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Jules Europe Aug 28th 2009 5:53 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by The Aviator (Post 7880413)
Not quite - Richmond is the area that might liquefy, the island will get a bit wet though. Then is may not come for another 200 years.

So the epicentre is actually under South Vancouver and not further west.

Aviator Aug 28th 2009 6:12 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by Jules Europe (Post 7884242)
So the epicentre is actually under South Vancouver and not further west.

No the anticipated epicenter is way out in the Pacific, however VI is solid rock, so it is not expected to sink, maybe just break a bit. Richmond is expected to sink due to liquefaction.

Jules Europe Aug 28th 2009 6:31 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by The Aviator (Post 7884295)
No the anticipated epicenter is way out in the Pacific, however VI is solid rock, so it is not expected to sink, maybe just break a bit. Richmond is expected to sink due to liquefaction.

Ok, I`ve heard various opinions about what would happen if the big one struck there and this seems to match most.

Aviator Aug 28th 2009 6:42 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by Jules Europe (Post 7884357)
Ok, I`ve heard various opinions about what would happen if the big one struck there and this seems to match most.

Some fun reading for Vancouver residents

Ciderman Sep 20th 2009 8:43 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
Mean while back to Anyone leaving Canada?......

Just got back from 11 days in the UK and it's made us all the more eager to return from our 6 year stint here in Canada (currently BC). Should find out this week if I can get a transfer to the UK with my employer which would only mean a 3 month wait; if not 6 month wait to build up the savings.

Spent time in the Midlands, the south west and south Wales and we loved it all. Seemed to be a lot less litter than a few years ago, everyone's upbeat in spite of the economy great customer service, can't wait to return.

Watch this space as they say.

jonfrank123 Sep 21st 2009 1:34 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
Good for you Ciderman, I left Canada 3 months ago to come back and can say it's the best thing I ever did. Keep us posted

Ciderman Sep 21st 2009 5:32 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
Should be putting the house here in Maple Ridge, BC up for sale this week so then it's a question of waiting for it to sell.

Not sure the transfer with my existing employer will happen. We were going to wait longer to put the house on the market to allow us to build up savings but if it takes a long while to sell we'll be stuck here longer by waiting so we'll take are chances, put it on the market now and if it does sell quickly, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it as they say.

It's been an interesting experience over the last six years and whilst some folks looking to go back to the UK may view it as a waste of six years, at least we've "been there and done it" and not wondering "what if..."

jonfrank123 Sep 21st 2009 10:03 pm

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
At least you tried it ciderman, most people just talk about it and do bugger all. All the best, keep us posted.

Ciderman Sep 23rd 2009 2:25 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
Well the house is now listed for sale on MLS, the realtor we're using is doing a tour of the house this week for all their own realtors so now we're waiting for the first viewings and hopefully an offer soon!

dollface Sep 23rd 2009 3:13 pm

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by Ciderman (Post 7948629)
Mean while back to Anyone leaving Canada?......

Just got back from 11 days in the UK and it's made us all the more eager to return from our 6 year stint here in Canada (currently BC). Should find out this week if I can get a transfer to the UK with my employer which would only mean a 3 month wait; if not 6 month wait to build up the savings.

Spent time in the Midlands, the south west and south Wales and we loved it all. Seemed to be a lot less litter than a few years ago, everyone's upbeat in spite of the economy great customer service, can't wait to return.

Watch this space as they say.

Where would you settle Ciderman? and if you don't mind me asking, why are you leaving Canada after 6 years? cheers:)

Ciderman Sep 24th 2009 3:10 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by dollface (Post 7959645)
Where would you settle Ciderman? and if you don't mind me asking, why are you leaving Canada after 6 years? cheers:)

We're looking to settle in the Wiltshire area near Chippenham and Corsham. Like most people in this part of the Expats site we're going back to England for the English way of life. Shame it's taken a while for us to realise what's been missing/wrong all this time.

We originally came to a small town south of Calgary in Alberta called Okotoks in January 2004 (on a work visa), bought our first house there within a few days of landing- big mistake that; always rent first. Within a few months we didn't like that one so set about building a new one just around the corner. Not long after we moved in the homesickness set in and we went back to the UK at the end of October 2004. Within weeks of getting back it became obvious this was a bit hasty (worth noting we moved back to the town we left- second big mistake) and as luck would it have our PR came through so by April 2005 we were back in our new house in Okotoks- lucky it didn't sell.

Things went reasonably ok for the next year or so until the unsettled feelings started again and this time we moved to another new house but in Maple Ridge, BC in August 2006. Before the moved to BC I got a job with a company in Calgary that allowed me to transfer to their Vancouver office which made the move easier.

However by October 2007 those dear old feelings started again- to be honest the neighbourhood was not the best in terms of neighbours being considerate so we moved around the corner to another new home in April 2008. This was actually the area in Maple Ridge we wanted to be in originally when we came to BC but the timing didn't work out first time round.

Looking back now I think all the moving around was a clear indication that we were not settled and that all the moves were an attempt at fixing it- just not the right fix! The moving process occupies a fair few months but after things had got back to normality each time....well you know the rest. About 2 months ago the realisation finally dawned for the wife and myself- I'd actually been unhappy for quite a few months previously but hadn't said so as I though it would pass- that Canada wasn't for us.

The people are nice but we don't feel we belong here, we have a big house and a nice view but these do not a life make. We have made friends, both English and Canadian, but the majority are Expats- again a bit of a sign. We originally came to Canada for a better quality of life but to be honest for most people who emmigrate it's a different quality of life you end up with and at the end of the day our quality and way of life we wanted turned out to be in our home country of England. Still it's been a worthwhile experience as we know we wouldn't have been sitting in England wondering what if.

I think my advice to all those people thinking of emmigrating would be to consider a move to a different part of the UK first. The country you're in may not itself be the problem, just the particular area you're in doesn't suit you.

canadageoff Oct 9th 2009 3:42 pm

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?
What wonderful reading this thread has been.
I've been in Canada for 30 years ( came when I was 31). I am a canadian citizen. 2 of my 3 kids were born here. 2 of them are now living in UK. It's not "back in the UK " for them, they were too young, but they have learnt from us, the humour, the friendship, the chat, the "premier league" ( just kidding), but they love it in the UK, yet, it was a move designed for them, the opportunities for kids in Canada etc etc, yes, they went skiing and watched hockey etc, but it did not cut it for them, they visited their grand parents cousins etc, and fell in love with it. Now we are thinking of following them back.
The biggest thing for me in all of this is the UK humour (not spelt humor). I miss it so much, because Canadians ( bless them) definitely lack something in that department.
"Only fools and horses" comes to mind mainly because I was born in Peckham, London

lilybilly101 Oct 9th 2009 11:24 pm

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by jonfrank123 (Post 7759282)
We have recently returned to the UK from Canada. While I have nothing against Canada, since moving back our lives have improved imeasurably. Our Social life, money situation, and accomodation are far better now than they were in Canada.

It's also the little things. In our suburb of Montreal, Canada I could ring the doctor as an emergency and not get an appointment for a week. I rang my local surgery for a non urgent appointment here in Oxfordshire and got to see the doctor on the same evening. Our prescription charges are far, far cheaper now we are in the UK. The saving is almost £150 per month!! Even our weekly supermarket shop is less than half the price we paid in Canada.

We will certainly back to visit Canada as that's where my wife's parents live, but for us living in the UK wins hands down.

Wonderful to hear! You wrote in July, how are things now a few months later....You have given me great hope that 'things' will fall into place.

canadageoff Oct 10th 2009 12:54 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by pinkkristen (Post 7746223)
On this forum a lot of the people moving back to the uk seem to be coming from Australia. Are there any unhappy people leaving Canada?
We have been in Canada for four months and although its a great lifestyle for the kids and where we are is low in crime and a great place to raise kids, we are finding it tough. In all honesty its all a bit dull. The canadians i have met and socialise are very nice people, but i'm craving some good old British banter, and am starting to feel more homesick as times go on.
If i could transfer all the area has to offer for amenities and activities and deposit it in the beautiful yorkshire Dales (where we came from) it would be fab!!;)

Just interested if there are any other expats in Canada feel the same way?

We have been in Canada 36 years and I have always said the Canadians are a dead race.
Why do they always talk about their RRSPs hate the cold hate the heat, and god forbid tell them a takes a week to explain it to most of them, I have missed Ireland / UK and really want to go back.
Now we are having Thanksgiving and all they talk about is Turkey.. oh I love turkey, turkey at Easter Christmas and Thanksgiving why wait, it is available all year round,Why don't they just have a cold one EH..

canadageoff Oct 10th 2009 12:55 am

Re: Anyone leaving Canada?

Originally Posted by livermanl (Post 7823075)
I've been miserable in Canada for almost 3 years now the only thing keeping me here is my wife...Unfortunately even that is wearing a little thin right now.


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