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Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK


Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

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Old Jul 27th 2004, 7:47 am
Bobby Fischler
Posts: n/a
Default Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK


Gang launch terror assault Jun 17 2004

A GANG subjected a teenager to a terrifying ordeal as they tried to
steal his wallet.

The 16-year-old was walking along Mildenhall Road, Manor Park, at
around 2pm on Saturday, June 5, when he was suddenly surrounded by six
or seven youths.

One asked him the time before another punched him in the face causing
a serious nose bleed.

The attacker held the boy in a head-lock, demanding money, but he
broke free and fled with blood pouring down his face. He spent two
days in Wexham Park hospital being treated for his injuries.

The group of thugs - who are all Asian and aged between 16 and 18 -
walked off towards the shops in Oatlands Drive after the attack.

The one who asked the time was about 17, 5ft 7ins, slim, with a thin
face and wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap.

The youth who assaulted the boy was about 5ft 6, medium to heavy
build, with short black spiky hair and a deep voice.

Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on
0800 555111.
Old Jul 27th 2004, 8:30 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

These were not Moslems of the peaceful variety we here about, presumably ?

New Labour isn't working


If you need a source, buy a Newspaper. Publications for socialists are
available for as little as 30 pence.



Any resemblance to persons living or dead or events past and present is
entirely coincidental.

Should this post bear similarities to actual topical events, it in fact
remains fiction
and its entire purpose is to allow the intelligent reader to consider the
wider possibilities
attaching to the hypothetical events herein portrayed.

Bobby Fischler <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Gang launch terror assault Jun 17 2004
    > A GANG subjected a teenager to a terrifying ordeal as they tried to
    > steal his wallet.
    > The 16-year-old was walking along Mildenhall Road, Manor Park, at
    > around 2pm on Saturday, June 5, when he was suddenly surrounded by six
    > or seven youths.
    > One asked him the time before another punched him in the face causing
    > a serious nose bleed.
    > The attacker held the boy in a head-lock, demanding money, but he
    > broke free and fled with blood pouring down his face. He spent two
    > days in Wexham Park hospital being treated for his injuries.
    > The group of thugs - who are all Asian and aged between 16 and 18 -
    > walked off towards the shops in Oatlands Drive after the attack.
    > The one who asked the time was about 17, 5ft 7ins, slim, with a thin
    > face and wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap.
    > The youth who assaulted the boy was about 5ft 6, medium to heavy
    > build, with short black spiky hair and a deep voice.
    > Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
    > robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on
    > 0800 555111.
Old Jul 27th 2004, 9:30 am
Nicolas Benicoeur
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

    > These were not Moslems of the peaceful variety we here about, presumably ?

Are the 1,000,000 Sikhs and Hindus not also Asians?
Old Jul 27th 2004, 12:53 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

Um, all Asians are Muslim?

Your little fantasy world is very interesting. Has nothing to do with the
real world, but it's a fascinating specimen.

"Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Gang launch terror assault Jun 17 2004
    > A GANG subjected a teenager to a terrifying ordeal as they tried to
    > steal his wallet.
    > The 16-year-old was walking along Mildenhall Road, Manor Park, at
    > around 2pm on Saturday, June 5, when he was suddenly surrounded by six
    > or seven youths.
    > One asked him the time before another punched him in the face causing
    > a serious nose bleed.
    > The attacker held the boy in a head-lock, demanding money, but he
    > broke free and fled with blood pouring down his face. He spent two
    > days in Wexham Park hospital being treated for his injuries.
    > The group of thugs - who are all Asian and aged between 16 and 18 -
    > walked off towards the shops in Oatlands Drive after the attack.
    > The one who asked the time was about 17, 5ft 7ins, slim, with a thin
    > face and wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap.
    > The youth who assaulted the boy was about 5ft 6, medium to heavy
    > build, with short black spiky hair and a deep voice.
    > Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
    > robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on
    > 0800 555111.
Old Jul 28th 2004, 3:43 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

Bobby Fischler extrapolated from data available...

    > Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
    > robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505.....

My God! Robbery is so rampant in the urbs of the Scupperd H'aisles that
the Home Offic has to hire "Robbery Coordinators" to provide scheduling

Next, they'll be wanting "Environmental Impact Statements" from each of the
street gangs.

....creating "Mugging Free" zones.

....subsidizing the purchase of identifiable "Gang Wear" to build self

....scheduling "Thug Outs", weekend evenings in which the streets are
reserved for gang celebrations and initiations.

....or the final blow to the twin set w/pearls and Blimpish sort, the
"Scavenger Hunts" in which frail blond schoolgirls are dropped off in dark
urban neighborhoods to be hunted down by ravening packs of lusty Asians,
protected only by roving squadss of middle aged former Sloan Rangers and
gay Guardsmen equipped with spike tipped umbrellas and sword canes.

Old Jul 28th 2004, 8:55 am
Keith Anderson
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:43:07 -0500, Olivers <[email protected]>

    >Bobby Fischler extrapolated from data available...
    >> Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
    >> robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505.....
    >My God! Robbery is so rampant in the urbs of the Scupperd H'aisles that
    >the Home Offic has to hire "Robbery Coordinators" to provide scheduling
    >Next, they'll be wanting "Environmental Impact Statements" from each of the
    >street gangs.
    >....creating "Mugging Free" zones.
    >....subsidizing the purchase of identifiable "Gang Wear" to build self
    >....scheduling "Thug Outs", weekend evenings in which the streets are
    >reserved for gang celebrations and initiations.
    >....or the final blow to the twin set w/pearls and Blimpish sort, the
    >"Scavenger Hunts" in which frail blond schoolgirls are dropped off in dark
    >urban neighborhoods to be hunted down by ravening packs of lusty Asians,
    >protected only by roving squadss of middle aged former Sloan Rangers and
    >gay Guardsmen equipped with spike tipped umbrellas and sword canes.
    >;-P TMO

Didn't know you'd been to Bristol recently - you should have phoned me
beforehand - a pint or two at the Bunch of Fives would have been a
Old Jul 28th 2004, 9:55 am
Bobby Fischler
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

No it is a little ploy used in the UK to try to lump fairly peaceful
Hindus & Sikhs in with the followers of the relgion of peace.

Seems like the Muslim Pakistanis in the UK don't much like Black

These charming muslims are using battle cries like "kill all the
ni*gers." Charming. Islam really is the religion of peace.


Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths
(Filed: 07/12/2003)

Thirty years after Afro-Caribbeans in Walsall successfully fought off
white skinhead thugs, their children face a fresh wave of attacks -
this time from Asians, reports David Harrison.

Friday night in Walsall town centre. As hundreds of young people pour
into the town's pubs and clubs a small group of Asian youths stands
apart on a piece of wasteland 100 yards from the high street.

Some black teenagers say that they are frightened to leave their homes
in fear of being beaten
There are about 12 of them, all ethnic Pakistanis aged between 15 and
20, wearing casual clothes and surly expressions. They are not
interested in partying, because they have something else on their
mind: black-bashing. Their targets are Afro-Caribbean youths and their
weapons are racial abuse, baseball bats and knives.

In recent months Pakistani youths have threatened and assaulted dozens
of Afro-Caribbean teenagers, according to leaders of the black
community. Some have been roughed up; others seriously injured.

The town's 4,500-strong Afro-Caribbean population is increasingly
concerned: they say that the attacks are racially-motivated and are
becoming more frequent and more vicious.

"This is a secret war," said Moses Whyte, a former Labour councillor
and an adviser with Tora, a charity that works closely with the
Citizens' Advice Bureau. "The police don't want to know because they
see this as a black-on-black thing. But we cannot take much more of
these attacks.

"If nothing is done there will be a race riot and things will get very
nasty. It will not be pretty."

Mr Whyte, who came to Britain from the West Indies in 1961 aged 18 and
joined the Army, serving in the Staffordshire regiment, said he found
it "very strange" that the Pakistanis had gone from victims to
aggressors in a generation.

"In the Seventies we used to help protect the Asians from what was
called Paki-bashing by white skinheads. Now their children are the
ones doing the bashing and they are targeting our children, young
blacks. It's madness."

A group of black teenagers - too frightened to give their names - told
how they were afraid to leave their houses, even to get a pint of milk
from the shop, because they feared they would be harassed, verbally
abused or beaten.

"I hardly ever go out now," said one 18-year-old who was set upon by a
Pakistani gang last month. "They call us niggers and say they want to
drive us off what they say is their turf.

"You try to fight back but they always outnumber the people they
attack. It's always 10 against one or 15 against two. We don't want
any trouble. We just want to live a normal life."

A growing number of attacks take place outside local schools. One
15-year-old was assaulted by about 10 Pakistanis on Thursday. "I said
hello to one of them because I had seen him around," the victim
explained. "Then he came up behind me and punched me really hard on
the back of the neck. The next minute they were all punching and
kicking me." He was saved from serious injury when adults intervened
and dragged the assailants off him.

Mr Whyte accused the leaders of the town's 20,000 Asians of failing to
take action to curb the violent gangs. "I have spoken to them about
the problem so they are aware of it, but they don't do anything about
it," he said. "They are burying their heads in the sand."

Last weekend, Darcus Howe, the black journalist and broadcaster,
returned to Walsall to film a programme about the town, 20 years after
he worked and lived there. He told how he was confronted by a group of
angry Pakistani youths, who threatened to attack him.

"They told me of their violent hostility to West Indians and
threatened to break my legs," he said. "Pakistani nationalism is their
stock-in trade. 'We are Muslims', they said, 'and nobody likes us'."

Senior Muslim figures told the Telegraph, however, that they were
unaware of any racial attacks. Maulana Luqman, an imam at the
predominantly-Pakistani Abu-Bakr education trust, said: "We are
indoors most of the time so we don't really know what is happening on
the streets."

Another Muslim leader said: "I don't think we have a particular
problem with violent youths. That is not the Muslim way." When the
black victims' stories were put to him he replied: "This is the first
I have heard about this."

Leroy McCoy, a voluntary "mentor" for young Afro-Caribbeans, said that
the "Pakistani problem" had increased since the al-Qaeda terrorist
attacks on America two years ago. "They have definitely become more
aggressive, more nationalistic since then," he said.

That nationalism - not for Britain, but for Pakistan - was evident
last week during the Eid celebrations at the end of Ramadan when Asian
youths drove around the town waving large Pakistani flags from their

The rise of militant Islamic fundamentalism in the Midlands may also
be a factor. One of four terrorist suspects held by police last week -
a 26-year-old man - was arrested at Walsall's BTExchange. Two others
were from nearby Dudley.

Mr McCoy said that the Pakistanis used Islam as a "unifying factor"
and had become more hostile to non-Muslims "because they feel the rest
of the world has become anti-Muslim since September 11".

He said that blacks had been "stereotyped as society's bad guys for
years" but added: "This time we are the victims and the Asian
community has to take responsibility for what its young men are doing.
We are trying to engage properly with society but the Asian thugs are
trying to drive us out."

A spokesmen for the town's 15,000 Sikhs stressed that they had no part
in any street attacks. A priest at the Sikh temple in the Pleck
district said: "We condemn all violence."

He blamed the problem on the breakdown of traditional families,
discipline and respect. "It's not racial hatred as much as
deprivation, boredom and a desire for violence," he said.

A spokesman for the Walsall police said that there had been reports of
assaults in recent months but none had been classed as racial.

Mr Whyte said it was time for the police to open their eyes. "It's
always Pakistanis attacking Afro-Caribbeans and talking about 'killing
niggers'. Of course they are racial attacks," he said. "If police
ignore the violence then it will get out of control. Then they will
find themselves dealing with something much bigger."

"Roger" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected] >...
    > Um, all Asians are Muslim?
    > Your little fantasy world is very interesting. Has nothing to do with the
    > real world, but it's a fascinating specimen.
    > "Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >
    > http://icberkshire.icnetwork.co.uk/0...l&siteid=50102
    > >
    > > Gang launch terror assault Jun 17 2004
    > >
    > > A GANG subjected a teenager to a terrifying ordeal as they tried to
    > > steal his wallet.
    > >
    > > The 16-year-old was walking along Mildenhall Road, Manor Park, at
    > > around 2pm on Saturday, June 5, when he was suddenly surrounded by six
    > > or seven youths.
    > >
    > > One asked him the time before another punched him in the face causing
    > > a serious nose bleed.
    > >
    > > The attacker held the boy in a head-lock, demanding money, but he
    > > broke free and fled with blood pouring down his face. He spent two
    > > days in Wexham Park hospital being treated for his injuries.
    > >
    > > The group of thugs - who are all Asian and aged between 16 and 18 -
    > > walked off towards the shops in Oatlands Drive after the attack.
    > >
    > > The one who asked the time was about 17, 5ft 7ins, slim, with a thin
    > > face and wearing a dark-coloured baseball cap.
    > >
    > > The youth who assaulted the boy was about 5ft 6, medium to heavy
    > > build, with short black spiky hair and a deep voice.
    > >
    > > Anyone who witnessed the incident, or has information, should call
    > > robbery coordinator Jill Matindale on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on
    > > 0800 555111.
Old Jul 28th 2004, 10:22 am
H. Wake
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

"Nicolas Benicoeur" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > > These were not Moslems of the peaceful variety we here about, presumably ?
    > Are the 1,000,000 Sikhs and Hindus not also Asians?

Sikhs and Hindus don't have a reputation for this sort of thing and
consequently they resent being called Asians when what is really meant
is Moslems.
Old Jul 28th 2004, 9:33 pm
Alan Harrison
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

"Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

citing the following:

    > Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths
    > (Filed: 07/12/2003)
    > Thirty years after Afro-Caribbeans in Walsall successfully fought off
    > white skinhead thugs, their children face a fresh wave of attacks -
    > this time from Asians, reports David Harrison.

I'm from Walsall and lived there for fifty years before moving to work down
south. (FWIW, I'm not related to David Harrison, the attributed author of
the report.)

OK, allowing for a bit of scepticism around anything originating from Moses
Whyte, who has a decidedly chequered history, there is certainly a history
of tension between different ethnic minority groups. In even a moderately
sized town like Walsall (about 250,000), they tend to live in different
areas, e.g. Muslims in Caldmore, Sikhs and Hindus in the Pleck. All of them
are probably at more risk from "poor whites" than they are from one another.

Alan Harrison
Old Jul 29th 2004, 7:06 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

Nicolas Benicoeur <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > > These were not Moslems of the peaceful variety we here about, presumably
    > Are the 1,000,000 Sikhs and Hindus not also Asians?

Perusal of the header will reveal to you that these were Moslems
Old Jul 29th 2004, 4:11 pm
Bobby Fischler
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

"Alan Harrison" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    > "Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > citing the following:
    > > Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths
    > > (Filed: 07/12/2003)
    > >
    > > Thirty years after Afro-Caribbeans in Walsall successfully fought off
    > > white skinhead thugs, their children face a fresh wave of attacks -
    > > this time from Asians, reports David Harrison.
    > I'm from Walsall and lived there for fifty years before moving to work down
    > south. (FWIW, I'm not related to David Harrison, the attributed author of
    > the report.)
    > OK, allowing for a bit of scepticism around anything originating from Moses
    > Whyte, who has a decidedly chequered history, there is certainly a history
    > of tension between different ethnic minority groups. In even a moderately
    > sized town like Walsall (about 250,000), they tend to live in different
    > areas, e.g. Muslims in Caldmore, Sikhs and Hindus in the Pleck. All of them
    > are probably at more risk from "poor whites" than they are from one another.
    > Alan Harrison

Thanks for posting your rubbish, but the article did not mention
"poor" whites attacking anyone. Nice try at trying to change the
subject about violent muslim gangs, but you failed.
Old Jul 29th 2004, 8:46 pm
Alan Harrison
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Muslim Gang of 7 Attack Young British Boy In UK in Attempted Murder. Mean Streets of the UK

"Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > "Alan Harrison" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
    > > "Bobby Fischler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > >
    > > citing the following:
    > >
    > > > Pakistani gangs are targeting us, say fearful black youths
    > > > (Filed: 07/12/2003)
    > > >
    > > > Thirty years after Afro-Caribbeans in Walsall successfully fought off
    > > > white skinhead thugs, their children face a fresh wave of attacks -
    > > > this time from Asians, reports David Harrison.
    > >
    > > I'm from Walsall and lived there for fifty years before moving to work
    > > south. (FWIW, I'm not related to David Harrison, the attributed author
    > > the report.)
    > >
    > > OK, allowing for a bit of scepticism around anything originating from
    > > Whyte, who has a decidedly chequered history, there is certainly a
    > > of tension between different ethnic minority groups. In even a
    > > sized town like Walsall (about 250,000), they tend to live in different
    > > areas, e.g. Muslims in Caldmore, Sikhs and Hindus in the Pleck. All of
    > > are probably at more risk from "poor whites" than they are from one
    > >
    > > Alan Harrison
    > Thanks for posting your rubbish, but the article did not mention
    > "poor" whites attacking anyone. Nice try at trying to change the
    > subject about violent muslim gangs, but you failed.

Errr, did you spot the reference to "white skinhead thugs"? They're still
there. I know. I come from Walsall and visit my folks there regularly. I
should imagine that it would be as easy to find articles about racism in
Walsall directed against both Afro-Caribbeans and south Asians, but this
might not fit the agenda of the pseudonymous Fischler/Hals.

Cross-posting deleted, by the way.

Alan Harrison

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