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Who Will Win Oct 31st 2004 3:42 am

POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
there is no clear front runner.

Who do YOU think will win???

Op26 Oct 31st 2004 3:43 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
I say Bush by at least 58 percent. Unless of course the demmynazi's try to
steal it again like in 2000.

"Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
    > everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
    > there is no clear front runner.
    > Who do YOU think will win???

Earl Evleth Oct 31st 2004 3:51 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
in article [email protected]er, Who Will Win at
[email protected] wrote on 31/10/04 17:42:

    > In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
    > everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
    > there is no clear front runner.
    > Who do YOU think will win???

The Europeans.


1) if Bush is re-elected the Europeans will be able to work further
towards independence from American domination.

2) If Kerry wins, the summer White House will move to Bretagne


Gummo Oct 31st 2004 3:58 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
"Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

    > Who do YOU think will win???

Capitalism and greed, of course.


RUSiriusA Oct 31st 2004 4:00 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
In article <[email protected]>,
"Gummo" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > "Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Who do YOU think will win???
    > Capitalism and greed, of course.

Dunno who will win now... at this point...

I only know who will lose. People's health; sanity; and the environment.

Arwel Parry Oct 31st 2004 4:07 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
In message <[email protected]>, Who Will Win
<[email protected]> writes
    >In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
    >everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
    >there is no clear front runner.
    >Who do YOU think will win???


Arwel Parry

Christopher Helms Oct 31st 2004 4:30 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
Both. Kerry will win but Bush's slimebag brother has already quietly
scrubbed, removed, disqualified, not mailed and thrown out enough "Felons"
votes in Florida to make sure Dubya owns that state long before the
pointless recount the Kerry people will demand. Bush will win Florida unless
the Federal Elections people stop the right garbage truck at the right time.
They'll screw him over just like they screwed Gore in 2000. In fact, they
almost undoubtedly already have. Rumor has it that Bush's operatives in
Ohio, under the personal guidance of Karl Rove (Rove is to Bush what Jack
"Greasy Thumb" Guzik was to Al Capone; Rove even bears an uncanny physical
resemblence to Guzik) are already in the process of making sure that state
goes to Old Scratch and Sniff regardless of how they actually vote. Bush
doesn't care what anybody thinks. Why the hell should he care how anybody

Turns out you were right all along. You're vote really doesn't count. Unless
it's for Bush.

It's too bad we sometimes have to go to sources like this to find out WTF is
going on in our own country, but since most of the American media just can't
be bothered...

Yik Yak Oct 31st 2004 5:15 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:43:52 -0500, "Op26" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > I say Bush by at least 58 percent. Unless of course the demmynazi's try to
    >steal it again like in 2000.

John Kerry will win by a landslide.
    >"Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected]. ..
    >> In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
    >> everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
    >> there is no clear front runner.
    >> Who do YOU think will win???

Mr. N Oct 31st 2004 6:41 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
"Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

John Kerry with 58% of the popular vote.

-My Real Name
"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to
explain to us what the exit strategy is."
-George W. Bush, April 9, 1999

Arkadya Oct 31st 2004 7:02 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
    >Who do YOU think will win???

This one is a No Brainer-BUSH
Never Forgive, Never Forget

Arkadya Oct 31st 2004 7:04 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
    >scrubbed, removed, disqualified, not mailed and thrown out enough "Felons"

You think those scum bag felons should have the right to vote?
Never Forgive, Never Forget

JohnT Oct 31st 2004 7:17 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
"ARKADYA" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > >
    >>Who do YOU think will win???
    > This one is a No Brainer-BUSH
    > Never Forgive, Never Forget
    > 9-11-01
I think most people would agree with me that, if it requires that one has no
brains in order to answer the question, you are particularly well qualified to
do so.


Btc/Tak Oct 31st 2004 8:44 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
    > Unless of course the demmynazi's try to
    > steal it again like in 2000.

Thanks... that was really hysterically funny!
I'll bet the inJustices of the Court that installed Bush as CEO {because the
facts are clear he lost the popular vote} are still laughing.

"Op26" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > I say Bush by at least 58 percent. Unless of course the demmynazi's try to
    > steal it again like in 2000.
    > "Who Will Win" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > In every US election on the last Sunday before the election usually
    > > everyone knows who is going to win. This year the race is so close
    > > there is no clear front runner.
    > >
    > > Who do YOU think will win???
    > >
    > >

Arkadya Oct 31st 2004 8:51 am

Re: Who Will Win The Election?
I dont care how he wins,by hook or crook. The important thing is that Bush
wins. I couldnt care less if he steals the election or not.Nothing is worth
getting a liberal fruitcake like Kerry in office.
Never Forgive, Never Forget

Gary L. Dare Oct 31st 2004 9:04 am

Re: POLL: Who Will Win The Election?
Bush ... but who will lose the popular vote by a larger number than in 2000.

It's just that I know more people who moved from red to blue areas
than blue to red(neck).


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