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Europe will soon be 100% Muslim


Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

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Old Mar 11th 2005, 4:48 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Point taken. My observations were based on Asian and Middle Eastern
people who go to the university here in town (WMU), and only meant as

In any case, US population increases are not likely to be specifically
due to Islamic people.

Pedantically, my check on reality showed higher percentages in both
India and the Philippines, although I'm sure conflicting data exists.
Old Mar 12th 2005, 10:53 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"Tom McDonald" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > zolota wrote:
    >> "Maaxx" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>The population is crashing all over Europe; only the US is still
    >>>it's population among the developed nations.
    >>>This proves why Americans are smarter and Euroweenies are a dying breed.
    >>>Europe will soon be filled with al-Queda camps, minarets, and
    >> What do you read for news, the local comics? US population growth (by
    >> birth) is almost entirely due to new immigrants who on average are
    >> moslem. I'm damned if I can think of what you're going on about.
    >> Z.
    >> I
    > White supremacists are probing various groups to see if they get any
    > positive reaction. Of course, there is also the normal background level of
    > racist nonsense, so this could be that instead.
    > I think it makes great sense to not engage in any discussion with these
    > folks. Their basic premise is so twisted and un-American (and decidedly
    > un-Canadian :-)) it isn't worth wasting neuronal activity on them.
    > Of course, calling the devil by his name is always a good thing.
    > --
    > Tom McDonald
    > http://ahwhatdoiknow.blogspot.com/

I must appologize to all for a fit of anger. The dog sitting at my feet was
being kicked to death by several moslem youths for the sin of living with a
"non believer" when two old men asked those youths why the dog had to die.
Islam preaches the wisdom of elders and the gang dispersed. While it saved
my dog, that "wisdom" can mean that a brilliant student can be educated in
the west with the latest in methods of farming or medicine, or whatever, yet
his father or grandfather can prohibit him/her from practicing them because
"father knows best". My own family were subjected to ethic cleansing for
the sin of not being moslem. A nieghbour of ours is an orphan because her
family were not moslems and all were murdered, in a completely different
country and cleansing from ours. I've attended funerals of men killed by
muslim fundamentalists, now known as Al Quaida.

I was in the local grocery store the day I posted that reply and saw an
interesting couple. She was wearing a Chadore so that only her eyes showed.
For those who do not know what I mean, she was a devout moslem in
traditional dress. The religion that allows their police to skin people
alive dictates that she be covered head to foot to prevent scandalous
exposure of flesh that would otherwise tempt men to rape. But, if there were
less than three male witnesses who could testify that she was raped, it
would be her fault for exposing her {breast, leg, ankle, eyes, etc}. Moslem
men rarely rape, most court decisions are that they were seduced. The only
non errogenous parts of a moslem woman are the eyes, and in some sects those
are covered by gauze, the notorious "Burka" of Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.
Did you know that under sharia law only moslem women can be raped? If a
non-moslem woman tempts a true believer into sex it's her fault.

The woman had four children under the age of six, all of whose medical bills
were paid for by my taxes. Her equally religous husband (logical?) was
wearing totally western clothing and enjoying watching all of the tits and
ass that a liberal society allows it's women walking through the store. His
neck must have been sore it twisted so much. No doubt he calls back to his
homeland every week and often complains about how degenerate the west is but
h somehow survives it.

Did I ask that they be here, did my society request it? No, it was a
decision made upstairs buy a "father knows best" cabal of assholes aka

The saddest part of this monalogue is that my parents preached universal
equality and I always agreed. Only when I met fundamentalist moslems did I
become racist, if that is the right word. My accountant is moslem, I could
care less what anyone pretends to nbelong to. But i've come to hate those
funadamentalist moslems with a passion. So, I hate moslems, and how they
breed, and was wrong in my post, and am sorry.


Old Mar 13th 2005, 5:09 am
Lauri Levanto
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"Keith W" <[email protected]>
    > "mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote
    > > Keith W wrote:
    > >> "zolota" <[email protected]> wrote
    > >>
    > >>>"Maaxx" <[email protected]> wrote
    > >>>
    > >>>>The population is crashing all over Europe; only the US is still
    > >>>>replacing
    > >>>>it's population among the developed nations.
    > >>>>
    > >>>>This proves why Americans are smarter and Euroweenies are a dying
    > >>>>Europe will soon be filled with al-Queda camps, minarets, and
    > >>>>sandniggers.
    > >>>
    > >>>What do you read for news, the local comics? US population growth (by
    > >>>birth) is almost entirely due to new immigrants who on average are
    > >>>moslem.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Not unless there have been mass conversions to Islam in Mexico.
    > >> In fact there wasnt a predominantly Moslem country in the list
    > >> of the top 10 list of countries of origin for US immigrants
    > >>
    > >> The top 3 were Mexico, Phillipines and India.
    > >
    > >
    > > Maybe YOU think the Philippines is a Christian Country,
    > It is , at the last survey is was Roman Catholic 83%, Protestant 9%,
    > Muslim 5%, Buddhist and other 3%
    > > or that India is still mostly Hindu.
    > It is, at the last census (2000) Hindu 81.3%, Muslim 12%, Christian 2.3%,
    > Sikh 1.9%, other groups including Buddhist, Jain, Parsi 2.5%
That means about 120 000 000 Muslims in India.

Old Mar 14th 2005, 10:34 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Keith W wrote:
    >> "zolota" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:M_VXd.629306$8l.245694@pd7tw1no...
    >>>"Maaxx" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>news:[email protected]...
    >>>>The population is crashing all over Europe; only the US is still
    >>>>it's population among the developed nations.
    >>>>This proves why Americans are smarter and Euroweenies are a dying breed.
    >>>>Europe will soon be filled with al-Queda camps, minarets, and
    >>>What do you read for news, the local comics? US population growth (by
    >>>birth) is almost entirely due to new immigrants who on average are
    >> Not unless there have been mass conversions to Islam in Mexico.
    >> In fact there wasnt a predominantly Moslem country in the list
    >> of the top 10 list of countries of origin for US immigrants
    >> The top 3 were Mexico, Phillipines and India.
    > Maybe YOU think the Philippines is a Christian Country, or that India is
    > still mostly Hindu. I encourage you to check your facts, both of the named
    > countries have more than significant (admittedly less than a
    > majority)Muslim populations, particularly the Phillipine.
    > Thank you for playing, better luck next time.

Have met thousands of Phillipinos. Not one Moslem. Have met about as many
people from India. One was Moslem - he became a Born Again Chrsitian. The
rest were Hindu.
Old Mar 14th 2005, 11:05 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"zolota" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > "Tom McDonald" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> White supremacists are probing various groups to see if they get any
    >> positive reaction. Of course, there is also the normal background level
    >> of racist nonsense, so this could be that instead.

This "line" is getting very old very fast.

Snip the anecdotes - people that experienced similar at the hands of "fill
in the blanks" feel the same way - but mostly don't say squat about it in
public. The thought cops might call them all by the R word.

    > The saddest part of this monalogue is that my parents preached universal
    > equality and I always agreed.

Yup. Same for many.

Only when I met fundamentalist moslems did I
    > become racist, if that is the right word.

No, it's not the right word. It's a moral blackmail attempt by a thought
cop to try to get you to lay down like a damned rug while RACISTS walk all
over you. Cut your balls off, so they can murder or mutilate your sisters.
And btw, Moslems are mostly white anyway - so what's the R word doing in
there? The R word has grown very tired.

My accountant is moslem, I could
    > care less what anyone pretends to belong to. But i've come to hate those >
    > funadamentalist moslems with a passion. So, I hate moslems, and how they
    > breed, and was wrong in my post, and am sorry.

The BIG problem is this - even when Moslems are secular in the extreme, even
when they are so secular that they go to a western Catholic school - they
can TURN into fundamentalists. The guy that flew the plane (Hamburg Cell
guy - watch the documentary on Hamburg Cell) was a perfect example of this.
I'm saying this openly and I have Moslem cousins, babe. I don't give two
craps and a flying freak about the R word.

What with all the experience the intelligence agencies have with Soviet
moles and sleepers - they let these mofo's into western countries and just
never imagine that crap's gonna hit the fan? DUH. They have not only been
emasculated - they've had their brains scooped out.

As I once said to a black guy (a friend outside of work, but a real thug on
the job, especially toward whites there): "Why not just stand outside after
work with a "join the KKK" sign on your back.

You have every right in the world to DESPISE and wish death upon any and all
who'd despise you and try to kill you, yours or your way of life. Turning
the other cheek fails when those that turned those cheeks are laying in
pools of blood in the streets - conquered. Democracy is not compatible with
Islam. How many of them have to come out and say this openly before
Europeans get a clue?
    > ;)
    > Z
Old Mar 15th 2005, 8:48 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Comm wrote:
    > "mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >>Keith W wrote:
    >>>"zolota" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>>"Maaxx" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>>news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>The population is crashing all over Europe; only the US is still
    >>>>>it's population among the developed nations.
    >>>>>This proves why Americans are smarter and Euroweenies are a dying breed.
    >>>>>Europe will soon be filled with al-Queda camps, minarets, and
    >>>>What do you read for news, the local comics? US population growth (by
    >>>>birth) is almost entirely due to new immigrants who on average are
    >>>Not unless there have been mass conversions to Islam in Mexico.
    >>>In fact there wasnt a predominantly Moslem country in the list
    >>>of the top 10 list of countries of origin for US immigrants
    >>>The top 3 were Mexico, Phillipines and India.
    >>Maybe YOU think the Philippines is a Christian Country, or that India is
    >>still mostly Hindu. I encourage you to check your facts, both of the named
    >>countries have more than significant (admittedly less than a
    >>majority)Muslim populations, particularly the Phillipine.
    >>Thank you for playing, better luck next time.
    > Have met thousands of Phillipinos. Not one Moslem. Have met about as many
    > people from India. One was Moslem - he became a Born Again Chrsitian. The
    > rest were Hindu.
My daughter, who lives in small-town Kalamazoo, knows several muslim
filipinos, and a couple muslim indians, although they may be from areas
historically connected to pakistan or sri lanka. The earlier poster was
right in saying the countries I cited as largely muslim are not in fact
predominantly muslim, but I stand by my statement that significant
muslim minorities live in those countries.
Old Mar 15th 2005, 11:17 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Comm wrote:
    >> "mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>Keith W wrote:
    >>>>"zolota" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>>>"Maaxx" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>>>news:[email protected]...
    >>>>>>The population is crashing all over Europe; only the US is still
    >>>>>>it's population among the developed nations.
    >>>>>>This proves why Americans are smarter and Euroweenies are a dying
    >>>>>>Europe will soon be filled with al-Queda camps, minarets, and
    >>>>>What do you read for news, the local comics? US population growth (by
    >>>>>birth) is almost entirely due to new immigrants who on average are
    >>>>Not unless there have been mass conversions to Islam in Mexico.
    >>>>In fact there wasnt a predominantly Moslem country in the list
    >>>>of the top 10 list of countries of origin for US immigrants
    >>>>The top 3 were Mexico, Phillipines and India.
    >>>Maybe YOU think the Philippines is a Christian Country, or that India is
    >>>still mostly Hindu. I encourage you to check your facts, both of the
    >>>named countries have more than significant (admittedly less than a
    >>>majority)Muslim populations, particularly the Phillipine.
    >>>Thank you for playing, better luck next time.
    >> Have met thousands of Phillipinos. Not one Moslem. Have met about as
    >> many people from India. One was Moslem - he became a Born Again
    >> Chrsitian. The rest were Hindu.
    > My daughter, who lives in small-town Kalamazoo, knows several muslim
    > filipinos, and a couple muslim indians, although they may be from areas
    > historically connected to pakistan or sri lanka. The earlier poster was
    > right in saying the countries I cited as largely muslim are not in fact
    > predominantly muslim, but I stand by my statement that significant muslim
    > minorities live in those countries.

Well, I have two words to say about "secular" Moslems: "HAMBURG CELL." Of
course, having all of them here gives those people working for Homeland
Security jobs.
Old Mar 15th 2005, 1:11 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Comm wrote:

    > Well, I have two words to say about "secular" Moslems: "HAMBURG CELL." Of
    > course, having all of them here gives those people working for Homeland
    > Security jobs.
I have nothing to say about secular muslims, there are only muslim and
non-muslim. Similarly there are no secular Christians, and 'secular
jews' are only jews by ancestry and association. Of course, you may eat
your hamburg wherever you wish.
Old Mar 15th 2005, 1:21 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Comm wrote:
    >> Well, I have two words to say about "secular" Moslems: "HAMBURG CELL."
    >> Of course, having all of them here gives those people working for
    >> Homeland Security jobs.
    > I have nothing to say about secular muslims, there are only muslim and
    > non-muslim. Similarly there are no secular Christians, and 'secular jews'
    > are only jews by ancestry and association. Of course, you may eat your
    > hamburg wherever you wish.

What the hey? The Hamburg Cell was a cell (group) of Moslems in Hamburg
Germany that ended up blowing the world trade center up.

People DO change religion, you know. But the Moslems that blew up the twin
towers were secular at first, one even went to Catholic school.
Old Mar 16th 2005, 12:41 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

mburg wherever you wish.
    > What the hey? The Hamburg Cell was a cell (group) of Moslems in Hamburg
    > Germany that ended up blowing the world trade center up.
    > People DO change religion, you know. But the Moslems that blew up the twin
    > towers were secular at first, one even went to Catholic school.

If they were inspired to give up their lives for Islam and their god,
they were never secular, no matter what school or church they attended
previous to those attacks. Contrast with christians, very few of even
the most devout christians would even inconvenience themselves for
christianity or the principles espoused in the NT.Are they secular?
Old Mar 16th 2005, 7:30 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > mburg wherever you wish.
    >> What the hey? The Hamburg Cell was a cell (group) of Moslems in Hamburg
    >> Germany that ended up blowing the world trade center up.
    >> People DO change religion, you know. But the Moslems that blew up the
    >> twin towers were secular at first, one even went to Catholic school.
    > If they were inspired to give up their lives for Islam and their god, they
    > were never secular, no matter what school or church they attended
    > previous to those attacks.

Well, using that same logic then, if Germans were inspired to become Nazis -
then they must have been born Nazis? Always were Nazis? No - it doesn't
work that way.

Contrast with christians, very few of even
    > the most devout christians would even inconvenience themselves for
    > christianity or the principles espoused in the NT.Are they secular?

Blow up abortion clinics? That's a fanatic act by Christians in the USA. A
Catholic priest approving of it is also fanatic. Secular means that they
are either not religious at all, know very little about the religion, or
they sort of know the religion and are laid back about it. Anyone can
BECOME a fanatic, dear.

They come into European countries to get away from the shit they are leaving
behind. So what do they do? They arrogantly try to change European society
and make THAT into shit too. And what's stopping European countries from
rounding them all up, citizens or not, and booting them out? Europeans are
scared someone will call them racist or nazi if they do that. What a bunch
of lame shit that is. The real issue is not religion here - it's politics.
Old Mar 17th 2005, 2:24 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Maaxx <[email protected]> on 10 Mar 2005 posted
Old Mar 20th 2005, 1:10 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Comm wrote:
    > "mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >>mburg wherever you wish.
    >>>What the hey? The Hamburg Cell was a cell (group) of Moslems in Hamburg
    >>>Germany that ended up blowing the world trade center up.
    >>>People DO change religion, you know. But the Moslems that blew up the
    >>>twin towers were secular at first, one even went to Catholic school.
    >>If they were inspired to give up their lives for Islam and their god, they
    >>were never secular, no matter what school or church they attended
    >>previous to those attacks.
    > Well, using that same logic then, if Germans were inspired to become Nazis -
    > then they must have been born Nazis? Always were Nazis? No - it doesn't
    > work that way.
    > Contrast with christians, very few of even
    >>the most devout christians would even inconvenience themselves for
    >>christianity or the principles espoused in the NT.Are they secular?
    > Blow up abortion clinics? That's a fanatic act by Christians in the USA. A
    > Catholic priest approving of it is also fanatic. Secular means that they
    > are either not religious at all, know very little about the religion, or
    > they sort of know the religion and are laid back about it. Anyone can
    > BECOME a fanatic, dear.
    > They come into European countries to get away from the shit they are leaving
    > behind. So what do they do? They arrogantly try to change European society
    > and make THAT into shit too. And what's stopping European countries from
    > rounding them all up, citizens or not, and booting them out? Europeans are
    > scared someone will call them racist or nazi if they do that. What a bunch
    > of lame shit that is. The real issue is not religion here - it's politics.
I might agree with you, save one detail, namely that secular people
generally don't kill themselves to achieve a goal, since for a secular
individual paradise is an afterthought. Ask yourself what motivation one
who is not convinced of an afterlife would view as a plausible motive
for killing themselves as a form of warfare. The politics belong to the
recruiters since they simultaneously exhort other muslims to give up
their lives while being unwilling to give their own lives to the cause.
A terrible joke awaits those who have killed themselves to 'advance
islam'. The fatwa used to justify suicide attacks against
non-combatants, is convoluted and seems to me to only justify giving up
one's life if their death carries the day, no suicide attacks I've seen
meet that criteria.

Once again, secular people do not give their lives up, lacking an
immediate impetus, ie throwing oneself on a grenade to save ones's
comrades or similar make or break situations. Instead, gullible muslims
are being convinced by cynical secular people who adopt the mantle of
islam like a jacket when the weather turns. The blame IS on the secular
imposters, but attacks are carried out by the faithful, who have been
duped into believing that they are carrying out god's will. That they
don't attend mosque or, even join congregations of other churches for
cover means very little, these people are often told that they can
indulge themselves in Western societies bounty without guilt, all the
infidel whores, alcohol and other things that most muslims would not be
allowed to do, as their alleged saintliness would expunge their offenses.
Old Mar 22nd 2005, 4:54 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

"mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Comm wrote:
    >> "mikelist" <mutterer@notime> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>mburg wherever you wish.
    >>>>What the hey? The Hamburg Cell was a cell (group) of Moslems in Hamburg
    >>>>Germany that ended up blowing the world trade center up.
    >>>>People DO change religion, you know. But the Moslems that blew up the
    >>>>twin towers were secular at first, one even went to Catholic school.
    >>>If they were inspired to give up their lives for Islam and their god,
    >>>they were never secular, no matter what school or church they attended
    >>>previous to those attacks.
    >> Well, using that same logic then, if Germans were inspired to become
    >> Nazis - then they must have been born Nazis? Always were Nazis? No - it
    >> doesn't work that way.
    >> Contrast with christians, very few of even
    >>>the most devout christians would even inconvenience themselves for
    >>>christianity or the principles espoused in the NT.Are they secular?

Children's Crusade? The Crusades? Christians did do that. Sure, it was the
past, but they did it.
    >> Blow up abortion clinics? That's a fanatic act by Christians in the USA.
    >> A Catholic priest approving of it is also fanatic. Secular means that
    >> they are either not religious at all, know very little about the
    >> religion, or they sort of know the religion and are laid back about it.
    >> Anyone can BECOME a fanatic, dear.
    >> They come into European countries to get away from the shit they are
    >> leaving behind. So what do they do? They arrogantly try to change
    >> European society and make THAT into shit too. And what's stopping
    >> European countries from rounding them all up, citizens or not, and
    >> booting them out? Europeans are >> scared someone will call them racist
    >> or nazi if they do that. What a bunch of lame shit that is. The real
    >> issue is not religion here - it's politics.

    > I might agree with you, save one detail, namely that secular people
    > generally don't kill themselves to achieve a goal, since for a secular
    > individual paradise is an afterthought. Ask yourself what motivation one
    > who is not convinced of an afterlife would view as a plausible motive for
    > killing themselves as a form of warfare.

Well, it can go two ways. Really religious people would think that God had
a plan and they are living in it. They'd put up with their lot in life.
But secular people giving up their lives for a cause? Ever hear this quote:
"Give me liberty, or give me death."? Kamikazi pilots in Japan were not
religious fanatics. SS men that pretty much went on suicide missions trying
to fight the Soviets also were not religious.

The politics belong to the
    > recruiters since they simultaneously exhort other muslims to give up their
    > lives while being unwilling to give their own lives to the cause. A
    > terrible joke awaits those who have killed themselves to 'advance islam'.
    > The fatwa used to justify suicide attacks against non-combatants, is
    > convoluted and seems to me to only justify giving up one's life if their
    > death carries the day, no suicide attacks I've seen meet that criteria.

The problem with terrorism is that you can't fight it unless you go for
total genocide (Hulagu Khan did that, and he DID eliminate the Assassin
terrorists of his day). The more the west pressures to stop them, or takes
measures, the more they recruit. The fact is, these guys are using
religion - but they are really about politics. They are not MUCH different
from the American Revolutionaries. Funny thing is, the USA recognized that
about them before they turned on the USA. To that I have to say: HA HA HA.
****ing morons. Who do y ou t hink handed these bastards all that weaponry?
And for what - to fight the ahem, "EVIL EMPIRE?" That's religious talk,
Reagan's brain****ed stupid rhetoric.
    > Once again, secular people do not give their lives up, lacking an
    > immediate impetus, ie throwing oneself on a grenade to save ones's
    > comrades or similar make or break situations.

The Civil War (American one). Got any idea how those guys fought? Secular
people have many times given their lives up and/or ruined their lives for a
cause - where they went to war. One of these days, the stupid freaking
monkeys will learn to SAY NO when told to go to war. ALL of them.

Instead, gullible muslims
    > are being convinced by cynical secular people who adopt the mantle of
    > islam like a jacket when the weather turns. The blame IS on the secular
    > imposters, but attacks are carried out by the faithful, who have been
    > duped into believing that they are carrying out god's will. That they
    > don't attend mosque or, even join congregations of other churches for
    > cover means very little, these people are often told that they can indulge
    > themselves in Western societies bounty without guilt, all the infidel
    > whores, alcohol and other things that most muslims would not be allowed to
    > do, as their alleged saintliness would expunge their offenses.

Well, you focus far too much on religion and the use of religion to incite
fanatacism. Lots of things can make people fanatics. Not just religion.
Old Mar 22nd 2005, 5:25 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Europe will soon be 100% Muslim

Comm wrote:

    > Well, you focus far too much on religion and the use of religion to incite
    > fanatacism. Lots of things can make people fanatics. Not just religion.

Fanatics, yes. Suicidal fanatics is a bit more of a stretch. You are the
one who attributed it to a religion, ie islam, and I don't think a
suitable alternate motive for suicide exists outside of anticipation of
an afterlife, except to escape constant pain or depression, and those
people are unlikely to bring politics or warfare into their private
hell.I may be wrong though, how about your take on suicidal secular
fanatics? Secular and religious are mutually exclusive terms, as I would
have thought you recognized.

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