British Expats

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nicola phillips Jan 9th 2003 5:57 am

ok ive done this once and it didnt work..
Im desperate for some information.. ive read tons of leaflets and now im worried sick......
I will make this short for now cause I dont know if Im using this correctly.

My boyfriend is american and I am british and in the UK... I am here alone with three children.. and on all benefits and Ive been told that he cant come because of that. We have known each other two years and have been flitting back and forth to each other. He has no savings so cant show proof that he can support himself when he gets here. I am willing to work but what job is going to pay high enough that will pay for three children that I have.. I will always be entitled to the working tax benefit. Im worried sick... can they stop us from ever being together because I am on some kind of benefit because of the children. He is willing to come here and work. Pleaseeeeeeeee someone help me.

Pollyana Jan 19th 2003 12:11 am

Can't offer you much comfort I'm afraid Nicola; my fiance and I looked into the possibility of him coming to the UK to live, but it appeared that he would not be allowed to work until after we were married, and even then he would have to be approved by the Home Office as my husband before getting a work permit.
Until then, he would be wholly dependent on me and any income I had. I would have to prove that I could support him before they would allow him in. Certainly from our point of view it was impossible.
I guess the same would be true for you as they would say that your benefits would not be enough to support the whole family.

Have you considered going the other way, and you moving to the US? I don't know anything about immigration rules there, so can't give any advice.

Good luck!


nicola phillips Jan 19th 2003 12:57 am

Originally posted by Pollyana
Can't offer you much comfort I'm afraid Nicola; my fiance and I looked into the possibility of him coming to the UK to live, but it appeared that he would not be allowed to work until after we were married, and even then he would have to be approved by the Home Office as my husband before getting a work permit.
Until then, he would be wholly dependent on me and any income I had. I would have to prove that I could support him before they would allow him in. Certainly from our point of view it was impossible.
I guess the same would be true for you as they would say that your benefits would not be enough to support the whole family.

Have you considered going the other way, and you moving to the US? I don't know anything about immigration rules there, so can't give any advice.

Good luck!

I have found its not impossible polly... we can have a co_sponsor which is going to be a member of his family or mine... so what have you guys done? has this made you go your opposite ways? god I hopt not! Im sure it applies to america also that you can have a co-sponsor if you cant support him.. yeah I had though of coming to the USA but I have three children Polly.. youngest is six.. and his dad lives here in the UK.. he would fight me all the way.


Pollyana Jan 19th 2003 2:07 am

Hi Nicola,

Looks like you are finding ways round it then - a co-sponsor is an excellent way to go if you have a family member who can afford to do it.
I'm a lot luckier, having no kids or dependents to complicate things, and my partner is actully Australian rather than American, so we have decided to settle in Oz, and are hoping to get approved later this year. Oz being a lot easier than the UK as I can work straight away, so we will have 2 incomes to live on.

Where theres a will, theres a way, so if you are both determined enough I'm sure you will find a solution. Keep an eye on this website too, as people can answer most questions eventually. Might be worth reading the USA forums, as well as this "Returning to UK one".

Good luck,

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