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keira-2007 Dec 6th 2007 7:20 am

I've got acid indigestion...
Get it most days.... and when I'm stressed or worried.... which is most days!!

Any good OTC tablets worth taking? Or better still any food or drink which deters it?

Personally I find drinking milk after a meal helps... not sure if it's psychosamatic (probably spelt wrong!) or if there is something in milk that combats stomach acid.

Please don't tell me to go to the doctor... I fear doctors. :o

snowbunny Dec 6th 2007 7:23 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Look for calcium-based products that do not contain aspirin (salicylates) because if you have an ulcer it can make it bleed worse. Of course, no pain relief either. I've been known to swig Pepto-Bismol out of the bottle.

snowbunny Dec 6th 2007 7:24 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by keira-2007 (Post 5640707)

Personally I find drinking milk after a meal helps... not sure if it's psychosamatic (probably spelt wrong!) or if there is something in milk that combats stomach acid.

Milk contains calcium; calcium is a base and helps neutralise stomach acid. But not for everyone.

Roland Hulme Dec 6th 2007 7:27 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by keira-2007 (Post 5640707)
Get it most days.... and when I'm stressed or worried.... which is most days!!

Any good OTC tablets worth taking? Or better still any food or drink which deters it?

Personally I find drinking milk after a meal helps... not sure if it's psychosamatic (probably spelt wrong!) or if there is something in milk that combats stomach acid.

Please don't tell me to go to the doctor... I fear doctors. :o

I had CHRONIC indigestion almost every day for about three years. It was WEIRD. I started getting it when I left America in 2003 and it didn't stop until I moved back in 2007. I swear to God, that's the truth.

It was so bad, I actually went to the doctor about it and they gave me a protein pump inhibitor, which fixed it overnight. BANG. But when the pills ran out (two weeks later) I had to go back and in the end, I thought 'bugger it'.

I self-medicated with Ranatidine - twice the recommended dose so 150mg per day. That was pretty good and did the trick generally.

When I moved back to America, I bought Prilosec, which worked brilliantly for the short period I had indigestion... But then it stopped.

I don't know WHAT it was, but I stopped getting it.

I'll still get a twinge now and then if I over indulge, but I have none at the moment.

Some suggestions:

When I moved back to Europe in 2003, I proceeded to put on about a stone. I also drank prodigiously. While I haven't lost any weight in America, I don't drink NEARLY so much (like, less than half) and tend to eat smaller portions.

Pity I get NO weight loss benefits for eating/drinking less. Stupid 'getting older' bollocks.

Anyway. I hope this was of interest. I know what hell indigestion is and how blissful it is now I don't have to endure it all the time.

Although I tended to drink a lot in England, the irony was I never went out and got drunk because I couldn't stomach a skinful. The indigestion literally stopped me getting too pissed.

First week on Protein Pump inhibitors, I went out and got properly hammered for the first time in forever. I came back so drunk, my wife got angry at me and switched off the alarm clock - I woke up at 12pm the next morning three hours late for work!!!

keira-2007 Dec 6th 2007 7:39 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by snowbunny (Post 5640716)

Look for calcium-based products that do not contain aspirin (salicylates) because if you have an ulcer it can make it bleed worse. Of course, no pain relief either. I've been known to swig Pepto-Bismol out of the bottle.

I used to chew Rennies all the time in England. Don't think you can get them over here though?

Originally Posted by Roland Hulme (Post 5640723)
I had CHRONIC indigestion almost every day for about three years. It was WEIRD. I started getting it when I left America in 2003 and it didn't stop until I moved back in 2007. I swear to God, that's the truth.

It was so bad, I actually went to the doctor about it and they gave me a protein pump inhibitor, which fixed it overnight. BANG. But when the pills ran out (two weeks later) I had to go back and in the end, I thought 'bugger it'.

I self-medicated with Ranatidine - twice the recommended dose so 150mg per day. That was pretty good and did the trick generally.

When I moved back to America, I bought Prilosec, which worked brilliantly for the short period I had indigestion... But then it stopped.

I don't know WHAT it was, but I stopped getting it.

I'll still get a twinge now and then if I over indulge, but I have none at the moment.

Some suggestions:

When I moved back to Europe in 2003, I proceeded to put on about a stone. I also drank prodigiously. While I haven't lost any weight in America, I don't drink NEARLY so much (like, less than half) and tend to eat smaller portions.

Pity I get NO weight loss benefits for eating/drinking less. Stupid 'getting older' bollocks.

Anyway. I hope this was of interest. I know what hell indigestion is and how blissful it is now I don't have to endure it all the time.

Although I tended to drink a lot in England, the irony was I never went out and got drunk because I couldn't stomach a skinful. The indigestion literally stopped me getting too pissed.

First week on Protein Pump inhibitors, I went out and got properly hammered for the first time in forever. I came back so drunk, my wife got angry at me and switched off the alarm clock - I woke up at 12pm the next morning three hours late for work!!!

A month or so before we came over I did actually go to the doctor (because I knew if he said I needed to see a specialist I could tell him we were moving out of the country - you see what a coward I am!!) he did actually put me on a course of proton pump inhibitors. Lansoprazole it was called. Absolutely fantastic. Could eat anything - no probs... But as soon as I ran out of them, here it is back again! Do some people just produce too much stomach acid for some reason???
Still, I've been glugging milk like wine... least my bones will be nice and strong!! :eek:

snowbunny Dec 6th 2007 7:42 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by keira-2007 (Post 5640763)
I used to chew Rennies all the time in England. Don't think you can get them over here though?
Do some people just produce too much stomach acid for some reason???
Still, I've been glugging milk like wine... least my bones will be nice and strong!! :eek:

Yes, some people do produce excess acid.

The popular chewables here are called Tums. You could eat blackboard chalk for all it matters -- it's the calcium. See a doctor and ask about getting more Prevacid:

Mallory Dec 6th 2007 7:43 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
I get indigestion all the time. Just take Zantac at the first twinge, and it will never get started. Or buy the generic version (ranitidine).

meauxna Dec 6th 2007 7:44 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
Mind it, Keira, the milk can be problematic if you start with 'too much' of that too. You might try a simple calcium suppliment instead to see if you can improve your result.
If possible, try to narrow down the cause instead of covering up the symptom.

All that said, I went through a very severe patch a couple of months ago. I took the samples of PepcidAC that I'd had in the drawer for ages and that stuff is blessed relief!
Otherwise, I like my Maalox. But very rarely now. :)

You might also look into acidophillus suppliments, to increase the good flora in your gut (all different beasties in your new environment) but since you had the HB at home too.... ?

Ozzidoc Dec 6th 2007 7:46 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
Could also be due to Helicobactor Pylori infection.

Redlippie Dec 6th 2007 7:53 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
What meauxna said.....try and drink some kefir - you get it at the supermarket in the dairy section - come in all types of flavors, it is basically a type of drinking yoghurt which has bunches of gut friendly properties - excellent product, and I highly recommend it. That might sort you out.

Another thing, if you can, buy organic whenever you can....might be the corn syrup, transfats in everything here, including the bread which is exacerbating the problem. For bread, best thing you can do is purchase your own machine and make it yourself ;) Save you the trouble of coming on here in 2 months' time and asking about it - because trust us you WILL :lol:

Leslie Dec 6th 2007 7:57 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by keira-2007 (Post 5640707)
Get it most days.... and when I'm stressed or worried.... which is most days!!

Any good OTC tablets worth taking? Or better still any food or drink which deters it?

Personally I find drinking milk after a meal helps... not sure if it's psychosamatic (probably spelt wrong!) or if there is something in milk that combats stomach acid.

Please don't tell me to go to the doctor... I fear doctors. :o

Try eliminating one thing at a time from your diet. I find that certain things will give me reflux every single time I eat/drink them. There is one certain brand of white wine that murders me yet I can drink other white wines by the vat. It's weird. :blink:

Redlippie Dec 6th 2007 8:00 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
I knew you'd be drawn to a thread with 'acid' in the title :lol:

Cheetah7 Dec 6th 2007 8:05 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
I had heartburn which was bought on by stress and gradually got worse.

My GP prescribed something called Omeprazole(?) which I had to take a high does for a month and then I could bring it down.

I never thought that I would be able to stop it, but gradually went down to 10mgs every other day.

I stopped eating citrus fruits, made sure I never went without brekkie, porridge and banana did the trick, usually something like a baked potato and beans will be OK and then an evening meal.

I rarely drink anyway and it was only when I went on holiday and relaxed that the whole problem cleared up.

We only eat the odd bit of grilled turkey or chicken otherwise we have tofu or quorn and stir fry veggies.

I cannot skip meals, even if I am not hungry - I have to force myself to eat and I have a milky drink at night.

There are other foods I cannot touch - pastry is one of them and it has been almost non existent since almost stopping meat.

We used to eat alot of red meat and now we don't touch it.

If I know my meal times and diet is going to be different due to work/outings etc, then I will take 10 mgs.

It's worked for me but stress and diet are huge factors and I try to keep both under control.

Silly Sod Dec 6th 2007 8:10 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...

Originally Posted by snowbunny (Post 5640717)
Milk contains calcium; calcium is a base and helps neutralise stomach acid. But not for everyone.

Milk works for me too, but only as a quick fix. Can't beat rennies. It wakes me up sometimes at night it is so bad and if there is nothing in I am pouring milk down my neck and just trying to get through to the morning.

Tracym Dec 6th 2007 8:13 am

Re: I've got acid indigestion...
I second the Zantac/ranitidine theory. Pepcid is another similar one.

Though I hate to make the comparison - my dog suffered from that, and the ranitidine is what works best.

btw... dirt cheap at Sams Club. Or if you survive till I see you again, I'll give you a few to try, I have stacks of them.

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