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Rosemary Oct 18th 2011 12:12 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by licinius (Post 9680904)
So what you're saying is you haven't saved enough for your own retirement so you would like the next generation of tax payers (moi) to bail you out? And you can't even ask nicely!

The pension scheme was designed for the next generation to pay for the previous one ergo I paid in for my parents generation my children pay in for my generation it could only work that way, no country could afford to pay the amounts required otherwise. Of course like many others you can pay in to a private pension also as I did, luckily mine worked out ok but there have been many losers and just as many foolish people who will say that they are far too knowledgable for anything disasterous to happen to them luckily the state pension is there for them to fall back on. I presume from your comments that you will not expect the next generation on from you to pay and therefore will forego you state pension when the time arrives.


Rosemary Oct 18th 2011 12:21 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by Mitzyboy (Post 9681180)
Can we return to the winter fuel payment comments from here on please, otherwise I might as well close the thread

Just a little off topic but I see the the inflation figures for the UK have reached 5.2%, this should help people on state pension adding something like 5.50gbp to the weekly pension.


Arco-Iris Oct 18th 2011 1:28 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by The Oddities (Post 9681411)
Just a little off topic but I see the the inflation figures for the UK have reached 5.2%, this should help people on state pension adding something like 5.50gbp to the weekly pension.


The WFA was introduced back in the 90s after years of pensioners being found dead of hypothermia. And a good thing too for people living on a basic pension.

I guess the Allowance may be targeted in the future in the same way that Family Allowance has been - by withdrawing it as a universal, non-means tested allowance. In the not-too-distant-future I can see the Coalition cutting off the allowance for folk whose income is above a certain level.

I, for one, am extremely glad that we were able to import our WFA on moving to Spain. These concrete houses are freezing in the winter and we noticed, as our bodies acclimatised to the area (and as we got into our 70s) we had to add more and more heating each winter. We have a wood burning stove in the sitting room, heated panels in each bedroom, a gas heater in the hall and an electric wall-mounted fan in the bathroom. In bed we have an electric blanket. I don't think this is so very different from a fully-centrally heated house/apartment in the UK.

I'm a child of the 40s, when it was not unusual to wake up with icicles inside the windows. I'm very glad that no UK citizen who is eligible for this benefit is denied the opportunity to receive it.

Chiclanagir Oct 18th 2011 2:38 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by Arco-Iris (Post 9681521)
The WFA was introduced back in the 90s after years of pensioners being found dead of hypothermia. And a good thing too for people living on a basic pension.

I guess the Allowance may be targeted in the future in the same way that Family Allowance has been - by withdrawing it as a universal, non-means tested allowance. In the not-too-distant-future I can see the Coalition cutting off the allowance for folk whose income is above a certain level.

I, for one, am extremely glad that we were able to import our WFA on moving to Spain. These concrete houses are freezing in the winter and we noticed, as our bodies acclimatised to the area (and as we got into our 70s) we had to add more and more heating each winter. We have a wood burning stove in the sitting room, heated panels in each bedroom, a gas heater in the hall and an electric wall-mounted fan in the bathroom. In bed we have an electric blanket. I don't think this is so very different from a fully-centrally heated house/apartment in the UK.

I'm a child of the 40s, when it was not unusual to wake up with icicles inside the windows. I'm very glad that no UK citizen who is eligible for this benefit is denied the opportunity to receive it.

Well said.

megmet Oct 18th 2011 9:36 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by licinius (Post 9680901)
Yawn would you care to quote these names that I'm accused of calling British Expats???? Please try to keep your quotes true & factual in future please meg :thumbdown:

Let me clarify AGAIN for those that have trouble understanding the English language. I've been an expat for 4 years now, during that time, firstly in Tenerife & now in Andalucia the majority of expats I have come across have been undesirables. As I said earlier, not ALL expats, just the majority.

Now it could well be that I'm in the wrong area, and all the nice folks go to a different part of Spain, but unlike most on here I won't speculate & will only quote my own personal experience. As far as i'm concerned, the only people who would take offence to such tagging are the undesirables themselves..........

If that's too complicated for you to understand megmet then I'm sorry but tough cos I won't bother trying to explain again, my head hurts enough from banging the wall as it is :blink:

I most definitely have got my facts straight, I have already quoted you as calling them in other threads "blaggers" and "trailer trash" and said "the worst thing about Spain is British expats".
It's very easy to see very single comment you have made, they are there for all to see in black and white linked in your profile.....if it's not too difficult for your tiny brain to cope with do take a look.

I'm just thankful you don't inhabit my world, you sound like a very lonely and embittered individual and one best avoided, Alhaurin el Grande is welcome to you!

megmet Oct 18th 2011 9:46 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by Mitzyboy (Post 9681180)
Can we return to the winter fuel payment comments from here on please, otherwise I might as well close the thread

Apologies Mitzy for answering him back, he's such a brainless prat though!

As for WFP, I hope all that are entitled to it continue receiving it for as long as they live, even in this 'hot country' old people here do still die of both cold and extreme heat!
Anything that us British tax payers can do to stop that happening must surely be a good thing.:thumbup:

jackytoo Oct 18th 2011 10:07 am

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by megmet (Post 9682553)
I most definitely have got my facts straight, I have already quoted you as calling them in other threads "blaggers" and "trailer trash" and said "the worst thing about Spain is British expats".
It's very easy to see very single comment you have made, they are there for all to see in black and white linked in your profile.....if it's not too difficult for your tiny brain to cope with do take a look.

I'm just thankful you don't inhabit my world, you sound like a very lonely and embittered individual and one best avoided, Alhaurin el Grande is welcome to you!

I am a bit confused. I thought quite a few posters on here have been saying the same about the Brits in Spain. Bit of volte-face:confused:

licinius Oct 18th 2011 7:06 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by megmet (Post 9682553)
I'm just thankful you don't inhabit my world, you sound like a very lonely and embittered individual and one best avoided, Alhaurin el Grande is welcome to you!

I love the irony of this statement :rofl:

licinius Oct 18th 2011 7:11 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by The Oddities (Post 9681402)
I presume from your comments that you will not expect the next generation on from you to pay and therefore will forego you state pension when the time arrives

I've already accepted the fact (along with most others my age) that even if there is still a state pension when I retire it won't be worth having so yeah they may as well go ahead & scrap it sooner rather than later.

From October next year it becomes compulsary for all workers & employers to pay into a pension. With tax relief this equates to 8% of an individuals salary. the state pension can then be phased out without fuss, we'll still pay the same amount of NI but that can be watsed on something else instead.

jo-ann Oct 18th 2011 7:35 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by licinius (Post 9680904)
So what you're saying is you haven't saved enough for your own retirement so you would like the next generation of tax payers (moi) to bail you out? And you can't even ask nicely!


And we did save for our retirement but the goal posts have moved faster than anyone could have expected, we both worked all of our lives and paid into the system and paid the maximum into private pensions that we could and now savings are disappearing rapidly, so please stop being such a snotty individual.

bil Oct 18th 2011 7:49 pm

Re: winter fuel payment
If older people had the wit to create a political party for the over 60s or whatever, they could cause real problems for the government. After all, their attitude seems to be that once you cease to pay taxes, you are just a drain on the country, and the sooner you freeze to death or die on a hospital trolley in some cold corridor, the better.

jo-ann Oct 18th 2011 8:01 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by bil (Post 9683191)
If older people had the wit to create a political party for the over 60s or whatever, they could cause real problems for the government. After all, their attitude seems to be that once you cease to pay taxes, you are just a drain on the country, and the sooner you freeze to death or die on a hospital trolley in some cold corridor, the better.

Saw evidence of that with both parents, when they were in hospital, they couldn't kill them off quick enough, I expect the day will come when you will be given a pill to get rid of you and hence no more payments to be made.

bil Oct 18th 2011 8:08 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by jo-ann (Post 9683207)
Saw evidence of that with both parents, when they were in hospital, they couldn't kill them off quick enough, I expect the day will come when you will be given a pill to get rid of you and hence no more payments to be made.

Like I say. Good job people are too stupid to do anything about it eh? Plus of course, we have created a system that basically sees you as worthless.

Lionda Oct 18th 2011 8:17 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by bil (Post 9683191)
If older people had the wit to create a political party for the over 60s or whatever, they could cause real problems for the government. After all, their attitude seems to be that once you cease to pay taxes, you are just a drain on the country, and the sooner you freeze to death or die on a hospital trolley in some cold corridor, the better.

They could call it the Common Sense Party

scampicat Oct 18th 2011 9:33 pm

Re: winter fuel payment

Originally Posted by bil (Post 9683191)
If older people had the wit to create a political party for the over 60s or whatever, they could cause real problems for the government. After all, their attitude seems to be that once you cease to pay taxes, you are just a drain on the country, and the sooner you freeze to death or die on a hospital trolley in some cold corridor, the better.

There is the National Pensioners' Convention.

And many Pensioners continue to pay tax throughout their lives.

However, I agree that many people do take the attitude you mention.:thumbdown::(

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