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rincewind May 25th 2004 9:12 am

Where did go??
Well, I guess Fahrenheit 9/11 is just too much for the American people.

I tried to visit today to catch up on the news but the site is down. Looks like it's been deleted from the server.

I wonder if it was the Bush administration or Disney that got his site shut down :confused: :mad:

I can't wait for the movie. This is going to be one of his finest documentaries to date.

ladyofthelake May 25th 2004 10:28 am

Seems to be working OK for me. :confused:

doctor scrumpy May 25th 2004 12:43 pm

Still there thank God. One of the few sane voices left in the US.

Big Vern May 25th 2004 2:19 pm

Yeah, he's back - I think it must have just been the sheer volume of hits on the site once the news was announced that he'd won the Palme D'Or.

If anyone is interested, the film he made before Bowling for Columbine, called The Big One, is now out on DVD. Mine is (as yet unwatched) in a container, along with the rest of my belongings, somewhere in the Atlantic.....

rincewind May 25th 2004 2:43 pm

Phew. Thought his site was closed down again. Wouldn't be the first time.

I was watching Bill O'Reilly tonight (something I don't usually do as I like to keep my blood pressure low) but they are running a poll to see if viewers want Bill to invite Moore on the Factor.

Man, that would be a good show to watch. Moore has had some strong things to say about O'Reilly over the war in Iraq.

I hope he get's on there and makes Bill "spin".


Ever notice how shows don't like having Moore on them? ;) Bill Maher keeps him at a safe distance with a Sat linkup anytime he interviews him.

waxwabbit May 26th 2004 10:14 am

Whats the Big One about then?

Ive got Clumbine on dvd, interesting!

rincewind May 26th 2004 12:42 pm

It follows his book tour for 'Downsize This'.

There are some great moments. Telling security that his PR woman is a stalker and the interview with Phil Knight, CEO of Nike.

A movie is being made that claims to bust on Michael Moore.

You can read about it here:

All they do is bitch and whine about the new movie and how Michael is just increasing demand. And then go and make a movie themselves.

But it's okay for them (so they say) as they are open about making a profit.

Before you Moore fans jump all over me and call me a hypocrite, I’d just like to point out that I make no apologies for the fact that I hope to make a profit on this film. I’m intellectually honest enough to know that this is a business, and you should know that I have no illusions about saving the world. I’m just trying to make a good flick.
No shit. Well, that's what Moore does. Any film maker wants to get back what is spent on producing a movie and if it makes a profit, that's why it's their chosen career. Duh!!!

Demands that Moore should release the movie free over the Internet are just absurd.

I guess they just wanna make some bucks off of Moore being the guys that 'Stood Up To Michael Moore'.


supernav May 26th 2004 6:34 pm

Hahahaha! the premise for that flick is hillarious.

However, to truly "sell" it -- he should make an unauthorized movie *exposing* Michael, and how he's just a fraud and treats his employees like crap, rips people off, lives the high-life in his mansion, and has NO concept for solutions -- just constant bitching. Those who bitch about problems and those who solve the problems. I think we all know which one Micheal is.

Similar in style to "Pirates of Silicon Valley" exposing the lifestyle and personality of the one, Bill Gates.

If he re-shoots the movie as an "expose" -- i can garner tons of interst and press for him and get him into Cannes!

trust me, Hollywood *hates* Micheal. He's fat and annoying. I just turned him down last week to do marketing for him. **** that.

-= nav =-

rincewind May 26th 2004 7:36 pm

I sent them an e-mail to ask when I could watch their movie online for free like they are demanding of Moore.

I figured they would be guys that wouldn't want to be coporate criminals like they claim Moore to be and would show their movie for free. Right?

I'll wait to see if I get a reply.


supernav May 27th 2004 8:47 am

>watch their movie online for free

Even if they wanted too -- they can't. Bandwidth charges would bankrupt them.

-= nav =-

Ridski May 28th 2004 5:53 am

Originally posted by supernav However, to truly "sell" it -- he should make an unauthorized movie *exposing* Michael, and how he's just a fraud and treats his employees like crap, rips people off, lives the high-life in his mansion, and has NO concept for solutions -- just constant bitching. Those who bitch about problems and those who solve the problems. I think we all know which one Micheal is.
And by the same action, they must also provide a 'solution' for Michael Moore. Otherwise their movie would be just bitching about problems, without offering solutions, and I think we all know which these 'documentarians' are doing...

nxylas May 28th 2004 9:50 am

Michael Moore Hates America
I really hope that Moore calls their bluff and agrees to be interviewed for their movie. Judging by the content of their website, that would totally monkey-wrench their movie, as they want to show him as being unapproachable like Roger Smith in Roger And Me .

Yes, his website is back, but the forum has been down for some time. I heard that it collapsed under the sheer weight of trollage.

rincewind May 28th 2004 10:10 am

Well, the Bill O'Reilly poll had 60% of people wanting Moore on the show.

Come on Moore, accept. I want to see you kickin' O'Reilly's ass!!!!

:D :D

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