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have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?


have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

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Old Mar 21st 2002, 11:05 am
Posts: n/a
Default have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look into
buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a US
company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is trying to
build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that purpose.

I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
(he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's not
even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered on, and
as of next month, the EAD.

Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be on
the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a financial
liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes through? Or wait
until we have the AOS interview?

Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 21st 2002, 2:05 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

I was a conditional permanent resident when we purchased a house here. And they
wanted a copy of my green card. So that's probably a requirement. Couldn't you
just go ahead and purchase the house and add his name on the deed after he is
adjusted?? Ranjini

"squidburger2" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
    > is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look
    > into buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
    > history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a
    > US company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is
    > trying to build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that
    > purpose.
    > I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
    > idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
    > (he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
    > husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's
    > not even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered
    > on, and as of next month, the EAD.
    > Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be
    > on the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a
    > financial liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes
    > through? Or wait until we have the AOS interview?
    > Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 21st 2002, 4:05 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

I tried to have my husband put on my mortgage before he got his Green Card, bank said
no go. We also tried to take out a home equity loan, but (a different) bank wouldn't
do it without two years of tax returns. Since I was no longer working - home with our
then newborn, again no loan. We just waited until he had his Green Card (which took
19 months), by then we also had two years of tax returns, went to yet another bank
who never asked his immigration status (although it is stated on our tax forms). Have
your husband get a copy of his UK credit report - if its a good one - and bring it
back with him. Some bankers are willing to look at it and use it to get a loan. If
you can't find one that will, just get the loan yourself and add your husband when he
gets his Green Card. Take Care. Shelley

"squidburger2" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
    > is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look
    > into buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
    > history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a
    > US company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is
    > trying to build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that
    > purpose.
    > I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
    > idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
    > (he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
    > husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's
    > not even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered
    > on, and as of next month, the EAD.
    > Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be
    > on the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a
    > financial liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes
    > through? Or wait until we have the AOS interview?
    > Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 12:05 am
Andy Platt
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

I'm not yet a permanent resident (just a couple of weeks though!) but I am the
primary borrower on our mortgage. I gave copies of the papers we filed to adjust
status and copies of my EAD (I would definitely wait till he's earning at least!) and
AP. When we refinanced I just gave updated copies of the EAD and AP.

However, I should point out that I had already been working here for three years on
an H-1B prior to us getting the mortgage and I think that was probably critical.
Similarly I know a number of other people who got mortgages while their GC paperwork
was being processed but, again, they had been here a while.

Good luck!


I'm not really here - it's just your warped imagination. "squidburger2"
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
    > is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look
    > into buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
    > history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a
    > US company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is
    > trying to build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that
    > purpose.
    > I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
    > idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
    > (he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
    > husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's
    > not even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered
    > on, and as of next month, the EAD.
    > Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be
    > on the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a
    > financial liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes
    > through? Or wait until we have the AOS interview?
    > Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 2:05 am
Rag Bag
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

Ok, so if we can't or it is coing to be very difficult for us to get my name added to
our morgage then what proof can I give to INS that we own our home together?

"squidburger2" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
    > is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look
    > into buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
    > history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a
    > US company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is
    > trying to build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that
    > purpose.
    > I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
    > idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
    > (he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
    > husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's
    > not even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered
    > on, and as of next month, the EAD.
    > Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be
    > on the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a
    > financial liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes
    > through? Or wait until we have the AOS interview?
    > Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 2:05 am
Andy Platt
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

"Rag Bag" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > What are the sugested bits of info needed? Is there a complete list, is there a
    > recommended quantity of things?
    > At the moment I think the only thing that we have in joint names is the telephone
    > bill, and the water bill !
    > When the INS see paperwork do they want to see resent items to show or do they want
    > older things?
    > We can't get the title of our car changed as it is still being paid for,
    > is in the name of my wife, and her X-husband, and the finance company
    > alow her to change it utill it is paid for in full? This seems odd to me
    > you don;t have problems like this in the UK?

I posted a list of things Arlington a couple of days ago so you should be able to
find that. A joint checking account would seem like the obvious next step. You should
also be able to be added to your wife's credit card without any problems so long as
you have a SS number.

Don't compare things to the UK too much - you'll find that rules and regulations
outweigh common sense in the US more than in the UK. Case in point - I've had a bunch
of friends move to the UK from the US. They were given credit cards after showing
statements of accounts they had in the US. Ever tried doing that in reverse? I did
and the credit card companies won't hear of it.

One other thing: You are asking about mortgages here but as has been pointed out in
the previous thread that you should be able to change the deeds of your house without
involving the mortgage company.

Another thing to bear in mind is that the initial GC interview may be pretty soon
after marriage and you might not have much info but then you'll only get conditional
permanent residence anyway. Two years down the line and the INS gets a "review" of
you to make sure.

In my case it's going to be very galling. I'll provide every piece of evidence on the
list from Arlington (they'll probably only want to see one thing of course!), can
provide proof of a relationship going back four and a half years and I'll still only
get conditional PR because we'll be four weeks shy of our 2nd wedding anniversary. We
have debated not bringing something vital and supplying it later but at the end of
the day that would probably mean I'd have to get another EAD which isn't that much
less than it will cost in a couple of years to get conditions removed.


I'm not really here - it's just your warped imagination.
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 11:05 am
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

On 21 Mar 2002 15:59:46 -0800, [email protected] (squidburger2) wrote:

My husband came here Nov 1999, we filed AOS and he had his EAD December 1999, Jan
2000 we refinanced with me as primary and him second on the house. It took much
looking for a place that would do it, but we found on. It also helped that me credit
rating was excellant.


    >Have you purchased a home with a non-adjusted spouse? How did you do it? My husband
    >is still waiting for his EAD, much less his AOS interview. But we'd like to look
    >into buying a house. The loan would be based on my income and assets, and my credit
    >history (his didn't transfer here). He is working in the UK for the moment (for a US
    >company, so is paying US taxes) until his EAD comes through on 4/19. He is trying to
    >build credit and has 3 credit cards he is currently using for that purpose.
    >I would like us to be joint purchasers, but I am wondering if we should scrap that
    >idea. The mortgage broker I spoke with wants both of our last two years tax returns
    >(he's working on getting his UK ones) and also specifically requested a copy of my
    >husband's immigration status, eg. greencard. Well, he doesn't have a GC. And he's
    >not even a conditional permanent resident yet. All we have is the K-1 he entered on,
    >and as of next month, the EAD.
    >Has anyone else been in this position? Should we forget about having my husband be
    >on the loan and base it entirely on me? At this point he seems like more of a
    >financial liability than an asset. Should we just hold off until the EAD goes
    >through? Or wait until we have the AOS interview?
    >Any answers appreciated. Squidburger
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 1:05 pm
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

I am not a legal US resident and yet I was able to get a mortage loan and purchase a
home...no questions asked.

On the mortage application form, i simply stated i was a US permanent resident
(untrue). No one has ever asked me any questions (same situation for credit card app,
car loans, personal loans etc).

Mind you I had excellent credit history and job.
Old Mar 22nd 2002, 7:25 pm
Michael Voight
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

There is no guarantee that you can make to the mortgage company that he will ever
reside in the US, so that would be a detractor in having him on the loan.

Old Mar 22nd 2002, 7:25 pm
Michael Voight
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

NOT4UinGA wrote:
    > I am not a legal US resident and yet I was able to get a mortage loan and purchase
    > a home...no questions asked.
    > On the mortage application form, i simply stated i was a US permanent resident
    > (untrue).

That is fraud.
Old Mar 23rd 2002, 3:55 am
Forum Regular
Joined: Mar 2002
Location: Texas
Posts: 51
Coral is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

My USC husband and I got an offer of a joint mortgage and I do not have my permanent residence yet although I do have a SS#. I did not lie on the application form and put myself down as a UK citizen - there was not any question pertaining to my immigration status at all - is this unusual??
Coral is offline  
Old Mar 26th 2002, 5:30 pm
Andy Platt
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

"Rag Bag" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
    > Ok, so if we can't or it is coing to be very difficult for us to get my
    > added to our morgage then what proof can I give to INS that we own our
    > together?

You may not be able to. It's only one piece out of hundreds of possible evidence so
don't sweat it!


I'm not really here - it's just your warped imagination.
Old Mar 26th 2002, 5:30 pm
Rag Bag
Posts: n/a
Default Re: have you purchased a home with non-adjusted spouse?

What are the sugested bits of info needed? Is there a complete list, is there a
recommended quantity of things?

At the moment I think the only thing that we have in joint names is the telephone
bill, and the water bill !

When the INS see paperwork do they want to see resent items to show or do they want
older things?

We can't get the title of our car changed as it is still being paid for, and is in
the name of my wife, and her X-husband, and the finance company won't alow her to
change it utill it is paid for in full? This seems odd to me as you don;t have
problems like this in the UK?

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