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mark_sheffield Aug 28th 2008 6:30 pm

Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Today seemed to be a good day for meeting fellow brits. Normally I am lucky to meet 2 or 3 every week. However today there must have been something in the air as I saw 2 different people in different locations.

Firstly there was a lady making enquiries at reception at the place where I live. She was asking about costs and room sizes etc so nothing I could help with. In the end I didn’t speak to her. She probably didn’t even know I was also British.

Then later on in the afternoon I went to the library in downtown overheard a guy who was talking to one of his co-workers. He had a British accent and was giving her travel advice in England and Europe.

This got me thinking. Obviously in the above 2 situations I guess that it would have been inappropriate to barge in when these people were otherwise occupied and say “Hi, Are you British? Me to! Etc etc”

So do any people on here make an active gesture to try and say hello to a fellow brit? Or do you just smile and let them pass on by? What unusual experiences have people had?

Just a random post to concule a pretty random day in which I achieved nothing. :D

cindyabs Aug 28th 2008 9:17 pm

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by mark_sheffield (Post 6726532)

Today seemed to be a good day for meeting fellow brits. Normally I am lucky to meet 2 or 3 every week. However today there must have been something in the air as I saw 2 different people in different locations.

Firstly there was a lady making enquiries at reception at the place where I live. She was asking about costs and room sizes etc so nothing I could help with. In the end I didn’t speak to her. She probably didn’t even know I was also British.

Then later on in the afternoon I went to the library in downtown overheard a guy who was talking to one of his co-workers. He had a British accent and was giving her travel advice in England and Europe.

This got me thinking. Obviously in the above 2 situations I guess that it would have been inappropriate to barge in when these people were otherwise occupied and say “Hi, Are you British? Me to! Etc etc”

So do any people on here make an active gesture to try and say hello to a fellow brit? Or do you just smile and let them pass on by? What unusual experiences have people had?

Just a random post to concule a pretty random day in which I achieved nothing. :D

If you were imitating an American, then yes you probably would march right up and say, hiya 'm a Brit. Otherwise, probably not so much.

paul_79 Aug 28th 2008 9:38 pm

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
Similar thing happened to me when I was in San Diego for a couple of weeks last month. Didn't hear a single Brit accent until one of the last days when I overheard three, one at the beach, one at a mall and one at a bar. I did speak to the guy at the bar, just a 2 minute conversation whilst waiting to be served.

Reminds me of a story when my fiancee and I were in southern Italy in the middle of nowhere in a non-tourist area. We're sitting having a drink when a British couple in their 50s overhear my accent and decide to spend the next 10 minutes complaining to me about:

a) it being too hot
b) the crazy Italian drivers
c) the Italian food
and d) my personal favourite - "There's just too many bloody Italians!" FFS!!

Xebedee Aug 28th 2008 9:51 pm

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
Good God NO! :eek:
Awful people.

Terrible, terrible, ghastly, horrid pleebs. :blink:

lapin_windstar Aug 29th 2008 12:12 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by mark_sheffield (Post 6726532)
So do any people on here make an active gesture to try and say hello to a fellow brit?

No - I try to avoid them wherever possible irl!

Emma M Aug 29th 2008 1:03 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by mark_sheffield (Post 6726532)

Today seemed to be a good day for meeting fellow brits. Normally I am lucky to meet 2 or 3 every week. However today there must have been something in the air as I saw 2 different people in different locations.

Firstly there was a lady making enquiries at reception at the place where I live. She was asking about costs and room sizes etc so nothing I could help with. In the end I didn’t speak to her. She probably didn’t even know I was also British.

Then later on in the afternoon I went to the library in downtown overheard a guy who was talking to one of his co-workers. He had a British accent and was giving her travel advice in England and Europe.

This got me thinking. Obviously in the above 2 situations I guess that it would have been inappropriate to barge in when these people were otherwise occupied and say “Hi, Are you British? Me to! Etc etc”

So do any people on here make an active gesture to try and say hello to a fellow brit? Or do you just smile and let them pass on by? What unusual experiences have people had?

Just a random post to concule a pretty random day in which I achieved nothing. :D

If that was me, I would have walked past and said (loud enough to hear, but just as a passing comment) "Us Brits get around everywhere, don't we?" and then if they look up, smile and walk on, unless they welcome the chance to have a chat with another Brit :)

robskatie Aug 29th 2008 1:11 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
I don't usually bother anymore but when I first moved over here Hubby and I were in Lowes and waiting in line next to another Brit, she had her young kids with her and was a bit stressed out so I said Hi blah blah, she is now without doubt my closest friend and has made some really hard times living over here so much easier. The strangest thing is she is also a Kate and we lived about 20 mins away from one another in the UK. Some people you are just meant to meet i believe :)

MsElui Aug 29th 2008 1:33 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
I heard 2 brits ladies in a kids museam and did say hello - just for a minute while we queued for something. Then a few months later I was at a fairground and I was tapped on the back. It was one of the ladies who recognised me and who was just leaving - so she gave me all her unused ride tokens.

I have also been stopped myself by other brist and didnt mind. They actually told me some useful shopping info (like the new ikea opening lol!).

Doesnt hurt to say hello - can always make and excuse if they turn out to be wallies! It could turn out to be useful for you - like me above or like Katie above - so whats to lose?

Poppy girl Aug 29th 2008 1:46 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
Oh heck if theres another Brit in close location be it the store or the gas station etc...I ignore them totally and move to another register if they are next to me in case they hear my accent and then all the crap starts, ohhhh do you like it here, where you from, blah blah thanks I live in the US quiet happy with my yankie buddys, and expat friends online with the exception of a few that I chat on the phone with :D

hobbes79 Aug 29th 2008 1:48 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
I think it depends. If I'm in a fairly built up city or town, I won't bother. Figure the odds are reasonable in a well populated area, one or two will be British. But if I'm out in some random town (particularly in the South), I'd be more tempted to say hi. Novelty seems a bit higher.

Though I had one amusing experience when I had just moved to Texas. Someone at my new office said "hey, I know another British guy who works here... I'll introduce you!". I was thinking to myself, great... so you think cos he's British we're going to hug or something? Anyway, met him... and I bloody recognized him! He was in my halls of residence at uni during my first year. He was a third year, so wasn't around for long and I didn't socialize with him much, but I totally knew who he was.

I was gutted... I just managed to put credibility round the dumb question from Americans along the lines of "hey, I have a friend who's in England, do you know them?".

Apparently, I just might.

another bloody yank Aug 29th 2008 1:54 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by hobbes79 (Post 6727736)
I think it depends. If I'm in a fairly built up city or town, I won't bother. Figure the odds are reasonable in a well populated area, one or two will be British. But if I'm out in some random town (particularly in the South), I'd be more tempted to say hi. Novelty seems a bit higher.

Though I had one amusing experience when I had just moved to Texas. Someone at my new office said "hey, I know another British guy who works here... I'll introduce you!". I was thinking to myself, great... so you think cos he's British we're going to hug or something? Anyway, met him... and I bloody recognized him! He was in my halls of residence at uni during my first year. He was a third year, so wasn't around for long and I didn't socialize with him much, but I totally knew who he was.

I was gutted... I just managed to put credibility round the dumb question from Americans along the lines of "hey, I have a friend who's in England, do you know them?".

Apparently, I just might.

You're not the only one that's happened to. Strange, eh?

Leeds_Lass Aug 29th 2008 2:11 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by mark_sheffield (Post 6726532)

Today seemed to be a good day for meeting fellow brits. Normally I am lucky to meet 2 or 3 every week. However today there must have been something in the air as I saw 2 different people in different locations.

Firstly there was a lady making enquiries at reception at the place where I live. She was asking about costs and room sizes etc so nothing I could help with. In the end I didn’t speak to her. She probably didn’t even know I was also British.

Then later on in the afternoon I went to the library in downtown overheard a guy who was talking to one of his co-workers. He had a British accent and was giving her travel advice in England and Europe.

This got me thinking. Obviously in the above 2 situations I guess that it would have been inappropriate to barge in when these people were otherwise occupied and say “Hi, Are you British? Me to! Etc etc”

So do any people on here make an active gesture to try and say hello to a fellow brit? Or do you just smile and let them pass on by? What unusual experiences have people had?

Just a random post to concule a pretty random day in which I achieved nothing. :D

Absolutely! I work in a small city and take at least one phone call a week from a Brit. I always engage conversation in "so, what brought you here?" or the like. If I hear an familiar accent around me I might make an effort to engage, depending on the circumstances. I'm not going to accost random people in the supermarket but have struck up conversations in coffee shops whilst waiting in the queue.

Nowt wrong wi' being friendly!

britvic Aug 29th 2008 2:22 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by Leeds_Lass (Post 6727821)
Absolutely! I work in a small city and take at least one phone call a week from a Brit. I always engage conversation in "so, what brought you here?" or the like. If I hear an familiar accent around me I might make an effort to engage, depending on the circumstances. I'm not going to accost random people in the supermarket but have struck up conversations in coffee shops whilst waiting in the queue.

Nowt wrong wi' being friendly!

Agreed, nowt wrong wi' being friendly :thumbup: and I will admit to meeting a fellow Brit in a super market :o and has turned out to be a dear friend but she's now gone back home.

britvic Aug 29th 2008 2:26 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?

Originally Posted by Poppy girl (Post 6727721)
Oh heck if theres another Brit in close location be it the store or the gas station etc...I ignore them totally and move to another register if they are next to me in case they hear my accent and then all the crap starts, ohhhh do you like it here, where you from, blah blah thanks I live in the US quiet happy with my yankie buddys, and expat friends online with the exception of a few that I chat on the phone with :D

Surprised to hear an Ex Land Lady say such thing's :(

mellybrown Aug 29th 2008 2:37 am

Re: Do you ever approach fellow British people in the US?
Im not one for talking to random people in the street but I do find that when I wear my liverpool fc shirt all the brits come out of the woodwork and start chatting to me - well all the men (which is fine :thumbup:)

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