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deb-n-rob2006 Dec 31st 2006 4:18 am

NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
Hi there all ,

We are going out to perth in March and my daughter is getting cold feet. She has only just turned 18 and has started get into the club scene with her mates:beer: (legally :D ) she wanted to know how many nightspots there were in perth , of even what the night life is going to be like. She will be coming over with us on her own and is giving me earache about having nobody to go out with her own age. Can you please give me some good news to tell her

thanks debs

walla Dec 31st 2006 8:54 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by deb-n-rob2006 (Post 4238535)
Hi there all ,

We are going out to perth in March and my daughter is getting cold feet. She has only just turned 18 and has started get into the club scene with her mates:beer: (legally :D ) she wanted to know how many nightspots there were in perth , of even what the night life is going to be like. She will be coming over with us on her own and is giving me earache about having nobody to go out with her own age. Can you please give me some good news to tell her

thanks debs

All good, my son starts his weekend on a Tuesday and has a rest on a Monday:)

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 5:04 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by deb-n-rob2006 (Post 4238535)
Hi there all ,

We are going out to perth in March and my daughter is getting cold feet. She has only just turned 18 and has started get into the club scene with her mates:beer: (legally :D ) she wanted to know how many nightspots there were in perth , of even what the night life is going to be like. She will be coming over with us on her own and is giving me earache about having nobody to go out with her own age. Can you please give me some good news to tell her

thanks debs

My advice is for her to get settled into a job or study here, take up a recreational activity or two and make friends via these paths first. Then she will have a group of friends to hangout with and go clubbing etc. Also a good idea for you and your husband to meet her friends so you can feel comfortable about who she is with. Maybe invite them over for dinner or that sort of thing.

I know she is 18 and a young adult, but the world we knew when we were 18 no longer exists in many ways.

Under NO circumstances should a single young woman go out late at night, by herself, in Perth (especially if she is new to the city and has not planned her evening and journey home. Taxi services can be thoroughly non-existent at times here, though there are new late night bus services from popular nitespot locations). Sorry but it's true. There have been far too many who never made it home.

iPom Dec 31st 2006 5:37 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
how many?!!! < shocked >

moneypenny20 Dec 31st 2006 5:47 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by kiwi_child (Post 4239808)
My advice is for her to get settled into a job or study here, take up a recreational activity or two and make friends via these paths first. Then she will have a group of friends to hangout with and go clubbing etc. Also a good idea for you and your husband to meet her friends so you can feel comfortable about who she is with. Maybe invite them over for dinner or that sort of thing.

I know she is 18 and a young adult, but the world we knew when we were 18 no longer exists in many ways.

Under NO circumstances should a single young woman go out late at night, by herself, in Perth (especially if she is new to the city and has not planned her evening and journey home. Taxi services can be thoroughly non-existent at times here, though there are new late night bus services from popular nitespot locations). Sorry but it's true. There have been far too many who never made it home.

I can't believe that the life of an 18 year old girl is any different in Perth than any other large town or city in the western world. And presumably deb-n-rob2006 have some experience with bringing their daughter up;)

Debnrob, if you do a search of posts by Simone, she lives in Perth, is early 20's and loves the nightlife. She often posts about all the different events happening. Hang on will find the latest one for you. Will edit when I find it. She also has a web site devoted to the nightlife (and day) for the young of Perth.

hope that's useful to you.

TraceyW Dec 31st 2006 6:09 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
Tell her to have a nosey through this lot;

Northbridge is the place to go for clubs and bars.

Freemantle and Subiaco are pretty lively at night too. Subicao is a little more upmarket and there are a few nice wine bars there.

Of course there's trouble, where in the world isn't there when pi**ed up youngies are out on the town but I'd have to say it's a hell of a lot safer than Birmingham city centre for drinking in!!;)

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 7:36 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by iPom (Post 4239849)
how many?!!! < shocked >

Enough for it to be a concern, which is why I posted what I did. Claremont serial killer has not yet been found/charged and the women he killed that we know of were a 27yr old lawyer, a 23 yr old preschool teacher, and an 18 yr old office assistant, all of whom had grown up here and had friends they socialised with.

Then there's Lisa Brown 23, solo mum, Haley Dodd 17, and others. Perhaps the most prominent I spose was the Bernies who murdered 4 young women.

iPom Dec 31st 2006 7:39 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
What's the population of Perth?

I guess you're going to get murder in any society, sadly. The recent murders in the UK being a prime example of someone out of control.

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 7:40 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 4239864)
I can't believe that the life of an 18 year old girl is any different in Perth than any other large town or city in the western world. And presumably deb-n-rob2006 have some experience with bringing their daughter up;)

I'm not suggesting they have been in any way poor parents. I'm simply ensuring they know that Perth, like other places, has dangers and that they and their daughter need to be mindful of them. I thought my advice re-developing friends was sound as I certainly wouldn't want any daughter of mine going out alone late at night here. And that includes my 25yr old who does kickboxing!

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 7:43 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by iPom (Post 4239981)
What's the population of Perth?

I guess you're going to get murder in any society, sadly. The recent murders in the UK being a prime example of someone out of control.

pop is about 1.3 million. Sadly perth has had a number of murders of young women since I have been here and more of course, prior to it. It seems out of proportion to other cities in OZ, but that's just my opinon. One murder anywhere, is one too many.

Vash the Stampede Dec 31st 2006 8:00 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by iPom (Post 4239981)
What's the population of Perth?

1.4 million - much larger than any city in the UK (with the exception of London).

Vash the Stampede Dec 31st 2006 8:04 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by kiwi_child (Post 4239987)
pop is about 1.3 million. Sadly perth has had a number of murders of young women since I have been here and more of course, prior to it. It seems out of proportion to other cities in OZ, but that's just my opinon. One murder anywhere, is one too many.

I think you'll find that there have been more murders in Birmingham, which has a population of just 1 million.

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 8:33 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede (Post 4240013)
I think you'll find that there have been more murders in Birmingham, which has a population of just 1 million.

maybe, but I'm thinking there have been more murders of young women and girls in perth than in either adelaide or brissy (who have similar pop sizes).

Im not sure of the OP's location in UK nor the murder rate of young women in the city they live. I just know it seems a hell of a lot here in perth since I have been in OZ. Only the other week here a 16yr old girl (from UK) was allegedly murdered by two aussie girls she had befriended, which is why I offered the advice I did.

sassenach Dec 31st 2006 9:37 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Vash the Stampede (Post 4240013)
I think you'll find that there have been more murders in Birmingham, which has a population of just 1 million.

I grew up in the meanstreets of aston,witton ,handsworth ,nechells before moving to sedate great barr ,but i got out of those ares because of the violence 20 odd years ago .
Somehow though i cant for the life of me understand why i feel safer walking in my own neighbourhood [aston,handsworth,nechells]than i do walking through the train station at perth .I guess it has something to do with age and what you grew up with and somehow one seems to know the ground in your own patch .After all i dont worry about gangs of rastas etc as i tend to know most of them or i know someone they know etc .
In regards to the population of 1 millon for birmingham you are bang on the money ,but i would suggest that the surrounding populations would at times come into birmingham and if taken into account the population of birmingham and its surroundings far exceeds perth .
Getting back to the thread ,my two lads opinion of northbridge is that it is a dump and once youve been there half a dozen times it gets tedious ,much the same as any nightclub areas in the world really .Heaps of drugs ,heaps of drunks ,heaps of fights,

kiwi_child Dec 31st 2006 10:13 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by sassenach (Post 4240139)
Getting back to the thread ,my two lads opinion of northbridge is that it is a dump and once youve been there half a dozen times it gets tedious ,much the same as any nightclub areas in the world really .Heaps of drugs ,heaps of drunks ,heaps of fights,

Yep. I haven't been out in Northbridge at night for a good 3 yrs easy. Nothing there worth seeing or doing more than a couple of times, and the violence there has become legendary. Was even a girl targeted a while back by two other girls and robbed and beaten up.

moneypenny20 Dec 31st 2006 10:42 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by kiwi_child (Post 4240169)
Yep. I haven't been out in Northbridge at night for a good 3 yrs easy. Nothing there worth seeing or doing more than a couple of times, and the violence there has become legendary. Was even a girl targeted a while back by two other girls and robbed and beaten up.

Don't know Perth anymore and certainly don't know that sort of nightlife anymore, but I guess if these places are full, then lots of people love it - horses for courses and all that. One man's poison blah blah blah.:confused: And I guess, an awful lot of the clubbers go home happy, having had a great time and not seen any violence whilst knowing it goes on. A club is a club is a club.

sassenach Dec 31st 2006 11:06 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 4240198)
Don't know Perth anymore and certainly don't know that sort of nightlife anymore, but I guess if these places are full, then lots of people love it - horses for courses and all that. One man's poison blah blah blah.:confused: And I guess, an awful lot of the clubbers go home happy, having had a great time and not seen any violence whilst knowing it goes on. A club is a club is a club.

true ,wherever there are large congregations of people there always seems to be some trouble ,but what i have noticed is that perth tried to have an entertainment precinct [northbridge]mixing familys and clubbers in one area and 12-14 years ago it was good but as the younger and more clubby type stamped their authority and with the added delight of the little gangbangers from all over perth congregating on northbridge the whole idea has backfired .
I noticed when i was back in the uk that birmingham was going along the same idea and putting all the clubs and pubs along broad street and with came the drive by shootings on bouncers and all the other associated trouble when things are condensed and people are bunched up .But you are right thankfully most go home witha trouble free night .Still i dont like the way they spit in your food when walking past and your trying to eat supper witha few friends ,best to be out of northbridge by 9-30 is my motto .

Hutch Dec 31st 2006 11:12 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
No need for hysteria - just common sense. I worked in clubland UK for 12 years, saw more than my fair share of violence. In fact I was working in a club in Bath the night a local girl called Melanie Hall 'disappeared'. Besides - don't remember the OP asking about murder-rates in Perth, I could be wrong, but having re-read their post, they simply seem to be wanting some local information in order to re-assure their daughter that the city has the odd decent nightclub. Never let the OP's question get in the way of your own agenda though ... :rolleyes:

sassenach Dec 31st 2006 11:20 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Hutch (Post 4240224)
No need for hysteria - just common sense. I worked in clubland UK for 12 years, saw more than my fair share of violence. In fact I was working in a club in Bath the night a local girl called Melanie Hall 'disappeared'. Besides - don't remember the OP asking about murder-rates in Perth, I could be wrong, but having re-read their post, they simply seem to be wanting some local information in order to re-assure their daughter that the city has the odd decent nightclub. Never let the OP's question get in the way of your own agenda though ... :rolleyes:

Forarmed is forwarned ,so perth has clubs just like anywhere else and for people like me who have lived here for 16 years and have 2 adult sons who frequent northbridge ,i can speak from experience and i also worked in clubland in and around northbridge for 3 years and know exactly what goes on .Its no different than anywhere else in the world .
I think in regards to the murder rates this was really only brought up because a few of these girls dissapeared from northbridge and claremont ,all right under the noses of our well heeled plod .

Margaret3 Dec 31st 2006 11:22 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
For gawds sake the poor op is probably cancelling all plans just now, shit happens everywhere, and youngsters will fly the nest and take the risks everywhere, as parents all we can do is try to give them sound advice and beg them to use there commonsense.

On sat my teen went (for the first time, to an under 16's disco), she is 15, around 3 weeks ago i was invlolved , through work with a 15 year old stabbing who had died near the club, what am i to do, lock her in her bedroom:rolleyes: I gave her a stern talking to and told her to call me the min she needed me:rolleyes:

I wasn't happy about her going, but i know her, her friends, and their parents, and was happy we all had taken steps to ensure safety (well as far as we could)

When i was a youngster (ohhhhhhh the memories), I used to club just about every weekend in Glasgow (eeeeeeek), and as my dad was older and really strict about that kinda stuff, i used to just lie and say i was at my friends, not something i want my teen doing (shhhhhhhh, don't tell her). And as far as i know myself and friends at the time came out the club scene ok, still living and no scars.

Wendy Dec 31st 2006 11:30 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Margaret3 (Post 4240238)
For gawds sake the poor op is probably cancelling all plans just now, shit happens everywhere, and youngsters will fly the nest and take the risks everywhere, as parents all we can do is try to give them sound advice and beg them to use there commonsense.

On sat my teen went (for the first time, to an under 16's disco), she is 15, around 3 weeks ago i was invlolved , through work with a 15 year old stabbing who had died near the club, what am i to do, lock her in her bedroom:rolleyes: I gave her a stern talking to and told her to call me the min she needed me:rolleyes:

I agree with you here Margaret. At the end of the day all the poor girl wants is to know that she's not going to be stuck in with her Mum and Dad every night and that there is somewhere she can go to hang out for a while.

It always really bugs me when people who don't like something seem to think that everyone else is really stupid and think that there isn't crime, bad politics, tax etc etc.

We know that you guys don't like Perth, but give the poor people a break as they might actually like it :rolleyes: Let them decide :)

Margaret3 Dec 31st 2006 11:32 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Wendy (Post 4240254)
I agree with you here Margaret. At the end of the day all the poor girl wants is to know that she's not going to be stuck in with her Mum and Dad every night and that there is somewhere she can go to hang out for a while.

It always really bugs me when people who don't like something seem to think that everyone else is really stupid and think that there isn't crime, bad politics, tax etc etc.

We know that you guys don't like Perth, but give the poor people a break as they might actually like it :rolleyes: Let them decide :)

What bugs me just now, is all the statistics and quotes ,:rolleyes: , I know i dont have to read them, and believe me most of the time i dont:D

walla Dec 31st 2006 11:36 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
This thread has degenerated into a farce, hysteria and paranoia. Jesus, Perth aint nowhere as bad as my old haunt in Newcastle. Kiwichild, get a grip will you.

Wasn't the OP asking about nightclubs in Perth?

Wendy Dec 31st 2006 11:38 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Margaret3 (Post 4240256)
What bugs me just now, is all the statistics and quotes ,:rolleyes: , I know i dont have to read them, and believe me most of the time i dont:D

Oh, I do believe you :D

moneypenny20 Dec 31st 2006 11:53 pm

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
Can I point out - only a little smugly ;) That I have given the OP what she requested and bearing in mind I don't live in Perth and have no intention of ever doing so, I think that was remarkably good of me:D

walla Jan 1st 2007 12:00 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 4240287)
Can I point out - only a little smugly ;) That I have given the OP what she requested and bearing in mind I don't live in Perth and have no intention of ever doing so, I think that was remarkably good of me:D

While we're at it, causing panic that is, we might as well throw bungee jumping deaths into the equation.

iPom Jan 1st 2007 12:02 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 4240287)
Can I point out - only a little smugly ;) That I have given the OP what she requested and bearing in mind I don't live in Perth and have no intention of ever doing so, I think that was remarkably good of me:D

Your reward awaits you in heaven, my child.

moneypenny20 Jan 1st 2007 12:10 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by iPom (Post 4240302)
Your reward awaits you in heaven, my child.

Oh please god no:eek:

Bordy Jan 1st 2007 12:13 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by moneypen20 (Post 4240317)
Oh please god no:eek:

Just don't bungee jump or go clubbing in Perth, you might get to heaven sooner than you hoped. ;)

tucs Jan 1st 2007 12:15 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old
are you allowed to go to night clubs at 18 years of age?

Bordy Jan 1st 2007 12:17 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240329)
are you allowed to go to night clubs at 18 years of age?

Why wouldn't you be??

walla Jan 1st 2007 12:18 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240329)
are you allowed to go to night clubs at 18 years of age?

Aye, as long as you don't bungee jump.

moneypenny20 Jan 1st 2007 12:19 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Bordy (Post 4240322)
Just don't bungee jump or go clubbing in Perth, you might get to heaven sooner than you hoped. ;)

I don't want to go to heaven at all, anyway I was sent to TIO so its unlikely;)

I fear I am too old or sensible to go clubbing anywhere, least of all Perth:D

tucs Jan 1st 2007 12:19 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Bordy (Post 4240331)
Why wouldn't you be??

just wondering as at home its 21 or some clubs 23. Thought it was the same everywhere.

Bordy Jan 1st 2007 12:21 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240335)
just wondering as at home its 21 or some clubs 23. Thought it was the same everywhere.

Sorry, going by your info I thought home was Perth.

tucs Jan 1st 2007 12:22 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Bordy (Post 4240336)
Sorry, going by your info I thought home was Perth.

No need to appologise. Its an easy mistake

Bordy Jan 1st 2007 12:24 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240339)
No need to appologise. Its an easy mistake

So is trying to spell apologize. ;)

tucs Jan 1st 2007 12:26 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by Bordy (Post 4240341)
So is trying to spell apologise. ;)

very picky tonight, whats wrong? looking for a fight with someone??

Bordy Jan 1st 2007 12:28 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240344)
very picky tonight, whats wrong? looking for a fight with someone??

Not at all, I'm just heading out to do some Bungee jumping.

walla Jan 1st 2007 12:28 am

Re: NIGHT CLUBS IN PERTH GOOD/BAD ?? question from my 18yr old

Originally Posted by tucs (Post 4240344)
very picky tonight, whats wrong? looking for a fight with someone??

No fighting in here please, you'll put the OP off Perth for life....

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