay £55 for 1 filling at my private dentist since I can't get an NHS one, a quick search on the web brings up price of filling in Oz at $97 which is way cheaper here is my evidence:

See I am not trying to say you guys who talk about how expensive Oz is are wrong but please can you back up your arguements with actual proof? Any comments like "oh you cant live on $70k a loaf of bread is $6" when it's very easy to search Coles or Woolworths online and find the costs to be nearer $2 are clearly just trying to scare potential immigrants and give unrealistic expectations to people.

Sherlock Holmes Jul 24th 2011 2:17 am


Originally Posted by ldticp (Post 9515817)
Post figures that prove it then, I only make decisions based on evidence. You keep saying how crazy expensive everything is and how you need 3 times salary ect ect but you haven't posted any actual figures that prove this. All I am trying to do is arm myself with as much info as possible before arrival and am hoping you all can help.

There seems to be no evidence that a 2.2 conversion rate will not provide at least the same standard of living in Oz compared to UK. I am moving from Leeds/UK to Brisbane.

People say dentists are so expensive in Oz, I pay £55 for 1 filling at my private dentist since I can't get an NHS one, a quick search on the web brings up price of filling in Oz at $97 which is way cheaper here is my evidence:

See I am not trying to say you guys who talk about how expensive Oz is are wrong but please can you back up your arguements with actual proof? Any comments like "oh you cant live on $70k a loaf of bread is $6" when it's very easy to search Coles or Woolworths online and find the costs to be nearer $2 are clearly just trying to scare potential immigrants and give unrealistic expectations to people.

Strange that people who are generally happy here seem to find cost of living at least managable, those who aren't happy love to slate the place, including the price of everything.

Some things here are a stupid price but you CAN find alternatives, especially on the net.

Bix Jul 24th 2011 3:12 am


Originally Posted by alistairboyle (Post 9515823)
Strange that people who are generally happy here seem to find cost of living at least managable, those who aren't happy love to slate the place, including the price of everything.

A little research and analysis of the posters often confirm that finding.;)

It could be just a coincidence though.

A while ago I remember debating CoL type things with a poster who was running down everything about Aus. Everything was way more expensive here and he was financially squeezed etc.

As Vegemite said though when you drilled down he was not comparing like for like and in fact was very selective and in fact owned property on both sides of the water.

Can you claim financial hardship when you own more than one property? You can, but I don't wear it. That's a free choice.

isgraham Jul 24th 2011 5:17 am


Originally Posted by alistairboyle (Post 9515823)
Strange that people who are generally happy here seem to find cost of living at least managable, those who aren't happy love to slate the place, including the price of everything.

Some things here are a stupid price but you CAN find alternatives, especially on the net.

Well then I don't fit in at all because I loved living in Sydney and hated London until I visited London after 5 years last July and I was staggered by how cheap it was. After a long period of thinking through my options I decided the smart thing was to move back. If you ask me where I prefer to live it would be Sydney over London any day but I refuse to be ripped of as extravagantly as I was in Sydney.

Sherlock Holmes Jul 24th 2011 5:19 am


Originally Posted by isgraham (Post 9516103)
Well then I don't fit in at all because I loved living in Sydney and hated London until I visited London after 5 years last July and I was staggered by how cheap it was. After a long period of thinking through my options I decided the smart thing was to move back. If you ask me where I prefer to live it would be Sydney over London any day but I refuse to be ripped of as extravagantly as I was in Sydney.

That's fair comment; I was speaking in very general terms. :)

Turban Explorer Jul 24th 2011 6:32 am


Originally Posted by ldticp (Post 9515817)
Post figures that prove it then, I only make decisions based on evidence. You keep saying how crazy expensive everything is and how you need 3 times salary ect ect but you haven't posted any actual figures that prove this. All I am trying to do is arm myself with as much info as possible before arrival and am hoping you all can help.

There seems to be no evidence that a 2.2 conversion rate will not provide at least the same standard of living in Oz compared to UK. I am moving from Leeds/UK to Brisbane.

People say dentists are so expensive in Oz, I pay £55 for 1 filling at my private dentist since I can't get an NHS one, a quick search on the web brings up price of filling in Oz at $97 which is way cheaper here is my evidence:

See I am not trying to say you guys who talk about how expensive Oz is are wrong but please can
you back up your arguements with actual proof? Any
comments like "oh you cant live on $70k a loaf of bread is $6" when it's very easy to search Coles or Woolworths online and find the costs to be nearer $2 are clearly just trying to scare potential
immigrants and give unrealistic
expectations to people.

$2 bread is the white economy stuff that would cost about 40p back home - it's the unpleasant stuff I'd never even looked at in the UK.
There isn't a conspiracy going on to deter immigrants.30k in the UK will feel like more money than $70 here although $70 for a single person is reasonable if you shop around. Price swings are huge here. A clean at the cheapest dentist I found $200 and a crown $1750 (200 quid) UK. We've flown up to Asia for dental work - it was cheaper!

If you're not intending to bring any funds over and you're not supporting anyone else then enjoy Australia for a few years...

itxrd Jul 24th 2011 8:50 am


Originally Posted by ldticp (Post 9515817)
Post figures that prove it then, I only make decisions based on evidence. You keep saying how crazy expensive everything is and how you need 3 times salary ect ect but you haven't posted any actual figures that prove this. All I am trying to do is arm myself with as much info as possible before arrival and am hoping you all can help.

There seems to be no evidence that a 2.2 conversion rate will not provide at least the same standard of living in Oz compared to UK. I am moving from Leeds/UK to Brisbane.

People say dentists are so expensive in Oz, I pay £55 for 1 filling at my private dentist since I can't get an NHS one, a quick search on the web brings up price of filling in Oz at $97 which is way cheaper here is my evidence:

See I am not trying to say you guys who talk about how expensive Oz is are wrong but please can you back up your arguements with actual proof? Any comments like "oh you cant live on $70k a loaf of bread is $6" when it's very easy to search Coles or Woolworths online and find the costs to be nearer $2 are clearly just trying to scare potential immigrants and give unrealistic expectations to people.

You're only hearing what you you want to hear. Can of coke, chocolate, bread, clothes, books, childrens equipment I am getting bored of writing the same thing. They are all way expensive here. Do a search on my name and look on my posts. Yes I like multigrain bread. In the UK its a pound. Here if I buy white coles value bread of course it will be about the same price but I'm not buying the same thing

I talk about sydney mind. Don't know what brisbane is like.

I give up explaining and have wasted enough time trying. Why do you think there are so many threads on how expensive australia is. Have you ever even been here recently? Have you asked anyone who has come here recently?

Wait till you get here and then come back on here. You'll probably be too busy trying to make ends meet. And don;t say I didn't tell you. Over and oot

Bermudashorts Jul 24th 2011 9:26 am


Originally Posted by ldticp (Post 9515817)
Post figures that prove it then, I only make decisions based on evidence. You keep saying how crazy expensive everything is and how you need 3 times salary ect ect but you haven't posted any actual figures that prove this. All I am trying to do is arm myself with as much info as possible before arrival and am hoping you all can help.

There seems to be no evidence that a 2.2 conversion rate will not provide at least the same standard of living in Oz compared to UK. I am moving from Leeds/UK to Brisbane.

People say dentists are so expensive in Oz, I pay £55 for 1 filling at my private dentist since I can't get an NHS one, a quick search on the web brings up price of filling in Oz at $97 which is way cheaper here is my evidence:

See I am not trying to say you guys who talk about how expensive Oz is are wrong but please can you back up your arguements with actual proof? Any comments like "oh you cant live on $70k a loaf of bread is $6" when it's very easy to search Coles or Woolworths online and find the costs to be nearer $2 are clearly just trying to scare potential immigrants and give unrealistic expectations to people.

It is illogical to suggest that anyone is posting just to scare would be migrants. Why would anyone do that? :confused: People are just talking about what they have found.

Many people have said that 2.2 - 2.5 x salary is comparable, I agree with that, although if it was going from north of England to Sydney I would definitely say 3x maybe more. Nothing to do with the cost of a loaf of bread as far as I am concerned though, more to do with housing costs. We earn 2.5 x UK salaries but we used to spend an eight of our income on the mortgage (in South East), now it is not quite a third on rent (in Sydney). Big difference.

The $2 bread is what I would consider feeding to the ducks, or at a push, allowing to go stale and making bread pudding with. ;)

chris955 Jul 24th 2011 10:19 am

Also interesting how those who are happy here can often never bring themselves to criticise anything about Australia and will make excuses for things that are exactly the same here as in they are in the UK. Coincidence ? ;)

Originally Posted by alistairboyle (Post 9515823)
Strange that people who are generally happy here seem to find cost of living at least managable, those who aren't happy love to slate the place, including the price of everything.

Some things here are a stupid price but you CAN find alternatives, especially on the net.

Rambi Jul 24th 2011 11:32 am


Originally Posted by chris955 (Post 9516458)
Also interesting how those who are happy here can often never bring themselves to criticise anything about Australia and will make excuses for things that are exactly the same here as in they are in the UK. Coincidence ? ;)

Nothing wrong with a bit of balance, even if the knockers hate it :thumbup:

chris955 Jul 24th 2011 11:36 am

Absolutely, all I have ever expected is balance. I love knockers.

Originally Posted by Rambi (Post 9516548)
Nothing wrong with a bit of balance, even if the knockers hate it :thumbup:

Rambi Jul 24th 2011 11:50 am


Originally Posted by chris955 (Post 9516553)
Absolutely, all I have ever expected is balance. I love knockers.

Me too. Nothing like a pair of well balanced knockers :thumbup:

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