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Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look


Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

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Old Apr 3rd 2003, 5:34 am
Posts: n/a
Default Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say


WASHINGTON -- The public face of President Bush (news - web sites) at
war is composed and controlled. On TV and in newspaper photos, he is
sturdy and assured, usually surrounded by military personnel. But
those choreographed glimpses of Bush's commander-in-chief persona
don't tell the whole story. Behind the scenes, aides and friends say,
the president's role is more complicated and his style more emotional.

People who know Bush well say the strain of war is palpable. He rarely
jokes with staffers these days and occasionally startles them with
sarcastic putdowns. He's being hard on himself; he gave up sweets just
before the war began. He's frustrated when armchair generals or
members of his own team express doubts about U.S. military strategy.
At the same time, some of his usual supporters are concerned by his
insistence on sticking with the original war plan.

Interviews with a dozen friends, advisers and top aides describe a man
who feels he is being tested. As might be expected from loyal aides,
they portray the president as steady, tough and up to the task,
someone whose usual cheer has shifted to a more serious demeanor.
Their observations yield a rare inside look at how the president
functions in a crisis.

Friends say the conflict is consuming Bush's days and weighing heavily
on him. ''He's got that steely-eyed look, but he is burdened,'' says a
friend who has spent time with the president since the war began.
''You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. I worry about

Bush is juggling a lot more than projecting the image of a confident
commander in chief. He's a prosecutor who quizzes military officials
about their backup plans when things go awry on the battlefield. He's
a critic who sees himself as the aggrieved victim of the news media
and second-guessers. He's a cheerleader who encourages others not to
lose faith in the war plan. He's a supervisor who manages the
competing views and egos of top advisers.

The president reads newspapers first thing in the morning, flipping
through some of them while he's still in the White House residence
instead of waiting for clippings assembled by aides. Through the day,
he regularly watches war coverage on the nearest TV, which is in the
private dining room next to the Oval Office. He knows when heavy
bombardments of Baghdad are scheduled and sometimes tunes in to see

As he consumes media accounts of the war, Bush has noted criticism
coming even from some people he believes should be his allies. He was
stung last year when Brent Scowcroft, his father's national security
adviser, wrote a newspaper column questioning the necessity and wisdom
of going to war. Similar complaints continue, and some people outside
the administration are pressing current Bush advisers to urge him to
retool his war plan. The president's aides say he's aware of those
efforts but ''discounts'' them.

News coverage of the war often irritates him. He's infuriated by
reporters and retired generals who publicly question the tactics of
the war plan. Bush let senior Pentagon (news - web sites) officials
know that he was peeved when Lt. Gen. William Wallace, the Army's
senior ground commander in Iraq (news - web sites), said last week
that guerrilla fighting, Iraqi resistance and sandstorms have made a
longer war more likely. But Bush has told aides that he wants to hear
all the news from the front -- good and bad.

He has a special epithet for members of his own staff who worry aloud.
He calls them ''hand-wringers.'' Two days after combat began, he has
said acidly, some people were already asking ''how the unconditional
surrender talks were going.''

'Do you need to see him?'

Bush makes a point of managing the balance of power in his inner
circle. Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) receded
from the headlines once the war began, but Bush keeps him near. The
president seeks second opinions about military strategy in regular
private meetings with Powell, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff during the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites). There's another
reason Bush keeps Powell close: to signal to the hawks on his team
that he values the secretary of State's more cautious approach to
diplomacy and war.

Bush's schedule still includes meetings on matters unrelated to the
war, many of them on the economy, but the meetings are shorter now.
Fewer aides receive permission from chief of staff Andy Card to see
the president. ''Do you need to see him or do you want to see him?''
Card asks them.

Bush believes he was called by God to lead the nation at this time,
says Commerce Secretary Don Evans, a close friend who talks with Bush
every day. His history degree from Yale makes him mindful of the
importance of the moment. He knows he's making ''history-changing
decisions,'' Evans says. But Bush doesn't keep a diary or other
personal record of the events that will form his legacy. Aides take
notes, but there's no stenographer in most meetings, nor are they
videotaped or recorded.

It's widely assumed that one reason Bush wants to rid the world of
Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) is to complete the mission his
father, former president George Bush, began in 1991. The senior Bush
led a coalition to eject Iraqi troops that had invaded Kuwait, but
knowing that the U.N.-backed alliance was formed solely to liberate
the country, he decided against going on to Baghdad to remove Saddam
from power. People who know both men say this war isn't about
vengeance. ''It's not personal,'' one Bush aide says.

Rather, the president's passion is motivated by his loathing for
Saddam's brutality, aides say. He talks often about his revulsion for
Saddam's use of torture, rape and executions. He is convinced that the
Iraqi leader is literally insane and would gladly give terrorists
weapons to use to launch another attack on the United States.

The thought of another assault on the United States horrifies Bush.
Aides say he believes history and heaven will judge him by his ability
to prevent one.

Officials don't want Saddam's fate to become the only measure of the
war's success. They realize now that it was a mistake in the early
days after the Sept. 11 attacks to make al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden (news - web sites) the embodiment of the war on terrorism.

But Bush was elated when he was told there was a chance to kill Saddam
on the eve of the scheduled start of the war. On March 19, he made a
last-minute decision to launch airstrikes on a Baghdad bunker where
U.S. intelligence agents had just learned Saddam was spending the
night. For days, he grilled aides for information about the Iraqi
leader's fate and was dismayed when intelligence officials concluded
that Saddam had survived.

Studies battle maps

Sept. 11, 2001, and the assault on al-Qaeda that followed, created a
wartime rhythm in the White House that continues today. Bush, who was
drilled in corporate style while earning his MBA at Harvard, prefers
his days to be structured.

They are now built around war updates. Bush receives a report on
overnight developments by phone at 6 a.m. from national security
adviser Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites). After an 8 a.m.
intelligence briefing, he conducts a National Security Council meeting
for 30 minutes to an hour. Afterward, he meets privately with Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for a half-hour or so. Bush and Rumsfeld
usually talk by phone at least twice later in the day.

In the first days of the conflict, the president's aides said he was
leaving the details of war planning to his generals. Then, fearing
that he might seem too uninvolved, they began describing him as
interested in all the specifics.

That's how the White House message has shifted, but the bottom line is
that Bush is an active manager and defender of the war plan. He and
Rumsfeld spread out maps of the war zone in their meetings. Bush wants
to know where U.S. troops are, where they're headed, what weapons are
being used and how the enemy is faring. He rebukes and then bucks up
aides who question the tactics, pace or human costs of the war.

Rumsfeld was Richard Nixon's ambassador to NATO (news - web sites) and
a White House chief of staff and Defense secretary for Gerald Ford. He
won't compare Bush with those presidents, but he likes the way his
current boss operates. ''He thinks things through, but when he makes a
decision, he makes it, and he doesn't go back and worry about it,''
Rumsfeld says.

Bush advisers say he will revise the war plan if he becomes convinced
that it's not working. He doesn't think that's necessary now, they
say. Still, even some of Bush's allies say privately that they wish
the president would be a little less certain and more willing to
reassess decisions. He encourages everybody in a meeting to speak up,
he says. But when aides or advisers voice misgivings about the
direction of the war -- and some have -- Bush generally admonishes
them not to be impatient.

''He sees the ebb and flow, expects it,'' Rumsfeld says. When things
go badly, the Defense secretary says, Bush will say something ''if he
sees it may be adversely affecting someone's attitude.'' The president
will remind them that they had all agreed on the plan knowing that
setbacks were inevitable. Rumsfeld says Bush has reminded aides that
''this is something that we weighed and considered.''

Bush is not an expert on military tactics, but he's getting an
education from Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, who was an Air Force combat pilot in Vietnam.

In briefings, Rumsfeld says, Bush ''will frequently say 'Excuse me'
and then bore in on something: 'What about this? What about that? If
this occurs, what would be the approach you take?' . . . In probing,
he also pushes, pushes people to think about things that he does not
know whether or not they have thought through.''

Rumsfeld says Bush was equally involved in the planning before the
first missiles fell on Baghdad. Because he knew what was coming,
Rumsfeld says, the president was prepared for complications, mistakes
and losses. ''There is nothing that has surprised him that I know
of,'' Rumsfeld says.

Rx for anxiety: Prayer, exercise

When an aide asked Bush recently how the war with Iraq has changed
him, the reply was curt: ''We've been at war since Sept. 11.''

People who know Bush well say the burdens of war take a toll on him.
His wry humor, which generally punctuates his relationships with his
aides, largely evaporates in times of great stress. He can be
impatient and imperious.

On March 17, before he delivered a 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam, Bush
summoned congressional leaders to the White House. They expected a
detailed briefing, but the president told them he was notifying them
only because he was legally required to do so and then left the room.
They were taken aback, and some were annoyed. They were just as
surprised by his buoyant mood two days later at another White House

At a news conference Thursday at Camp David with British Prime
Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites), Bush couldn't contain his
annoyance at a reporter who asked if the war might last for months.
''However long it takes,'' Bush said sharply. ''That's the answer to
your question, and that's what you've got to know.''

Bush isn't usually a worrier, but aides say he spends a lot of time
stewing about the families of the slain, the safety of POWs and the
flow of humanitarian aid into Iraq.

Bush copes with anxiety as he always has. He prays and exercises.
Evans says his friend has a placid acceptance of challenges that comes
from his Christian faith.

''He knows that we're all here to serve a calling greater than self,''
Evans says. ''That's what he's committed his life to do. He
understands that he is the one person in the country, in this case
really the one person in the world, who has a responsibility to
protect and defend freedom.''

Bush has imposed an almost military discipline on himself. Even though
he's as lean as he was in college, he decided just before the war that
he was unhappy with his running times, which were slowing from his
preferred pace of 7.5 minutes or less per mile.

So Bush gave up his one indulgence: sweets. It worked; he's losing
weight and improving his time.

When Bush doesn't find time to run three or four miles a day, he still
works out. He uses an elliptical trainer, lifts weights and stretches.
Exercising regularly, he says, gives him time to think, improves his
energy and helps him sleep.

He also carves out time for family and friends. He still goes to bed
by 10 p.m. and has asked his wife, Laura, to stay close to home. His
daughter Barbara and his college friend Roland Betts, a New York
business executive, also were with him at Camp David the first weekend
of the war. He talks several times a week with his father and mother.
He still tells a joke or teases an aide occasionally.

The president's friends and family fret about him, but advisers say
the pressure doesn't seem to be getting to him. ''He's not one of
those people who blows with the wind,'' Rumsfeld says. ''He has a very
good inner gyroscope, a stabilizer that keeps him centered.''
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 5:40 am
B D Wanker
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 19:34:24 +0100, mk wrote:

    >Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say.
    >Judy Keen USA TODAY


Aw, poor ubu!

Hey, George, be careful what you ask for.....
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 5:41 am
Terry Fields
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

Sounds like he's even more of an AHOLE than usual.

"mk" wrote in message
    > Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say
    > Judy Keen USA TODAY
    > WASHINGTON -- The public face of President Bush (news - web sites) at
    > war is composed and controlled. On TV and in newspaper photos, he is
    > sturdy and assured, usually surrounded by military personnel. But
    > those choreographed glimpses of Bush's commander-in-chief persona
    > don't tell the whole story. Behind the scenes, aides and friends say,
    > the president's role is more complicated and his style more emotional.
    > People who know Bush well say the strain of war is palpable. He rarely
    > jokes with staffers these days and occasionally startles them with
    > sarcastic putdowns. He's being hard on himself; he gave up sweets just
    > before the war began. He's frustrated when armchair generals or
    > members of his own team express doubts about U.S. military strategy.
    > At the same time, some of his usual supporters are concerned by his
    > insistence on sticking with the original war plan.
    > Interviews with a dozen friends, advisers and top aides describe a man
    > who feels he is being tested. As might be expected from loyal aides,
    > they portray the president as steady, tough and up to the task,
    > someone whose usual cheer has shifted to a more serious demeanor.
    > Their observations yield a rare inside look at how the president
    > functions in a crisis.
    > Friends say the conflict is consuming Bush's days and weighing heavily
    > on him. ''He's got that steely-eyed look, but he is burdened,'' says a
    > friend who has spent time with the president since the war began.
    > ''You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. I worry about
    > him.''
    > Bush is juggling a lot more than projecting the image of a confident
    > commander in chief. He's a prosecutor who quizzes military officials
    > about their backup plans when things go awry on the battlefield. He's
    > a critic who sees himself as the aggrieved victim of the news media
    > and second-guessers. He's a cheerleader who encourages others not to
    > lose faith in the war plan. He's a supervisor who manages the
    > competing views and egos of top advisers.
    > The president reads newspapers first thing in the morning, flipping
    > through some of them while he's still in the White House residence
    > instead of waiting for clippings assembled by aides. Through the day,
    > he regularly watches war coverage on the nearest TV, which is in the
    > private dining room next to the Oval Office. He knows when heavy
    > bombardments of Baghdad are scheduled and sometimes tunes in to see
    > them.
    > As he consumes media accounts of the war, Bush has noted criticism
    > coming even from some people he believes should be his allies. He was
    > stung last year when Brent Scowcroft, his father's national security
    > adviser, wrote a newspaper column questioning the necessity and wisdom
    > of going to war. Similar complaints continue, and some people outside
    > the administration are pressing current Bush advisers to urge him to
    > retool his war plan. The president's aides say he's aware of those
    > efforts but ''discounts'' them.
    > News coverage of the war often irritates him. He's infuriated by
    > reporters and retired generals who publicly question the tactics of
    > the war plan. Bush let senior Pentagon (news - web sites) officials
    > know that he was peeved when Lt. Gen. William Wallace, the Army's
    > senior ground commander in Iraq (news - web sites), said last week
    > that guerrilla fighting, Iraqi resistance and sandstorms have made a
    > longer war more likely. But Bush has told aides that he wants to hear
    > all the news from the front -- good and bad.
    > He has a special epithet for members of his own staff who worry aloud.
    > He calls them ''hand-wringers.'' Two days after combat began, he has
    > said acidly, some people were already asking ''how the unconditional
    > surrender talks were going.''
    > 'Do you need to see him?'
    > Bush makes a point of managing the balance of power in his inner
    > circle. Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) receded
    > from the headlines once the war began, but Bush keeps him near. The
    > president seeks second opinions about military strategy in regular
    > private meetings with Powell, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
    > Staff during the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites). There's another
    > reason Bush keeps Powell close: to signal to the hawks on his team
    > that he values the secretary of State's more cautious approach to
    > diplomacy and war.
    > Bush's schedule still includes meetings on matters unrelated to the
    > war, many of them on the economy, but the meetings are shorter now.
    > Fewer aides receive permission from chief of staff Andy Card to see
    > the president. ''Do you need to see him or do you want to see him?''
    > Card asks them.
    > Bush believes he was called by God to lead the nation at this time,
    > says Commerce Secretary Don Evans, a close friend who talks with Bush
    > every day. His history degree from Yale makes him mindful of the
    > importance of the moment. He knows he's making ''history-changing
    > decisions,'' Evans says. But Bush doesn't keep a diary or other
    > personal record of the events that will form his legacy. Aides take
    > notes, but there's no stenographer in most meetings, nor are they
    > videotaped or recorded.
    > It's widely assumed that one reason Bush wants to rid the world of
    > Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) is to complete the mission his
    > father, former president George Bush, began in 1991. The senior Bush
    > led a coalition to eject Iraqi troops that had invaded Kuwait, but
    > knowing that the U.N.-backed alliance was formed solely to liberate
    > the country, he decided against going on to Baghdad to remove Saddam
    > from power. People who know both men say this war isn't about
    > vengeance. ''It's not personal,'' one Bush aide says.
    > Rather, the president's passion is motivated by his loathing for
    > Saddam's brutality, aides say. He talks often about his revulsion for
    > Saddam's use of torture, rape and executions. He is convinced that the
    > Iraqi leader is literally insane and would gladly give terrorists
    > weapons to use to launch another attack on the United States.
    > The thought of another assault on the United States horrifies Bush.
    > Aides say he believes history and heaven will judge him by his ability
    > to prevent one.
    > Officials don't want Saddam's fate to become the only measure of the
    > war's success. They realize now that it was a mistake in the early
    > days after the Sept. 11 attacks to make al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
    > Laden (news - web sites) the embodiment of the war on terrorism.
    > But Bush was elated when he was told there was a chance to kill Saddam
    > on the eve of the scheduled start of the war. On March 19, he made a
    > last-minute decision to launch airstrikes on a Baghdad bunker where
    > U.S. intelligence agents had just learned Saddam was spending the
    > night. For days, he grilled aides for information about the Iraqi
    > leader's fate and was dismayed when intelligence officials concluded
    > that Saddam had survived.
    > Studies battle maps
    > Sept. 11, 2001, and the assault on al-Qaeda that followed, created a
    > wartime rhythm in the White House that continues today. Bush, who was
    > drilled in corporate style while earning his MBA at Harvard, prefers
    > his days to be structured.
    > They are now built around war updates. Bush receives a report on
    > overnight developments by phone at 6 a.m. from national security
    > adviser Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites). After an 8 a.m.
    > intelligence briefing, he conducts a National Security Council meeting
    > for 30 minutes to an hour. Afterward, he meets privately with Defense
    > Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for a half-hour or so. Bush and Rumsfeld
    > usually talk by phone at least twice later in the day.
    > In the first days of the conflict, the president's aides said he was
    > leaving the details of war planning to his generals. Then, fearing
    > that he might seem too uninvolved, they began describing him as
    > interested in all the specifics.
    > That's how the White House message has shifted, but the bottom line is
    > that Bush is an active manager and defender of the war plan. He and
    > Rumsfeld spread out maps of the war zone in their meetings. Bush wants
    > to know where U.S. troops are, where they're headed, what weapons are
    > being used and how the enemy is faring. He rebukes and then bucks up
    > aides who question the tactics, pace or human costs of the war.
    > Rumsfeld was Richard Nixon's ambassador to NATO (news - web sites) and
    > a White House chief of staff and Defense secretary for Gerald Ford. He
    > won't compare Bush with those presidents, but he likes the way his
    > current boss operates. ''He thinks things through, but when he makes a
    > decision, he makes it, and he doesn't go back and worry about it,''
    > Rumsfeld says.
    > Bush advisers say he will revise the war plan if he becomes convinced
    > that it's not working. He doesn't think that's necessary now, they
    > say. Still, even some of Bush's allies say privately that they wish
    > the president would be a little less certain and more willing to
    > reassess decisions. He encourages everybody in a meeting to speak up,
    > he says. But when aides or advisers voice misgivings about the
    > direction of the war -- and some have -- Bush generally admonishes
    > them not to be impatient.
    > ''He sees the ebb and flow, expects it,'' Rumsfeld says. When things
    > go badly, the Defense secretary says, Bush will say something ''if he
    > sees it may be adversely affecting someone's attitude.'' The president
    > will remind them that they had all agreed on the plan knowing that
    > setbacks were inevitable. Rumsfeld says Bush has reminded aides that
    > ''this is something that we weighed and considered.''
    > Bush is not an expert on military tactics, but he's getting an
    > education from Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint
    > Chiefs of Staff, who was an Air Force combat pilot in Vietnam.
    > In briefings, Rumsfeld says, Bush ''will frequently say 'Excuse me'
    > and then bore in on something: 'What about this? What about that? If
    > this occurs, what would be the approach you take?' . . . In probing,
    > he also pushes, pushes people to think about things that he does not
    > know whether or not they have thought through.''
    > Rumsfeld says Bush was equally involved in the planning before the
    > first missiles fell on Baghdad. Because he knew what was coming,
    > Rumsfeld says, the president was prepared for complications, mistakes
    > and losses. ''There is nothing that has surprised him that I know
    > of,'' Rumsfeld says.
    > Rx for anxiety: Prayer, exercise
    > When an aide asked Bush recently how the war with Iraq has changed
    > him, the reply was curt: ''We've been at war since Sept. 11.''
    > People who know Bush well say the burdens of war take a toll on him.
    > His wry humor, which generally punctuates his relationships with his
    > aides, largely evaporates in times of great stress. He can be
    > impatient and imperious.
    > On March 17, before he delivered a 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam, Bush
    > summoned congressional leaders to the White House. They expected a
    > detailed briefing, but the president told them he was notifying them
    > only because he was legally required to do so and then left the room.
    > They were taken aback, and some were annoyed. They were just as
    > surprised by his buoyant mood two days later at another White House
    > meeting.
    > At a news conference Thursday at Camp David with British Prime
    > Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites), Bush couldn't contain his
    > annoyance at a reporter who asked if the war might last for months.
    > ''However long it takes,'' Bush said sharply. ''That's the answer to
    > your question, and that's what you've got to know.''
    > Bush isn't usually a worrier, but aides say he spends a lot of time
    > stewing about the families of the slain, the safety of POWs and the
    > flow of humanitarian aid into Iraq.
    > Bush copes with anxiety as he always has. He prays and exercises.
    > Evans says his friend has a placid acceptance of challenges that comes
    > from his Christian faith.
    > ''He knows that we're all here to serve a calling greater than self,''
    > Evans says. ''That's what he's committed his life to do. He
    > understands that he is the one person in the country, in this case
    > really the one person in the world, who has a responsibility to
    > protect and defend freedom.''
    > Bush has imposed an almost military discipline on himself. Even though
    > he's as lean as he was in college, he decided just before the war that
    > he was unhappy with his running times, which were slowing from his
    > preferred pace of 7.5 minutes or less per mile.
    > So Bush gave up his one indulgence: sweets. It worked; he's losing
    > weight and improving his time.
    > When Bush doesn't find time to run three or four miles a day, he still
    > works out. He uses an elliptical trainer, lifts weights and stretches.
    > Exercising regularly, he says, gives him time to think, improves his
    > energy and helps him sleep.
    > He also carves out time for family and friends. He still goes to bed
    > by 10 p.m. and has asked his wife, Laura, to stay close to home. His
    > daughter Barbara and his college friend Roland Betts, a New York
    > business executive, also were with him at Camp David the first weekend
    > of the war. He talks several times a week with his father and mother.
    > He still tells a joke or teases an aide occasionally.
    > The president's friends and family fret about him, but advisers say
    > the pressure doesn't seem to be getting to him. ''He's not one of
    > those people who blows with the wind,'' Rumsfeld says. ''He has a very
    > good inner gyroscope, a stabilizer that keeps him centered.''
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:04 am
Roedy Green
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 19:34:24 +0100, mk wrote or
quoted :

    >He knows when heavy
    >bombardments of Baghdad are scheduled and sometimes tunes in to see

A little bombing to bring cheer to the president's day otherwise
filled with nothing but bad news.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, contract programming for €30 euro per hour or fixed price.
See http://mindprod.com/iraq.html before the Pentagon censors that too.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:10 am
Made In America
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

Just think, if this was Saddam, his lashing out would involve torture,
chemicals and a good ol'fashioned leg breaking. And I'm talking about his
home life.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:25 am
L Camino
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

"Roedy Green" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 19:34:24 +0100, mk wrote or
    > quoted :
    > >He knows when heavy
    > >bombardments of Baghdad are scheduled and sometimes tunes in to see
    > >them.
    > A little bombing to bring cheer to the president's day otherwise
    > filled with nothing but bad news.

Bush feels *burdened* every time he has to take a shit, since it involves
sitting and pushing at the same time.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:47 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

Boy, the subject line sure is a LOT harsher than the article..almost like
there should have been another article attached instead of the one that's
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:48 am
Made In America
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

"L Camino" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > "Roedy Green" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 19:34:24 +0100, mk wrote or
    > > quoted :
    > >
    > > >He knows when heavy
    > > >bombardments of Baghdad are scheduled and sometimes tunes in to see
    > > >them.
    > >
    > > A little bombing to bring cheer to the president's day otherwise
    > > filled with nothing but bad news.
    > Bush feels *burdened* every time he has to take a shit, since it involves
    > sitting and pushing at the same time.

I see your mother over came that burden.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 6:56 am
L Camino
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

"Made In America" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

    > >
    > > Bush feels *burdened* every time he has to take a shit, since it
    > > sitting and pushing at the same time.
    > I see your mother over came that burden.

Did you come out of an egg?
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 7:16 am
Roedy Green
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 14:56:38 -0500, "L Camino"
wrote or quoted :

    >Did you come out of an egg?
Was it hard boiled or soft boiled?
~ my sister at age 3, when she was told she came from an egg.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, contract programming for €30 euro per hour or fixed price.
See http://mindprod.com/iraq.html before the Pentagon censors that too.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 7:23 am
Made In America
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

"L Camino" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > "Made In America" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > >
    > > > Bush feels *burdened* every time he has to take a shit, since it
    > involves
    > > > sitting and pushing at the same time.
    > >
    > > I see your mother over came that burden.
    > Did you come out of an egg?

Specifically, WE ALL came FROM an egg. What's your point besides bashing the
President with ignorant tripe
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 7:43 am
Terry Fields
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

It's a direct quote from the article.

"charliekilo" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Boy, the subject line sure is a LOT harsher than the article..almost like
    > there should have been another article attached instead of the one that's
    > there.
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 8:19 am
Dave Zero
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

Roedy Green wrote:
    > On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 14:56:38 -0500, "L Camino"
    > wrote or quoted :
    >> Did you come out of an egg?
    > Was it hard boiled or soft boiled?
    > ~ my sister at age 3, when she was told she came from an egg.

She must use your "mind products"

Dave Zero - [email protected] [email protected]
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"And I don't care about making an ass of myself because most
people already realize I am one." - Dr. Kary B. Mullis

"I criticize by creation." - Cicero

"I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome ! those caves of ice !
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware ! Beware !
His flashing eyes, his floating hair !
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise." - S. Coleridge, "Kubla Khan"

"Worse than war is the fear of war." - Seneca

"He who is not with me is against me." - Jesus Christ
Old Apr 3rd 2003, 9:00 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

"Made In America" schreef in bericht
newsG%[email protected] gy.com...
    > Just think, if this was Saddam, his lashing out would involve torture,
    > chemicals and a good ol'fashioned leg breaking. And I'm talking about his
    > home life.

Do you really believe that US propaganda?

Old Apr 3rd 2003, 3:03 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Bush feels burdened, lashing out at staff with sarcastic putdowns, steely-eyed look

mk wrote:
    > Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say
Tee-total Bulls**t.
As fake as that photoshopped picture in the LA Times.
As fake as the Iraq "Information" Minister's press conferences.

Bush has a hard-on for that hijacker-training, chemical weapon making scum.

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